DTR: Error in sharing project

Hi *,
I'm following scenario 1 described on help on line. All preparation steps were gone fine, now I'm stopped on "step 1 - developer 1 creating project" http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/c0/0e0540ba5ee569e10000000a155106/content.htm. As described I created a new EAR Application (TaxEAR). Afterward I selected DTR --> Share Project and the DTR client. I pointed the right workspace and I have created the folder projects/TaxEAR. Now I'm not able to complete step 3.f. In fact when I select folder TaxEAR and choose finish, developer studio raise me an error:
<b>Project association with DTR failed - unable to move project to new location (Invalid project description)</b>
I tried also with other projects but always the same result.
Any help will be very appreciated.
I'm using NWDS SP 12.
Many thanks

Hi again,
I think I found the problem. I tried to change the root local directory used by DTR to store all the resources, from c:\documents and settings\<user>\my documents\... to c:\JDI.
Know all works fine. Probably dtr doesn't like spaces within this path or it was too long

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    > The method or operation is not implemented
    The output window gives more detail:
    > Things.Shared.shproj : error  : The composition produced a single
    > composition error. The root cause is provided below. Review the
    > CompositionException.Errors property for more detailed information.

    > 1) No exports were found that match the constraint: 
    > ContractName
    > RequiredTypeIdentity

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    > (ContractName="Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.References.IBuildDependencyProjectReferencesService")'
    > on part
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    > (ContractName="Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.References.IBuildDependencyProjectReferencesService")
    > -->  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Deployment.ProjectReferenceMaintenanceService

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    > (ContractName="Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.ConfiguredProject.AutoLoad")
    > -->  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Deployment.ProjectReferenceMaintenanceService
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    Node   Consistency Message: Assignment Save.   Uid=35d15af1-908a-e311-b465-005056a27863
    Bad assnIndex 4 passed for   654d65c4-0a59-e311-a55a-005056a27863
    Bad assnIndex 4 passed for   654d65c4-0a59-e311-a55a-005056a27863
    Bad assnIndex 4 passed for   654d65c4-0a59-e311-a55a-005056a27863
    Node Consistency Message:   Summary Resource Assignment Save.
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    - if the project contains tasks with only generic resources, it can be publiehed without pb => OK
    - if the project contains tasks assigned to less than 2 named resources  it can be published => OK
    - if the project contains at least 1 task with more than 2 named resource, it fails => KO
    - if I desactivate this task with 3 named resource, the project can be published => OK
    The workaround is to split tasks, so that each is assigned to max 2 resources, but it can not be a solution.
    If somebody can help me to find a solution, it would be very great !
    I looked for some CU but, it seems that I'm up to date:
    Archi: 1 WFE, 1 AS, 1 SQL Server 2012
    OS: W2008R2SP1
    Version extracted from the dbo.Versions table: 15.0.4420.1017
    We use only standard function, no specific developement, Handler, etc.
    Than you for your help,
    Detailed error message:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
      <class name="Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Queue.Message">
       <error id="23000" name="ProjectPublishFailure" uid="7de05826-878e-e311-a08b-005056a27863" projectuid="b0baeed4-c48d-e311-b465-005056a27863" messagetype="Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.QueueMsg.SynchronizeTaskListInManagedModeMessage"
    messageID="38" stage="" blocking="Block"/>
      <class name="Queue">
       <error id="26000" name="GeneralQueueJobFailed" uid="7ee05826-878e-e311-a08b-005056a27863" JobUID="9f48511e-878e-e311-838a-005056a25f52" ComputerName="b29ed4a6-9e80-4c9f-b3c2-ad2d85d17ffa"
    GroupType="ProjectPublish" MessageType="SynchronizeTaskListInManagedModeMessage" MessageId="38" Stage="" CorrelationUID="e99d521e-878e-e311-a08b-005056a27863"/>

    Since its happening with certain projects only, chances are that it could be due to corrupted project data and confusing details in ULS may can seen as misleading.
    you can follow these steps (credit goes to our very dear Dale Howard), he also listed these steps in a blog but i cudnt find it rite now:
    1.  Ask the Project Server administrator to restore the backed up project again (even though it is corrupted).
    2.  Ask the PM to open the project in Microsoft Project 2010.
    3.  Ask the PM to add the Save for Sharing button to the Quick Access Toolbar (File > Options > Quick Access Toolbar).
    4.  Click the Save for Sharing button and save the enterprise project as an MPP file.
    5.  Close the MPP file and then reopen it.
    6.  Save the MPP file with the same name as the enterprise project.
    According to Microsoft staff, the Save for Sharing feature is the new way to repair a corrupted enterprise project.  
    let us know if this works for you.
    Khurram Jamshed - MBA, PMP, MCTS, MCITP (
    Blog, Twitter, Linkedin )
    If you found this post helpful, please “Vote as Helpful”. If it answered your question, please “Mark as Answer”.

