Drop frames in Quick Time

In FCPx I exported a 4min video with stats: 1920x822, 30fps, mp4
And when I open it in quick time (X and 7) I've got drop frames during the playback. When I open whis video in VLC everythig is ok, very smooth video.
What the problem?
I've got iMac mid2011, 10.9.1 2,5GHz core i5, 12gb ram radeon 6750M 512 Mb.

What the problem?
Basically, the QT Players are, in some respects, less efficient than the VLC Player as many users have frequenty complained. Unfortunately, this is normal. QT players are, by default, programmed to drop frames if they cannot keep up with the "full" rendering of data at the encoded throughput data rate while other players may lower rendering quality, drop fields, or drop alternate lines in the rendering of progressive frames to "keep up." Such strategies allow multimedia players to work on a very wide range of platforms with varied CPU clocking rates. If this bothers you, you might try encoding or transcoding your conttent more efficiently by either reducing the encoding dimensions or limiting the encoding data rate setting. Unfortunately, many "modern" MPEG-4 AVC encoders have the potential to create files with data rates as high as 720 Mbps and some users tend to use unrealistic "quality" settings for the content they create. For instance, the average BD is encoded with a data rate on the order of 20 Mbps (MPEG-4 AVC) to 30 Mbps (VC-1) while the same 1080 video may perceptually look just as well using anamorphic encoding with data rates in the 5 to 13 Mbps range and 720p versions can frequently play very well in the 1.6 to 3.5 Mpbs range. Such encodeing strategies. In short, lower data rates allow smoother playback and smaller files at the potential expense of quality. The question then becomes, "Which aspect is most important to you depending on the targeted use of your files?"

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    QT player launcher is an application helper sitting inside QT player 7 which launches QT player 10. you should not see it in the open with menu. it's a known bug that you do see it. but it should not affect the functionality. if it does then reset your launch services database. delete the file homedirectory/library/preferences/com.apple.launchservices.plist and run the following terminal command
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    I think I had the same problem as you about a month ago. I tried 13 different things to solve it, spent some unnecessary money, and a whole lot of wasted time in trying to fix this problem. Hope this list will save you time and money. There could also be more solutions I didn't try, that might fix your problem instead.
    Consistent Drop Frames,or Time Code Breaks during Capture. Problem never occurred Before until Recent.
    What I'm Using:
    1. Powerbook 512mb sdram, 1.67ghz powerpcG4,
    2. Final Cut Pro v4.5, Quicktime v7.1.5
    3. G-Drive 7200rpm External Hard Drive as my scratch, scratch folders with different names.
    4. Firewire 400 from camera to hard drive, hard drive to laptop
    5. I'm using a CANON GL2 as my deck.
    Solutions I tried and failed:
    1. I changed the memory& cache from 100% to 75%.
    2. Turned off the Abort Capture on Drop Frames--- but got time code breaks, and clips that jump frames.
    3. Capturing on all of the available Firewire NTSC settings.
    4. Capturing on Non-Controllable Device.
    5. Batch Capturing and the Capture Now.
    6. Deleting Quicktime Receipts... all the packages, and Reinstalling Quicktime.
    7. Used MiniDv tapehead cleaner on the GL2 camera/deck.
    8. Tried three different MiniDv tapes shot with LP and SP.
    9. Trashing Final Cut Pro preferences, and turing off the Mirror on Desktop A/V setting.
    10. Capturing to USB 2.0 Hard drive.
    11. Capturing to Internal Drive.
    12. Different Firewire Cable.
    13. A Panasonic MiniDV Camcorder to transfer the footage internally.
    Things that do work
    1. Using MiniDV with a DVCPRO adapter to a DVCPRO Tape Deck to transfer footage.
    Haven't tried:
    1. *Fixing that Volume Error Structure.
    2. Re-installing FCP.
    ** What solved my problem was posted by gympool:
    Why isn't this the very first response: there are many posts regarding capture problems when running FCP 4.5 on OS 10.4.9
    you can do an archive and install back down to 10.4.8 or...
    The simple solution seems to be to remove the designated capture folder from Spotlight's search.
    Open system preferences
    Open spotlight
    Select Privacy
    click on the +
    add your capture scratch folder

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    Since your camcorder is being recognized, it's obviously not an issue of iMovie not recognizing it, so there is something else going on. I'm not familiar with your model, but a cursory search showed that it could be both digital and tape based? Have you tried to simply hook it up directly (which it should be anyway) and copying the contents of your footage to your desktop and then importing it into iMovie (instead of a direct import into iMovie)? Although this cannot really be used for comparison, I had a problem with my Canon's SDHC cards; after I just used a card reader and it showed on my desktop, all was well and my iMac is much older with a slower processor.
    Edit: just found this article:
    Message was edited by: Barbara Daniels1

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    In the FCP Browser, click on the source clip that is showing up sized incorrectly to select it. Once it is selected, type Command + 9 to see the item properties for the clip. Either report those properties here, or take a screen shot of the item properties and post the screen shot here.
    Next, click anywhere in your sequence timeline and then type Command + 0 {zero} to see your sequence settings. Either report those settings or take a screen shot of the sequence settings and post that screen shot here.

