Dropdown's Selection to Affect/innactivate Other Fields in Adobe LiveCycle

Hi. I have a table where each line is an entry. The first field of the line is a dropdown selection. I would need this to work where if I select nothing, the rest of the fields on the line are innactive, or read only, or when I select some options from the dropdown some fields become active. Also there are more dropdown fields on the line. They should only allow to be selected certain options from the list depending on the selection of the 1st field.
There are also 2 numeric fields who do some calculations, both do the same thing, however, for example, selection A in the 1st field involves tracking total TimeTotal1 in NumericField1 and selection B in the 1st field involves tracking total NumericField2. In other words, when selecting A, the calculation will be dispayed in NumericField1 while NumericField2 is not displaying anything, and if selecting B, the calculation will be dispayed in NumericField2 while NumericField1 is not displaying anything.
Any help would be great. I am not good at all with any Javascript coding... Thank you!

In the exit event of the DropDown write th efollowing script.
if (this.rawValue == null)
          Field1.access = "readOnly"; // Those fields which shall remain inactive.
          Field2.access = "readOnly";
          DropDownList2.access = "readOnly";
          Field1.access = "open"; // Those fields which shall remain active. 
          Field2.access = "open";
          DropDownList2.access = "open";
          DropDownList2.addItem('A'); // Those specific items that need to be populated in the 2nd DropDown.
if(DrowpDownList.rawValue == 'A')
          Field1.rawValue == "That Value you want to display";
            Field2.rawValue == "That Value you want to display";  

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    Make sure the format of the date strings provided by the calendar is what you are expecting. Or use the "formattedValue" for the input strings.

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    I would look at using the setItems Acrobat JavaScript method.
    Have you considered using  a Mouse Up action for "Game 1" and "Game 2" to fill "Game 9"

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    Make sure the format of the date strings provided by the calendar is what you are expecting. Or use the "formattedValue" for the input strings.

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    Do you have Excel Services? if so, this article may be of use to you:
    You can configure an excel workbook to validate if a date is a working day and then use formulas to workout the working date for 5 days after the date you enter, then link your InfoPath form to connect to the excel workbook and return the result of your
    Sergio Giusti
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    Thanks & Regards,

    This is what I did following Michael's suggestion and it works fine :-
    1> Created a dynamic LOV named LOV_EMPNO as:-
    select empno,empno from scott.emp
    2> Started creating a form named FORM024_EMP2 on scott.emp.
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    4> Click next and goto the Additional PL/SQL section and I wrote the following code in
    "...after displaying the page" area.
    (You can write this either in
    before displaying the page,
    before displaying the form,
    after displaying the form,
    after displaying the page).
    type tvcarr is table of varchar2(2000) index by binary_integer;
    l_empno_arr tvcarr;
    l_ename_arr tvcarr;
    l_sal_arr tvcarr;
    select empno,ename,sal
    bulk collect into
    from scott.emp;
    var empdets = new Array();
    empdets[0] = new Array("","");
    for i in 1..l_empno_arr.count
    htp.p('empdets['||l_empno_arr(i)||'] = new Array("'||l_ename_arr(i)||'","'||l_sal_arr(i)||'");');
    end loop;
    function popdetails(ele)
    var val = new Number();
    var thisform = ele.form;
    val = parseInt(ele.value);
    if (isNaN(val))
    val = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < thisform.length; i++){
    if (thisform.name == "FORM024_EMP2.DEFAULT.ENAME.01")
    thisform[i].value = empdets[val][0];
    else if(thisform[i].name == "FORM024_EMP2.DEFAULT.SAL.01")
    thisform[i].value = empdets[val][1];

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    Yes you can do this at infoPackage level using the ABAP routine.
    First read the Active Table of the DSO into internal table and do a lookup for the required four fields combination.
    If these four field are new allow the material number.
    Refer the below link for more help.

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    Try This
    Bind "enable" properties of Both DD1 and DD2 to
    context attributes of type boolean. DD1Enable,DD2Enable
    1: set their value to false intially 
      Bind the selected property of the table to a
      Context attribute of type boolean(Initially false), say "selected"
    2: Then use check box in the table to get current lead selection
      write in "onToggle" action  of checkBox
    int len=wdContext.nodeTable().size();
    for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
    This is how u get leadselection and able to change particular row in the table

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    Sounds like you are having issues with Acrobat and not FormsCentral. You would get a better help if you post your question on the Acrobat's forum

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    returns 1400 rows;
    The problem is that I need the DESCRIPTION and TOPIC columns of the 1400 distinct rows.
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    Could anybody give me some help?
    pd: Don´t ask why the table has been designed in that way... I'm trying to fix that ¬¬
    Edited by: user6483610 on Sep 1, 2010 6:29 PM

    @Raj Mareddi: I have tried that aproach and it gives the ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
    @PhoenixBai: You put me to think... jajaja i haven't think about it, actually there are more distinct values if I put the DESCRIPTION and TOPIC values in the query and yes I was hoping that the query choose for me... So I think that theres no way, the quality of the data is really bad and I have to deal with it. Thanks anyway!
    By oher hand theres no way to do this thing in Oracle? the aproach of Raj makes sense but the ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression says that you must remove the other columns that are not in the group by function.

