DSLR Chroma Keying? Basic Question.

Hi, I am using a Nikon DSLR (D3300) to shoot green screen videos and keying in After Effects / Keylight. So far it looks great but I have heard that it's even better to bypass the SD card and key live?
Is there a way to just attach my camera to the laptop and save my video to that instead of having it compressed onto the SD? Just not sure.

You're right: DSLR's compress the snot out of video, and you'll get a better-looking key if you can sidestep going to the card.  But can YOUR camera go to an external recording device?  I'd ask on the Premiere Pro forum -- those guys may have more experience with it.
Or you can ask on the Creative COW's DSLR forum: they'd definitely be able to help.  It depends on the individual camera whether it's even possible.
Now, you CAN pull an acceptable key using DSLR footage.  But a really great-looking key?  Nope.

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    The obstacle you'll face in buying such a color from Lowes or Home Depot will be the base used to create such a color. these stores use deep tone or accent bases.
    Chroma Key paint itself is made by grinding the pigments into the paint.
    The problem with using paints created with deep or accent bases are :
    1st) very poor coverage ,
    since the pigment is added rather than ground into the coating the spread rate drops drastically, in short depending on the number of square feet your wanting to paint, you very well could end up spending more simply cause you'll need more paint.
    2nd) Point sheen level.
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    ummmm, not likely.
    You should have a VERY even spread of light across the chroma background, plus a good backlight to seperate your subject from the background as well as good front light on your subject.
    Flourescent bulbs are great for even spread, but you should really try to get bulbs balanced for tunsten or daylight. There are filters/gels that can be used with consumer florescents, but even then you may get some tinting of your color spectrum.
    Have you ever shot chroma? If you do not shoot it properly, you'll have nightmares in post.
    You can place your lights above the camera line for talent, above the talent for chroma and above the chroma back at talent...(These can be more directional so you don't flare out your lens)
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    Keylight is a fabulous chromakeyer, for sure. You're going to be shooting and posting the same way. You will just get a remarkably superior key source from the retroreflective screen. It's really coo from the demos I've seen, absolutely solid, even, and clean. But I need to say once again, I have no personal experience with the units. I have seen them demo'd at NAB, very fun. No one in my market are has one.
    From what i can read it just talks about live keying, which i wont be doing. I want to film it take it away and edit it in my Mac. < </div>
    Live keying with Reflec's tools is a major selling point for them at conferences but obviously you need a live processing system which the Macintosh does not offer out of the box.

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    Acer Aspire 5745
    Processor         Intel i3 CPU M350 @2.27GHz
    Memory            4.00 GB ( 3.68)
    System               64-bit
    Running on Windows 7 Home Premium
    Is it a reasonable request to ask for something better?

    First, welcome to AE. 
    Most people here think of using the software as journey, and not something that can be totally mastered.  That's an important differentiation from most applications, no? 
    Another important differentiation: knowing the basics is the key to doing the impressive-looking stuff in AE.  There is a formidable number of little details to learn at the beginning which will relieve dead ends and frustration later.  If you start at the beginning, you actually progress faster later on.  Here's a good starting point:
    Don't overlook the links within; they're valuable.  Other good learning resources can be found at videocopilot.net (free), plus Total Training ($$$).
    To answer your question directly, I'd say yes:  it IS reasonable to ask for something better.  AE is a RAM hog, and in AE-Land, 4 gigs is almost nothing.  If you must have a laptop, make sure it's filled up with memory.  Serious AE power users would advise forsaking laptops altogether and going with a desktop machine.
    To ease your task in the interim, I would do a few things:
    Got multiprocessing (aka Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously) turned on?  Turn it off and keep it off.
    Got Open GL turned on to accelerate rendering?  Turn it off and leave it off.
    Got any footage in a project from a consumer camera, XDCam, HDV cam, helmet-cam or DSLR?  Use a different application than AE to convert them into LOSSLESS footage.  The files will be huge; that's life in AE-Land.