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    Well, starting as a linear editor I can tell you jam syncing and converting to DF will really screw up the TC. Every 10 seconds you'll have a TC number that's incompatible with the DF counting sequence.
    If these are source tapes, you have nothing to worry about. I actually prefer NDF source while editing (I'm very old school) beacuse if I trim 5 frames on a mark I can calculate in my head where the new point would land regarding TC. With DF, I trim and often have to do a double take because the math didn't make sense.
    Do NOT ever alter the time code on any source material unless you have a capture failure that you have absolutely no other way of working around.
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    Hello justo,
    Well let's get this straight, if you activate the "custom" needs to disable "Show" not to be active in recording the two modules, when you enter the part of customization changes and exit, when he is back in "Demonstration" because the standard method of entry but if your looking for customization that you changed it continues on, not being changed.
    This is my thought to what can entedender of your doubts.
    Fabio Oliveira

  • Dropped Frames...

    I am editing using Premiere Pro for CS4. I edited some footage on a sequence with the incorrect settings and am now having major troubles exporting the video.
    I shoot HD footage (1280x720, at 24 fps) with a Nikon D90.
    What I did wrong initially was to edit the footage with a frame rate of 25 instead of 24/23.976 . When I realized my mistake, I copied this footage into a new sequence with the correct settings and frame rate.
    However, now the footage is very jumpy and drops frames after it is exported. I looked for a feature that would allow me to remove the distortion due to copying the edited footage between sequences with different frame rates (like Final Cut's "remove attributes", "distort"). However, so far I cannot find anything.
    If this is not the main problem, I am guessing that I am exporting the video incorrectly. The only preset that allows me to have both HDV and 1280x720 (the size of my video) is H.264. However, this same preset only allows for 23.976 fps, not 24 fps (which is what the D90 records in). Could this be the issue?
    Any ideas? I would love some help!

