Drill down as in BI queries

Hi experts
Can we have drill down facility in VC models as we have it in our BI queries like we start with a summary view and then drill down to the detail level
first display would be Month wise sales figures
and when user wants to see customer wise monthly and also again to another level product wise....and also he can get back to the summary level again to month wise
in this process the charts should change according to the drill down.
thanks and regards

Ideally you should be able to get it from table
Frontend & OLAP Statistics:
- RSDDSTAT_OLAP (database view)
and data Data Flow is as below-Reporting on 0TCT_MC21
0TCT_C21    0TCT_VC21
You should get following statistics-
Average Query Runtimes
Predefined runtime categories
Drilldown to navigation step
Monitor query activity
(example: navigations / day)
Hope it Helps

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    Refer these links it may be usefulin you case.
    WAD Pdf

  • How to Drill Down Between Queries

    Hi Experts,
    I am fairly new to developing reports, so at the current system there are 2 queries Summary(on a Cube) and Detail(on ODS). These are independent queries rt now. I want to pass Cost center and fiscal Period as parameters from Summary to Detail queries and make it a drill down report so that for each cost element we can get the document details.  I have read the other posts relavant to how to drill down while passing parameters but dint understand much out of those.
    Can anyone please lay down a step - step approach in doing this? Or  share any kind of explanatory documents.

    Hi Sarah,
    Each response you have received so far is recommending the Report-Report Interface (RRI).  It is a powerful and useful technique.  It is simple to do (minutes) and it works in all current and future front-end environments.
    The problem with using is that users need a little bit of training.  And the results they get are ALWAYS exactly as the "receiver" query is displayed in its Global Definition.
    If your users are using Excel and you want them to use a standard template workbook for the receiver, this is difficult (not impossible) to obtain because you need to "touch" each of their PCs and ensure that they have the correct settings on their PC each time you have an upgrade of the front-end (either BW upgrade or PC upgrade).
    In most peoples' opinion, the benefits of RRI outweigh the disadvantages.
    There is another option if you are using Excel.  You can put both queries in a single workbook and use the Business Explorer Analyzer's API functions to create a "Jump" from query 1 to query 2. 
    You can set this up to occur every time that query 1 is refreshed.  Or, your user can select one (or several) results from query 1 to make the jump to query 2.
    The great disadvantage of this alternative approach is that it requires use of both Visual Basic and the BEx API functions.  Not very many people are good at either one of these.  But, they are simple to learn and once you do, there is no end to the amount of customization that can be obtained.
    If you want more information about this approach, post again.  Or, do a search on previous posts that I have made (from these you will find the names of others who are very knowledgeable in this approach as well.)
    Also, here is a link to some examples of BEx API functions that accompany an article written by Joerg Boeke
    - Pete

  • Drill down in report based on two queries

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    Please help.

    Hi MG,
    First of all, what do you mean by "Both queries contains almost the same dimensions but different measures"
    "Almost" is not a good word in the IT world, especially when trying to merge/join tables. You need to be exact.
    That sounds like a possible reason for the problem.
    I am also not sure about your question:
    "How can I solve this issue without adding dimensions belonging to the hierarchies to queries."
    You may have to add those dimensions to the queries. Why would you not want to?

  • Enabling Drill Down Buttons on queries

    Dear experts,
      I have been writing queries on SAP query manager but for  some reason the orange drill down button does not appear. At other times it appears on default, Is there a way to have this button appear especially on master data , documents or transactions as you would like ?

    Hi Martin,
    The orange arrow will be displayed on all document transaction and mastercodes having a unique Id generate by SAP. specially numbers link BP codes, Item codes.
    You could try using "FOR BROWSE" at the end of your query.
    To your Query please find the solution in the below link SAP Note.
    Rakesh N

