Drivers hp3458a para Labview 8.5

Hola buen día, hay drivers del multimetro hp3458a y la fuente hp6643a para el Labview 8.5? ya que soo encontre para el 7.
de antemano gracias 

Estimado E. Huerta
Hemos visto que colocas post en español en los sitios de Inglés, te sugiero si quieres preguntar algo en español, mejor lo hagas en los foros de español ya que la gente de habla inglesa te va a pedir que se lo traduzcas para que puedan ayudarte.
Esta es la liga de la comunidad en español.
Con respecto a tu pregunta, si el driver dice que es para 7 no te preocupes, descárgalo y ejecútalo, solo bajo situaciones muy especiales no sería compatible con versiones superiores. Si tienes algún problema puedes colocar un nuevo thead en español.
Coamín Cruz
NI México
Mensaje editado por Coamín

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    Hola Artama,
    Gracias por utilizar los foros de National Instruments! Que versión del driver 845x estabas instalando? Que error es el que te aparece al tratar de instalar? Te envío la liga de la última versión del driver (2.1.2 agosto 2013):
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    Buen día.
    Si se las arregló para instalar el driver necesario para su proyecto. Ahora usted puede encontrar en LabVIEW en "User Library >> DAQ Advantech".
    Espero haberte ayudado.
    Erick Yamamoto
    Application Engineer
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    Visite a nossa comunidade em PORTUGUÊS!!!

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    Hi Roger,
    In general, the latest versions of LabVIEW will work with older
    versions of the DAQ drivers.   However, it is certainly possible that some of
    the older drivers could have some conflicts. 
    How “old” are the driver versions that your customers are
    using?  Specifically, what version of the
    driver does your customer report seeing the errors with?  Is  the
    customer using the same operating system that the original program was written
    for?  Is the customer seeing problems
    upgrading the VIs from LabVIEW 6 or 7 to LabVIEW 8.5?
    The suggestion to work with someone to try it out is excellent.
      Posting the specific driver versions
    seeing the conflict, might also shed some light on the issue.
    Jared T.

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    If you have the DSC module, then you should already have some Modbus support there. If you don't, you can search the forums. The VIs you are refering to can only be installed on a PC with LV 7.1, but they will work on other versions as well and they have already been posted to the forum before saved for 7.0 and 8.0.
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    De antemano gracias.

    Siga los enlaces
    LabVIEW 2012 PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit Readme
    Download PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit Evaluation
    Se necesita el código de activación. Pero se puede utilizar en el modo de evaluación.
    Para obtener más información siga el enlace al producto.
    NI LabVIEW PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit for Windows
    Erick Yamamoto
    Application Engineer
    National Instruments Brazil
    Visite a nossa comunidade em PORTUGUÊS!!!

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    Je cherche désespéremment une façon de faire mais j'avoue que je tourne un peu en rond.
    Et encore mieux, est-il possible de fusionner des cases d'un tableau?

    Bonjour Bysbobo,
    Je ne suis pas exactement sûr de comprendre ce que tu veux faire. Pourrais-tu illustrer avec des copies d'écran?
    Aussi, il existe un toolkit Géneration de Raports pour MS Office (Word,Excel), l'as-tu à ta disposition? Si oui ce sera beaucoup plus simple à mettre en place!
    NB : Je pense que tu devrais poster ton message sur le forum dédié à LabVIEW et non pas aux "Autres produits NI", tu aurais plus de réponses
    Bonne journée,

  • Drivers audio para HPG60 WIn XP x64 bits

    hola a todos necesito por favor el driver de sonido que es el unico que me falta ¨Audio device on high Definition Audio bus¨
    y tambien el ¨Modem device on hight Definition Audio Bus¨ Ya me han ayudado con los demas drivers necesito estos dos muchas gracias mi sistema operativo es windows XP SP2 x64 bits
    hi all Please I need sound driver is the only one I need 
    · Audio device on high Definition Audio Bus Routes · 
    and also the ¨ Modem device on hight Definition Audio Bus · You have helped me with 
    the other two drivers need thank you very much my operating system is 
    x64-bit Windows XP SP2
    sorry I not speak English !! lol
    p/n : NV225UAR#ABA

    Alright, here's the lowdown on x64 drivers for integrated SB Live! 24-bit sound cards (ala the one in the MSI NEO4 Plat SLI).
    Creative has a beta x64 driver program. You can find it here however, if you read the release notes these drivers EXCLUDE 24bit versions of SB Live!. From reading the preview site, it seems that it's not that the 24-bit drivers have not been written yet. It is that they will NEVER be written, AFAIK they are currently not under development (so bitching about it on the preview site wont help).
    This leads me to creative main forums, where I find this lovely post. Apparently it is Creative's position that the motherboard manufacturer is responsible for providing the drivers to the integrated sb live card.
    Hurrah for screw ups. MSI, it looks like Creative is screwing you on this one, please don't integrate anymore of their sound cards. Realtek has official x64 drivers on thier site already.
    Does anyone know if MSI is planning to release sb live 24-bit drivers? Cause it looks like Creative sure as hell isn't.
    BTW, There are x64 drivers for every other component on the MSI NEO4 Plat SLI except for the SB Live! 24-bit.
    (This opinions are my own and not of my employer)

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    Fisrt you need to know that the 4351, uses NI Daq traditional.
    Then you need install the Daq trad support for Labview (in order word you need to install Daq Traditional after Labview).
    After that you can go to the NI Example Folder, then seach and you must write 415x you will see many examples, you will have to write the good instrument descriptor.
    Nacer M. | Certified LabVIEW Architecte

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