Dunning as PDF - Problem with output

Hi experts,
I have a problem with the dunning as email.
Everything works fine here with the dífferent threads (BTE 1040) - but the output is not in PDF-format. When I look at SOST, the attachment ist in *.EXT format...
Does anybody know what's the problem?
Additional information: The file is an .pdf file - when I save it as .pdf, I can open it normally...

In transaction SCOT, check the format for Sapscript/Smartforms. Double click on the node for email. e.g .SMTP. In the pop-up window there is a section for supported address types. Beside 'Internet', click on the button SET. In here select PDF as the output format for Sapscript/Smartforms and for ABAP lists.
Also in SCOT, check Setttings -> Device types for Format Conversion, ensure that PDF is the target format.

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    <table border="1">
    <td>row 1, cell 1</td>
    <td>row 1, cell 2</td>
    <td>row 2, cell 1</td>
    <td>row 2, cell 2</td>
    Can anybody explain why the rtf template output is different in pdf, rtf, excel ? It looks ok only in pdf.
    Thanks in advance.

    Check these
    If helps mark
    Edited by: Srini VEERAVALLI on Feb 25, 2013 10:04 AM

  • Problem with output string to command

    hey i have no idea why this aint working
    its a simple output string to command.
    what it is supposed to do is make a new directory given by the input string
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    thanks for the help
    //methods input save files
         saveFile = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Save Files To : ");
         //method command for saving files
         //Stream to write file
         FileOutputStream fout;          
         try { Process myProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("mkdir" + saveFile );
          InputStreamReader myIStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(myProcess.getInputStream());
          fout = new FileOutputStream ("file.txt");
          while ((ch = myIStreamReader.read()) != -1) { new PrintStream(fout).print((char)ch); } }
              catch (IOException anIOException) { System.out.println(anIOException); }

    What you fail to understand is that "aint working" and "Problem with output string to command" tells us absolutely squat about what your problem is. This is the same as saying to the doctor "I'm sick" and expecting him to cure you. As mentioned by Enceph you need to provide details. Do you get error messages? If so post the entire error and indicate the line of code it occurs on. Do you get incorrect output? Then post what output you get, what output you expect. The more effort you put into your question the more effort others will put in their replies. So until you can manage to execute a little common sense then the only responses you will get will be flames. Now is your tiny little brain able to comprehend that?