  • Drill-Down from several Charts to Same Target

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    Our problem is, all queries for the charts are loaded at startup. The default drill-downs for all charts are done, and we have a random chart in the drill-down destination. If the user clicks the same chart again, we do not notice this as the value of our target cell does not change. We have tried several solutions for this, but nothing is really satisfactory.
    Does any of you have an idea, or a similar dashboard maybe, where the drill-down of several charts (preferably with several series per chart) is stored into a single target chart?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Sebastian,
    You cannot have drill downs from different charts to the same target.
    As per your scenario you have 3 column charts with warehouses displaying their respective 3 KPI's values. I believe you would have created a series each for available warehouses. If you have selected drill down on load for all the column charts with one single target then at load all the three column charts will try to place the destination of their selected series(based on warehouse selected) to the same target.
    And also as you mentioned when the user tries to select the same chart again the target doesn't change, the reason is the same as all the charts are trying to put the destination of the series in the same cell.
    Instead of doing it this way, what you could do is to name the series of all column charts the same and have the series name put into one cell. Then based on this series name you can lookup the data for that warehouse and display it in the line chart.
    Here again the user has to select the same warehouse in all the three column charts else it wont work.
    Hope this was useful =]
    Thanks & Regards

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    System Message
    (-100) Anything but a memory problem.
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    Hi Juan,
    Gordon is right, there is some data integrity problem that is making the code go in loops. This can happen when users work directly on queries, or some bad data entered in user defined fields or perhaps power failure etc may have crash ms database problems, or it could even be sap b1 bug.
    Please contact your partner who in turn will contact sap and perhaps sap will dial in to fix the problem on work on your system directly.
    Hopefully you have recent database backup you can use, but then you may lose lot of production data. Hopefully it is not your production server.
    In anycase, go customer partner portal and open a medium severity defect or high if that is your postiion.
    Take it from there.

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    Any replies will indeed be helpful.

  • In OBIEE charts, how do you make drill downs work on custom formulas?

    I posted this over on Linked In and didn't get an anser, so I'm hoping someone here has an answer.
    I'm writing a summary query / chart for a dashboard in OBIEE 10.1 with a drill down (technically it's a "navigation") for more information. This chart breaks down the data by fiscal quarter and by geography (both are columns in the subject area) and I can get this drill down to work just fine. But I also have this chart broken down by some custom calculated fields (CASE WHEN statements) that classify revenue into Forecast / At Risk / Upside etc. (which are not columns or values of columns within the subject area).
    When I add a drill down or navigate function onto those calculated columns, I'm getting a full data set ... not a filtered data set for that particular calculated field. (Yes, I have all of the IS PROMPTED filters set up correctly, and yes the formulas in the source and destination queries are identical).
    Does anyone have any ideas on how to make the drill down or navigation work on custom formulas?

    Using the Paint demo
    Report 1 Saved as: */shared/Paint Demo/Sample Analyses/Color Analysis*
    <saw:report xmlns:saw="com.siebel.analytics.web/report/v1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:sawx="com.siebel.analytics.web/expression/v1" xmlVersion="200705140">
    <saw:criteria xsi:type="saw:simple" subjectArea="Paint">
    <saw:column formula="case WHEN Markets.Region IN ('CENTRAL REGION', 'EASTERN REGION') then 'East Central' WHEN Markets.Region IN ('SOUTHERN REGION', 'WESTERN REGION') then 'South West' else Markets.Region end" columnID="c4">
    <saw:displayFormat interaction="default"/></saw:columnHeading>
    <saw:displayFormat suppress="default" interaction="navigate" wrapText="true">
    <saw:navigation xsi:type="saw:sawNavLink">
    <saw:navTarget xsi:type="saw:reportLink" path="/shared/Paint Demo/Sample Analyses/Color Analysis Navigate"/></saw:navTargets></saw:navigation></saw:displayFormat></saw:column>
    <saw:column formula="&quot;Sales Measures&quot;.&quot;% Chg Year Ago Dollars&quot;" alias="" columnID="c3"/></saw:columns>
    <saw:filter subjectArea="Paint">
    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:special" op="prompted">
    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">case WHEN Markets.Region IN ('CENTRAL REGION', 'EASTERN REGION') then 'East Central' WHEN Markets.Region IN ('SOUTHERN REGION', 'WESTERN REGION') then 'South West' else Markets.Region end</sawx:expr></sawx:expr></saw:filter></saw:criteria>
    <saw:views currentView="0">
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:compoundView" name="compoundView!1" rptViewVers="200510010">
    <saw:cvCell viewName="Title"/></saw:cvRow>
    <saw:cvCell viewName="Table"/></saw:cvRow></saw:cvTable></saw:view>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:tableView" deck="bottom" headingDisplay="table2Rows" visibleFormats="all" name="Table" rptViewVers="200510010"/>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:titleView" name="Title" rptViewVers="200510010"/></saw:views>
    Report 2 Saved as: */shared/Paint Demo/Sample Analyses/Color Analysis Navigate*
    <saw:report xmlns:saw="com.siebel.analytics.web/report/v1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:sawx="com.siebel.analytics.web/expression/v1" xmlVersion="200705140">
    <saw:criteria xsi:type="saw:simple" subjectArea="Paint">
    <saw:column formula="Markets.Region" columnID="c5"/>
    <saw:column formula="&quot;Sales Measures&quot;.&quot;% Chg Year Ago Dollars&quot;" alias="" columnID="c3"/></saw:columns>
    <saw:filter subjectArea="Paint">
    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:special" op="prompted">
    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">case WHEN Markets.Region IN ('CENTRAL REGION', 'EASTERN REGION') then 'East Central' WHEN Markets.Region IN ('SOUTHERN REGION', 'WESTERN REGION') then 'South West' else Markets.Region end</sawx:expr></sawx:expr></saw:filter></saw:criteria>
    <saw:views currentView="0">
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:compoundView" name="compoundView!1" rptViewVers="200510010">
    <saw:cvCell viewName="Title"/></saw:cvRow>
    <saw:cvCell viewName="staticchart!1"/></saw:cvRow>
    <saw:cvCell viewName="Table"/></saw:cvRow></saw:cvTable></saw:view>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:tableView" deck="bottom" headingDisplay="table2Rows" visibleFormats="all" name="Table" rptViewVers="200510010"/>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:titleView" name="Title" rptViewVers="200510010"/>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:staticchart" name="staticchart!1" rptViewVers="200510010">
    <saw:template tid="charts/pie.cxml"/>
    <saw:category position="0">
    <saw:constant value="1"/></saw:category></saw:categories>
    <saw:column columnID="c3" position="0"/></saw:measures>
    <saw:column columnID="c5"/>
    The first report navigates and prompts the second report on the calculated field.