  • Basic questions on data modeling

    Hi experts,
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    4) Is it possible to change the main table to a sub table later on if we realize that it has also to be used as a lookup table for another table (when extending the data model) or do we have to create a new repository from scratch?
    Thank you for your answers.
    Regards, bd

    Yes you are correct. It is almost difficult to map relational database to mdm one. But again MDM is not 'just' a database. It holds much more 'master' information as compared to any relational db.
    1) Is it the right approach to model n:m relationships with multivalued lookup fields? E.g. main table Users with lookup field from subtable SapAccounts (a user can have accounts in different SAP systems, that means more than one account).
    Yes Here you need to use MV look up tables or can also try Qualifier tables if it gets more complex
    2) Has a record always be unique in MDM repositories (e.g. should we use Auto ID's in every table or do we have to mark a combination of fields as unique)? Is a composite key of 2 or more fields represented with marking these fields as unique?
    Concept of uniqueness differs here that you also have something called Display Fields (DF). A combination of DF can also be treated as Unique one. For instance while importing records if you select these DF as a combination, you will eliminate any possible of duplicates based on this combination. Auto Id is one of the ways to have a unique id once record is within MDM. While you use UF or DF to eliminate any possible duplicates at import level
    3) The concept of relationships in MDM is only based on relationships between single records (not valid for all records in a table)? Is it necessary to define all relationships similar to the relational data model in MDM? Is there something similar to referential integrity in MDM?
    Hmm... good one. Referencial Integrity. What I assume you are talking is that if you have relationships between tables then removing a record will not be possible as it is a foreign key for some record. Here MDM does not allow that. As Relationships within MDM are physical and not conceptual. For instance material can have components. Now if material does not exist then any relationship to components is not worthwile to maintain. Hence relationshsip is eliminated.  While in relational model relationships are more conceptual. Hence with MDM usage of lookups and main table you do not need to maintain these kind of relationships on your own.
    4) Is it possible to change the main table to a sub table later on if we realize that it has also to be used as a lookup table for another table (when extending the data model) or do we have to create a new repository from scratch?
    No. It is not possible to convert main table. There is only one main table and it cannot be changed.
    I went for the same option but it did not work. What I suggest is to look up your legacy system one by one and see what fields in general can be classified as Master, Reference, Transactional - You will start getting answers immediately.

  • Color correction and "sudo-chroma keying"-can they be done?

    So I just wrapped my cousin's wedding, but the ceremony and reception were both held in a bar, which made for less than optimal conditions. Besides the prolific dim lighting, there were neon signs, specifically Miller and Bud Light. Those signs were both blue, so if I put on my outdoor color corrector, the video looked nice, but then if I panned, the regular ambient lighting looked off. If I applied my indoor color corrector for the ambient lighting, it looked good, but as I got close to the neons, it again looked bad. My question is, can I keyframe the 3-Way Color Corrector so that when I'm by the neons, it's as good or the same coloring as when I'm looking everywhere else?
    My second issue came during the vows. Being a bar, there was a Budweiser sign on the wall, and it was paper and had just gone up, so it couldn't come down. I knew I was gonna be framing that perfectly, and unfortunately I was. However, the sign has a nice white boarder to it, so my initial and current thought is to chroma key it out and replace it with something like "Congratulations." I wasn't using a tripod, so the image moves slightly and there's 2 people in front of it, the bride and the groom respectively. Would it be easy to chroma out the white boarder which then would give me some space to matte the rest out. But what about around the people? How good of a matte could I do there? I'm thinking of something like the Magic Wand tool from Photoshop, but FCP doesn't have that. The sequence is only ~5 minutes, so not that long, but what would make it easier on me?
    I don't have FCS2 yet, but if all goes according to plan, I'll be wiping my system on monday, installing Leopard, and going to FCS2 which means I could smoothecam that clip, so then my matting would be easier. In theory, I also will have Color at my disposal, but from the time I played with it at an Apple Store, it's too much for me, at least at this stage of the game. This wedding was done on the cheap, hence why I'm doing the video for them, so if I need to leave the color as-is, and the Budweiser sign in, so be it, but I'd really like to make this the best that I can, and neither of these experiments have I had much of any really experience with, so the more the merrier.
    As always, any thoughts or help is much appreciated,