  • Spool to PDF - Problems with downloading PDF file when converting with job

    Hi all!
    I've got a problem. I've got a program that writes a smartform into the spool. After that, I am using the function modules RSTS_GET_ATTRIBUTES and CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF to convert it into PDF. I retrieve a internal table with the binary content for the PDF file. Now i can download the file to the desktop by using the method cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download.
    But there is a problem: when the spool excesses 99 pages, the function module CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF asks the user via popup if the PDF should be created in background. If the user commits, the internal tables that should contain the binary PDF data is emtpy. A background job writes the binary data into the spool. The user has got an empty file that will be generated by cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download.
    So, is it possible to suppress the popup to create the PDF allways online? Or how can I write the PDF file if there will be create any spool id in background? You'll find my current code below.
    * Prüfen ob es die übergebene Spoolnummer überhaupt gibt
      SELECT SINGLE * FROM tsp01 INTO ls_tsp01 WHERE rqident = id_spoolid.
      IF ( sy-subrc <> 0 ).
        cf_error = 'X'.
    * TemSe-Objekte speichern sequentielle Daten. Ein TemSe-Objekt kann aus
    * mehreren Teilen bestehen. Dieser FB ermittelt die wichtigsten Attribute
    * eines TemSe-Objekts. Falls das Objekt aus mehreren Teilen besteht, werden
    * die Attribute entsprechend zusammengefaßt.
          client        = ls_tsp01-rqclient
          name          = ls_tsp01-rqo1name
          part          = 1
          objtype       = ld_objtype
          fb_error      = 1
          fb_rsts_other = 2
          no_object     = 3
          no_permission = 4
          OTHERS        = 5.
      IF ( sy-subrc <> 0 ).
        cf_error = 'X'.
      IF ld_objtype(3) = 'OTF'.
        lf_is_otf = 'X'.
        lf_is_otf = ' '.
      IF ( lf_is_otf = 'X' ).
    *   Konvertiere OTF-Spoolauftrag nach PDF
            src_spoolid              = id_spoolid
            no_dialog                = ' '
    *        pdf_destination          = 'T'
            pdf_bytecount            = ld_numbytes
            pdf_spoolid              = ld_pdfspoolid
            btc_jobname              = ld_jobname
            btc_jobcount             = ld_jobcount
            pdf                      = lt_pdf
            err_no_otf_spooljob      = 1
            err_no_spooljob          = 2
            err_no_permission        = 3
            err_conv_not_possible    = 4
            err_bad_dstdevice        = 5
            user_cancelled           = 6
            err_spoolerror           = 7
            err_temseerror           = 8
            err_btcjob_open_failed   = 9
            err_btcjob_submit_failed = 10
            err_btcjob_close_failed  = 11.
        IF ( sy-subrc <> 0 ).
          cf_error = 'X'.
    *   Konvertiere ABAP-Liste-Spoolauftrag nach PDF
            src_spoolid              = id_spoolid
            no_dialog                = ' '
            pdf_bytecount            = ld_numbytes
            pdf_spoolid              = ld_pdfspoolid
            btc_jobname              = ld_jobname
            btc_jobcount             = ld_jobcount
            pdf                      = lt_pdf
            err_no_abap_spooljob     = 1
            err_no_spooljob          = 2
            err_no_permission        = 3
            err_conv_not_possible    = 4
            err_bad_destdevice       = 5
            user_cancelled           = 6
            err_spoolerror           = 7
            err_temseerror           = 8
            err_btcjob_open_failed   = 9
            err_btcjob_submit_failed = 10
            err_btcjob_close_failed  = 11.
        IF ( sy-subrc <> 0 ).
          cf_error = 'X'.
      WHILE ( lf_file_ok = '' ).
    *   Die in der Tabelle lt_pdf enthaltenen Binärdaten werden nun in eine
    *   Datei geschrieben. Da alle übergebenen Tickets in die gleiche Datei
    *   geschrieben werden, kann der im Speicher gehaltente Protokolleintrag
    *   gelesen werden
        CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download
            bin_filesize              = ld_numbytes
            filename                  = cd_filename
            filetype                  = 'BIN'
    *    append                    = SPACE
    *    write_field_separator     = SPACE
    *    header                    = '00'
    *    trunc_trailing_blanks     = SPACE
    *    write_lf                  = 'X'
    *    col_select                = SPACE
    *    col_select_mask           = SPACE
    *    dat_mode                  = SPACE
          confirm_overwrite         = 'X'
    *    no_auth_check             = SPACE
    *    codepage                  = SPACE
    *    ignore_cerr               = ABAP_TRUE
    *    replacement               = '#'
    *    write_bom                 = SPACE
    *    trunc_trailing_blanks_eol = 'X'
    *    wk1_n_format              = SPACE
    *    wk1_n_size                = SPACE
    *    wk1_t_format              = SPACE
    *    wk1_t_size                = SPACE
    *    filelength                =
            data_tab                  = lt_pdf
            file_write_error          = 1
            no_batch                  = 2
            gui_refuse_filetransfer   = 3
            invalid_type              = 4
            no_authority              = 5
            unknown_error             = 6
            header_not_allowed        = 7
            separator_not_allowed     = 8
            filesize_not_allowed      = 9
            header_too_long           = 10
            dp_error_create           = 11
            dp_error_send             = 12
            dp_error_write            = 13
            unknown_dp_error          = 14
            access_denied             = 15
            dp_out_of_memory          = 16
            disk_full                 = 17
            dp_timeout                = 18
            file_not_found            = 19
            dataprovider_exception    = 20
            control_flush_error       = 21
            not_supported_by_gui      = 22
            error_no_gui              = 23
            OTHERS                    = 24.

