Drilldown to Navigation

I want to drill down from higher level to lower level in one report but when I reach the lower level in that report i want to navigate to second report from the lower level. Is it possible? if so how to achieve this?

Create as much reports as drill levels and use navigation from one report to another.
On the lowest level, you can than navigate towards another report.

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    Ideally you should be able to get it from table
    Frontend & OLAP Statistics:
    - RSDDSTAT_OLAP (database view)
    and data Data Flow is as below-Reporting on 0TCT_MC21
    0TCT_C21    0TCT_VC21
    You should get following statistics-
    Average Query Runtimes
    Predefined runtime categories
    Drilldown to navigation step
    Monitor query activity
    (example: navigations / day)
    Hope it Helps

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    I didnot understand the whole subject.  To explain, Navigation pane in WAD is the Web item used for displaying the drilldown characteristics, available default characteristics and key figures under the 'Drilldowns or Navigation' in the web report.
    You can make this visible or hidden.  You cannot 'add' characteristics here, all the characteristics in the query will be visible by default.  You must do the 'data binding' to this web item with the query (s) you want to drilldown.
    If you are not able to see the navigation pane in the report would mean that the property is set as ' hidden ' in the web template in WAD.
    Hope this helps.

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    Warm Regards
    Abhishek Kapoor

    Financial reporting is difficult in BI because of the user preference of how to see signs on different accounts and requirements for adding/subtracting depending on the type of account.
    A few ways to approach:
    a. Use case statement to make total rev and total expense columns. Subtract to build a gross profit column. You can do this in the presentation services front end or the BMM.
    b. If you have opposite natural signs for rev and exp, you can create an account hierarchy in the account table which will net out to gross profit. Ex:
    Column 1 – account number
    Column 2 – hierarchy level 1, ex Gross Profit
    Column 3 – hierarchy level 2, ex Rev or exp
    Column 4 – account name
    c. Remember you can always build your own drilldown using navigation links to a report instead of the built-in drilldown.
    Good luck!

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    It's look like your client first time using BI system, He might be aware or not aware of ECC.
    It's happen mostly that when ECC & BI Immplemention happen simultiounsly, That time Client's as well as Project Management team concentration on ECC not on BW.
    1) You check on which Functional Modules reports client is expecting.
    2) Then check and install Standard Data flow and reports in your SandBox.
    3) Then show thease reports of respective module to your Functional team so they also be understand what is possible in BW or not possible.
    4) If your Functional team satisfy with the report's output. Then take training programe for user (Not everybody but few people from Client side). Once they understand how system is working then they will come with their requirement. There your job as Techo-Functional consultant "Can it is possible in BW side with respect to business logic?" there you are have decide.

  • Bw report with diff infoprovider

    Hi Gurus,
    I have doubt please clear it.
    i created one repot BASEDON MULTIprovider under FIPA(INFOAREA), now report having some fields, which are not in that infocube.
    Message was edited by: S M

    Hi S M,
    Do not try to find the division characteristic in the cube..
    try to see if division is an attribute of any of the characteristics that are present in the cube..
    I think there is a simple way to check this..rather than tediously checking attributes of each char. in the cube.
    open a query on this cube..and open the query designer view for this query..on the left hand side..it will show all available char(and KF) in the cube..
    for each char u will see a '+' sign beside it..click on it..and u will see further breakup..
    u should see a 'attributes' tree option under each characteristic..open it..it will show all attributes of that char..just check for all char..if any have division as an attribute..
    if its there..then as Bhanu said..simply drag it as display attribute..and if u need drilldown and navigation on it..enable and use it as navigational attribute..
    as per what i know..division is an oft used attribute in many characteristics..

  • Drill down as in BI queries

    Hi experts
    Can we have drill down facility in VC models as we have it in our BI queries like we start with a summary view and then drill down to the detail level
    first display would be Month wise sales figures
    and when user wants to see customer wise monthly and also again to another level product wise....and also he can get back to the summary level again to month wise
    in this process the charts should change according to the drill down.
    thanks and regards

    Ideally you should be able to get it from table
    Frontend & OLAP Statistics:
    - RSDDSTAT_OLAP (database view)
    and data Data Flow is as below-Reporting on 0TCT_MC21
    0TCT_C21    0TCT_VC21
    You should get following statistics-
    Average Query Runtimes
    Predefined runtime categories
    Drilldown to navigation step
    Monitor query activity
    (example: navigations / day)
    Hope it Helps