    OK, I downloaded the video from Vimeo, and while it's more than likely a reencode of your encode, it did reveal something interesting. First off, the info pulled from the file using MediaInfo:
    Complete name                    : E:\_COMMON_\Test Clips\4137274.mp4
    Format                           : MPEG-4
    Format profile                   : Base Media / Version 2
    Codec ID                         : mp42
    File size                        : 34.1 MiB
    Duration                         : 2mn 28s
    Overall bit rate                 : 1 921 Kbps
    Encoded date                     : UTC 2009-07-01 05:37:03
    Tagged date                      : UTC 2009-07-01 05:37:03
    ID                               : 201
    Format                           : AVC
    Format/Info                      : Advanced Video Codec
    Format profile                   : [email protected]
    Format settings, CABAC           : Yes
    Format settings, ReFrames        : 4 frames
    Codec ID                         : avc1
    Codec ID/Info                    : Advanced Video Coding
    Duration                         : 2mn 28s
    Bit rate mode                    : Variable
    Bit rate                         : 1 800 Kbps
    Maximum bit rate                 : 4 506 Kbps
    Width                            : 1 280 pixels
    Height                           : 720 pixels
    Display aspect ratio             : 16/9
    Frame rate mode                  : Constant
    Frame rate                       : 23.976 fps
    Resolution                       : 24 bits
    Colorimetry                      : 4:2:0
    Scan type                        : Progressive
    Bits/(Pixel*Frame)               : 0.081
    Stream size                      : 31.8 MiB (93%)
    Writing library                  : x264 core 67 r1171 2c7cb4c
    Encoding settings                : cabac=1 / ref=4 / deblock=1:0:0 / analyse=0x3:0x133 / me=hex / subme=6 / psy_rd=1.0:0.0 / mixed_ref=1 / me_range=16 / chroma_me=1 / trellis=1 / 8x8dct=1 / cqm=0 / deadzone=21,11 / chroma_qp_offset=-4 / threads=16 / nr=0 / decimate=1 / mbaff=0 / bframes=3 / b_pyramid=1 / b_adapt=1 / b_bias=0 / direct=3 / wpredb=1 / keyint=120 / keyint_min=24 / scenecut=40 / rc=2pass / bitrate=1800 / ratetol=1.0 / qcomp=0.60 / qpmin=10 / qpmax=51 / qpstep=4 / cplxblur=20.0 / qblur=0.5 / ip_ratio=1.40 / pb_ratio=1.30 / aq=1:1.00
    Encoded date                     : UTC 2009-07-01 05:37:03
    Tagged date                      : UTC 2009-07-01 05:37:04
    ID                               : 101
    Format                           : AAC
    Format/Info                      : Advanced Audio Codec
    Format version                   : Version 4
    Format profile                   : LC
    Format settings, SBR             : No
    Codec ID                         : 40
    Duration                         : 2mn 28s
    Bit rate mode                    : Variable
    Bit rate                         : 124 Kbps
    Maximum bit rate                 : 139 Kbps
    Channel(s)                       : 2 channels
    Channel positions                : L R
    Sampling rate                    : 44.1 KHz
    Resolution                       : 16 bits
    Stream size                      : 2.20 MiB (6%)
    Encoded date                     : UTC 2009-07-01 05:37:03
    Tagged date                      : UTC 2009-07-01 05:37:04
    What makes me think (positive) that your file is reencoded is that the "Writing Library" is listed as a fairly old build of the open source x264 encoder--I imagine you used AME to export this file originally. In any event, this is only interesting if, well, you're interested in looking at this kind of stuff (I am, anyway!). Ahem...
    After I downloaded the file, I played it back in MPC, and it played pretty much the same as it did on Vimeo... this is more or less to be expected. However, I noticed something interesting during playback, which I explored a little more in the next part.
    Finally, I imported the MP4 file into Premiere, where I'd have frame-by-frame playback control. This is where I confirmed what I thought I saw in the MPC playback. If you load the clip (at least this reencoded version--I have no idea whether this is happening on your original or not, so you'll have to experiment) into the source monitor and step through one frame at a time, you'll quickly see something odd: after 23 frames, the 24th frame is a repeat of the 23rd! This happens over and over, every second: 23 changing frames followed by one that is the same as the frame immediately preceding it. Now, I can't tell if frames are being dropped, because I have no way of knowing what's missing; you'd have to confirm that by comparing the encoded file to the originals in the timeline as I described previously.
    So, what does this all mean? I really can't say, unfortunately. Something fishy is going on. Did you by any chance accidentally export from the 25p timeline to a 24p destination file? That could have the effect I'm seeing, but then again, maybe not.
    Do a little bit of tinkering with your project and the encodes, and see what you can uncover. I believe it's a simple thing; it's just hard to get to the bottom of it without looking directly at the issue.

  • Plagued by drop frames - Part Deux!  Can you guys help again?

    Ok... I spoke too soon. The drop frame errors are back again! This time, I have documented when and where they happen and some "quirks" that go along with it.
    1 - Problem happens even when RT is in Safe with frame rate and video quality set to low. Video clips have a 3 band color correction and proc amp filter engaged.
    2 - Seems to happen when I add chan 3 and 4 a stereo music track. The track is converted to aiff in itunes and then placed into the capture scratch folder, then imported into a bin and placed on the timeline.
    3 - One way to get the problem to "correct" itself is to click on to the desktop and then click back into FCP. The problem will correct itself but eventually freeze up again.
    4 - As some members will attest, I have tried everything short of a full system restore. The drive media is captured to is a sata 73200 rpm drive (more than half full) that is on the lower "B" bus of the internal. The "a" bus is the OSX operating drive. No media is on it.
    5 - I have trashed prefs, tweaked environmental settings and swung a dead cat at the tower. Same problem is intermittent. Just when I think I have done something that seems to fix the problem, it comes back usually when I add chan 3 and 4.
    6 - I am capturing audio and video in the same file on the same drive. Should it be separated? Should drive be partitioned?
    7 - What about "limit data rate" I heard it isn't needed unless on a network.
    Should I call a priest or what?

    Your configuration doesn't make sense - DV is 720x480 and 29.97 fps. But, having said that, it doesn't matter so much so long as your sequence settings match your clip settings. Or, to put it another way, if you up your settings to High (for Playback Quality) and Full (for Playback Frame Rate), do you get some type of render line? Green? Yellow? Orange?
    After having skimmed through the previous thread you started, you just might be having some type of issue with how the files are (physically) written on your hard drive. The only surefire way to correct that is to copy your media files over to a third drive, use Disk Utility to wipe you media drive (format Mac OS Extended), then copy your media files back over your freshly formatted media drive. (and I know that's not a quick procedure but, hey, it beats throwing your G5 out of a window
    Before you try that though, can you tell us what your real-time audio settings are in your User Preferences?