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    Thanks & Best Regards

    Hello Pradeep
    please delete a folder called fmwconfig in the path yourdomain\config\ for a folder called fmwconfig
    restart P6 and try again

  • Shared Project Workflow Problem: Hitting a Wall with Markers

    Hi there,
    Apologies in advance for the long note.  We're using Adobe CC to edit and finish commercials and are having a significant issue regarding shared project workflow.  First, some context:
    We often edit projects remotely.  When this happens, assistants and other editors who remain in LA will have access to the media on our SAN while the editor and assistant traveling out of town will have their own copy of the media.  I know Adobe Anywhere would solve any issue relating to two identical sets of media in use in different cities, but we're a small shop and the hardware and software expense don't make sense for us at this time.  Please do not respond to anything mentioned from here on by stating we should just get Adobe Anywhere.  Thanks.
    What will regularly happen is that the remote editor and assistant will need work done on the project here in LA while they're in session with the clients.  Sometimes this work involves marking up clips with comment markers so the editor can more easily locate a specific moment.  Here's where the problem arises.
    Unlike FCP and Avid, Premiere handles markers within the clip's metadata.  So, if I have two separate projects linking to separate but identical instances of media, one of those media instances gets updated with new markers, there is currently no way to get those markers to the other project without also shuttling the new marked-up media.  This is not possible when a remote editor needs dailies marked up in a couple hours and is working across the country or abroad.
    But let's assume for the sake of argument that it is possible and we apply this workflow.  Let's also assume that in the time it takes the local assistant to mark up the clips for the remote editor, the editor has added a couple markers of his own, which is reasonable and happens all the time.  Now when the editor links to the newly marked up clips he's received via shipment, he'll wipe out all the markers he's made on his own since giving the order to mark up the footage.  That is a significant inconvenience, especially with clients in the room asking stuff like "can we look at the take where the guy says 'good' instead of 'great'?"
    So what happens if we just have repeating sets of media, so that every time the clips markers get updated, the editor actually imports those clips, even though the picture and audio data in those clips is completely redundant to what's already in the project.  The issues with this are, as I can see it, 1) increasing the amount complexity within the project so that you'd have to scan many bins of dailies to look for a single marker, 2) increasing by orders of magnitude the amount of storage space needed, 3) even if problems 1 and 2 are handled, if you have to go to finish with multiple versions of a cut, and those versions reference separate instances of the same clip from different bins, Premiere's dupe frame detection will not work and you'll need to spend a lot of extra time locating duplicate clips manually before sending your EDL or XML off to final color grading.
    At this point, I think it's necessary to interject something:  we're talking about markers here.  Why is this such a problem?  FCP and Avid have no such issues simply by making markers - even clip markers - part of the project metadata.  From what I understand, Adobe has chosen to do things differently because of dynamic link, so that After Effects and Prelude, for example, could add markers to a clip and those markers would ripple across all instances of that clip in the different applications.  It's a great feature which we take advantage of here from time to time.
    So what's the solution?
    My workaround in CS6, which does not solve the issue of needing to merge clip markers so that an editor's markers and an assistant's markers can be applied to a single piece of media, was to turn off "write XMP ID to Files on Import."  This would generate an XMP sidecar file which could be easily passed along with a project file to the remote editor, who could then overwrite his local XMP sidecars with the new ones containing the new marker info.
    However, in Premiere CC that is no longer possible.  It appears that if Premiere CC can access the XMP ID on a file, it will not generate a sidecar regardless of what you have set in your media preferences.  We use ProRes Proxy as our dailies format (again, please no comments on this, it is not up for debate at this time) and Premiere can get to the XMP ID within the files and will not, no matter what it seems, generate an XMP sidecar.
    We could change the company workflow to use DNxHD 36 instead of ProRes Proxy, which would give us XMP sidecars, but that would not solve the issue of needing to merge marker lists between projects non-destructively.
    The best solution I can think of would be to have a script or some kind or built-in feature which would allow for the batch export, import and merging of marker lists.  This way Adobe could keep its current clip-metadata-based marker workflow while giving professional users needing more flexible marker behavior the ability to have assistants non-destructively modify clip markers without necessitating the creation of extra media or project complexity.
    I would really love some input on this and ideas from the pro community out there who has experience with shared project workflows - especially projects being shared remotely.  There's not a lot of info out there about this and it would be great to hear what others are doing.
    Thanks a million for sticking with this, if you've made it this far.