  • Crystal report viewer toolbar problem

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    database logon failed
    I have more than 50 viewers.
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    As i am reloading the report in the above two events i want to reload the report and dataset the same way for  export and print. But there is no event for export and print.
    if any body wants to see the code please let me know.
    Please any kind of help is appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    I htink the best palce to start is with out sample apps:
    and these resources will also help:
    C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Crystal Reports 11.5\Help\en\crsdk_samples_aspx\data\crsdk_net_tutorials_115_en.zip
    C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Crystal Reports 11.5\Help\en\crsdk_net_doc\doc\crsdk_net_doc.chm

  • Deploying Reports

    Post Author: bigjwman
    CA Forum: .NET
    I recently purchased CR X1 Developer. I wish to distribute reports that others in the company can run on demand, with data selection options for custom filtering. Basically, I want a report viewer with a pretty UI for data selection. I have Visual Studio .NET 2005. What skills do I need to create a viewer for Crystal Reports?

    Post Author: MJ@BOBJ
    CA Forum: .NET
    Besides having developer skills, there's not much else you need.
    If you are new to CR, then I suggest you start with the CR .NET tutorials to learn how to use CR and what functionality is available.  You can find this on the DevLibrary. 
    For your scenario, I would think you'd want to build an ASP.NET based application so that you can share your "report viewing" application to your users in your company.  Using the CR Web Forms viewer, you can display the report and allow some level of interactivity (ie: drilldown, page navigation, etc).  However, filtering data in the current report view is not built into the viewer itself.  Instead you have to build some UI around the viewer that displays controls that will allow the users to select filter options (ie: dropdowns lists, textboxes, etc).  Using the user selected filter values, you will need to rerun the report (on a postback) and redisplay the report.
    This is just a general description of what you will need to do.  How you decide to implement it is up to you.  Hopefully this will be enough to get started.

  • Drilldown Navigation

    I have a pivot table that drill down from 5 items. The last level is ID, I would like to link this last level with another report passing the ID as parameter.
    The field ID is not pulled in the report items, but the hierarchy is defined and this is currently the last level. I have tried to link this with another target report but this does not work.
    I pulled in the field ID in the criteria and have hidden the field, in column format, value interaction I have set this to link to the target report. In the target report I have set the field ID is prompted.
    Can anyone help?

    The way navigation works is you build the highest level report with all columns the user wants to see. On the column you built for drill down, Market, instead use Value Interaction>Navigation to go to the next level report. This "next level report" you will also have to build with all columns you wish to see and the Market column. When the user clicks on a value in the Market columln in the top level report, it will take him to the next level report which has Sales Person information and an "Is Prompted" filter on the Market column. You would continue this down to the whatever level of detail is necessary and then at the bottom most report, you can have a navigation from that report to a completely different report if you wish.
    You would not use the drilldown hierarchy for this report, again, because you have the criteria that at the lowest level, clicking on a value should take the user to a completely different report. When you use drill down, you have to define the hierarchy in the BMM layer and once built, that is the drill down. You can't "customize" it.

  • Limitation in Chart Navigation or drilldown

    Hi all,
    I changed the column formule to include conditional navigation like
    CASE WHEN MONTH("- Opportunity Custom Attributes".DATE_26)=1 THEN '{a href=/OnDemand/user/analytics/saw.dll?Go&Path=%2fusers%2fznac%23user%2fTestJan&Options=rfd&Action=Prompt}'||CAST(MONTH("- Opportunity Custom Attributes".DATE_26) AS CHAR)||'{a}' ELSE CAST(MONTH("- Opportunity Custom Attributes".DATE_26) AS CHAR) END and changed the data format as HTML it is working fine as expected in table but not in bar chart. also on axis it is showing {a href..} till the value not the month.
    Also i tried using custom text
    {@[HTML]}"{a href="/OnDemand/user/analytics/saw.dll?Go&Path=%2fusers%2fznac%23atripathi%2fTest@&Options=rfd&Action=Prompt"}"@"{/a}"
    this also works fine in table view on column but not in chart
    I need to have conditional navigation as per the column clicked as in based on month to different report.
    Anyone encountered this? any resolutions?

