Drop down menu to left instead of below

HI, I have created a drop down menu in Dreamweaver 8 (since I can't install my CS4).
Anyways everything looks fine and works fine on IE, FireFox and safari when I look at the site but when I sent the link to my client to review the site the drop down for one of the headings pops up to the left on the screen.
I cannot see the problem when looking at the code and I have 2 computers and a laptop and I don't see the problem. But apparently all of their employees see the drop down to the left for the "Education" heading.
Can someone have a look or let me know why this is happening?
Thank you

The dropdown works for me correctly in FFs and IE7.  However, when I put the page through the validator you get quite a few errors:
On looking at the code however, I see the javascript for the MM menus right at the top of the document, which is why the validator is throwing the first error..... this is throwing the page into quirks mode and very likely causing the problem with your clients viewing the page.
That js code should be in the head of the document, not above the doctype line....  did you move the js into the document at any time?
You do realise that those menus are not highly regarded and should not be used - read why:

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    I am not quite sure why items in drop down list that is located on page 1 would display on page 2. I can not replicate that. Can you put your form up on a server somewhere where I can see it?

  • Spry Vertical Drop Down Menu- Links Moving about!

    Hi Everyone.
    I wondered whether anyone might be able to tell me what I am doing wrong?
    When I go to create a spry vertical drop down menu using images instead of text as the links - all of my links jump slightly to the right. Or, in the case of sub-menus - slightly down.
    I have put together a dodgy example below. I don't understand why it is moving the images around.. What am I doing wrong?
    Apart from removing the original text and pressing insert > image object > rollover image - I have not changed any significant settings on the spry menu.
    Edit: I have also tried adding "position: absolute;" tags to the spry coding, but it hasn't made any difference.

    Please let me know how you can post code?

  • Creating a new drop down menu when an option in an existing one is chosen

    I’m using Coldfusion 9,0,0,251028 on Windows 7 64-bit, with a Microsoft Access 97 database. 
    I’m having a problem with using a drop-down menu to create another one below it once a certain option is selected
    (in this case, the option named “Breaking News”, which has an id of 31).
    What event trigger should I use to create a drop-down menu underneath the first one when “Breaking News” is selected? 
    Should I be using Javascript for something like this, or can Coldfusion handle it?
    Here’s the code:
    <cfquery name="get_info" datasource="#db#">
    select * from lists
    order by department asc, list asc
    <div align="left">
              <select name="list">
                     <option value="-1" selected> --------------------------------------  
                     <cfoutput query="get_info" group="department">
                            <cfoutput group="list">
                 <cfif list neq "Breaking News Cell Phone">
                         <option value="#id#">#list#
                  <option value="-1"> --------------------------------------

    Depending on the details, I might use ColdFusion to create the content of the second drop down.
    The second drop-down is supposed to be an expiration date that gets attached to the message so it can be self-removing.
    The first drop-down is to specify a category for a message to be sent out on.
    In this case, the only one that needs the secondary expiration drop-down is a single category (Breaking News),
    so all other options on the drop-down would have to not trigger the expiration date drop-down showing.
    In that situation, would you use ColdFusion to create the second drop down?

  • Spry Drop Down Menu not appearing in I.E.8

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    Below is the coding i have for my menu...and the site address is www.setonyouthshelters.org
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/public_html/javascript/tableHeight.js"></script>
    <script src="file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Mother%20Seton%20House/My%20Documents/Seton_Youth_Sh elters/SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <title>Seton Youth Shelters</title>
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable --><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    <link href="/css/seaton.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
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    function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
      var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3)
       if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];}
    <link href="file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Mother%20Seton%20House/My%20Documents/Seton_Youth_Sh elters/SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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    <script type='text/javascript'>var MenuLinkedBy='AllWebMenus [2]', awmBN='DW'; awmAltUrl='';</script>
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  • I've lost my drop down menu for my back and forward buttons. I use them constantly. How do I add this or is that option gone for good?

