Dual 1.42GHz MDD startup troubles

Greetings Mac fans,
Just started having lots of trouble starting up my Pwer Mac dual 1.42GHz MDD. When I do get it to boot up the date is set to 1969 (a good year by the way).
Anyway, I suspect the battery on the logic board is weak.
What is the size/style/# of this battery so I can buy the right one at Radio Shack?

Thanks Douggo. I went out to Radio Shack and got the battery today.
Had a bit of trouble replacing the battery because my NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600 video card was blocking the battery slot. The card runs the full length of the machine, front to back, obstructing the easy extrication of battery.
While pulling out the card there was a spark and smoke from the AGP slot. I got real nervous 'cause I though I'd fried the card or slot! But thankfully the computer started up and the display works. What a pain just to replace this measly little battery.

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    Ewww...sounds bad. I've had that happen once. You see, the fans are controlled by the CPU's temperature, and the faster they move, that means the hotter the chip is. Also, that dried out thermal paste was either caused by, or the cause of your problem, as it is either a sign of excessive heat or non adequate heat protection. Sorry to say this, but I think the CPU is fried. That explains the rapid acceleration of the fans. I COULD be wrong, but that is normally what the syptoms describe. I'd have it checked out by a mac genius, as he can give you a more definate answer. If that's the case, you're gonna need a new CPU, or maybe a new logic board.
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    Message was edited by: Play

    Should be This board.
    Confirm the serial number of your existing board.

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    Try another DVI monitor to help determine the cause
    Are you using a Thunderbolt port not shared with the HDMI port?
    See the image included here:
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    Nadav wrote:
    There's an extra component on the 1.42 board which hits the base of my aluminum heatsink, on the copper heatsink there's a cut-out for it.
    What do you mean by "extra component on the 1.42 board" - I am running a dual 1.25 with a almost brand new copper heatsink and have been experiencing no problems at all. It was an easy fit for my processor. I don't know what you mean by this.
    Sorry to say this...but read what I wrote (about the 1.42 board) and then read what you wrote. You don't have a dual 1.42 board, you have a dual 1.25 board. I didn't say that the copper heatsink wouldn't work with a dual 1.25. I said the first aluminum heatsink (with thick fins) will not work with the Dual 1.42 board, which you don't have. You cannot physically mount the first aluminum heatsink on the dual 1.42 board -- the heatsink smacks into a component (sorry I don't know what it's called) on the 1.42 board and you cannot mount/screw it down. The heatsink can't even make contact with the chips.
    Put it this way, the copper heatsink will fit any processor 1.42, 1.25 single/dual, etc. However, the same cannot be said of the first aluminum heatsink. The first aluminum heatsink will not fit every MDD processor. It works with a dual 867, dual 1.0, and dual 1.25 -- I can attest to that because I've done it. But the first aluminum heatsink will not physically work with the dual 1.42. You cannot physically mount it on the 1.42 board. The base of the aluminum heatsink smacks into a component on the 1.42 board -- a component which doesn't exist on the other boards I mentioned. The copper heatsink makes allowances for that extra component -- having a cutout on the base so the heatsink can be mounted. On every other CPU board I've tried which doesn't have that extra component, there's no problem with the copper heatsink -- there's a cutout for something which doesn't exist on the other boards.

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    Hi Jessamyn
    Many times a connected External HD, iPod or other storage device can cause the startup manager to have a problem finding your startup volume, first disconnect all other storage devices to see if that helps. Second go to *System Preferences > Startup Disk* and select the *Mac OS X, 10.4 on Macintosh HD* click the lock and restart.
    If you are still having a startup issue then use the following link for testing and repairing your startup disk: > http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=DiskUtility/10.5/en/duh1018.html

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    4) Powersupply is good and working perfectly
    5) So far its looking like the processor module and/or logic board is in deed bad, since everything else has been ruled out.
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    Any help?