    +>can I keyframe the 3-Way Color Corrector so that when I'm by the neons, it's as good or the same coloring as when I'm looking everywhere else?+
    good news, yes you can keyframe all the color corrector filters and it should work handily for your situation
    +>I'm thinking of something like the Magic Wand tool from Photoshop, but FCP doesn't have that.+
    try these, might be just what you need: http://www.lyric.com/fcp-plugins/lyric-effects/index.html
    +>The sequence is only ~5 minutes, so not that long, but what would make it easier on me?+
    your Brother got married in a bar under a Budweiser sign Brian, I'm guessing he won't mind having his wedding video reflect the reality of the surroundings, so why fake it? ... easiest on you would be to leave it as it is 'cos theres nothing worse than a dodgy effect.
    hope that helps

  • Basic questions about the CM handling of Photoshop

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    Let's assume my monitor is calibrated and its profile loaded in OSX's monitor preference panel. Let's further assume I'm working strictly in RGB.
    Is the following correct:
    • When I open a picture which has an embedded profile, then Photoshop first calculates the "true" values from the embedded profile (whatever this means) and from this point the screen representation based on the profile which I defined in the system pref pane. So the screen representation remains always the same, regardless of the embedded profile (besides some possible conversion artefacts, especially on the edges of the colour space).
    • The same holds true in the opposite direction, so when I work on that picture on screen, then no matter which RGB space I pick as my working space, the result will always be exactly the same (except those aforementioned artefacts).
    • Hence it doesn't matter which RGB colour space I choose as my working space, it could be sRGB, Adobe RGB, "my own wild profile", whatever, the results are always the same. Of course the RGB values will differ, but this will be compensated by the embedded profile.
    • Yet the theoretically best working space is the colour space of my monitor, because this minimizes possible artefacts.
    • When I "convert" the picture from one profile into an other, then not only that new profile is assigned and embedded, but also the RGB values are recalculated accordingly, so that the result will remain the same. For example, I could first "convert" a picture from the camera space to my monitor space, then work on it, and finally "convert" it to sRGB before uploading it to a web site.
    • When I "assign" a new profile, then a new profile is simply assigned and embedded but the RGB values are not adjusted. So the RGB values remain the same, but because a different profile is embedded, the picture will actually be changed. Since Photoshop will recalculate the screen representation based on that new profile (and the monitor profile), I will see this change on the screen. (This action doesn't make much sense, except maybe to simulate the possible outcome on a system which misinterprets the profile, e.g. assumes sRGB.)
    • And finally, when I leave the picture untouched but change the monitor profile in the system pref pane, then of course the picture will not change, but its screen representation will change, because Photoshop uses that profile to calculate the screen representation. (This action makes even less sense, of course.)
    Have I understood? Then I have two final questions:
    • When I open a RGB file without any profile in it, what does Photoshop assume? How does it calculate the screen display?  What does it do if I "convert" such a picture or "assign" a profile?
    • If I select in the colour settings as working color space the monitor space, then the colour managment rule for RGB changes to "Colour management off" and can't be changed to a different value. I don't understand this.
    Thanks for your patience.

    • Yet the theoretically best working space is the colour space of my monitor, because this minimizes possible artefacts.
    (Edit: Any one screen usually has to be considered incidental, changing and transient and is not the target-medium, so it makes little sense to work based on its specific limitations.)
    • When I open a RGB file without any profile in it, what does Photoshop assume? How does it calculate the screen display? What does it do if I "convert" such a picture or "assign" a profile?
    If one opens an unprofiled file, Photoshop treats it as if it had the profile selected under RGB-Working-Space embedded and calculates display and conversion on that basis.
    (Edit: And that’s the danger of unprofiled files – they would look different if someone edited them who used a different Working Space.)
    Assigning such a file a profile is no different from assigning a profiled image a different profile – the RGB-values remain unchanged, the »key« for interpreting them changes and subsequently it will be displayed differently.