    There used to be a drop down menu along side the forward and back buttons so you could skip several pages in between. I couldn't find that as an option to customize that feature back is that option no longer available?

    Hi Emclatchy,
    In Firefox 4 you should be able to get the history drop-down menu by left-clicking on the back button or the forward button and holding the mouse button down for a few seconds.
    Or, you can try installing this add-on:
    I haven't tried it myself but it is supposed to add the history drop-down indicator back to Firefox 4, same as it was in previous versions.
    Hope that helps,
    --Jono Xia, Mozilla

  • Bookmarks toolbar changed from the right side of the drop-down menu to the left. How can I change it back on Firefox 4.0.1 for Mac?

    I just updated to Firefox 4.0.1. Some changes I don't like, especially that the Bookmarks toolbar opens to the left of the drop-down menu instead of the right. How can I change it?

    You may have bookmarks that have long title. Firefox 4 shows the full text of the bookmark name, so if it doesn't fit with opening to the right side the Firefox will open to the left side. You can scroll through the list and make the bookmarks with a long name shorter.
    * [[How do I use bookmarks?]]

  • Apple drop down menu at top left will not display when I click on apple

    My computer has just started having several odd problems and I'm not sure why... One obvious thing is that the apple drop down menu doesn't work, so to restart, I have to actually press restart button. (also can't tell exactly what OS I am running but think it's tiger.)
    Can anyone suggest what to do about this?
    Information about what the larger issues might be would also be helpful.
    Here's what has been happening:
    First, InDesign CS2 crashes upon opening, even after several restarts.
    Then, my trash would not empty or secure empty (until I held option down).
    I can't think of what would cause this, I downloaded several large files from an ftp site but those have since been deleted.
    Any help very much appreciated.

    There are any number of possible causes. Corrupted files, incompatible third-party utility, bad preference file(s), just to name a few. I would suggest starting with some basic maintenance.
    Repairing the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger.) After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer. Now shutdown the computer for a couple of minutes and then restart normally.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior (4.0 for Tiger) and/or TechTool Pro (4.5.2 for Tiger) to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    I would also recommend downloading the shareware utility TinkerTool System that you can use for periodic maintenance such as removing old logfiles and archives, clearing caches, etc.
    OS X performs certain maintenance functions that are scheduled to occur on a daily, weekly, or monthly period. The maintenance scripts run in the early AM only if the computer is turned on 24/7 (no sleep.) If this isn't the case, then an excellent solution is to download and install a shareware utility such as Macaroni, JAW PseudoAnacron, or Anacron that will automate the maintenance activity regardless of whether the computer is turned off or asleep.
    If the problems persist let me know. You may need to reinstall OS X if the above is unsuccessful. Although this may be done without erasing the hard drive it would be a good idea to backup your files just in case.

  • When in yahoo mail I can't move mail into the drop down folders below HTheeninyaabout the 9th folder I the drop down menu.

    When in yahoo mail I can't move my read mail into the drop down folders below about the 9th folder in the drop down menu.  What am I doing wrong?

    To all, embarrassingly enough, I have discovered that I didn't know how to expand the three categories including 'Bookmarks Menu' in the 'Bookmark This Page' pop up interface. It was expanded by default on the initial Firefox opening and first page bookmark attempt. Next use it only showed categories. I clicked and double clicked the 'Bookmarks Menu' line, but failed to see the small, shaded triangle used to expand/collapse list. If it appears collapsed, just tap triangle at left of line to see all folders. It seems to open the same way after I do it for first time. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for all the attempts to help.

