Drop ship purchase order creation using Pl/Sql code..

We are creating the purchase order for drop ship orders.
1. Created order with line source as external and then we ran the workflow backround processor which created a requisition for the order, using this requisition we are trying to create a purchase order with autocreate functionality by using PO_INTERFACE_S. Is this the way to create a drop ship po from backend.
Can you please suggest any other way.
Thanks in Advance.

You can customize the workflow such that it creates PO automatically, by selecting the attributes "Is PO Auto Creation Allowed?" to create PO after the requisition is created.
Requisition Import will call PO Create Documents w/f to create PO.
Plz get back to me if any clarification is needed.

Similar Messages

  • ESYU: FAQ - Drop Ship Purchase Orders 2

    RECEIVING: Drop Ship PO's - Release 10.7, 11.0, 11.5.X, r12
    Information in this document applies to any platform.
    Q/A를 통해 Drop Ship Purchase Orders에 대한 이해도를 높인다.
    Q8. Configurable Items은 Drop Shipped 가능한가?
    A8: 현재는 Standard Items 만을 Drop Shipped 할 수 있다.
    Configurable Items를 위한 functionality는 향후 release에 포함될 것이다.
    Q9. Operating Units를 교차하여 Drop Ship을 할 수 있는가?
    A9: Release 11i는 현재 이 functionality는 지원하지 않는다.
    Q10. Drop Shipment에서 over/under shipment는 어떻게 처리하는가?
    A10: 만일 drop-ship line의 일부만 ship 되고 나머지 수량에 대해 fulfill을 원하지 않는다면 line을 cancel 한다.
    Over shipments 또한 manual 하게 처리해야 한다.
    만일 supplier가 ordered quantity 보다 많은 수량을 ship 하였다면, customer에게 추가된 수량만큼
    bill을 할 수 있거나 customer에게 추가 수량을 return 해 달라고 요청 할 수 있다.
    Drop-ship Sales Orders와 이에 연계된 purchase requisition/orders 간의 차이를 보고 싶으면
    Drop Ship Order Discrepancy report를 이용한다.
    Q11. Drop Shipment와 Blanket PO's를 사용할 수 있는가?
    A11: Blanket PO는 Drop Shipment와 같이 사용할 수 없다. 왜냐하면 PO는 OM이 PO에게 Drop Ship order가
    생성되었음을 공지시 생성되어야 하기 때문이다.
    Rececipt이 될때(partial or complete) 이 PO는 Drop Ship order와 link 된다.
    Drop Ship lines은 pick release, ship confirm 혹은 INV interface order cycles을 이용하지 않는다.
    Q12. Valid Blanket PO를 생성시 blanket agreement에 있는 item을 위해 drop shipment orders를 base로 하는
    release를 생성하는 것이 가능한가?
    A12: Yes, drop ship orders로부터 자동 혹은 autocreate window를 통하여 release를 생성하는 것은 가능하다.
    만일 drop ship requisition이 correct blanket information(source)을 가지고 있다면
    1. 요구되는 supplier site에 대한 ASL entry를 setup
    2. Hierachy에 따라 어떤 assigment가 좀 더 알맞은지 결정하고, 요구되는 supplier/site를 가지고 요구되는
    level에 따라 sourcing rule을 정의한다.
    또한 위 supplier/site에 대한 ASL entry가 존재하는지 확인한다.
    Profile option 'PO:Allow Automatic Sourcing' = Yes인 경우 automatic sourcing이 실행되며, creation date와
    document type에 따하 source document가 자동으로 결정될 것이다.
    Q13. Receive 후 Drop Shipment를 cancel 할 수 있는가?
    A13: Oracle Purchasing에 한 번 receipt 한 후에는 Drop Shipment는 cancel 할 수 없다.
    만일 Drop Ship Sales Order line을 cancel 하길 원한다면 cancel을 원하는 line에 대해 receipts은 없는지와
    연계된 requisiton이나 purchase order가 cancel 되어 있는지 확인을 해야 한다.
    Partial Deop Ship receipt에 대한 cancellation은 가능하나 아직 receive 되지 않은 부분에 대해서만 cancel
    할 수 있다.
    만일 모든 수량을 shipped 하지 않은 drop shipment line을 cancel 한다면 order processing은 line을 split 한다.
    첫번째 line은 shipped 한 수량을 포함하고 두 번째 line은 non-shipped 수량을 backorder로 가지며,
    이 두 번째 line(backorder)을 cancel 할 수 있다.
    PO line 수량은 새로운 수량을 반영하기 위해 변경되어져야 한다.
    Q14. Drop Shipment를 위한 debugging tools은 무엇인가?
    A14: 1. Note 133464.1 - Sales Order의 troubleshooting problems을 위해 사용할 있는 diagnostic script를 포함.
    2. Receipt transaction이나 Sales Order issue transaction debugging을 위해 아래 profile options을 set:
    RCV: Processing Mode to Immediate or Batch
    RCV: Debug Mode to Yes
    OM: Debug Level to 5
    INV: Debug Trace to Yes
    INV: Debug level to 10
    TP: INV Transaction processing mode to Background
    - Sys Admin: Concurrent> Program> Define> query up the Receiving Transaction Processor and check the Enable Trace box
    - Deliver Transaction을 위한 receipt을 저장 (Deliver Tranasction을 위한 destination type은 inventory 이어야 함)
    - Receiving Transaction Processor log file, Inventory Transaction Worker log file, trace등을 review
    Q15. Drop Shipment로 부터 생성된 PO의 status와 Import source는 무엇인가?
    A15: PO status는 언제나 approved.
    Import source: Order Entry
    Q16. 관련된 Sales Order Line이 cancelled/closed 된 PO shipment를 receive 할 수 있는가?
    A16: 관련된 Sales Order Line이 cancel 되었거나 closed 되었다면 PO shipment는 receive 할 수 없다.
    이 PO shipment는 cancel 해야 하며, 필요하다면 새로운 Sales Order Line이 생성되어야 한다.
    Note 225434.1