    Thanks Jim,
    I understand that Adobe Anywhere solves this, but there should be this fairly basic functionality (which exists in Avid and FCP) in a non-enterprise edition of the software.  I have submitted a couple different feature requests about this, going back to CS5, so hopefully enough people make similar requests for a fix to be implemented.  Adobe Anywhere is really not a solution for our small shop as currently configured/priced, especially when we can have editors working remotely with very affordable USB 3 drives.  The only hangup is the markers, which just isn't worth a 5 figure fix.  As such it's hard to consider the problem solved for either us or any small shop or post crew.

  • Error in creating project

    Hello experts,
    I am getting error while creating project in SEGW i.e. "you are not authorized to create project"
    please find attachments for error screenshots and SU53 transaction screenshot.
    please help me to solve this issue..

    you don't have authorization to create the project please ask to basis guy to give you authorization in your SAP ID for these objects which are coming in su53 .

  • Invalid I/O node config error while passing project reservations to APO

    I had created a Project with WBS Element, Network & Internal activity in ECC Project Systems. This data was ciffed and seen in APO without any issue.
    Upon creating a Material component, as a reservation, under network activity in PS and releasing it, there is an error in the APO side log(SLG1) as shown below.
    Source system: xyz, user: abc transaction:CJ20N function module:/SAPAPO/CIF_PRJ_INBOUND
    -----Error start--
    New order (warning)
    Error in activity of operation 0010 order 4001740(warning)
    Invalid I/O node configuration  (error)- Message no. /SAPAPO/OM_ERROR258
         Diagnosis-The I/O node cannot be scheduled using the value combination specified.
    --Error end--
    Error while processing project order: 000001234-  (error)- Message no. /SAPAPO/PRJ003
    ------Log Information
    The registered objects of the queue are marked as faulty - Message no. /SAPAPO/CIF_ERRHDLG604
    CIF error handling activated - Message no. /SAPAPO/CIF_ERRHDLG504
    End of processing registered for RFC 00000001 of the LUW with ID xxx
    Message no. /SAPAPO/CIF_ERRHDLG605
    checked the APO post processing and manaully triggered the transfer of selected order . even then order reservation wasn't pushed to APO.
    Would appreciate if any one can provide with info on why  this error is being produced and ways to resolve it!!!

    please check if you have any issues under network activity..if you could not find any please try to debug the failed queue with the help of your Abap counterpart. here is the process

  • When trying to share my movie i get a error message The project could not be prepared for publishing because an error occurred. (-108)" pls help

    when trying to share my movie on Imovie i get the following error. "The project could not be prepared for publishing because an error occurred. (-108)"
    any idea why this has happened? How do i rectify this?

    Error -108 memFullErr  Ran out of memory [not enough room in heap zone]
    Turn off - TimeMachine usually works - re-try.
    (the Application down in the Dock - not the Device)
    But this can mean many thing's - My first thought is
    • Free Space on Start-Up hard disk. How much ? (other disks do not count)
    Yours Bengt W

  • What does this mean: ERROR! Shared library ioser12 could not be found.

    Hi all,
    I am trying to establisch a JDBC connection to a MaxDB database (former SapDB).
    I have a win2k system with jdk 1.4.2_01 installed.
    I have the JDBC connection working in the sense that i am able to execute SQL scripts by ant tasks,
    so far i think that everything is properly configured.
    Nevertheless, when i try to use the connection in my own class (a JUnit testcase), i get this message:
    "ERROR! Shared library ioser12 could not be found."
    The program then continues, and i get sql error messages that the user is still connected. I think these are followups from the first one - one testcase may be broken by this error, but the connection is not closed.
    I searched the web to find what i could do against it. I found some forum discussions about this problem and hence i tried to set my path and classpath to locations where the isoser12.dll is located (runtime environment/bin), and finally copied it to the windows/system32 dir.
    Nothing made this error disappear. I am still stuck with this one since two days.
    Btw, the same testcases work well with other databases like oracle or db2.
    Hence, i am calling to you for some ideas about this error.
    Thank you in advance for help,
    Andreas Schroeder

