Droid X Application Download question

Hey there!  I am new user with this phone.  I downloaded (or thought I did) and application yesterday.  It was for Exchange by TouchDown.... I need this to get my work emails on my phone.  However, the app is showing on the screen but I can not use it.  I am not sure if it installed or not?  I got billed for the app but can't use it.    Any ideas would be greatly appreciate!  THANKS

well, if you say it's "on the screen", then you installed it.  You can also confirm which APPS you download & install by going to MARKET  .... it will list your phone's installed Apps.  (after going to Market (via the APP), click the Menu button, then "MY APPS".)
As far as the EXCHANGE piece taht works with TouchDown, you will need to Configure EXCHANGE.  I don't use that APP, but if I were to guess, you would Launch Touchdown then configre the Exchange part of it .. But I'm not totally sure about that part. There aree a LOT of Exchange users here that will probably be able to assist in that part.
Welcome to the forum.

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    Message was edited by: monkthehonk

    This question cannot really be addressed without knowing whether you are using a POP or IMAP account? Since a POP account only downloads new emails from a POP3 server, if using the same computer, then I assume you have an IMAP account? With an IMAP account, where the Inbox actually resides on the server, only the messages you seek to read are downloaded, if in Mail Preferences/Accounts/Advanced you choose an option under "Keep copies of messages for offline viewing" to not keep any copies. Of course all messages remain online on the server.
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    Thanks, the following command (ran as root) worked for me!
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    You'll have to log in, but it should be pretty easy to find from there.
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    "All knowledge is worth having."

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    If you want to open it confirm that you do. You will not be asked that question again after the first time you open it
    Unless you are keeping Firefox in the .dmg it was downloaded in.  That is to say, if you obtained Firefox in a .dmg, and you have kept the .dmg mounted, and are launching Firefox from the mounted .dmg, then you will ALWAYS get that warning.   You should copy Firefox from the mounted .dmg to your Applications Folder (or anywhere you prefer), and then eject the mounted .dmg.  Unless you need to install Firefox on another system, you can then delete the .dmg.

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    This works for me on YouTube.
    Cancel the download and then immediately right click and choose retry.

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    It sounds as though you are sharing and iCloud account with someone else, you need to have a separate iCloud account, otherwise there is no way of stopping other sharers from accessing your photos in photo stream.

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    There is a description of the solution on the Adobe website here:
    http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/402/kb402251.html#main_Turn_off_automatic_updates_on_Ma c_OS
    In summary, open the AdobeUpdaterPrefs.dat file and change

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    Our  SCCM infrastructure is configured to use SSL and it’s working, no problems in daily operation.
    However, our windows 7 osd task sequence has an issue after a “reboot computer” step, on a single specific computer.
    The OSD TS looks as follows (cannot put screenshot due to account verification issue
    Setup Operating System
    - Setup Windows and Configuration Manager
    - Install Updates
    Standard Software
    - Install Default Apps
    - Install Adobe
    - Restart Computer
    - Install MS Apps
    - Install Antivirus
    "Install default apps” and “install adobe” works correctly. All app packages are downloaded and installed without errors.
    Then “restart computer” runs, also ok.
    Then “install ms apps” tries to install Office 2010 and lync. This and the following install steps all fail with this message in the task sequence report: 
    “DownloadFailed – execution status received: 24 (Application download failed)”
    I opened a debug command line on the affected client with F8 and captured the logfiles.
    it seems the Client believes it is "on the Internet" after the reboot, and tries to contact our Internet-facing DP.
    Client is in Internet ClientLocation 13.03.2014 08:34:30 1692 (0x069C)
    Current internet management point is externaldnsentry.company.com ClientLocation 13.03.2014 08:34:30 1692 (0x069C)
    Raising event:
    instance of CCM_LocationServices_LocationBaseChange
    ClientID = "GUID:e5b6f053-86b8-4f35-b82e-6cdb3bcabc5e";
    DateTime = "20140313073430.697000+000";
    NewLocation = "Internet";
    OldLocation = "Intranet";
    ProcessID = 1660;
    ThreadID = 1692;
    ClientLocation 13.03.2014 08:34:30 1692 (0x069C)
    Failed to submit event to the Status Agent. Attempting to create pending event. ClientLocation 13.03.2014 08:34:30 1692 (0x069C)
    Calling back with locations for location request {B3C644CC-A7BA-4732-A4C2-9B53F4FF2DD6} LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:32:29 3232 (0x0CA0)
    Using INF MP externaldnsentry.company.com as lookup MP. LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:38 2960 (0x0B90)
    Attempting to retrieve site information from lookup MP(s) via HTTPS LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:38 2960 (0x0B90)
    Failed to send site information Location Request Message to externaldnsentry.company.com LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:39 2960 (0x0B90)
    Attempting to retrieve site information from lookup MP(s) via HTTP LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:39 2960 (0x0B90)
    Failed to refresh security settings over MP with error 0x80004005. LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:39 2960 (0x0B90)
    No security settings update detected. LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:39 2960 (0x0B90)
    The strange thing is, this currently only happens on a single dell precision T7610, on a different computer (for example, dell latitude e6330, or a vmware test system) this does not happen, and after reboot,
    SCCM TS continues to install software normally.
    Does anyone have an idea or a hint what is going on?