    I have some basic questions regarding Oracle XMLDB's features.
    Is there a special JOIN clause that can be used in Oracle XMLDB?
    Can we create partitions in a set of records that are all based on the same DTD? How do we query records from a particular partition?
    Is it possible to query records with synonyms of words present in the documents (some sort of a dictionary feature)?
    Is it possible to query records based on the hierarchical directory structure using which the documents have been stored? i.e. can we query all documents that are stored in a specific path (including/excluding subdirectories)?
    Can we select a particular field within the XML document to be the primary key? Can the documents be indexed based on this field?
    What is the general performance of XMLDB like? For a database of the order of say 50-100 million XML records, would the performance be better with oracle XMLDB or with oracle RDBMS + some XML-RDB mapping tool?
    It would be good if any one could help me out.
    Waiting for earlier response

    Please review the Oracle XML DB basic demo, it will answer some of your questions.
    To answer some of your questions.
    XML DB is architected to work with documents that are based on an XML SChema rather than a DTD...
    If you documents are not based on a schema you will need to store them as CLOB Based XMLtype. At this point you will be better off storing then in a relational table with an XMLType column, rather than an XMLType table. You can add other columns to this table for partioning purposes...
    You can query documents based on an Hierarchy, but only if they are schema based. Non schema based XML would be stored in the repository, Again it can be queried in terms of the heirarchy, but you cannot control the partioning on non schema based XML stored in the XML DB repository.
    You can have a PK only with Schema based XML. You can partition Schema based XML on any element that is not part of a collection.
    Hope this helps

  • ¿How do you change the time of all images and do the chroma key effect in ¡Movie 10.0.2?

    I know it's a simple question, but i had ¡Movie '08 and I bought the latest version, and it's really different, so I don't know, if i have like 150 photos (it's an stop-motion) how can I put the same duration? And do the chroma key effect? And I don't know why, all the images have the Ken Burns effect and I don't know how to quit it. Thanks for the help!

    I solved the same time problem, but now the problem is that when i use the chroma key it automatic uses the blue screen effect, not the gren (wich I want). Please help! Thanks!