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    Hi Peter,
    Numbers sorts full rows on values in selected column(s). The technique for sorting a single column is essentially the same as Jerry is describing for Pages tables—separate the (data in the) column to be sorted, sort it, return it to the table.
    In Numbers the actual column may be separated from the original table, sorted, then returned. In Pages, the data must be extracted, sorted, then pasted back in, overwriting the unsorted data (if it was left in the original table).
    iWork tables follow a database model in which each row is a Record, and each column holds a Field within the records.
    As evidenced by the current question (and several similar questions arising in the Numbers community) that model doesn't apply to the way some users, especially some who come in from the MS Excel world, use tables.
    With Excels model—islands of data on a single large table, the ability to sort one or a selected few columns of data makes sense. One 'island' may comprise only cells AA21:AH50. Sorting that small 'table' should be possible without disturbing the rest of rows 21-30, which are probably part of one or more other 'data islands' in the sea that is a MS Excel spreadsheet.
    In Numbers, each of those 'islands' would be a separate Table, and that Table would be sortable without disturbing other Tables in the document.

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    BTW, in SharePoint 2010, it can support this issue no matter what the "Allow multiple selections" option the request is.
    Any help would be great!

    Hi Jodie,
    Can you please give this as a try.
    To fix the Filter Issue on Assigned To Column. We need to run the following scripts.
    The field which allows more than one values or which allows multiple selections. The multi-valued fileds are non-sortable,
    non-filterable. Multi-valued fields cannot be indexed
    $list=$web.Lists[] $field=$list.Fields[ColumnName] $strSchema=$field.SchemaXml $str=Schema$strSchema.Replace("Sortable=`"FALSE`"","Sortable=`"true`"")
    $field.SchemaXml = $strSchema
    Krishana Kumar http://www.mosstechnet-kk.com
    Thanks for your reply, I have tried to run the scripts, but it still cannot work. The following is my scripts:
    $web=Get-SPWeb 'http://cst-server-01'
    $list=$.web.Lists["Product Request"]
    $str=Schema$strSchema.Replace("Sortable='"FALSE'"", "Sortable='"True'"")
    $field.SchemaXml = $strSchema

  • Fill DDL based on other field values in offline interactive adobe form

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    Note: I read many blogs and posts in SDN , but couldn get much info ab the same, so posting a new thread.
    Thank you.

    Hi Soumya,
    It is possible but a little bit tough and will make your form heavier.
    The solution is advisable only when there is not very much data required for the drop down(May be not more than 500 values as it will create performance issue).
    You can create a hidden table on the form contaning data for all the combinations. Depending on the selection of another 3 fields you can write the code to select only those values from this hidden table which are applicable to that selection. These values you can add to the drop down list removing the previous values.
    Only you have to do is on calculate or vlaidate event of target DDL you have to write your code.
    1. Clear your DDL using deleteItem() method.
    2. Loop at your hidden table.
    3. Inside the loop check for applicable entries depending on selection in other 3 fields.
    4. Select the appropriate vlaues
    5. Add using additem method().
    Refer formCalc or JavaScript help for the appropriate code.
    Hope this will be helpfull.

  • Dropdown in select options

    Hi experts,
    Can a dropdown be displayed in a select option.
    att type:   awart- low    awart-high
    Can this awart-low and awart-high have a dropdown to select data instead of a search help.
    Because when I tried to create a select option and added
    wd_this->m_select_options->add_selection_field( i_id = 'FIELD'
      it_result = lr_range_table
      i_as_dropdown  = abap_true
      it_value_set   = lt_value_set ).
    It displays like a parameter  eg:   aat type  dropdown box
    Can you please help

    Yes - drop-down always renders as a single field not a range.
    you can see the code concerning this in method RENDER_SELECTION_SCREEN_ITEM of class CL_WDR_SELECT_OPTIONS.
         elseif i_field-m_as_dropdown = abap_true.
    *       do the dropdown case
    *       => add something to skip the sign option icon space
            prefix_id mc_invisible_element_id i_field-m_id id.
            lr_invisible_element = cl_wd_invisible_element=>new_invisible_element(
                                     id = id view = lr_cur_container->view ).
            lr_matrix_data = cl_wd_matrix_data=>new_matrix_data( element = lr_invisible_element ).
            lr_invisible_element->set_layout_data( lr_matrix_data ).
            lr_cur_container->add_child( lr_invisible_element ).
    *       => add the dropdown as dropdownbykey
            prefix_id mc_dropdown_id i_field-m_id id.
            concatenate i_field-m_id '.LOW' into path.
            lr_dropdown = cl_wd_dropdown_by_key=>new_dropdown_by_key(
                            id                = id
                            bind_selected_key = path
                            read_only         = i_field-m_read_only
                            state             = state
                            explanation       = i_field-m_explanation
                            tooltip         = i_field-m_tooltip
                            view              = lr_cur_container->view ).
            lr_label_low->set_label_for( id ).
            lr_matrix_data = cl_wd_matrix_data=>new_matrix_data( element = lr_dropdown ).
            lr_dropdown->set_layout_data( lr_matrix_data ).
            lr_cur_container->add_child( lr_dropdown ).
    Just one field and no option for any second 'HIGH' field.

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