    Creating a PDF file with over 99 pages through SAP seems rather unreasonable to me. What are you printing - Encyclopedia Britannica? For cripes sake... Have you thought about creating more than one spool request or using something completely different? Why do you have to do this through spool? You can get Smartform output directly into PDF, there are a lot of example out there.
    The only solution that comes to mind is rather brutal - create a copy of the function module and get rid of the popup. Although it just might time out after that...

  • Email attachment in PDF problem with Images

    Hi All,
    Can any one tell me how to solve the problem with Email attachment in PDF. If i remove the logo of the client in the Smartform i am getting the Email attachment fine but when i put back the image in the smartform the PDF is giving error and not opening the attachment.

    Hi All,
    Can any one tell me how to solve the problem with Email attachment in PDF. If i remove the logo of the client in the Smartform i am getting the Email attachment fine but when i put back the image in the smartform the PDF is giving error and not opening the attachment.

  • Problem with output from  report to excel, calling the report from form 10g

    Hi everyone, I'm having a problem generating a excel from a report, which is called from a form, I'm using Forms 10g. The problem is this: My report has a variable number of columns. These columns appear according to data obtained from the database, these columns are dates, In vesion 6 excel file generated shows the columns one after another starting in column A1 to column CP. I mean that the dates are correlative. But in version 10g the excel file generated shows the same report starting in column A to column T, only shows the 20 dates correlative corresponding to this columns, the rest of the dates are down the excel sheet in groups of 20 dates, it's something, the file in 6i grows across and in 10g grows down the excel sheet. The report (rdf file) is the same in 6i and 10g, I compiled the 6i version to obtain the 10g version. The excel sheet generated in 10g looks like the report was in pdf format, because PDF format, cuts the report in pages and the file grows down, if I generate the report in PDF format it has the same structure excel file in 10g has. I hope yo can help because I have days trying to solve this but I have no succes. If someone could help I could email the excel files generated in two versions. Here I put the code I use to generate the files in 6i and 10g. I have tried with DESFORMAT=SPREADSHEET in 10g but the result is the same. Thanks for your help. Greetings for all.
    Code for version 6i (Works Very well)
    pl_id ParamList;
    nom_rep varchar2(20);
    cla_rep varchar2(20);
    cod_dis varchar2(4);
    nom_arch varchar2(100);
    fec date;
    pl_id := Get_Parameter_List('tmpdata');
    IF NOT Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
    Destroy_Parameter_List( pl_id );
    END IF;
    pl_id := Create_Parameter_List('tmpdata');
    cod_dis := :BK_PARAMETROS.LI_COD_DIS;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    cla_rep := '001';
              cla_rep := '002';
              cla_rep := '003';
              cla_rep := '004';
         END IF;
         END IF;
    END IF;
    Add_Parameter(pl_id,'P_COD_DIS',TEXT_PARAMETER, cod_dis);
    Add_Parameter(pl_id,'P_FECHA',TEXT_PARAMETER,to_char(:BK_PARAMETROS.FECFIN, 'DD/MM/YYYY'));
    Add_Parameter(pl_id,'P_CLASE',TEXT_PARAMETER, cla_rep);
    select sysdate into fec from dual;
    nom_rep := 'tdvenrli1577.rep';
    nom_arch := 'c:\windows\temp\RepCobranzaPlanos' || TO_CHAR(fec, 'ddmmyyyy') || '.xls';
              nom_rep := 'tdvenrli1578.rep';
              nom_arch := 'c:\windows\temp\RepCobranzaLargos' || TO_CHAR(fec, 'ddmmyyyy') || '.xls';
                        Add_Parameter(pl_id,'P_XLS',TEXT_PARAMETER, '1');           
              nom_rep := 'tdvenrli1576.rep';