  • FCPX 10.1 Chroma Key Strength Slider Crash

    Hello fellow users
    I will apologize in advance as I am just the IT guy and am not well versed in editing lingo, but here it goes. My chief editor came to me with a problem that he has had since the first FCPX. I will post the crash report below, but I will tell you that I don't think hardware is an issue. I have reproduced this crash on everything from iMac and Mac Minis to Macbook Pros new and old. If it matters they are all rocking NVIDIA cards. We use a green screen chroma key and everything works swimingly until you attempt to adjust the slider for Strength. The keying effects are made in motion and executed in Final Cut. Upon attempting to adjust the slider, FCPX hangs for roughly 10 seconds and then ultimately crashes.
    Here is everything I have tried (in no particular order, but I assure you I have been scanning forums for days and troubleshooting has been executed in the correct order)
    1. Complete reinstall of Mavericks, also attempted on Mountain Lion
    2. Complete removal and reinstall of FCPX, Motion, and Compressor (yes I used that FCP remover tool one time too)
    3 Trashed preferences, saved application states, layouts, etc.
    4. Rebuilt Key effects from scratch
    5. Installed CUDA Drivers
    6. Removed and/or reinstalled plugins (Sony XDCAM)
    7. Used Disk Warrior to rebuild directory.
    8. Repaired Disk Permissions
    9. Checked the Activity Monitor during crash for other CPU/GPU intensive processes
    10. Deleted used and unused render files in FCPX
    11. Set to optimize imported media (problem originally existed without it checked, checking did not fix, but I digress)
    Below is the crash log for the event on the Macbook Pro that I use. I am basically looking for a fix or thoughts on anything my editors or myself may not have tried. Thanks for the help.
    Process:         Final Cut Pro [696]
    Path:            /Applications/Final Cut Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Final Cut Pro
    Identifier:      com.apple.FinalCut
    Version:         10.1 (238755)
    Build Info:      ProEditor-23875005025000000~5
    App Item ID:     424389933
    App External ID: 223682791
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [290]
    Responsible:     Final Cut Pro [696]
    User ID:         502
    Date/Time:       2014-01-16 15:47:32.437 -0800
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
    Report Version:  11
    Anonymous UUID:  CD6A1FA3-78B8-E05C-FE01-5F4AEFA22811
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x00007fff5b2e4f90
    VM Regions Near 0x7fff5b2e4f90:
        MALLOC_SMALL           00007f8ab0800000-00007f8ab1800000 [ 16.0M] rw-/rwx SM=PRV 
    --> STACK GUARD            00007fff57ae5000-00007fff5b2e5000 [ 56.0M] ---/rwx SM=NUL  stack guard for thread 0
        Stack                  00007fff5b2e5000-00007fff5bae5000 [ 8192K] rw-/rwx SM=COW  thread 0
    Application Specific Information:
    Performing @selector(setChannelValue:) from sender LKSlider 0x60800019a4e0
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    0   com.apple.CoreFoundation                0x00007fff93969434 _CFArrayReplaceValues + 20
    1   com.apple.CoreFoundation                0x00007fff9395d26b CFArrayAppendValue + 123
    2   com.apple.CoreFoundation                0x00007fff9398a10e _flattenPlist + 222
    3   com.apple.CoreFoundation                0x00007fff9398a272 _flattenPlist + 578
    4   com.apple.CoreFoundation                0x00007fff9398a1f2 _flattenPlist + 450
    5   com.apple.CoreFoundation                0x00007fff9398a272 _flattenPlist + 578
    6   com.apple.CoreFoundation                0x00007fff9398a1f2 _flattenPlist + 450
    7   com.apple.CoreFoundation                0x00007fff93989aa5 __CFBinaryPlistWrite + 197
    8   com.apple.Foundation                    0x00007fff8fd1700e -[NSKeyedArchiver finishEncoding] + 529
    9   com.apple.prochannel.framework          0x00000001073d8b23 OZChannelBlindData::setPluginDataPtr(CMTime const&, void*, bool) + 409
    10  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388dd -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 253
    11  com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001101055cb -[PAEKeyerAutokeySetupUtil syncWithDB] + 287
    12  com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    13  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    14  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    15  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    16  com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    17  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    18  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    19  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    20  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    21  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    22  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    23  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    24  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    25  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    26  com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    27  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    28  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    29  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    30  com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    31  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    32  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    33  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    34  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    35  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    36  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    37  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    38  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    39  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    40  com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    41  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    42  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    43  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    44  com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    45  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    46  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    47  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    48  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    49  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    50  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    51  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    52  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    53  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    54  com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    55  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    56  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    57  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    58  com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    59  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    60  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    61  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    62  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    63  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    64  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    65  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    66  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    67  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    68  com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    69  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    70  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    71  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    72  com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    73  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    74  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    75  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    76  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    77  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    78  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    79  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    80  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    81  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    82  com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    83  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    84  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    85  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    86  com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    87  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    88  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    89  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    90  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    91  com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    92  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    93  com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    94  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    95  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    96  com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    97  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    98  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    99  com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    100 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    101 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    102 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    103 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    104 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    105 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    106 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    107 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    108 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    109 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    110 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    111 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    112 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    113 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    114 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    115 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    116 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    117 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    118 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    119 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    120 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    121 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    122 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    123 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    124 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    125 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    126 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    127 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    128 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    129 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    130 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    131 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    132 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    133 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    134 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    135 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    136 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    137 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    138 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    139 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    140 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    141 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    142 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    143 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    144 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    145 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    146 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    147 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    148 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    149 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    150 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    151 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    152 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    153 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    154 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    155 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    156 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    157 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    158 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    159 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    160 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    161 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    162 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    163 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    164 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    165 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    166 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    167 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    168 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    169 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    170 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    171 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    172 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    173 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    174 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    175 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    176 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    177 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    178 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    179 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    180 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    181 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    182 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    183 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    184 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    185 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    186 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    187 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    188 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    189 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    190 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    191 