DTR State

I am able to bring up the DTR state property node on my simple serial.vi template. I managed to set it to 0 by wiring a 0 numeric constant to one side of it but this approach is not working now. Is there another way of setting DTR state to 0. What is the sequence also? Resource Name- Propert Node- VISA Serial is this correct?

I had a problem like this a while ago when I switched VISA versions on a computer.
I eventually got it to work by wiring a -1 to the DTR line instead of 0. Don't ask me why it worked, it just did. I have asked in the serial forum why this is, but I've never heard a reason.
As far as I know, -1 is simply an unknown (maybe uncontrolled) state whereas 0 forces 0, and 1 forces 1. Perhaps -1 allows other software / hardware to still take control of the DTR line. Your guess is as good as mine though.....
Give it a try.
Hope this helps
Using LV 6.1 and 8.2.1 on W2k (SP4) and WXP (SP2)

Similar Messages

  • DTR state while port init

    I've remarked that the DTR line is moved while the serial port initialize. As I'd like it to stay in its position during this period, can somebody tell me wether it's possible or if it's built-in the init process?
    If it's the case, how to modify this process?
    Thank you in advance.

    In LV 7.1, it is buried in the property nodes.  First open a VISA session with COM1 or whatever (ASRL...).  Then look in the Function palette - Instrument I/O - VISA - VISA Advanced - Property Node.  Create a property node on the block diagram and wire it to the VISA session.  Then click in the property box and select Modem Line Settings - Line DTR State.  Change to write.  Right click on property and select Create Constant.  This will create an enum with the correct values for asserting DTR and such.
    Message Edited by tbob on 11-09-2005 12:24 PM
    - tbob
    Inventor of the WORM Global
    DTR.PNG ‏20 KB

  • Progammically Set DTR to DSR and RTS to CTS?

    I am trying to communicate with an extech power analyzer with Labview.  Thier data logging software and cable all work.  According to the manual.  I need to tie RTS to CTS and DTR to DSR. 
    I am trying to use the Visa commands.  Visa Serial, Visa Read, and Visa close for now.  
    How can I programmically do this? 
    Go to Solution.

    You can Set the DTR and RTS states.  You can only Read the CTS and DTR states.  (You can also read back the DTR and RTS states).
    See attached using Property Nodes.
    You can't actually tie the lines together in software,  that is done in the cable.  But if the cable works with their software, perhaps all you will need to do is assert the DTR and RTS lines in your LV program.
    Message Edited by Ravens Fan on 03-11-2009 03:59 PM
    Example_VI_BD.png ‏2 KB

  • RS-485: PC can send/receive data from PCI card, but LabVIEW can only send to card.

    I have a master/slave setup with a 2-wire RS-485 connection via a StarTech PCI2S485 card  http://www.startech.com/product/PCI2S485-2-Port-PCI-RS-422-485-Card-with-DB9.  A Vista PC running LabVIEW 2010 is acting as the master to 6 slave devices.  I am running a driver VI supplied by the company that made the slaves. 
    I've used a terminal program called Termite to monitor the ports during operation and have concluded that both the PC and the slaves are sending correct data packets (i.e. correct protocol and reasonable data).  Termite indicates that the slave's response is being received by the PCI card, but the problem is that LabVIEW simply isn't reading the response from the card.  Each time the driver VI is run it returns a "timeout waiting for slave to respond" error.  
    The VI and slaves I am using are designed for both RS-232 and 485 communication.  I've verified the VI to run in 232 mode on a different COM port.  I also wrote a simple VI using the VISA functions to test the ports on the PCI card, but I've had the same results.  Hardware connections have been looked over carefully, but the fact that the card actually sends a correct message and receives a correct message indicates a different problem.
    Any idea why LabVIEW can talk to the PCI card but can't hear it?  Is there anything I can do about this, or does LabVIEW generally not like StarTech's PCI2S485 cards?