    Hi Suda,
    Yes, the purchase orders are created directly from the sales order, so there should be some sort of link between the two I would think.  However, I may be wrong in this line of thinking.
    The UDF would be on the header as our customer puts an entire sales order on only one purchase order.
    Thank you for your quick response.

  • Error in : Purchase order Creation using BAPI_PO_CREATE1

    Hell  guys,
    I am trying to create a PO using a BAPI - BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    I want the new PO to have all the characteristics of an existing PO. whose PO # is  stored in wa_order_split_create-docnr and for the new PO, i want the quantity from wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd and the delivery data to be wa_order_split_create-dly_date. But this process and code below gives a short dump in the std FM - MEPO_DOC_ITEM_GET . It raises an exception of failure. I am trying to create many new PO's in the loop below. If there is just one row, sometimes, it creates the PO even with the exception failure ( which is pretty weird).
    Am i making any mistake while filling the header or item or schedule lines for the BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ? Any tips or clues why I am getting a dump ?
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    * Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    * Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    * Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    * Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    * Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    * Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa[].
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                        poitem           = i_bpoi[]
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix[]
                        poschedule       = i_bpos[]
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx[].
              i_order = i_new_ebeln .
              SHIFT i_order LEFT DELETING LEADING '0' .
              i_return-errortype = c_char_i .
              i_return-workarea  = c_zsw .
              i_return-message   = '064' .
              i_return-variable1 = i_order .
            loop at i_bapiret2 into i_bapiretn where type ca 'EAX' .
            append i_bapiretn to t_bapi_return .
          endloop .
          if t_bapi_return[] is initial .
             i_create_order = c_char_x .
                        act_return = i_return. "Popup with new PO no.
          ENDCASE .                                     " Docind
        ENDIF .

    Hi Shareen,
    I think in the following parts of the code,
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa[].
    Error in : Purchase order Creation using BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    Posted: Mar 20, 2006 7:39 PM      Reply      E-mail this post 
    Hell guys,
    I am trying to create a PO using a BAPI - BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    I want the new PO to have all the characteristics of an existing PO. whose PO # is stored in wa_order_split_create-docnr and for the new PO, i want the quantity from wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd and the delivery data to be wa_order_split_create-dly_date. But this process and code below gives a short dump in the std FM - MEPO_DOC_ITEM_GET . It raises an exception of failure. I am trying to create many new PO's in the loop below. If there is just one row, sometimes, it creates the PO even with the exception failure ( which is pretty weird).
    Am i making any mistake while filling the header or item or schedule lines for the BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ? Any tips or clues why I am getting a dump ?
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = <b>i_ekpa[].</b>
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                    <b>    poitem           = i_bpoi[]
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix[]
                        poschedule       = i_bpos[]
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx[].</b>
    it should be only i_bpoi, i_bpoix, i_bpos, i_bposx but not  i_bpoi[], i_bpoix[], i_bpos[], i_bposx[].
    CHange the code as follows:
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa.
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                        poitem           = i_bpoi
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix
                        poschedule       = i_bpos
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx.
              i_order = i_new_ebeln .
              SHIFT i_order LEFT DELETING LEADING '0' .
              i_return-errortype = c_char_i .
              i_return-workarea  = c_zsw .
              i_return-message   = '064' .
              i_return-variable1 = i_order .
            loop at i_bapiret2 into i_bapiretn where type ca 'EAX' .
            append i_bapiretn to t_bapi_return .
          endloop .
          if t_bapi_return[] is initial .
             i_create_order = c_char_x .
                        act_return = i_return. "Popup with new PO no.
          ENDCASE .                                     " Docind
        ENDIF .