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    192 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    193 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    194 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    195 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    196 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    197 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    198 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    199 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    200 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    201 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    202 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    203 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    204 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    205 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    206 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    207 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    208 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    209 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    210 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    211 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    212 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    213 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    214 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    215 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    216 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    217 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    218 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    219 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    220 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    221 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    222 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    223 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    224 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    225 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    226 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    227 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    228 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    229 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    230 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    231 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    232 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    233 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    234 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    235 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    236 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    237 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    238 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    239 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    240 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    241 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    242 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    243 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    244 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    245 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    246 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    247 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    248 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    249 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    250 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    251 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    252 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    253 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    254 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    255 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    256 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    257 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    258 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    259 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    260 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    261 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    262 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    263 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    264 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    265 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    266 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    267 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    268 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    269 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    270 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    271 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    272 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    273 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    274 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    275 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    276 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    277 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    278 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    279 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    280 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    281 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    282 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    283 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    284 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    285 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    286 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    287 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    288 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    289 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    290 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    291 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    292 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    293 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    294 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    295 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    296 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    297 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    298 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    299 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    300 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    301 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    302 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    303 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    304 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    305 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    306 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    307 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    308 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    309 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    310 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    311 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    312 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    313 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    314 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    315 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    316 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    317 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    318 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    319 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    320 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    321 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    322 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    323 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    324 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    325 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    326 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    327 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    328 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    329 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    330 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    331 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    332 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    333 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    334 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    335 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    336 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    337 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    338 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    339 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    340 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    341 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    342 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    343 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    344 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    345 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    346 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    347 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    348 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    349 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    350 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    351 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    352 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    353 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    354 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    355 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    356 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    357 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    358 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    359 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    360 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    361 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    362 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    363 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    364 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    365 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    366 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    367 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    368 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    369 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    370 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    371 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    372 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    373 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    374 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    375 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    376 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    377 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    378 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    379 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    380 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    381 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    382 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    383 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    384 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    385 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    386 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    387 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    388 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    389 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    390 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    391 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    392 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    393 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    394 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    395 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    396 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    397 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    398 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    399 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    400 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    401 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    402 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    403 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    404 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    405 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    406 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    407 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    408 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    409 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    410 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    411 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotification:] + 91
    412 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104829214 +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
    413 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048e6134 FFPostChannelChangedNotificationWithOptions + 692
    414 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b26c66 -[FFChannelAction didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 390
    415 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104b27259 -[FFChannelChangeContext didSetChannel:flagsOnly:] + 41
    416 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da376fb -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler postChannelChange:flagsOnly:] + 235
    417 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da388ef -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler setCustomParameterValue:toParm:atTime:] + 271
    418 com.apple.motion.filtersLegacyPath          0x00000001100a8cc7 -[PAEChromaKeyer parameterChanged:] + 443
    419 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010da2f18e -[OZFxPlugParameterHandler sendNotifications:] + 206
    420 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010dc4f0c1 OZFxPlugSharedBase::notify(unsigned int) + 289
    421 com.apple.ozone.framework               0x000000010d830528 OZNotificationManager::processNotifications() + 344
    422 com.apple.Motion.effect                 0x000000010d530e1b -[FFMotionEffect channelParameterChanged:] + 2849
    423 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048eaa01 -[FFEffect _channelParameterChanged:] + 33
    424 com.apple.Flexo                         0x00000001048290bc Observers::Notify((anonymous namespace)::Notification const&) + 300
    425 com.apple.Flexo                         0x0000000104828e9b +[FFNotificationCenter postNotificati