  • Bar Chart with Drill Down

    I have BI Publisher 11 and BI Desktop version installed.
    I created a Bar chart thriugh RTF template and uploaded, its working fine.
    I want to create a drill down on each bar in the chart, which will allow me to pass respective value and open a detail report for that Bar value.
    Has anyone tried it?
    Any pointers would be highly appreciated.

    Hi Runali,
    Sorry for late reply,the issue was not solved .
    Got another issue in BI launch pad .
    one Webi report migrated from R2 environment to BO 4.1.when open that report in BI launch pad
    working perfect but when report was edit in the query level and run the all queries its asking context selection
    If i selected all the context and run all the queries then again getting another issue.
    Why its asking Query Context in Query prompt level?
    Thank you
    Sudhakar M

  • How to drill down the cause of "SQL*Net message from/to client"

    Pretty frustrated with my tune up using suggestions from many papers for Oracle 10g R2 on AIX 5.3 L system. My users told me that the system (including Baan 5c) still responds slowly in some processes, some even worsen.
    Using both queries such as
    SELECT sid, schemaname, status FROM gv$session ORDER BY 2;
    SELECT inst_id, seq#, event, p1, p2, p3, wait_time FROM v$session_wait_history WHERE sid=<sid from above>
    1 1 SQL*Net message from client 1413697536 1 0 6419
    1 2 SQL*Net message to client 1413697536 1 0 0
    and others similar, I found very large numbers (almost 97%) of the sessions have events as “SQL*Net message to client” and “SQL*Net message from client” on their wait_time even the sids are in inactive status. After checking the meaning of those messages in Oracle Performance and Tuning document, the document states that mainly they are probably network problems. So How can I drill down to what status of network from my client (the users) to server by Oracle or AIX? In Baan, it has its own parameter sets in its db_resource file controlling the connectivity. In average, there are 4000 “opened cursor current”, but most of them inactives.
    So my colleague asked me rollback all th changes I did on OS level such as minperm%=5
    lgpg_regions lgpg_size,
    sys0 maxuproc=512,
    aio0 maxservers='260'
    and many ioo parameters to system defaults.
    I even removed the mulitplex copy of the redo log.
    I tried to proof them that there maybe the problem of the Baan/Oracle connectivity, ie due to message above,

    http://docs.oracle.com ... read them for configuration information.
    http://tahiti.oracle.com ... read them for recommendations.
    http://otn.oracle.com ... find the best practices docs.
    http://metalink.oracle.com ... look for similar issues to yours.
    People that change things, on production boxes, without first determining that metrics indicate they are a good idea, and then determining their impact on a test box, should be sold to zoos as leopard food.
    PS: Slowly likely has absolutely nothing to do with anything you touched. First you tune the application. Then you tune the database. Then you tune the operating system. Get out of the way and make the DBAs do their job.