    Tim359 ha scritto:
    I have a master/slave setup with a 2-wire RS-485 connection via a StarTech PCI2S485 card  http://www.startech.com/product/PCI2S485-2-Port-PCI-RS-422-485-Card-with-DB9.  A Vista PC running LabVIEW 2010 is acting as the master to 6 slave devices.  I am running a driver VI supplied by the company that made the slaves. 
    I've used a terminal program called Termite to monitor the ports during operation and have concluded that both the PC and the slaves are sending correct data packets (i.e. correct protocol and reasonable data).  Termite indicates that the slave's response is being received by the PCI card, but the problem is that LabVIEW simply isn't reading the response from the card.  Each time the driver VI is run it returns a "timeout waiting for slave to respond" error.  
    The VI and slaves I am using are designed for both RS-232 and 485 communication.  I've verified the VI to run in 232 mode on a different COM port.  I also wrote a simple VI using the VISA functions to test the ports on the PCI card, but I've had the same results.  Hardware connections have been looked over carefully, but the fact that the card actually sends a correct message and receives a correct message indicates a different problem.
    Any idea why LabVIEW can talk to the PCI card but can't hear it?  Is there anything I can do about this, or does LabVIEW generally not like StarTech's PCI2S485 cards?
    RS232 interface consist of 2 indipendent communication crossed lines between 2 devices (9DSub connector: Pin 2-RX  Pin 3-TX pin 5-Gnd)
    RS485 interfaceis a bus, shared between 2 or more devices. (like ethernet or CAN Bus)
    This means that an incorrect use of the bus can lead to a "packet collision" if 2 or more devices try to send a message on the bus at the same time or at least their messages, partially "overlap"
    About 10 years ago I have used a PCI 2 RS485 port: I remember  that I have to change the status of RTS serial control line to switch between transmit and receive mode.
    This can be done using the serial VISA property:
    Serial Settings --> Modem Line Settings --> DTR State
    or using the VI
    <LabVIEW dir>\vi.lib\Instr\_sersup.llb\serial line ctrl.vi   (LV 8.6.1)
    The result was that the slave device connected, send me the response after few nanosec. causing the lost of the answer.
    because LabVIEW use more than some  nanosec. to change RTS property after sending message on the 485 bus calling a VISA Write.
    So for me there was 2 possibilities: 
    - use 2 RS485 port (1 for transmit 1 for receive echo transmit included)
     - use this converter  
     this converter, after sending a message on the bus, electronically switchs back to receive mode without losing a byte.
    But the question is :
    what does it means
    "RS-485 mode supports Auto Transceiver turn around (ATTA)"
    of your card?

  • State of my DC is "NOT MOUNTED". Seen in DTR perspective

    In the DTR perspective, when I right click on my Web Dynpro DC and select the properties option, I can see that the state of my DC is "NOT MOUNTED". Is it because of this state that I am not able to checkout files in this DC.
    When I try to checkout, I get a popup with a cancel button on it and the message in the popup is :
    The operation can only be performed if the following objects are writable:The project is not in the repository, but there are some read-only files
    Component Controller com.jindal.spo.had.hmd.dcsa.newagrcomp.NewAgrComp
    Read-only: D:\Users\bohramx\Desktop\nwds-extsoa-7.3-SP02-PAT0001-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\DCs\jindal.spo\it\ca\esales\web\newagrmnt\_comp\src\packages\com\aramco\sao\had\hmd\dcsa\newagrcomp\NewAgrComp.wdcontroller.xlf
    Read-only: D:\Users\bohramx\Desktop\nwds-extsoa-7.3-SP02-PAT0001-win32\eclipse\workspace.jdi\1\DCs\jindal.spo\it\ca\esales\web\newagrmnt\_comp\src\packages\com\aramco\sao\had\hmd\dcsa\newagrcomp\NewAgrComp.wdcontroller
    screenshot is available at [Unable to Checkout|http://learnsaponline.blogspot.com/2011/12/read-only-files-in-repository-how-to.html]
    please suggest solution.

    Hi Saravanan,
    First Check whether the activity you created is existing on the DTR server or not.
    To find that follow the below procedure:
    Access the DTR server using the URL:
    Then, go to "system tools" and then "reports".
    Then, click on "Activity Search". In the Workspace field, give the name of the workspace in which the activity was created. Give the path starting from "ws" folder upto the "workspace" name. Then, select whatever filters you require. For example, Opened only or Closed-only. Then, click on "Show".
    This will list the Open-Activities.
    Then you can proceed accordingly.
    Reward points if helpful.
    Sumanth Manjunath