    Thanks I wasn't sure about the CUDA/OpenCL thing. Graphics terminology I am slowly learning about basically through the advent of crypto.
    In the computers that are used primarily for editing we have NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX with 2 GB VRAM. They have 32 GB RAM. I just got hired on but when the op manager bought these (Late 2012) he basically fully speced them out. 1 TB Fusion Drive (which I would totally get if they are causing the issue) and the 3.4 GHz i7.
    I just got in but I have the editor trying things out with my USB 3.0 Wallet drive. Really I am just looking for any improvement in efficiency as what I really want to do in the long term is pull out our old CAT5 cables, wire the building for 10 GBe, and set up an XTarget SAN.
    Finally, in terms of video codecs we are using Sony XDCAM HD422, which I assume is ProRes. We are also working with graphics and videos that are not the same such as videos downloaded from the internet if that makes a difference. However the chroma key effect is only being placed on the footage from the camera.

  • Intermittent problem with cross dissolve and chroma key

    It seems that in 1 out of 10 videos I produce in Final Cut Pro there is a problem with the cross dissolve effect and chroma key. What happens is that during the cross dissolve, clip A fades out with a green tint and clip B fades in with a green tint.
    Today I am working with two videos that I captured using the same work flow on the same day. One project exhibits the tint while the second project does not. If I import the problematic footage into the good project the tint problem follows the footage. In the good footage, the cross dissolve produces a result that does not have a green tint. If I re-capture the "bad" footage the results are the same.
    Has anyone else experienced this and does anyone have an idea how to resolve this problem?
    Thank you.
    Dual G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    In my project, both clips are source clips with Chroma, Color Smoothing and Matte Choker applied. A dissolve from non-chroma clip to chroma clip works fine. Only problem is with two chroma clips. In my dissolve, the error appears as red fringing in the area between the two masks.< </div>
    You're using creative shorthand that doesn't help. "Chroma clip" means the clip to which you have applied all of these effects? What masks? Where are you getting the masks?
    To understand what's going on with all them itty bitty pixels in a stack of interactive effects, do me a favor: render out a short piece, say 10 seconds of each of your chromaclips as separate movies over transparency using the Animation codec. Reimport them and put them over a solid colored Dissolve between them using different types of dissolves. Post back and tell us (me) what's going on.
    I still consider this to be a bug -- nesting adds more steps to the workflow than if this bug did not exist. < </div>
    It's not a bug. Your pixels are running down a pathway. It's a question of building the correct pathway and having the correct pixel wranglers with the right kinds of cattle prods.

  • Which is better for the keying (chroma key)..?

    for using chroma key and blue/green screen, which is better, final cut pro or final cut express. Im new with this I dont have either or am familar with either...Also, is dvMatte Pro or whatever from http://www.padd.com/dvg/prod/prod.php?prod=dvmattefcp&view=dvg a plugin for final cut? Does Final cut not already have the keying feature? Why would I need that plugin (if it is a plugin)?

    no matter what you're talking about (except price), FCP is better for everything. basically, FCE is a watered down version of FCP. the differences depend on what you want to do with it. but as far as keying, they are relatively the same. after looking at dvmattepro's site, I can't seem to figure out what it is, but the only conclusion I can come to is a plugin that saves you time keying. yes, keying will take a lot of time in FCE/FCP, and it is tricky to get right, but you don't need anything that final cut doesn't give you. check out apple's product descriptions (and numerous discussions on this forum) for details about FCE vs. FCP, or about keying.

  • FCP Chroma Key requires re-render after any changes

    FCP: version 602A89
    In an HD 1080i60 sequence - there is a clip - the Chroma Key video filter has been applied to a pretty-well-lit 'stinger-green' backdrop. By making adjustments anywhere in the Chroma Key filter visual dialog, the entire green-field returns and cannot be eliminated except by re-rendering the clip.
    See EXAMPLE IMAGES at http://www.glorioski.com/fcp/chromakey.html
    I guess this could be submitted as a bug - but I am thinking there MUST be something I am not doing or have inadvertently set (or unset).
    Any ideas?
    Thanks! Lance Drake

    Hi Jerry,
    Hey thanks for your response to this question - but, I do not believe that this has always been the behavior with regards what has been presented in the canvas - at least for the current frame.
    It's quite reasonable that re-rendering will be needed to apply the changes to the entire clip. However, my point is that, as adjustments in the Chroma Key filter are made - the results of the previous setting of the filter are completely abandoned and the single frame displayed in the canvas reverts to the case as if the filter had never been applied.
    The BIG drawback to this behavior is that you cannot see how slight changes in filter settings affect what will be the result were you to go to the trouble of re-rendering the entire clip. Having to re-render with every adjustment sticks you in a huge time-hole.
    I wish I had a system with FCP 5 on it - it would be interesting to see how FCP used to behave. Am I nutzo? Somehow I don't think so. It's my recollection that it was possible to make changes to the ChromaKey filter - see the effect of those changes rendered into the single frame of the canvas - and then it was up to you to cause the rest of the clip to be re-rendered.
    Unless somebody kicks in with specifics regarding the error of my ways, I am thinking this should be submitted to bugreporter.

Maybe you are looking for

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