  • BW drill down report

    Hi friends,
    I have built a query which is analytical, now the business wants it to be a drill down. How can i make this drill down report? Can any please help me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Ananth,
    Drill down in analytical reporting means being able to see further details for a given record.
    So if you want the users to be able to drill down further and see more details of whatever is being reported in the initial screen you could add the required characteristic for drill down in the "Free characteristics" section of your queries. These are not displayed in the initial format of the report but the user has the facility to add/exclude them in the report format.
    Moreover if you would like them to drill down from one report to another, you could setup Report to Report interfaces (transaction RSBBS).
    Hope it helps.

  • Drill down Report in Xcelsius

    Hi All,
    I am new to BO i dont know much in BO.Is it possible to create Drill down Reports in Xcelsius.
    For Example,
    Sales Org     Revenue
    A                   10000
    B                    20000
    If we select Sales Organization A or B then the Report would be
    Sales Org       Material Group            Revenue
    A                              10          5000
    A                              20          5000
    B                              30          10000
    B                              40          10000
    If we select  Sales Org A or B then the Report would be
    Sales Org     Material Group       Material          Revenue
    A                              10          MAT01               3000
    A                              10          MAT02               2000
    A                              20          MAT03               5000
    B                              30          MAT04               10000
    B                              40          MAT05               10000
    Like this i want to display the Report.How it possible in Xcelsius.Please help me it will be more useful.
    Edited by: siva kumar on Dec 5, 2011 7:50 PM

    you can do drill in xcelsisu but for that you need to create 2 webi reports r use 2 different queries .(i dont know which verion of BI you are on)
    how mnay organizations do you have if its a small number that you can create a lay out with drop down on left for organization and create 2 tables 1 for organization a data.. if pressed to be visible and 1 for b..
    and if 1 and 2 are pressed then show the tired table with both data.
    do it in excel using live office webi connection to bring the data in then import the data in excelsisu.. do all your calculations in excel first then bring it to Xcelsius
    If we select Sales Organization A or B then the Report would be
    Sales Org Material Group Revenue
    A 10 5000
    A 20 5000
    B 30 10000
    B 40 10000
    If we select Sales Org A or B then the Report would be ( i think you mean and here)
    Sales Org Material Group Material Revenue
    A 10 MAT01 3000
    A 10 MAT02 2000
    A 20 MAT03 5000
    B 30 MAT04 10000
    B 40 MAT05 10000

  • Drill down in Bex is different than drill down in WAD

    Hello experts.
    I have been creating queries in Bex for 6 years and am very familiar with the Bex functionality.  I recently started embedding some Bex queries into the WAD and of course am displaying them on the web.  I am experiencing an unexpected problem with drill downs on the web.  In a nutshell, the query drills DOWN as expected in Bex, but when I drill down on the web, the results are displayed ACROSS the web page instead of down the web page.
    I am not using any custom HTML, Java, or other custom code.  Has anyone experienced this?  Any thoughts on how to correct?  Here is more specific detail:
    Bex query looks like this:
    3 Characteristics in characteristics section.
    3 Key figures in COLUMNS section
    Nothing in ROWS section
    Drill down in Bex yields characteristic values in rows, and key figures in columns (appears to be perfectly normal behaviour)
    Drill down in Web yields characteristic values ACROSS the columns and key figures ACROSS the columns (not expected)
    Objective is get to Web result to behave identical to Bex results where characteristic values display in rows, and key figures display in columns
    Thank you.

    Go to WAD and check for the Web items under Navigation.. and the result table.
    you will find the options for the same.

  • Drill down in XL Reporter

    Can we have drill down in XL Reporter -Report Organizer

    Hi Rekha,
    We can user drill down in XL reporter composer and excel . IN rerport composer when you drag a field to the selection criteria then you can drill down by transaction level.
    But Report organiser is where all the reports are saved and give a look and feel like windows explorer.
    What is your requirement. Post reporting related queries in the reporting forum
    [Reporting and Printing;
    Rakesh N

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