    Hello! have you watched the video for removing the carrier from OWC? Tom
    http://eshop.macsales.com/tech_center/index.cfm?page=Video/harddrive/g4mddata133 /high.html

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    The problems you are experiencing with random crashes I would say definately are ram related. I had exactly the same problems as you with my MDD & this had new Apple supplied ram.
    Random crashes, never any logs or warning or kernal panic screens. Sometimes the computer would run for 10 mins, sometimes for 8 hours after a restart, but one thing for sure, you new it would freeze if you ever did anything you wanted to keep.
    In the end I took some ram out of my G5 2 gig, which was DDR 400 Corsair value ram (2 x 1 gig sticks) & put it in my MDD, It has been running for 3 months without 1 crash at all. It is now 100% reliable. What a turn around!
    No matter what I throw at it it copes admirably.
    Now heres the crunch, This was in a FW800. I took the ram that I had the problems with (4 x 512 sticks of ram bought from Apple) & dropped it into another MDD I have, a FW 400 & it works perfectly? Tried it back in the FW800, instant crashing. So is this a FW800/FW400 problem, well no actually, as when I tried it in a FW400 at work it had random freezes. So, there is still hope for your machine, it is just a case of finding some compatible ram.
    G5 Dual 2 Gig+Nvidia 7800 GT 8 Gig Ram, G4-Dual 1.5MHz FW800   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    Thank you.

    You can call Apple Customer Support 1-800-767-2775, provide the Serial Number and specifications of the Mac, and for a fee, a replacement set of system discs (if available), can be ordered.
    However, the discs will be for the original version of OS, that was pre-installed, when the Mac was manufactured. In this case, it should include the OS 9.
    Do you want to be able to boot into OS 9.x, or run OS 9.x in classic mode while booted into OS X. If you want to boot, you'll need the CD. However, if you just want to operate in classic (no OS 9.x boot) copy the complete System Folder containing OS 9.2.1 or 9.2.2 from another Mac. Then copy the folder to your Mac. You should now be able to run in classic mode.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Hello! Try looking HERE. Tom

  • G4 Power Mac (MDD) - has trouble booting after shutdown

    I have a Power Mac G4 MDD (1.25Ghz) that is having issues when it is shut down. The power button on the front of the machine does not start the computer every time. Sometimes it works, sometimes I need to wait a while before it will work. When the button is pressed, it does not light up or anything.
    I have noticed that if I sleep the computer it always seems to wakeup when the front button is pressed. But if I shut down the G4, is does not always bootup.
    I have also performed multiple restarts when performing software updates, and they always seemed to work fine.
    I have changed the Saft battery inside - it was at about .4v
    I have performed a CUDA/PMU reset using the button on the motherboard, and followed the Apple procedure. (disconnect power, and accesories, press reset button, wait 10 seconds, reconnect, restart) It did not restart right away, had to wait 20 minutes or so.
    The G4 has a new installation of Tiger, with all of the updates.
    I have identified that the PSU is dropping the standby voltage on Pin 1. It does not do it consistently, but when the 25v is missing from Pin 1, the G4 does not start. After a couple of minutes, I can see the voltage return to Pin 1, and the unit starts no problem.
    Before I look for a replacement PSU (which seem pretty expensive), I was wondering if anyone knows if this is purely a PSU issue, or does the CUDA/PMU influence the standby voltages?

    With the "sometimes" nature of the problem, it could be the front panel board, a much cheaper replacement than a PSU. An Apple tech told me that one way to test the front panel board was to find one of the first Apple USB keyboards for the original iMac. The early ones have a power button like the old ADB boards that overrides the internal board/button. He said that, should the Mac start reliably from the old keyboard, then there is trouble with the front panel board. The Apple model number for the USB board with power button is M2452.
    Very helpful forum member japamac has a test procedure for the MDD PSU on his site here:
    http://jcsenterprises.com/Japamacs_Page/Blog/D275729F-09DA-4FBB-96B3-BEEEB2C0461 9.html
    You'll need a multimeter to check the voltage levels.