    Hi Andreas,
    I am also interested in making maxdb(sapdb) work with S1 application server. I would appreciate if you could let me know if you are able to make it work with S1 V8 server.
    Gorton Zhao
    Hi all,
    I am trying to establisch a JDBC connection to a MaxDB
    database (former SapDB).
    I have a win2k system with jdk 1.4.2_01 installed.
    I have the JDBC connection working in the sense that i
    am able to execute SQL scripts by ant tasks,
    so far i think that everything is properly configured.
    Nevertheless, when i try to use the connection in my
    own class (a JUnit testcase), i get this message:
    "ERROR! Shared library ioser12 could not be found."
    The program then continues, and i get sql error
    messages that the user is still connected. I think
    these are followups from the first one - one testcase
    may be broken by this error, but the connection is not
    I searched the web to find what i could do against it.
    I found some forum discussions about this problem and
    hence i tried to set my path and classpath to
    locations where the isoser12.dll is located (runtime
    environment/bin), and finally copied it to the
    windows/system32 dir.
    Nothing made this error disappear. I am still stuck
    with this one since two days.
    Btw, the same testcases work well with other databases
    like oracle or db2.
    Hence, i am calling to you for some ideas about this
    Thank you in advance for help,
    Andreas Schroeder

  • DAC - Error loading shared library [pmwrtrel.dll] in the dynamic lib mgr

    While executing ETL load on a Windows 32-bit machine with DAC v10., we were able to execute 24 tasks out of 317 successfully. Then it fails with the following error message:
    PRE-SESS> TM_6232 Error loading shared library [pmwrtrel.dll] in the dynamic library manager. The error is [Database driver event...Error occurred loading library [pmwrtrel.dll]. System error encountered is 127. Error text is The specified procedure could not be found. .].
    PRE-SESS> CMN_1761 Timestamp Event: [Mon Mar 29 19:04:05 2010]
    PRE-SESS> WRT_8236 Error getting pre session writer object for target [W_ETL_RUN_S]
    MANAGER> PETL_24027 Pre-session task completed successfully. : (Mon Mar 29 19:04:05 2010)
    DIRECTOR> PETL_24006 Starting data movement.
    MAPPING> TM_6660 Total Buffer Pool size is 12582912 bytes and Block size is 128000 bytes.
    READER_1_1_1> DBG_21437 Reader: Source is a file-based source.
    READER_1_1_1> FR_3118 source [SQ_FILE_DUAL] code page: [7-bit ASCII]
    READER_1_1_1> FR_3071 Maximum Line sequential buffer length is 1026.
    READER_1_1_1> BLKR_16003 Initialization completed successfully.
    WRITER_1_*_1> CMN_1761 Timestamp Event: [Mon Mar 29 19:04:05 2010]
    WRITER_1_*_1> TM_6232 Error loading shared library [pmwrtrel.dll] in the dynamic library manager. The error is [Database driver event...Error occurred loading library [pmwrtrel.dll]. System error encountered is 127. Error text is The specified procedure could not be found. .].
    MANAGER> PETL_24031
    Thread [READER_1_1_1] created for [the read stage] of partition point [SQ_FILE_DUAL] has completed. The total run time was insufficient for any meaningful statistics.
    Thread [TRANSF_1_1_1] created for [the transformation stage] of partition point [SQ_FILE_DUAL] has completed. The total run time was insufficient for any meaningful statistics.
    Thread [WRITER_1_*_1] created for [the write stage] of partition point [W_ETL_RUN_S] has completed. The total run time was insufficient for any meaningful statistics.
    MAPPING> CMN_1793 The index cache size that would hold [7340064] rows in the lookup table for [MPLT_GET_ETL_PROC_WID.LKP_ETL_PROC_WID], in memory, is [29555310648557682] bytes
    MAPPING> CMN_1792 The data cache size that would hold [7340064] rows in the lookup table for [MPLT_GET_ETL_PROC_WID.LKP_ETL_PROC_WID], in memory, is [12948046503805036] bytes
    MANAGER> PETL_24005 Starting post-session tasks. : (Mon Mar 29 19:04:05 2010)
    MANAGER> PETL_24029 Post-session task completed successfully. : (Mon Mar 29 19:04:05 2010)
    MAPPING> TM_6018 The session completed with [0] row transformation errors.
    MANAGER> PETL_24002 Parallel Pipeline Engine finished.
    DIRECTOR> PETL_24013 Session run completed with failure.
    DIRECTOR> TM_6022
    DIRECTOR> TM_6252 Source Load Summary.
    DIRECTOR> CMN_1740 Table: [SQ_FILE_DUAL] (Instance Name: [SQ_FILE_DUAL])
         Output Rows [0], Affected Rows [0], Applied Rows [0], Rejected Rows [0]
    DIRECTOR> TM_6253 Target Load Summary.
    DIRECTOR> CMN_1740 Table: [W_ETL_RUN_S] (Instance Name: [W_ETL_RUN_S])
         Output Rows [0], Affected Rows [0], Applied Rows [0], Rejected Rows [0]
    DIRECTOR> TM_6023
    DIRECTOR> TM_6020 Session [SIL_InsertRowInRunTable] completed at [Mon Mar 29 19:04:06 2010].
    Kindly someone tell us how to resolve this issue.