  • Sales Order to Drop Ship Purchase Order -- Carry Over Ship Method?

    Hi everyone,
         When I create a sales order in B1 using the 99 warehouse, it automatically generates the purchase order once the transaction is billed/invoiced.
    This purchase order does not have the same shipping method as the sales order. I have worked around this in Crystal Reports, but is there a way to have SAP carry over the ship method?

    Hi Chris,
    This may only be done through SDK. There is no standard function to achieve it.



    Hi Gianluca,
    I need to do the same as per the original post and your answers gets me halfway there.  My remaining question is how to get the PO to output the PORDCR messgage on the outbound side (also a SAP system)?  Or do you have to output the PO as an ORDERS message and map that to the PORDCR message in something like XI or other middleware?
    Thanks for the help.

  • Purchase Order creation using Contarct

    The refer the following scenario:
    We have created two company code 1000, 2000; both having diferenet Currency.
    We have created Plant 1000 under Company Code 1000 & Plant 2000 under Company Code 2000
    We want to create only one Purchase Organization 1000
    We want to create one contract for Purchase Organization 1000.
    Using the same Contract, we want to create Purchase Order for two different Plants 1000 & 2000.
    Is is advisable/ possibe to create Purchase Order for two different Plants 1000 & 2000 belonging to two different Company Codes having different Currency using common Purchase Organization?

    Thanks for the reply.
    I have created a Purchasing Org COMM.
    I have not assigned it to any Company Code
    When I am creating a Contract using ME31K, afer entrering Vendor, Agreement Type, Agreement Date, Purch. Organization & Purchasing Group, the System gives a pop-up with the following message:
    The purchasing org. COMM has not been assigned to a CoCode Please enter a company code
    What does it mean?
    As per my thinking, we can create the Contract for one company code, say 1000;
    Down the line, now we want to create Purchase Order for the Plant 2000, which is not assigned to Company Code 1000 --- Will the System allow us to do the same??

  • Purchase Order Creation using BAPI  BAPI_PO_CREATE1.

    Hi All,
    We are trying to create a pruchase order with the below line items.
    Line item            Material         Quantity        Price                 
    10                     MATNR1        1                    53   --> should be 59
    20                     MATNR1        1                    53  --> should be  59
    30                     MATNR1        1                    53  --> should be  59
    40                     MATNR1        1                    53 --> should be   59
    50                     MATNR1        4                    53 --> Correct price based on the quantity 4.
    In the above example as the total quantity is more than 4 ( consolidating the 5 line items ), the price for each line item is picked from the Info record  applying the scaling condition for  quantity 4. Standard SAP will consolidate the quantities based on Service material, Purchase Organization, Vendor and Plant and pick the price based on the scales from Info record.
    The expected out put is.
    Line item            Material         Quantity        Price                 
    10                     MATNR1        1                    59  
    20                     MATNR1        1                    59 
    30                     MATNR1        1                    59 
    40                     MATNR1        1                    59
    50                     MATNR1        4                    53
    Please help us in knowing on how to populate the bapi to get the Expected output.

    Hi All,
    We are trying to create a pruchase order with the below line items.
    Line item            Material         Quantity        Price                 
    10                     MATNR1        1                    53   --> should be 59
    20                     MATNR1        1                    53  --> should be  59
    30                     MATNR1        1                    53  --> should be  59
    40                     MATNR1        1                    53 --> should be   59
    50                     MATNR1        4                    53 --> Correct price based on the quantity 4.
    In the above example as the total quantity is more than 4 ( consolidating the 5 line items ), the price for each line item is picked from the Info record  applying the scaling condition for  quantity 4. Standard SAP will consolidate the quantities based on Service material, Purchase Organization, Vendor and Plant and pick the price based on the scales from Info record.
    The expected out put is.
    Line item            Material         Quantity        Price                 
    10                     MATNR1        1                    59  
    20                     MATNR1        1                    59 
    30                     MATNR1        1                    59 
    40                     MATNR1        1                    59
    50                     MATNR1        4                    53
    Please help us in knowing on how to populate the bapi to get the Expected output.