    i found something in LocationServices.log.
    it seems the Client is trying to contact our Internet facing DP ("externaldnsentry.company.com", real name changed) after reboot, because it thinks it "is on the Internet"
    Distribution Point='http://INTERNALDP.domain.local/NOCERT_SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/Content_ee82154a-0895-4866-b8c1-765c46415e2b.1', Locality='LOCAL', DPType='SERVER', Version='7958', Capabilities='<Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSL" Version="1"/><Property Name="SSLState" Value="63"/></Capabilities>', Signature='http://INTERNALDP.domain.local/NOCERT_SMS_DP_SMSSIG$/Content_ee82154a-0895-4866-b8c1-765c46415e2b.1.tar', ForestTrust='TRUE', LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:32:29 3232 (0x0CA0)
    Distribution Point='http://INTERNALDP.domain.local/SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/Content_ee82154a-0895-4866-b8c1-765c46415e2b.1', Locality='LOCAL', DPType='SERVER', Version='7958', Capabilities='<Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSL" Version="1"/><Property Name="SSLState" Value="63"/></Capabilities>', Signature='http://INTERNALDP.domain.local/SMS_DP_SMSSIG$/Content_ee82154a-0895-4866-b8c1-765c46415e2b.1.tar', ForestTrust='TRUE', LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:32:29 3232 (0x0CA0)
    Calling back with locations for location request {B3C644CC-A7BA-4732-A4C2-9B53F4FF2DD6} LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:32:29 3232 (0x0CA0)
    Using INF MP externaldnsentry.company.com as lookup MP. LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:38 2960 (0x0B90)
    Attempting to retrieve site information from lookup MP(s) via HTTPS LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:38 2960 (0x0B90)
    Failed to send site information Location Request Message to externaldnsentry.company.com LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:39 2960 (0x0B90)
    Attempting to retrieve site information from lookup MP(s) via HTTP LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:39 2960 (0x0B90)
    Failed to refresh security settings over MP with error 0x80004005. LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:39 2960 (0x0B90)
    No security settings update detected. LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:39 2960 (0x0B90)
    Using INF MP externaldnsentry.company.com as lookup MP. LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:39 2960 (0x0B90)
    Attempting to retrieve site information from lookup MP(s) via HTTPS LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:39 2960 (0x0B90)
    Failed to send site information Location Request Message to externaldnsentry.company.com LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:41 2960 (0x0B90)
    Attempting to retrieve site information from lookup MP(s) via HTTP LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:41 2960 (0x0B90)
    Failed to refresh Site Signing Certificate over MP with error 0x80004005. LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:41 2960 (0x0B90)
    Refreshing Site Signing Certificate over HTTP LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:41 2960 (0x0B90)
    Failed to refresh Site Signing Certificate over HTTP with error 0x87d00215. LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:42 2960 (0x0B90)
    Using INF MP externaldnsentry.company.com as lookup MP. LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:42 2960 (0x0B90)
    Attempting to retrieve default management points from lookup MP(s) via HTTPS LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:42 2960 (0x0B90)
    LSGetManagementPointsForSiteFromManagementPoint: Client is on Internet, skipping Intranet MP list request. LocationServices 13.03.2014 08:34:42 2960 (0x0B90)
    in ClientLocation.log:
    Client is in Internet ClientLocation 13.03.2014 08:34:30 1692 (0x069C)
    Current internet management point is externaldnsentry.company.com ClientLocation 13.03.2014 08:34:30 1692 (0x069C)
    Raising event:
    instance of CCM_LocationServices_LocationBaseChange
    ClientID = "GUID:e5b6f053-86b8-4f35-b82e-6cdb3bcabc5e";
    DateTime = "20140313073430.697000+000";
    NewLocation = "Internet";
    OldLocation = "Intranet";
    ProcessID = 1660;
    ThreadID = 1692;
    ClientLocation 13.03.2014 08:34:30 1692 (0x069C)
    Failed to submit event to the Status Agent. Attempting to create pending event. ClientLocation 13.03.2014 08:34:30 1692 (0x069C)
    how can that happen?!