  • 2.7 GHz Dual CPU PPC G5 Startup Problems

    New, ongoing problems with my Early 2005 G5 (typing this on my old G3):  Boot process suddenly no workee. If I reset the PMU, and then reset PRAM, it will boot normally. But attempt to restart or reboot subsequently will result in (a) black screen, (b) Apple logo but no "rotating gear," or (c) random boot success but a cursor freeze very soon after.  DIY troubleshooting:  1) Running Apple Hardware Test from Mac OS X v 10.4 installation disc indicates a failure of the CPU "B" AD7417, Ref Desig AD1. (Temperature of CPU B displays as -35.7°C using Marcel Bresink's "Hardware Monitor." CPU A indicates an expected temperature of 50°C at idle.) This has been the case since 2010, but computer has always acted normally until about a week ago.  2) Running TechTool Pro v 4.1.3 from second internal HD on primary shows no failures during any test.  3) Running Disk Warrior v 3.0.3 showed no problems.  4) Same startup failures occur when the Tiger installation disc is selected as the startup disc.  5) Once the system fails to boot, attempting startup without resetting PMU (i.e. attempting to reset only the PRAM first) will not produce a second chime, although I get the first chime. PRAM battery (3.6 volt Lithium) measures 3.68 volts out of circuit and is only about 1 year old.  6) Took the G5 to the local Apple Genius bar, where they kept it for about 4 days and reported that the "ASD" (Apple System Diagnostics) procedure recommended to replace the CPU assembly ("or if that didn't work to replace the Logic Board"). I found that "diagnosis" unhelpful and retrieved my G5 from them not repaired ($900+ for CPU assembly or $900+ for Logic Board).  7) When I overhauled the LCS back in October 2009, I had observed thermal grease had leaked through to the PPC970 CPU chips from the heat sink interfaces on both CPU A and B. However the computer had worked fine for the last 3 years with that condition present. As a precaution against possibility that the new start-up problems were being caused by this, I have just pulled the CPU/LCS assembly from the G5, removed both CPUs from the LCS, cleaned and re-greased the PPC970 chips and re-installed the CPU assemblies. There was no change in the boot failure symptoms. There has been no coolant leakage and CPU A temperature looks normal.  Questions:  Could the AD7417 Analog Devices sensor have anything to do with this booting problem? (Can't see how since it didn't do anything before now.) Is it possible the Power Management Unit (Mitsubishi M16C/62F) ROM is at fault? Any guesses as to any particular components or component types that might be bad ( i.e. maybe electrolytic capacitors, etc)?  Thanks for reading!

    Most probably the solder issue happens in the U3 system controller which is situated on the backside of the logic board, with a large heatsink assembly. They should have cooled it better. Even on 2 GHz machines it heated up to 80 C quite easily. There's an IBM document [1] boasting how well they designed the thermal pumping endurance of the CPUs (also BGAs) - I don't know whether they applied that bit of engineering to the U3 controller as well..
    With the older G5 generation as well as the latest one, it's possible to run the machine with only one CPU attached, and see whether it's one the CPUs that's starting to give up. I don't think the 2.7 model will start up like that, unfortunately.
    You could fire up the OF test from the ASD CD and let it run the logic board test (select individual tests) for like 50 runs (loop count) or so and see if it locks up. The problem with the CD is that the fans go full rpm, making the cooling much better than during boot up or in the OS. One of my broken logic boards hung up during the ASD test deterministically and the other only in the OS or during boot up.
    You could also loop the CPU tests from the ASD, but they don't seem to be a stress test, but rather just test computational correctness. Looping them probably won't put much heat load on the CPUs. If you can boot into OS, using some small stress test that fits in the CPU cache (small ffts etc..) could be used to verify the CPUs. The ASD memory test should be ok to test the memory buses, but those also go through the U3 chip.
    [1] https://www-01.ibm.com/chips/techlib/techlib.nsf/techdocs/59BEA03A4FA9E41787256F D600710800/$file/BGA%20Solution%20for%20G5.pdf

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