              nom_arch := 'c:\windows\temp\RepCobranzaDetallados' || TO_CHAR(fec, 'ddmmyyyy') || '.xls';      
                        nom_rep := 'TDVENRLI1545.REP';
              nom_arch := 'c:\windows\temp\RepCobranzaTodos' || TO_CHAR(fec, 'ddmmyyyy') || '.xls';
    END IF;
    --Add_Parameter(pl_id,'DESNAME',TEXT_PARAMETER,nom_arch );
    Add_Parameter(pl_id,'DESNAME',TEXT_PARAMETER, nom_arch);
    Run_Product(REPORTS, nom_rep, SYNCHRONOUS, runtime, FILESYSTEM, pl_id,'');
    EXCEPTION WHEN Run_Product_Failure THEN
    Code for version 10g
    pl_id ParamList;
    nom_rep varchar2(20);
    cla_rep varchar2(20);
    cod_dis varchar2(4);
    nom_arch varchar2(100);
    fec date;
    repid REPORT_OBJECT;
         vURL VARCHAR2(500);
         rep_status VARCHAR2(20);
         vJobID VARCHAR2(100);
         v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
    w_name_repserv VARCHAR2(30);
    pl_id := Get_Parameter_List('mytmp_params');
    IF NOT Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
    Destroy_Parameter_List( pl_id );
    END IF;
    pl_id := Create_Parameter_List('mytmp_params');
         cod_dis := :BK_PARAMETROS.LI_COD_DIS;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    cla_rep := '001';
              cla_rep := '002';
              cla_rep := '003';
              cla_rep := '004';
         END IF;
         END IF;
    END IF;
    Add_Parameter(pl_id,'P_COD_DIS',TEXT_PARAMETER, cod_dis);
    Add_Parameter(pl_id,'P_FECHA',TEXT_PARAMETER,to_char(:BK_PARAMETROS.FECFIN, 'DD/MM/YYYY'));
    Add_Parameter(pl_id,'P_CLASE',TEXT_PARAMETER, cla_rep);
    Add_Parameter(pl_id,'DESFORMAT',TEXT_PARAMETER,'DELIMITED' );*/
    select sysdate into fec from dual;
         repid := find_report_object('tdvenrli1577');
    --nom_rep := 'tdvenrli1577.rep';
    nom_arch := 'c:\windows\temp\RepCobranzaPlanos' || TO_CHAR(fec, 'ddmmyyyy') || '.xls';
         repid := find_report_object('tdvenrli1578');      
              --nom_rep := 'tdvenrli1578.rep';
              nom_arch := 'c:\windows\temp\RepCobranzaLargos' || TO_CHAR(fec, 'ddmmyyyy') || '.xls';
              SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(repid, REPORT_FILENAME,'tdvenrli1578');
         repid := find_report_object('tdvenrli1576');
                        Add_Parameter(pl_id,'P_XLS',TEXT_PARAMETER, '1');           
              --nom_rep := 'tdvenrli1576.rep';
              nom_arch := 'c:\windows\temp\RepCobranzaDetallados' || TO_CHAR(fec, 'ddmmyyyy') || '.xls';
              SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(repid, REPORT_FILENAME,'tdvenrli1576');     
         repid := find_report_object('tdvenrli1545');
                        --nom_rep := 'TDVENRLI1545.REP';
              nom_arch := 'c:\windows\temp\RepCobranzaTodos' || TO_CHAR(fec, 'ddmmyyyy') || '.xls';
              SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(repid, REPORT_FILENAME,'tdvenrli1545');     
    END IF;
    --Add_Parameter(pl_id,'DESNAME',TEXT_PARAMETER,nom_arch );
    --Add_Parameter(pl_id,'DESNAME',TEXT_PARAMETER, nom_arch);
         SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(repid, REPORT_SERVER, w_name_repserv);
         SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(repid, REPORT_OTHER, 'paramform=no');
         v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid, pl_id);
         rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);
              rep_status:= report_object_status(v_rep);
         END LOOP;
         IF rep_status = 'FINISHED' THEN
              vJobID := SUBSTR(v_rep, INSTR(v_rep, '_', -1)+1);
         END IF;
         WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT(vURL, '_blank');
         IF NOT form_success THEN
              MESSAGE('Error: PL/SQL held against Button failed to execute');
         END IF;
    /*Run_Product(REPORTS, nom_rep, SYNCHRONOUS, runtime, FILESYSTEM, pl_id,'');
    EXCEPTION WHEN Run_Product_Failure THEN