  • Errow with IF statement in Scripted Calculation view

    Hi Team,
    I am trying to use IF statement in Scripted Calculation view.
    My scenario is:-
    I need to create a restricted Key figure based on input date from user.
    While i am activating my view system gives "Internal deployment of object failed;Repository: Encountered an error in repository runtime extension;Internal Error:Deploy Calculation View: SQL: transaction rolled back by an internal error: Syntax Error for calculated Attribute: line 29 col 9 (at pos 1501)" error.
    Below is the code i have used in my CV.
    CE_CALC('IF((to_int("BUDAT") >= to_int(2013-01-01),"AMOUNT",'''')', DECIMAL(13,2)) AS "DTR"
    Here, "AMOUNT" is another calculated field created using CE_CALC.
    Without above IF statement my CV runs perfectly fine. The moment i include IF statement it does not activate.
    Kindly provide your inputs.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Lars,
    I am extremely sorry about the confusion.
    There was an extra parenthesis in the IF statement which was not allowing the CV to be activated. CV is now successfully activated.
    But my data is not getting restricted correctly.
    It is showing 0 against all the records.
    Below is the sql used for calling the CV.
    SELECT * FROM "_SYS_BIC"."A_123/CV_SCR_BSID_BSAD_ITEMS" ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$Currency$$', '''Local'''),'PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$Date_From$$','2014-01-01' ), 'PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$Date_To$$','2014-06-30' ));
    Below is my updated CE_CALC function :-
    CE_CALC('IF(date("BUDAT") >= date(:Date_From) and date("BUDAT") <= date(:Date_To),"AMOUNT",0)', DECIMAL(13,2)) AS "DTR"
    Is there any issue while passing values here?

  • Reg:Activities in DTR

    In my Application i have created an Activity name Function.
    Under this activity i have embedded a new View.I have given all the necessary navigations..........
    But due to some errors i had deleted my Activity Function.
    So that i can work on the view afresh.
    But i am unable to delete the existing View Function in the WebDynPro Explorer.I had tried manually deleting the View but in vain.
    Please help me out to resolve this issue so that i can work fresh on the View.
    Thanks and regards,

    Go to the DTR perspective, select your project right click select remove from client .
    Once this is completed, create inactive project.
    This will help you to get the code till the last checked in state.

  • Bind Variable in SELECT statement and get the value  in PL/SQL block

    Hi All,
    I would like  pass bind variable in SELECT statement and get the value of the column in Dynamic SQL
    Please seee below
    I want to get the below value
    Expected result:
    select  distinct empno ,pr.dept   from emp pr, dept ps where   ps.dept like '%IT'  and pr.empno =100
    100, HR
    select  distinct ename ,pr.dept   from emp pr, dept ps where   ps.dept like '%IT'  and pr.empno =100
    TEST, HR
    select  distinct loc ,pr.dept   from emp pr, dept ps where   ps.dept like '%IT'  and pr.empno =100
    NYC, HR
    Using the below block I am getting column names only not the value of the column. I need to pass that value(TEST,NYC..) into l_col_val variable
    Please suggest
    ----- TABLE LIST
    ENAME VARCHAR2(255),
    DEPT VARCHAR2(255),
    LOC    VARCHAR2(255)
    DEPT VARCHAR2(255),
      v_EMP_cursor    EMPCurTyp;
      l_col_val           EMP.ENAME%type;
      l_ENAME_val       EMP.ENAME%type;
    l_col_ddl varchar2(4000);
    l_col_name varchar2(60);
    l_tab_name varchar2(60);
    l_empno number ;
    b_l_col_name VARCHAR2(255);
    b_l_empno NUMBER;
    for rec00 in (
    select EMPNO aa from  EMP
    l_empno := rec00.aa;
    for rec in (select COLUMNAME as column_name  from  columnames
    l_col_name := rec.column_name;
      l_col_val :=null;
       l_col_ddl := 'select  distinct :b_l_col_name ,pr.dept ' ||'  from emp pr, dept ps where   ps.dept like ''%IT'' '||' and pr.empno =:b_l_empno';
       dbms_output.put_line('DDL ...'||l_col_ddl);
       OPEN v_EMP_cursor FOR l_col_ddl USING l_col_name, l_empno;
        l_col_val :=null;
        FETCH v_EMP_cursor INTO l_col_val,l_ename_val;
        EXIT WHEN v_EMP_cursor%NOTFOUND;
          dbms_output.put_line('l_col_name='||l_col_name ||'  empno ='||l_empno);
       END LOOP;
    CLOSE v_EMP_cursor;