  • Compressor Quick Time error: 0

    I was sending a sequence from FCP7 to Compressor, but kept getting  Failed Quick  Time error : 0. Went back to the time line in FCP7 tried to render the sequence but it failed too, after sometime I narrowed down the clip with the problem and found there were frames missing or shifting( not sure what they were doing, take a look at the screen shot you can see right at her shoulders a split screen effect) and a few frames latter the audio dropped out. Here are some screen shots of what it looked like. Because it would render the audio I just cut out the effected video and replaced it with some B- roll and it worked.

    no any audio mp3

  • Dropped frames on the timeline... why ??

    Hi everybody,
    This is my first post here... i'm French, so please excuse my english
    I have a little but very annoying problem on Final Cut Pro 7.
    I work with a Canon HV40, HDV 1080 25p.
    The FCP project is set on HDV 1080 25p.
    When i play the imported footage from the browser in the viewer : everything's fine.
    But then, when i take a clip, put it on the timeline, and read it in the canvas, some frames seem to have disappeared. Like 1 or 2 times per second (i haven't really counted), one frame is missing. I have no error message for that, as if it was perfectly normal...
    I read like half the internet to find out about this problem, but no answer seemed good enough for me.
    Some clues to solve the puzzle :
    1/ every other program was shut down.
    2/ the very same frames are missing, every time i play the timeline. So i guess it doesn't seem to be random.
    3/ When i use the left and right arrow keys to play the timeline "frame by frame", i can see that the frames are really missing. My conclusion is that it's not a problem of power, or ram or whatever. The frames really seem to have disappeared. When i export the project, the frames are missing in the created film too.
    4/ Again, playing clips in the browser is absolutely fine. No dropped frames. The problems appear when the clip is on the timeline. Maybe the timeline has properties that i haven't coreectly configured ?
    5/ This is the very first time i use FCP... this means the solution can be very simple (I used to work with Pinnacle Liquid Edition, on PC)
    If anyone has an idea...
    Thank you very much for your help.

    Here are some new elements !
    I decided to hunt every missing frame, and the answer is : one missing frame every 25 frames. Which means 24 frames are normal, 1 is erased, 24 normal, 1 missing, and so on.
    This confirms :
    - it's not a random bug
    - it's related to the number of frames per second
    - I am the one who did something wrong... Final Cut is probably innocent !
    I zoomed on the time line. The timecode goes :
    This would mean 24 frames per second ?!
    I thought i had set everything i could on HDV 1080p25 or 25 fps everytime FCP asked... turns out i was wrong.
    When I click "Sequence", "Settings", i can see Quick Time Compressor is set at "HDV 1080p25", but Timebase says 23,98.
    I guess it could be the problem... do i have to change the Timebase ? How do i do that ?
    Thanks again for your help.

  • Similar to Drop Frames? Is it? Anyone else with this issue?

    I am using a G4 with FCP HD. Lately when I try to export to my DV Deck, 20 minutes in the frame freezes and the audio keeps going. It doesn't give me a dropped frame error, but it seems like a dropped frame. What get's me is that I exported the file to a self contained quick time movie to avoid the drop frame issue yet it's getting choked up anyway. Any suggestions, comments? A fix would be great!

    Potentially a corrupt render? You might try exporting a self contained quicktime and sending that to tape. Having all the media in a single stream can make for better reliability.
    Also, is there a chance that some of the renders were made to the system drive? Are you within 10% of filling the external drive? Could it be some kind of conflict on the FW bus?

  • DVD Studio will not encode my quick time files!!

    Okay, so I know that I can run my files through compressor and make MPEG2's to burn in DVD Studio Pro. But it is just an extra step for what I do because usually we need a quick time file also to post to our website. When I drop any .mov file into DVD Studio it gives me an error while encoding... What can I do? are my codecs wrong? HELP!!!

    Okay, the dimensions on one of my files is 720x480.
    the codec i am using is DV/DVCpro - NTSC, Integer
    (big endian), timecode.
    The frame rate is most likely 29.97 or whatever
    digital video is. It is not 24fps.
    Well, your frame size is OK. Check the frame rate to make absolutely sure it's 29.97 (since you said it's not 24 fps) and not something slightly different.
    Having your disc project set to PAL instead of NTSC shouldn't cause the error, even if you bring in NTSC assets. At least, it didn't cause errors on DVDSP 4 when I tried it just now.

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