    There are two problems with your VI.  First, the basic logic of writing/appending to a file (Excel, TDMS, anything) should go something like this:  Open the file, position yourself at the end of the file, then, in the loop, acquire data and write it to the file until you are finished with data acquisition.  When you exit the acquire/write to file loop, then close the file.  In particular, the opening and the closing of the file should not be inside the loop.
    As others have pointed out, writing to Excel might not be optimal, particularly if you are acquiring data at a high rate (and would therefore be writing a lot of data). We actually use Excel in our data acquisition routine, mainly reading from a WorkSheet to get the parameters of a particular stimulus, but also writing the outcome of the response to the stimulus.  As it happens, our "acquisition rate" in this example is on the order of several samples per minute, so there's no problem using Excel (we also sample 16 channels of analog data at 1 KHz -- this gets written as a binary file).
    Second, if you really do want to use Excel, use the (existing) Excel file to which you want to append as the "template" argument of the New Report function.  Then use the Excel Get Last Row function to position yourself at "end of file", as noted above.
    Good Luck.
    Bob Schor

  • Problem with output in smart forms

    Hi All,
    I am getting some problem with the field list in smartforms. When i tried to drag and drop some fields its not allowing me drop in text editor. So i hard code some of the fields and some systems fields. But in ouput i am getting every thing like in the top its showing "Print Preview of page 001 of 007. Its showing all the Filed descriptions and every thing. But its displaying all the field values and system values as &wtab-vebln&  &wtab-erdat&  &wtab-ernam&
                   &wtab-vebln&  &wtab-erdat&  &wtab-ernam&
                   &wtab-vebln&  &wtab-erdat&  &wtab-ernam&
    Untill end of loop for all pages. In the same way for each end of the page i am trying to print out &sy-pagno& but for evry page i am getting only the &sy-pagno& but not the page number.
    When i debug the internal table itab is populated with the data.I dont know why the field list is not allowing me to drag and drop fields and when i hard code why i am getting output like that.
    Some where i read that the we have to change in cofiguration of smartform in order to drag and drop is it right?
    Suggest me how to correct this error.

    Hi Ben..
    You cannot drag&Drop the Fields into Text Editor ..
    You have to do this in Graphical PC Editor (This will be the default editor Generally)
    Otherwise you have to use the Icons INSERT FIELD(+) DELETE FIELD ( - )
    On the Toolbar above the PC Editor.
    Remember your field should be displayed with Gray shade. then only the Value of the Symbol is displayed. Otherwise it will be displaying the Symbol name as it is.
    For page no You have to use the System field of Smartforms &SFSY-PAGE&
    not &sy-pagno&.
    <b>Reward if Helpful</b>