  • Regarding purchase order creation using me21n

    I want to set default values for Purch. Org for a document type PO:Service-FREIGHT in me21n transsaction.
    which userexit or badi can be used for this?
    When a document type PO:Service-FREIGHT  is entered, Purch. Org should have deafualt value set automatically..
    Through 'Personal Settings' it is possible but it applies for all document type..& I need it for dot tytpe
    PO:Service-FREIGHT  .
    Thanks in advance...

    Go to me21n transaction.
    click on personal setting icon.
    Once that is done -select default balues tab.
    And you can save the settings here.
    Check out this link:

  • Keep Original Position Numbers in Purchase Order Creation

    Hi community, i'm trying to solve the following problem in purchase order creation using BAPI_PO_CREATE1:
    I'm loading a file with several order numbers and positions to be created in R/3. This file has a structure similar to:
    The purchase order is created successfully, but i need to keep original position numbers in the order. i.e:
    Supposing this input file:
    the positions in purchase order are created as
    But i need positions to be created as:
    Any ideas?????
    Thanks you for your cooperation

    Hi Leonardo,
       I doubt if that is possible.
    You can have the configuration set up to set the Item Number Interval to  step size like 5,10,15 etc,
    based on this value, your line item number will be
    to set this value, you should go to SPRO.
    Material Management->Purchase Order->Define Document Types
    Ravi Kanth Talagana

  • Getting errors when iam using  BAPI_PO_CREATE1 for Purchase Order creation

    Hi sap Gurus,
      I am getting Errors when iam using  BAPI_PO_CREATE1 for Purchase Order creation that Material (144) does not exist but it is alreardy maintained in MM01.
    I dont get how it is coming.and what are the mandatory fields in bapi BAPI_PO_CREATE1 in item level .that is too material only.
    pls let me know .
    thanks in advance.