  • Display normal text instead of drop down menu

    I have two tables. One is the customer particular, which has RaceID(int) as one of the field. The other
    table is Race, which has RaceID(int) and Race(char). Both of these tables are linked together.
    I have the following code generated from Ultradev when I am using Dynamic Elements Server Behavior.
    I will gonna do a search page, which list the value of Race of customer in normal text for each staff,
    not the drop down menu(but during insert page, I am using drop down menu to enter the data). How to
    do that?
    Codes:(This code will generate a drop down menu which compare the value in the customer particular and
    the race tables. If selected, display that one with the drop down menu.
    <select name="race">
    while (Race_hasData) {
    <option value="<%=((Race.getObject("raceID")!=null)?Race.getObject("raceID"):"")%>" <%=(((Race.getObject("raceID")).toString().equals(((((Matching_data
    = Matching.getObject("raceID"))==null || Matching.wasNull())?"":Matching_data)).toString()))?"SELECTED":"")%>
    Race_hasData = Race.next();
    Race = StatementRace.executeQuery();
    Race_hasData = Race.next();
    Race_isEmpty = !Race_hasData;

    don't use <select>, use <input type = "text"> instead and you will get text box.

  • HT3819 I have turned two computers on to home sharing. I am now on this computer wanting to put my music on to this itunes and i know i need to find the other computer in the drop down menu from " Home Sharing " but that menu isnt there on the left?

    I have turned two computers on to home sharing. I am now on this computer wanting to put my music on to this itunes and i know i need to find the other computer in the drop down menu from " Home Sharing " but that menu isnt there on the left?

    If you have the horizontal menu bar showing (File, Edit, View,...), select View, then select Show Sidebar. 
    If the menu bar is not showing, dorp down the menu in the very upper left corner and select show menu bar, then follow steps above.
    Hope that helps.  Good luck.

  • How do I set Firefox 29 to always show the bookmarks sidebar with one click instead of a drop down menu?

    I've decided to just get used to Firefox 29 instead of messing with add-ons and what not to make it look like it used to but one thing that is too ingrained is a favorites/bookmarks sidebar with one click. I just don't like the drop down menu. Is there a way to set the "Bookmarks" button to show the sidebar in one click?

    I want the bookmarks sidebar button. This should be a BASIC feature available, not something I need to install an add-on for to revert to some "classic restore". Why is something so straightforward and easy to use considered "classic", and everything has to be hidden and hard to see in this new version? All the colours in the new tabs BTW are are BLUE, and they blend in with the background at the top, you can't see the tab edges - whose bright idea is this?

  • My Firefox 5.0 doesn't have the new orange Firefox drop down menu (on the top left)

    I just upgraded to 5.0 and the new drop down menu that's supposed to be on the top left side isn't there. Do I have to enable it or is something else wrong?

    You see the orange (on Linux gray) Firefox button if the Menu Bar is hidden, so you need to hide the Menu bar via View > Toolbars, also accessible via Firefox > Options.<br />
    If you need to access the hidden Menu bar then press F10 or hold down the Alt key to make the Menu Bar appear temporarily.<br />
    You can place the Tab Bar on top.
    * View > Toolbars : [ ] Menu Bar
    * View > Toolbars : [X] Tabs on Top

  • How do I get my application to continue processing instead of waiting for a menu selection when the user clicks on a drop-down menu?

    I'm developing a process-control application,using serial communication for data acquisition. My problem - I need this serial read of data to be continuous. But, when I click on a drop-down menu, the rest of the processing halts until I click on one of the menu items in the drop-down list and I lose data in that interval. What can I do?

    In most process-control applications it is not about just avoiding lost measurement data. The most important is having a robust control-algoritm that reacts to a change of input-situation in a given time.
    A non-responsive system is not a very reliable process-control solution.
    The vi you mentioned are only around since the latest versions and the old method of polling controls still suits many applications (but that's another discussion).
    As about RS-232 input time-outs, I have never used that.
    In the time before VISA was created I (as other LabVIEW users I discovered) used a method of storing every incoming string in a buffer (memory-vi with USR) and that still works (classic serial VI's versus VISA is also another never-ending discussio

  • Is it possible to copy data from a drop down menu instead of having to re-type all the data again?

    I am trying to create a form for safety inspections. I need have a list of employees in a drop down menu format. Is there a way to copy the populated drop down menu to be used several times in the document?

    Hi SwitchInc,
    Yes, you can. Please refer to the Screen Shot, hope this help.

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