  • Printing/creating PDF problems with Mac OS 10.6.4 and word v.X

    In my job at university I use Word 2003 (version 10) in my new iMac. Since I updated to MacOS 10.6.4 I have problems with the printing menu. That means that I can not print or convert to PDF or even generate a preview. When trying to print or obtain a preview, word freezes and I have to force quit. When trying to generate a pdf file it does, but the generated file is unreadable (it says is damaged) and word freezes again. I have played with the preferences, change user and it didn't help. I checked the Font Book and indeed they were many duplicated fonts. I sorted them out, but the problem persists. With very short files it works, but with longer ones word invariably crashes when trying to print or make a pdf. I took one long .doc file and I copied into my laptop (MacBook pro, 2008) that was running 10.6.3. I printed it and converted to pdf; no problems at all. Then, for the sake of knowledge, I updated the system to 10.4.6 and then I couldn't print or create a pdf with the very same file, so it seems that certainly the update is reponsible. So now I know cause but I can not print from any of my computers. To me convert to pdf is an important functionality so I would appreciate any help. I have some ideas: reinstall Office 2003? reinstall 10.6 from the disk (and not update)? use Time Machine to restore the system as it was before the update?
    I didn't detect problems in Office 2004, or any other programs in my macs. Unfortunately, I need Office 2003 for compatibility with some other software. Thanks in advance!

    I updated my MBP to 10.6.4 last night and today I was printing fine from Word 2008 (v12.2.5). I haven't used Office vX since Tiger so I cannot comment on its stability with the latest update. But I suggest that if you haven't done so already, try opening Disk Utility and running Repair Disk Permissions on the 10.6.4 partition. Once this has completed I also suggest that you reset the printing system, restart your Mac and then add your printer queues again.
    *How to Reset the Printing System*
    1. Open System Preferences > Print & Fax
    2. Move your mouse over the Printers list
    3. Hold down the Control button and click the mouse (or right click if supported).
    4. Click "Reset printing system ..."
    5. Restart your Mac

  • Problem with output server service credentials

    I am having a peculiar problem with regards into the output service starting.  I created a username and password in AD for this service for one of our programs to use this to print.  So I set this up and associated the service to use this account to login, but whenever I reboot the server the service never starts even though it is setup as auto, so I looked and in the login tab it has the username that I setup, but i always have to re type in the password to allow it to start.
    Does anyone have any ideas about this and how to fix this problem that i am having?

    Hi Vishal,
    Kindly use /XMII/Illuminator?service=logout
    Illuminator has to be in same case as shown above and not in caps.
    Further, this kind of error generally comes when you miss including some mode or service name in the URL.
    Kindly recheck your URL that you are navigating to post logoff.
    It should generally go to: http://<Server>:<Port>/XMII/Illuminator?service=Personalization

  • Static/Dynamic PDF problem with Forms 7.0

    Hi all
    I wonder if anyone has an answer to this?
    I'm having problems with getting the instance manager to work correct in a couple of forms. It works great if I preview in Designer (8.1) or render through ES 8.2, but since we haven't upgraded our production environments yet, I'm stuck with Forms 7.0 there. And when I try to render with that, the form is simply not working as it should...
    My guess is that Forms 7.0 chooses to make the form static instead of dynamic, but how to change this behaviour from the xdp? I've checked all the options of making it a dynamic xdp via Forms->Properties and checked just about everything I can come up with, but it's simply not working right now... anyone with ideas?
    What I'm trying to do is to hide subforms depending on what the user has chosen in a different form (html), so that the user won't see irrelevant data. It's been done before but now it seems like Forms 7.0 wants to run the forms static always.
    I've contacted Adobe support for a week ago but still haven't got anything from them leading me the right way. That's the reason I'm now asking here if anyone has any good idea...
    A bit more information about what I've tried:
    When I set min instances to 1, they are all visible but then they don't hide.
    If I don't set minimum instances to 1, they don't display at all in forms 7.0 when choice Repeat subform for each item is set.
    Using initialCount set to 1 do no good.
    Doesn't matter if I use setInstances, addInstance or removeInstance as far as I've been able to see. I have also tried using presence = "hidden"; but with no luck.
    If the prefill xml file is using appropriate xml syntax, it shows correct number of subforms but since I also wants to hide irrelevant subforms, it's not an acceptable solution.
    Thanks in advance for any tips.

    Yes. I could add an "Of course" but it has happened before that it's something that simple. Been scratching my head for at least 4 hours just today and at least the same amount of hours before so I think I've narrowed out all the simple stuff but I might have missed one..
    Any more tips? One strange issue is the fact that the form behaves different if the prefill xml file is structured in different ways. Nothing to do with prefilling, just how the PDF itself behaves.