    You can get the details of the recommended SAP GUI version
    and download the same from service market place.
    Under the download section, support packages and patches .
    Hope this helps

  • Drilldown in Web service query_view_data

    Hi experts,
    I´m using web services for accessing query data (query_view_data) and I can request the result set for a query in XML format.
    This XML format is publishing into a non SAP Portal (customer JAVA portal).
    With some effort we can visualize the output result into a table form and generic navigation block (like Web analyzer).
    We can filter values/variable using  Web service parameters (data provider commands from Web API reference):
    Filter Data Provider u2019View1u2019 by Country: Germany
    I don´t know I can use it (Drilldown), in the same way Filter command.
    Does anybody know to use Drilldown command into Web Service?
    Is it possible to use in the mentioned landscape (publishing XML format in JAVA portal using web service u2018query_view_datau2019)?
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: DAVID GALLEGO on Sep 1, 2009 2:05 PM

    Thanks for your appreciate help,
    I execute de FM RRW3_GET_QUERY_VIEW_DATA (se37):
    1.- Without parameters --> Result set OK (comparing E_CELL_DATA to my query/view table). E_CELL_DATA have 93 rows.
    2.- With command FILTER:
                        FILTER_IOBJNM                  0EMPLGROUP
                        FILTER_VALUE                   20511
    Result set OK (comparing to E_CELL_DATA  my query/view table). E_CELL_DATA have 3 rows.
    3.- With command REMOVE FILTER:
                        CMD                                   REMOVE_FILTER
                        IOBJNM                              0EMPLGROUP
    Result set NO OK (comparing to E_CELL_DATA  my query/view table). E_CELL_DATA have 3 rows, when expected 93 rows.
    I get the same as step 2, not the result of step 1.
    Can you see anything wrong?

  • Ke30 report navigation

    may i know what is the navigation in ke30 report?
    after the selection screen execution, report comes out.
    u will notice before the item line report, there is 1 part called navigation with icon.
    what is this navigation doing?

    Navigation allows the characteristics which can select and view report. Say Profit center characterstic u can select and view the details... This Characteristic behaves as navigational attribute... This help for navigation as well as for drilldown...
    Sudhakar Reddy

  • Navigating to report slow

    I have very slow performance when navigating from one report to another. The report is focused on custom object 1 and works as follows:
    1. Custom Dashboard with a prompt and a view selector with a couple charts
    2. Charts drilldown to a table based view
    Both the chart on the dashboard and drilldown report are based on Custom Object 1. All the necessary fields are setup as prompted in the drilldown report.
    When drilling down from the chart to the report the performance is very slow. However, if I hardcode the same filter criteria directly in the drilldown report and run it standalone it is very fast. It is just when the filter criteria are passed from the parent report to the drilldown report that it is very slow.
    I have not encountered this below, so checking if anyone has encountered this before and has a suggestion. I have not created a service ticket yet.

    Is that possible to add this expression in T-SQL? BTW, how long the report (T-SQL or stored procedure) is running? 
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • Need help on Authorization on Navigational Attribute.

    Hi All,
    I am working on Authorizations.
    I am using the info Object "Material group" which is the Navigational Attribute of 0MATERIAL.
    In Reporting, I have created the Authorization Variable for Material group.
    And after this, i have created the Authorization Object in RSECADMIN and added the info Object "Material group" and harded coded the value as "1000". After this, i have created the Authorization Role in PFCG and added this authorization Object over there.And this role is assigned specific User.
    While Running the report on specific User, for Material group, filteration is not happening over there (Material group = 1000). It is showing all values for this user.
    Can you please help on this issue.
    Shahina A

    Thanks for your reply. I was on leave for the past 2 days. I have checked as you suggested.
    In 0MATERIAL, 0MATL_GROUP is the attribute and i have made Authorization Relvent for this Attribute.
    And i activated the Info object 0MATERIAL.
    Then i have run the query in RSRT and found an error while running the Report.
    Can u pls help on this issue.
    The system determined the authorized characteristic values for the characteristic 0MATERIAL__0MATL_GROUP. It determined that you do not have the (analysis) authorization to view transaction data for any characteristic values or range.
    System Response
    If this situation occurs when a variable is being filled, the query cannot be executed.
    You must have authorization for at least one characteristic value for the characteristic 0MATERIAL__0MATL_GROUP.
    Create the appropriate analysis authorizations for the user.
    If you are only authorized for evaluations that aggregate using the characteristic 0MATERIAL__0MATL_GROUP (for ":" authorizations), use a query without this characteristic. If the characteristic is not used as a filter or in the drilldown, variables should not be used.
    Procedure for System Administration
    Notification Number EYE 018 
    Shahina A

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