    Check the sample code..
    report  zpo_test             .
    constants : c_x value 'X'.
    *Structures to hold PO header data
    data : header like bapimepoheader ,
    headerx like bapimepoheaderx .
    *Structures to hold PO account data
    data : account like bapimepoaccount occurs 0 with header line ,
    accountx like bapimepoaccountx occurs 0 with header line .
    *Internal Tables to hold PO ITEM DATA
    data : item like bapimepoitem occurs 0 with header line,
    itemx like bapimepoitemx occurs 0 with header line,
    *Internal table to hold messages from BAPI call
    return like bapiret2 occurs 0 with header line,
    *Internal table to hold messages from BAPI call
    pocontractlimits like bapiesucc occurs 0 with header line.
    data : w_header(40) value 'PO Header',
    purchaseorder like bapimepoheader-po_number,
    delivery_date like bapimeposchedule-delivery_date.
    data : ws_langu like sy-langu.
    *text-001 = 'PO Header' - define as text element
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
    parameters : company like header-comp_code default '122' ,
    doctyp like header-doc_type default 'NB' ,
    cdate like header-creat_date default sy-datum ,
    vendor like header-vendor default '2000000012' ,
    pur_org like header-purch_org default 'PU01' ,
    pur_grp like header-pur_group default '005' .
    *sociedad like HEADER-COMP_CODE default '122' ,
    *vendedor like HEADER-SALES_PERS default 'sale person'.
    selection-screen end of block b1.
    selection-screen begin of block b2 with frame title text-002.
    parameters : item_num like item-po_item default '00010',
    material like item-material default '12000000' ,
    tipo_imp like item-acctasscat default 'K' ,
    *pos_doc like ITEM-ITEM_CAT default 'F' ,
    shorttxt like item-short_text default 'PRUEBA BAPI' ,
    grup_art like item-matl_group default '817230000' ,
    plant like item-plant default '3001' ,
    mpe like item-trackingno default '9999' ,
    *contrato like ITEM-AGREEMENT default '4904000003' ,
    *quantity like ITEM-QUANTITY default 1 .
    po_unit like item-po_unit default 'EA'.
    selection-screen end of block b2.
    Par?mnetros de imputaci?n
    selection-screen begin of block b3 with frame title text-004.
    parameters : centro like account-costcenter default '1220813150',
    cuenta like account-gl_account default '6631400' ,
    num_pos like account-po_item default '10' ,
    serial like account-serial_no default '01' ,
    ind_imp like account-tax_code default 'I2' .
    selection-screen end of block b3.
      ws_langu = sy-langu. "Language variable
    *HEADER-COMP_CODE = sociedad .
      header-doc_type = doctyp .
      header-vendor = vendor .
      header-creat_date = cdate .
      header-created_by = 'TD17191' .
      header-purch_org = pur_org .
      header-pur_group = pur_grp .
      header-comp_code = company .
      header-langu = ws_langu .
    *HEADER-SALES_PERS = vendedor .
    *HEADER-PMNTTRMS = 'N30' .
      headerx-comp_code = c_x.
      headerx-doc_type = c_x.
      headerx-vendor = c_x.
      headerx-creat_date = c_x.
      headerx-created_by = c_x.
      headerx-purch_org = c_x.
      headerx-pur_group = c_x.
      headerx-langu = c_x.
    *HEADERX-sales_pers = c_x.
    *HEADER-EXCH_RATE = c_x.
    *HEADER-EXCH_RATE = c_x.
      item-po_item = item_num.
      item-quantity = '1'.
    *ITEM-MATERIAL = material .
      item-short_text = 'prueba bapi_po_create1'.
    *ITEM-TAX_CODE = ''.
      item-acctasscat = 'K' .
    *ITEM-ITEM_CAT = 'D' .
      item-matl_group = '817230000' .
      item-plant = '3001' .
      item-trackingno = '99999'.
      item-preq_name = 'test'.
    *ITEM-AGREEMENT = '' .
    *ITEM-AGMT_ITEM = ''.
      item-quantity = '1' .
      item-po_unit = 'EA'.
      item-conv_num1 = '1'.
      item-conv_den1 = '1'.
      item-net_price = '1000000' .
      item-price_unit = '1'.
      item-gr_pr_time = '0'.
      item-prnt_price = 'X'.
      item-unlimited_dlv = 'X'.
      item-gr_ind = 'X' .
      item-ir_ind = 'X' .
      item-gr_basediv = 'X'.
    *ITEM-PCKG_NO = '' .
      append item. clear item.
      itemx-po_item = item_num.
      itemx-po_itemx = c_x.
      itemx-short_text = c_x.
      itemx-quantity = c_x.
      itemx-acctasscat = c_x.
    *ITEMX-ITEM_CAT = c_x.
      itemx-matl_group = c_x.
      itemx-plant = c_x.
      itemx-trackingno = c_x.
      itemx-preq_name = c_x.
    *ITEMX-AGMT_ITEM = c_x.
      itemx-stge_loc = c_x.
      itemx-quantity = c_x.
      itemx-po_unit = c_x.
      itemx-conv_num1 = c_x.
      itemx-conv_den1 = c_x.
      itemx-net_price = c_x.
      itemx-price_unit = c_x.
      itemx-gr_pr_time = c_x.
      itemx-prnt_price = c_x.
      itemx-unlimited_dlv = c_x.
      itemx-gr_ind = c_x .
      itemx-ir_ind = c_x .
      itemx-gr_basediv = c_x .
      append itemx. clear itemx.
      account-po_item = item_num.
      account-serial_no = serial .
      account-creat_date = sy-datum .
      account-costcenter = centro .
      account-gl_account = cuenta .
      account-gr_rcpt = 'tester'.
      append account. clear account.
      accountx-po_item = item_num .
      accountx-po_itemx = c_x .
      accountx-serial_no = serial .
      accountx-serial_nox = c_x .
      accountx-creat_date = c_x .
      accountx-costcenter = c_x .
      accountx-gl_account = c_x .
      account-gr_rcpt = c_x.
      append accountx. clear accountx.
      call function 'DIALOG_SET_NO_DIALOG'.
      call function 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1'
          poheader         = header
          poheaderx        = headerx
          exppurchaseorder = purchaseorder
          return           = return
          poitem           = item
          poitemx          = itemx
          poaccount        = account
          poaccountx       = accountx.
    *Confirm the document creation by calling database COMMIT
      call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'
      wait = 'X'
    RETURN =
    *Output the messages returned from BAPI call
      loop at return.
        write / return-message.