    what BIA version are you on?
    perhaps you have to install a informatica fix or a DAC patch

  • Add ABAP program: validating package - error accessing shared objects-area

    When adding a new program or browsing the packages in eclipse i get an "error accessing shared objects-area".
    I can edit, save and run existing ABAP reports, however.
    There was a similar problem here, regarding database procedure proxies but the solution doesn't apply to my problem, i guess. The solution was about creating the shared memory area CL_RIS_SHM_AREA. I can't access the memory area and start the constructor, as it doesn't show up on the monitor.
    ADT 2.28
    Eclipse 4.3
    Netweaver 7.31 SP4 -> is this really compatible with ADT 2.28?
    Thanks in advance for helpful hints,

    HI Julian,
    if the area doesn't show up in the monitor, please try to start the constructor in transaction SHMM on your own by selecting the icon 'Start Constructor' as shown in the screenshot.
    Choose CL_RIS_SHM_AREA as area, select 'Default Instance' and 'Dialog' as execution mode. Then press 'Create'. Either this works or the system will tell you the issue with the instance creation (e.g. insufficient shared objects memory - see the other solution description).
    Best regards, Sebastian

  • ERROR When Create Project

    I receive this below error when create project 
    GeneralQueueJobFailed (26000) - CreateWssSite.CreateWssSiteMessage. Details: id='26000' name='GeneralQueueJobFailed' uid='c27f372b-2a35-e311-9420-00155d000806' JobUID='05a50b2a-2a35-e311-9420-00155d000806' ComputerName='cb123222-a0b2-4ad1-bd20-3e4809df7a4a'
    GroupType='CreateWssSite' MessageType='CreateWssSiteMessage' MessageId='1' Stage='' CorrelationUID='58b84c9c-8266-f0a7-f7a4-a41dcfc7411f'. For more details, check the ULS logs on machine
    cb123222-a0b2-4ad1-bd20-3e4809df7a4a for entries with JobUID

    Hi Khaleel,
    Do you see only this message or do you also see something like below:
    CreateWssSiteContent: Creating project site failed! Project Uid=8e180c10-5433-4424-a236-54ea989872fa, site URL=http://PROJECT.test.com/PWA/AAAtest1000, site name=AAAtest1000. Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: The site template requires that the Feature {e8389ec7-70fd-4179-a1c4-6fcb4342d7a0}
    be installed in the farm or site collection. at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPUtility.ThrowSPExceptionWithTraceTag(UInt32 tagId, ULSCat traceCategory, String ......
    So, if you see the above message, its a feature that is missing. How many servers do you have in the farm? Do you have a separate project application service server?
    In that case you will have to copy the feature under "14\TEMPLATE\FEATURES" features folder from WFE to application server also. This is because when creating a project workspace, PSI will refer to this feature on application
    server and since it is not present in application server, it fails creating the site.
    Happy troubleshooting.....
    Vikram Daruru - MSFT

  • [SOLVED] Blender - error loading shared libraries

    when I try to start blender on x86_64 I get error loading shared libs.
    Linux spire 4.0.1-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Apr 29 12:00:26 CEST 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    community/blender 16:2.74-3
    ldd `which blender` |grep not
    70:    libhogweed.so.2 => not found
    72:    libgnutls.so.28 => not found
    75:    libx265.so.35 => not found
    77:    libvpx.so.1 => not found
    my systems libs:
    I tried building with abs but ran into an error as well. Any help appreciated. My system is up to date.
    Last edited by feuera (2015-05-14 09:51:18)

    ldd lists linked libraries recursively. Use readelf -d to list direct dependencies only.
    Are you're using some packages from unofficial repos or the AUR? You need to keep them up to date and recompile if needed.

Maybe you are looking for