    user1758353 wrote:
    Thanks Billy, Would you be able to suggest any other faster method to load the data into table. Thanks,
    As Mark responded - it all depends on the actual data to load, structure and source/origin. On my busiest database, I am loading on average 30,000 rows every second from data in external files.
    However, the data structures are just that - structured. Logical.
    Having a data structure with 100's of fields (columns in a SQL table), raise all kinds of questions about how sane that structure is, and what impact it will have on a physical data model implementation.
    There is a gross misunderstanding by many when it comes to performance and scalability. The prime factor that determines performance is not how well you code, what tools/language you use, the h/w your c ode runs on, or anything like that. The prime factor that determines perform is the design of the data model - as it determines the complexity/ease to use the data model, and the amount of I/O (the slowest of all db operations) needed to effectively use the data model.

  • Controlling Stopwatch in Program using Serial DTR/DTS/RTS

    I have a device which I have attached to my PC using a RS232 to USB connection. It is a 9 port pin serial push button type device. Pin 4 is the DTR with a resistor in the circuit. Pin 7 is the RTS with the switch, and Pin 6 is the DSR for the circuit.
    I'd like to set the DTR to High, and set the RTS to low, and read the DSR state of the device in my Labview program.
    What I'd like to build is a simple stopwatch in my program. This stopwatch should execute when the main program starts, and be continuously reading the DSR state of my com device. When it changes it should stop the stopwatch. 
    Can someone guide me with this?
    I've attached my program thus far, and need some help. The program right is now is just executing vibratory motors through an Arduino MEGA.
    Go to Solution.
    motor_control_responsetime.vi ‏55 KB

    Few more updates...I'm not quite there yet..
    What I need to do is make the program only record the time between when a motor comes on, and when the user pushes the button changing the DSR state to 'Unasserted'. I think this would affectively give me the reaction time it took between the two events...
    Alternatively, I was thinking of perhaps having a separate elapsed time counter from the start of the button, and then stop and spit out the time it took for the motor to actually turn on (since there is a delay from when the program turns on to actually communicating with the device. So I need to effectively subtract this time out of the equation when the user is told to be ready and press the button.
    Can someone please help me?
    motor_control_responsetime.vi ‏61 KB

  • 'Carrier Dropped' modem state hung problem

    We have Cisco 3660 (IOS 12.2(7)) as a dial-up router and a pool of different modems, including Zyxel U-336E Plus (1.0.8), Zyxel Omni Neo v.92, USRobotics Courier. Lines are configured like this:
    line 85 86
    no motd-banner
    no exec-banner
    no activation-character
    modem InOut
    modem autoconfigure type u336ep
    no exec
    transport preferred none
    transport input all
    escape-character NONE
    autoselect ppp
    stopbits 1
    speed 57600
    flowcontrol hardware
    The problem occurs on every line, despite of type of modem attached. After some time of operation (very soon, indeed, within 2 or 3 calls to the line) we get following:
    # s lin 86
    Tty Typ Tx/Rx A Modem Roty AccO AccI Uses Noise Overruns Int
    I 86 TTY 57600/57600 - inout - - - 238 571 0/4 -
    Idle, Carrier Dropped
    Line 86, Location: "", Type: ""
    Length: 24 lines, Width: 80 columns
    Baud rate (TX/RX) is 57600/57600, no parity, 1 stopbits, 8 databits
    Status: No Exit Banner, CTS Raised
    Capabilities: EXEC Suppressed, Hardware Flowcontrol In,
    Hardware Flowcontrol Out, Modem Callout, Modem RI is CD,
    Line usable as async interface, Hangup on Last Close, No login banner
    Modem Autoconfigure, MOTD Banner Suppressed
    Modem state: Carrier Dropped
    Modem hardware state: CTS noDSR DTR RTS
    Special Chars: Escape Hold Stop Start Disconnect Activation
    none none - - none any
    Timeouts: Idle EXEC Idle Session Modem Answer Session Dispatch
    00:10:00 never none not set
    Idle Session Disconnect Warning
    Login-sequence User Response
    Autoselect Initial Wait
    not set
    Modem type is u336ep.
    Session limit is not set.
    Time since activation: 00:08:14
    Editing is enabled.
    History is enabled, history size is 10.
    DNS resolution in show commands is enabled
    Full user help is disabled
    Allowed input transports are pad v120 lapb-ta telnet rlogin.
    Allowed output transports are pad v120 lapb-ta telnet rlogin.
    Preferred transport is none.
    No output characters are padded
    No special data dispatching characters
    Line remains in this state until 'modem InOut' command issued for this line, or router reloaded. Modem on the line answers normally and passes handshake, but the line protocol remains down.
    Can anyone advise anything to fix this?
    Thanks in advance

    Since there has been no response to your post, it appears to be either too complex or too rare an issue for other forum members to assist you. If you don't get a suitable response to your post, you may wish to review our resources at the online Technical Assistance Center (http://www.cisco.com/tac) or speak with a TAC engineer. You can open a TAC case online at http://www.cisco.com/tac/caseopen
    If anyone else in the forum has some advice, please reply to this thread.
    Thank you for posting.