  • Purchase Order for Drop ship sales order

    We are on version SAP ECC6
    We are having issues with the delivery address of a drop ship sales order getting copied correctly into the Purchase Order/purchase requisition.
    The sales order is an sd and as the sales order is created on the partner section as they attach the ship to partner, they may add a phone number or a minor "tweek" to the customer ship to.  When this gets converted to the po, the customer number (CMMDA-KUNNR) is not the ship to address it is reading but (CMMDA-ADRN2). 
    When the PO prints, the ship to address section is missing, it is blank and it seems to be the difference in the two fields.
    I am interested to see how to resolve this issue as well as to understand the cause for populating the po as it does.
    I appreciate your assistance on this.
    Wanda Thivierge

    The PO automatically gets the ship-to's  address as delivery address.
    with central address managment active (since 46c) SAP stores the addres in ADRC table, the address in customer master (KNA1) itself is just short duplicate. However, KNA1 table has the field ADRNR which is the link to the ADRC table.
    Problems in print forms are usually caused by the programmers who changed the form to make it company specific. They often change the logic of standard SAP given forms and programs.
    So I recommend to check with the programmer to print the correct ship-to adress.


    Hi all,
    I want to know the tables used in purchase order creation header line.
    Those which are refereed by structure mepo_topline
    MEPO_TOPLINE-ebeln etc.....
    Looking forward to hear from you all.

    you can check in the include : MM06EFTO Form routine
    FORM mepo_get_topline USING ex_topline LIKE mepo_topline
    Its referring   MOVE-CORRESPONDING ekko TO ex_topline.
    so it is EKKO table.
    sometimes it refers to EKBE table also.
    Please reward points if helpful..

  • Purchase Order Creation from ME5A Report

    Hi experts,
    My client wants Purchase Order Creation from ME5A Report.
    He wants show Open Purchase Requisition through ME5A report then he will select Purchase Requisition Number or line item for po creation from there only.
    Please advice how I can map this process in sap.
    Thanks in advance,

    Why don't you use ME57 to display open PRs and then assign sources and convert them to PO?
    Or use ME57 to assign sources and ME59 to automatically convert them to PO.
    You can create your very own format for report display using  custom "Scope Of List" for ME57.
    Look in SPRO under Purchasing>Reporting>Maintain Purchase requisition lists.

  • Purchase order creation - Account assignment group C (Sales Order)

    Hello Gurus
      During the purchase order creation in Me21N, account assignment category C (sales order) is available. In which scenario we will use it. When I assign C system is asking for a GL account. Why system needs a GL account, and how the posting will be at the time of goods receipt. Thanks for your help in advance.

    Creation of Purchase Order with t.code: ME21N  with account assignment category C (sales order) is used for Time and Material Expenses with third party scenario and you need to enter sales order number and respective G/L account . In this scenario 1st a  sales order is created with a material( material created DIEN material type) & then purchase order created with respect to sales order.
    Here you provide service to your customer and this service you procure from your vendor, you just play middle role  for providing and getting service.Standard DIEN material type designed for Sales usage only, so you create sales order  for service material.Service master is used to get service from vendor with item category D with proper account assignment category as C
    Material type DIEN is used for when you offer "SERVICE" to your customer.( The steps are (VA01,VF01,VF04,F-28), If u used HR module( you can used with sales order with t.codes are: CAT2,CATS_APPR_LITE,CAT7,PR05,PRRW,PRFI)
    Service Master records(AC01)ESM is used when you procure "SERVICE" from your vendor.( Steps are: ME21N with Item Cat. "D" with Acc. ***. Cat. "C", ML81N,MIRO & F-53).
    Biju K

  • Document is in transfer for purchase order.Creation not possible

    Dear All,
    We did partial confirmation in EBP and later when trying to do confiramtion for the remaining quantiy getting the message"document is in transfer for purchase order.Creation not possible"
    We are taking this problem in production as well as in quality systems also.
    What are possible reason and how to solve it.
    kindly share your views.
    Thank you.

    Hi yshu,
    use tcode bd87 in SRM to check for failed confirmation IDOC (type MBGMCR).
    The double click the status record to see the exact cause of the failure.
    Rectify the error. Then try to execute the IDOC from BD87 tcode.
    For a few errors you may not be able to execute the IDOC but to create a new confirmation in SRM. In such cases, follow the below procedure..
    There should be an entry for the confirmation in the transfer table BBP_DOCUMENT_TAB in SRM. Display the details.
    Then run FM "BBP_DELETE_FROM_DOCUMENT_TAB" to delete the entry from the doc tab table.
    Then post a new confirmation in SRM.
    There is also a FM in SRM using which you can change the status of thefailed IDOC from 51 to 68 or 31.

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