  • Pdf problem with Preview - how to report to Apple?

    I have been having problems with certain PDFs and Preview. The PDFs in question are scientific papers obtained via JSTOR (they manage the supply of papers from a range of Journals). In Preview many JSTOR papers display very slowly - so slowly that scrolling through the document is not practical. In Acrobat they are displayed normally, so this seems to be a Preview problem. There seem to be no settings in Preview that seem relevant to the problem, so how can I report this problem to Apple?
    all the best,
    Jeremy Harbinson

    So far as I can tell, I cannot attach a file to a posting to one of these discussion groups. A file which causes the problem can be found at
    Baroli, I and Niyogi, KK (2000). Molecular genetics of xanthophyll-dependent photoprotection in green algae and plants. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 355;1385-94
    Note that the problem only seems to occur with JSTOR files: the same pdf - this time in an easily readable form, and minus the JSTOR header page - can be downloaded from the Royal Society website:
    all the best,

  • Problem with output data when calling into Oracle stored procedure

    I have a problem that I think I've seen posted by others, but I can't find it anywhere on the forum. Here's what it looks like:
    I have a application that sends a query parameter called custID in a URL to a JSP page.
    The JSP subsequently calls into the method below to run a decryption stored procedure on an Oracle db. The custId parameter works fine from most clients. However, I have seen the decryption stored procedure return invalid information on some clients in the following case:
    Here is how I define my call to the DCUSTID (decryption stored procedure):
    public long dCustID(String sCustID)throws SQLException {
    CallableStatement cs = null;
    try {
    long nCustID = 0;
    if(conn == null || conn.isClosed()) {getLocalConnection();}
    String sp = "BEGIN DCUSTID(?,?);END;";
    cs = conn.prepareCall(sp);
    cs.setString(1, sCustID);
    nCustID = cs.getLong(2);
    return nCustID;
    }finally { release(cs); }
    I have not been able to find a problem with the stored procedure (although Im not counting that out). Is there any way that the jsp or the code above is corrupting the data before it gets to the stored procedure? I'm very suspicious of the single quote at the begining of the custID query string parameter.

    The JSP subsequently calls into the method below to
    run a decryption stored procedure on an Oracle db.
    The custId parameter works fine from most clients.
    However, I have seen the decryption stored procedure
    e return invalid information on some clients in the
    following case:
    The back tick doesn't matter.
    How do you know that the routine that you posted returns invalid information? Are you printing the value retreived before you return in the code that you posted? That is the only way to tell if that code is the problem vs some translation problem in something else.
    And what do you mean by 'invalid'? It does return a numeric value right? Is it negative? Or so large that it couldn't be a key? Or what?
    The input parameter to the stored proc is a varchar and not a char correct?

  • Problem with output formatting.

    Hi all,
    I have an output as shown below.
    R1             R2                            R3                            R4           R5           R6            R7
    20000001      27.02.2007     3326          180080     D4          
    20000001     27.02.2007     3326          180080     D2          
    20000001     27.02.2007     3326          180080     D3          
    20000001     27.02.2007     3326          180080          D8H     
    20000001     27.02.2007     3326          180080               TT4
    my problem is that, i am not able to get my values in fields R6 and R7 in the first row. Can any one suggest me a method to get the values of R6 and R7 in to the first row it self.