  • Checkin activity via DTR command line tool

    I tried to maintain Access Control Lists in my DTR (Web AS 640, SP16), and now I have a weird situation:
    The NW Developer Studio shows that acl.xml unter /ws is checked out by user superadmin (that's correct as I used that one to maintain the ACLs), but it doesn't show any activity of superadmin.
    DTR command line tool shows the activity:
    >acts -U superadmin -o -uf
    ActualName      State
    act_w_system_config_active_u_superadmin_t_2006_06_06_12_42_33_GMT_6dca269b-9cb4-4d96-a663-fbe98c715265  Open
    But when I try to checkin the tool cannot find the activity any more:
    >checkin -a act_w_system_config_active_u_superadmin_t_2006_06_06_12_42_33_GMT_6dca269b-9cb4-4d96-a663-fbe98c715265 -w //
    system/config/active/ -U superadmin
    The specified activity does not exist. Please check and try again.
    Any idea how I can get rid of this lock on acl.xml in /ws?
    Thanks and best regards,

    perhaps your release is higher equal to 711.
    From 7.11 onwards the DI command line tools are not provided in the eclipse/tools folder anymore.
    Instead they are provdided in the SCA file DICLIENTS.SCA  --> tcdicmd_tools~sda.sda
    Extract this SDA file from the SCA and then unzip it to get the DI command line tools.
    Hint: Once you rename the SCA to zip, you can extract with a normal extractor like winzip or winrar. Once you managed to extract the file tcdicmd_tools~sda.sda rename it also to zip and extract it too using normal extractor tools. Then you'll have a similar folder structure like on lower releases in the eclipse/tools folder was.
    You find the SCA file here:
    http://service.sap.com/patches --> Browse our Download Catalog - SAP NetWeaver and complementary products
    -- SAP NETWEAVER CE -- SAP EHP1 FOR SAP NW CE 7.1 -- Entry by Component -- NW Development
    Infrastructure --> DI CLIENTS 7.11
    (Obviously if you have 720 or 730 then adjust the path accordingly)
    See also https://cw.sdn.sap.com/cw/docs/DOC-109423
    I hope this helps.
    Best Regards,

  • Problem setting DTR permissions

    I tried to set permissions in DTR. When defining the permission at root level (http:///dtr/) with the eclipse plugin the permission editor opens.
    I then grant all permissions to JDI.Administrators. When I click at the OK button nothing happens. I can click CANCEL and the dialog disappears, but the permissions are not visible in the permissions view.
    The eclipse log file encloses the following error message:
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.lib.acl.impl.ACL.assureFileNotCheckedOutByOthers(ACL.java:317)
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.lib.acl.impl.ACL.attachToActivity(ACL.java:327)
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.lib.acl.impl.ACL.checkOut(ACL.java:342)
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.lib.acl.impl.ACL.access$500(ACL.java:44)
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.lib.acl.impl.ACL$New.modify(ACL.java:130)
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.lib.acl.impl.ACL.modify(ACL.java:507)
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.lib.acl.impl.ACL.createACE(ACL.java:617)
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.eclipse.admin.ui.EditAceDialog$10.run(EditAceDialog.java:367)
         at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(BusyIndicator.java:69)
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.eclipse.admin.ui.EditAceDialog.buttonPressed(EditAceDialog.java:363)
         at org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog$1.widgetSelected(Dialog.java:423)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(TypedListener.java:89)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:81)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:840)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:2022)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:1729)
         at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.runEventLoop(Window.java:583)
         at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.open(Window.java:563)
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.eclipse.admin.ui.PermissionViewer$22.run(PermissionViewer.java:643)
         at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(BusyIndicator.java:69)
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.eclipse.admin.ui.PermissionViewer.handleCreateAce(PermissionViewer.java:641)
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.eclipse.admin.ui.PermissionViewer.access$1800(PermissionViewer.java:105)
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.eclipse.admin.ui.PermissionViewer$10.run(PermissionViewer.java:539)
         at org.eclipse.jface.action.Action.runWithEvent(Action.java:842)
         at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.handleWidgetSelection(ActionContributionItem.java:456)
         at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.handleWidgetEvent(ActionContributionItem.java:403)
         at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.access$0(ActionContributionItem.java:397)
         at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem$ActionListener.handleEvent(ActionContributionItem.java:72)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:81)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:840)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:2022)
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:1729)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java:1402)
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.run(Workbench.java:1385)
         at com.tssap.util.startup.WBLauncher.run(WBLauncher.java:79)
         at org.eclipse.core.internal.boot.InternalBootLoader.run(InternalBootLoader.java:858)
         at org.eclipse.core.boot.BootLoader.run(BootLoader.java:461)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
         at com.sap.ide.eclipse.startup.Main.basicRun(Main.java:291)
         at com.sap.ide.eclipse.startup.Main.run(Main.java:789)
         at com.sap.ide.eclipse.startup.Main.main(Main.java:607)
    How can I check if the file is checked out by another user and more interesting which file does the error message mean?
    The next question: How can I then unlock the file?
    I´m using:
    Web AS 640 SP9
    Any help is welcome