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    Every single time I launch Firefox 20 under Mac OS X 10.7.5 I get the click-thru warning message "'Firefox' is an application downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?". How do I stop this? There are internet postings and previous postings about solving this using Terminal commands for OS X 10.5.x & 10.6.x, but these commands do NOT work in 10.7.x or 10.8.x. This seems to be a Firefox ONLY issue, and solving it by globally turning off OS X security features as recommended before in a previously closed thread seems like a really BAD solution. Is there a "Firefox only" solution, or will I just have to stop using Firefox?

    I had upgraded to Firefox 20 using the automatic update process, so the last time I'd downloaded a .dmg and manually installed Firefox was a long time ago. I trashed Firefox 20, downloaded a new .dmg and manually transferred to Applications folder and this persistent message ended. I assume if I'd ever launched from the open .dmg the same error message would result, so the fix offered was a solution even though the cause was something different since I only used the automatic update process and never manually handled Firefox .dmg downloads.

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    Hi, I have logged in to admin console on CC for teams. One user have also added, and no we try to get application downloads to run. However, there is only 30 days trial versions available of most of the applications. How to get full versions, which belongs to our licence?

    sign out (from the task bar) and then back in to your cc desktop app and retry.
    if that fails,quit the app (from the task bar) and relaunch, retry.
    if that fails: remove the OPM.db file and relogin into the cc desktop application using the Adobe ID tied to your subscription.
        Mac OS: You can locate the OPM.db file in the \User\<user name>\Library\Application Support\Adobe\OOBE folder. To access the hidden user Library folder, see Access hidden user library files | Mac OS 10.7 Lion.
        Windows: You can locate the OPM.db file in the \Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE folder.  To view the hidden AppData folder, see Show hidden files, folders, filename extensions | Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7.

  • Application download crashes my itunes

    Hi! I'm having a very stressful situation wiht an application, i'ts called "Love Art: National Gallery London", this is what happend.
    When i first chose to download this, it was for free, so i started to downlaod it, but it was of more than 200 megas, so i paused it, a deleted it, perfect... next time i opened my itunes there it was on downloads AGAIN! so, everytime i deleted it, it would reappear next time i opened my itunes. So i thiught that maybe if just let it donwload it all the problem would be solved, but now that application has a cost. I investigated where the file was, the download files are, and i erased that file, now when i open itunes, the applications still appears on the download section, but now, when i try to pause it crashes my itunes, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, TO GET RID OF THAT APPLICATION ONCE AND FOR ALL, HELP ME!

    here's something more, by just opening my itunes, before opening my account, if i go to the downloads window, it will say in the botton, that there is 1 download available, even though i have no other download pending, and if i click on the arrow, after connecting with my account, this application, love art, will reappear to be downloaded, and the file of this applications, will reappear from nowhere to the itunes/mobile applications/downloads file. SO... FROM WHERE IS THIS DONWLOAD BEING LAUNCHED, WHAT CAN I DO TO STOP IT??

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    I have downloaded paid application on my iPhone 5 now, that I have purchased iPad mini can I use the paid application downloaded on my i5 to my iPad mini without purchasing it again?


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    Hello, flowerpet1.  Thank you for your reply.  Interestingly, your instructions worked on my iPad Mini, where I had the same problem.  The update module was listed under "Usage" and I was able to delete it.  Although I still have the red circle with "1" in it over my Settings icon on the home page, the status under Software Update is now "Download and Install" instead of just "Install".  Also, the available storage on the Usage screen has increased by about 4.2 GB.
    On my iPhone 5S, however, I'm not quite sure what the situation is now.  The IOS 8 update module does not show under "Usage".  However, the status under Software Update has also changed to "Download and Install" instead of just "Install"--but without my doing anything to the phone.  Maybe the update file was removed from the phone when I removed it from the iPad.  I don't remember what the available storage was before, so I don't know if I recouped any space.
    Anyway, your reply was a big help.  Thank you very much.

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