    loop at t_plant.
         clear : p_test,x,y.
         call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ATINN_INPUT'
             input  = 'HCC_MM_MAT_EQP'
             output = p_test.
         clear t_ausp1.
         refresh t_ausp1.
         select  objek
                 from ausp
                 into table t_ausp3
                 where objek = t_plant-matnr and
                       atinn = p_test.
         loop at t_ausp3.
           y = y + 1.
           t_ausp3-atwrt1 = t_ausp3-atwrt.
           modify t_ausp3.
           clear t_ausp3.
         clear : p_test.
         call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ATINN_INPUT'
             input  = 'HCC_MM_MAT_MMO'
             output = p_test.
         clear t_ausp1.
         refresh t_ausp1.
         select  objek
                 from ausp
                 into table t_ausp2
                 where objek = t_plant-matnr and
                       atinn = p_test.
         loop at t_ausp2." where atzhl = t_ausp3-atzhl.
           x = x + 1.
           t_ausp2-atwrt = t_ausp2-atwrt.
           modify t_ausp2.
           clear t_ausp2.
         if ( ( x < y ) or ( x = y ) ).
           loop at t_ausp3." where atzhl = t_ausp2-atzhl.
             read table t_ausp2 with key objek = t_ausp3-objek.
                                        atzhl = t_ausp3-atzhl.
             move t_ausp2-atwrt to t_ausp3-atwrt2.
             modify t_ausp3.
             clear t_ausp3.
         elseif x > y.
           loop at t_ausp2." where atzhl = t_ausp3-atzhl.
             read table t_ausp2 with key objek = t_ausp3-objek.
                                        atzhl = t_ausp3-atzhl.
             move t_ausp2-atwrt to t_ausp3-atwrt2.
             append t_ausp3.
             clear t_ausp3.
         clear : p_test.
         call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ATINN_INPUT'
             input  = 'HCC_MM_MAT_OEM'
             output = p_test.
         clear t_ausp1.
         refresh t_ausp1.
         select  objek
                 from ausp
                 into table t_ausp1
                 where objek = t_plant-matnr and
                       atinn = p_test.
         loop at t_ausp3." where atzhl = t_ausp3-atzhl.
           read table t_ausp1 with key objek = t_ausp3-objek.
           move t_ausp1-atwrt to t_ausp3-atwrt3.
           modify t_ausp3.
           clear t_ausp3.
         if t_ausp1-atwrt is not initial.
           loop at t_ausp3." where objek = t_plant1-matnr.
             move-corresponding : t_plant to t_plant1.
             move : t_ausp3-atwrt1 to t_plant1-atwrt1.
             move : t_ausp3-atwrt2 to t_plant1-atwrt2.
             move : t_ausp3-atwrt3 to t_plant1-atwrt3.
             append t_plant1.
             clear t_plant1.
           move-corresponding : t_plant to t_plant1.
           append t_plant1.
           clear t_plant1.
    this is the logic i wrote. whats happening is records are being appended

  • Smartforms - problems with output preview when vedor has different languag

    Hi all,
    The output preview does not work when vendor has different communication language then english?
    Exact description of the problem described by the functional people:
    "For the Latin America countries that use the SMARTFORM today, we have noticed that if the vendor has ‘communication language’ English, the PO is displayed fine in the ‘Output preview’ in iShop. However, if the vendor has communication language e.g. ES maintained in the vendor the output preview fails. We would like to have it so that even if the the vendor has a different communication language than EN maintained on the vendor the PO should be able to be displayed in the ‘output preview’ of the SRM system."
    So has enyone encountered this problem before? All help is appriciated!
    Thanks in advance!

    Well the problem was that the language pack with Sapnish language was not installed.
    Thanks for the answer 2p 2u!

  • Problem With Output?

    Hey guys, having a big problem need a hand if possible
    Every time i try to output my movie i get an error to do with virtual memory, now the files im playing around with are large res, 1280x720 so it will be a big job but my computer is more then capable of running this process i would of thought!
    As you will see in this first error, i get a possible way to get around this problem, but i have tryed doing this and it will not work
    it then follows with this next error, and eventually it then crash's out
    any help would be great!
    Version: Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 Windows 3.0
    Computer Specs
    Conroe 6600 @ 2.4Ghz
    4GB of DDR2 @ 600Mhz
    8800GTs 640MB

    Allows Premiere to use 3GB of RAM...

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