    I´ve already had a look at help.sap.com and I also do have the documentation "DTR Authentication and Authorization".
    In the meantime I was successful at a SP11 NWDI but at SP9 it is still not working correctly. After restarting the SP9 server I was partly successful (I had to press the OK button of the assignment wizard twice and then the cancel button. After I´ve clicked at the column header of the permissions view the permissions were visible). Unfortunatly I didn´t activate my rights assignments and now I can´t reproduce the successful state.
    Seems to be a bug. Does anyone have the same problem or a workaround?

  • How do I get the DSR state property node to correctly read?

    I can toggle the DTR line high and
    low using a property node for the serial port, modem line settings, DTR line state, and it works fine. However, I cannot get the DSR line to
    read properly. Seems to go to unasserted no matter what the input is (and I've verifed the input). I've turned handshaking on and jumpered DTR to DSR (pin 4 to 6 on DB-9), but the DSR line will not read correctly. I'm using 6.1 with Windows 2000.

    Here's a simple version. Writes and reads to itself fine, and can toggle the DTR high and low. DSR is always unasserted. Thanks for your help.
    CommProgSubset.vi ‏85 KB

  • Integrate To - DTR Admin Feature

    I tried to use the ' Integrate To' feature enabling the DTR Admin Plugin from NWDS.
    After I did the - 'Integrate To ', I tried to check-in and activate the Activity in the Target SC.
    The check-in seems to be working fine as I can see the DC in the DTR workspace,
    The activation is failing with following error -
    Update DC metadata... started at 2010-10-17 11:35:28.146 GMT
                ===== Post-Processing =====  finished at 2010-10-17 11:35:28.150 GMT and took 10 ms
                Change request state from PROCESSING to FAILED
                Error! The following problem(s) occurred  during request processing:
                Error! The following error occurred during request processing:DC 'test.com/test/parentwd1' is already active in the compartment 'TEST_SOFTWARE_COMP' and cannot be activated in the compartment 'TEST_SOFTWARE_COMP_1'
    Can someone help me understand why is this error coming up?
    Uma A

    Hello community.
    I have solved my problem my myself:)
    The problem was:
    You have to set Administrator-rights:
    Open NWDS -> Window -> Preferences -> Development Infrastructure -> Design Time Repository ->
    Set o tick on: Enable administrative functionality
    Thank you for helping.
    Best Regards.

  • InteractiveForm in DTR

    Hi there,
    I have a problem:
    When creating a new InteractiveForm UI element in a DTR-based DC, the templateSource of the element is empty. As (someone correct me if I'm wrong) this property is read-only and created only at initialization time and it's empty, I can't create the form (the web page appears, but there's no PDF on it).
    Can anyone help, please ?
    Or point me to a doc about how to use the PDF web service in WAS ?

    The active dc will have the same folder structure as in your project in NWDS.
    Active dc means that it has passed the dc build at the CBS and is in build state. The archives will be generated for the active dc in the gen->... folder after successful dc build by CBS.
    Is this answers your question ?
    Ashwani Kr Sharma

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