Duplicate delivery created against SA

Hi all,
We have peculier situation where in a duplicate outbound delivery got created with same item and same qty for schedulling agreement. The delivery was processed through VL10F. There is 2 min of diff in time for the original and duplicate delivery creation . Any body has come accross kind of issue.
How to avoid this and what could be reason for the duplication. Please help in this regard.

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You can take ABAP help.

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    Dear freinds,
    I have created  scheduling agreements for single material , and updated forecast deliery agaisnt IDOCS,
    now I want to make a single delivery agaisnt four different materials.
    I use Transaction VL 10 for Delivery due list and  selected diff. materials four items,executed  backgroud run,
    system is creating two delivery documents instead of one.
    Please advise me how to get single delivery document against multiple delivery due items.
    in customer master i marked to order combination, partial delivery allowed up to 9 deliveries

    Excellent information !
    I understood what you have mentioned .
    Just I need your clarifications for my below queries to fix this issue .
    There are 6 line items in this scheduling agreement .
    For 3 line items , delivery schedule date is 02/08/2008 . for another 2 line items, delivery schedule is 05/07/2008 . due to this different delivery schedules for line items  in scheduling agreement . whenever  user creates delivery , delivery split is happening .
    In order to avoid this problem , can ask user to change delivery schedule for another 2 line items to 02/08/2008 from 05/07/2008 . ?
    If user change this delivery schedule  for this line items , is there any ramification in anyway ?.
    Thanks In Advance

  • Delivery qty against schedule line

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    Dear Sachin,
    the delivery is always created in the ERP system on the item level. You cannot deliver a separate schedule line. This functionality does not exist.
    But if you go to the schedule line screen then the delivered quantity of the item will be distributed through all schedule lines which have the confirmed quantity. The distribution takes place starting from the earlier schedule line and goes to the later schedule lines and the delivered quantity ordered to a schedule line must be always not larger that the confirned quantity. If there will be undistributed rest of delivered quantity, it will be ordered to the last schedule line.
    This distribution takes place dynamically during the transaction VA02. The main program place here is the function module RV_SCHEDULE_CHECK_DELIVERIES.
    I hope, this information helps you further.
    Kind regards,
    Akmal Vakhidov
    Development Support SAP, Walldorf/Germany

  • Create Inbound Delivery from Outbound Delivery create

    This is what I am trying to do...
    1. Create PO (me21n)
    2. Create Outbound Delivery based on PO (VL10g)
    3. PGI (this creates a DELVRY03 IDoc)
    (IDoc is created at this step, no issues so far)
    4. Based on the Outbound DELVRY03 IDoc I want to create Inbound Delivery. Inbound IDoc is created, but not posted to Application. It gives me the following error...
    "Item 00000 of purchasing document does not exist".
    Please help me resolve this error message.

    Hello Sneha,
    Outbound delivery cannot be created against the purchase order. In a third party scenario where in we receive the shipping Notification(SN) from the vendor, it comes as Delvry02 IDOC to our system. The IDOC gets posted as Inbound delivery for which Goods Recipt happens against the Purchase order using the transaction MIGO. This updates the vendor confirmation table EKES. If you see the Confirmations tab in purchase order you will see the Inbound delivery number and external delivery number.
    Outbound delivery gets created against the sales order and uses the stock posted by the goods receipt to issue the goods. The ASN signals(DelVRY03) gets created after PGI happens in the Outbound delivery.
    The Process is like
    Purchase Order(ORDERS05) goes to vendor --- > Vendor Manufactures the goods sends back Ship notifcation(SN) -> SN posts the goods Inbound Delvery is created and GR happens.-> Outbound delivery gets created and ASN signals go to the forwarder.
    Do revert to me for any further clarification.

  • Delivery notes against STO

    Hi all,
    Is there any standard report to see the list of delivery notes created against Stock transport orders.

    You can see that in PO item detail history tab.
    For many POs you can execute ME80FN and then choose the history view

  • FIFO break during delivery creation against STO

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    There are 3 STOs I have in system - STO1 from receiving plant - RP1 & STO2 & STO3 from receiving plant RP2.
    In all 3 STO, I have same issuing plant(IP1).
    I expect, when the delivery creation batch job gets triggered, it should create delivery against STO1, later to STO2 & STO3.
    Important parameters as per configuration is set to as below -
    Logistics execution -> Shipping -> Worklists -
    The batch job has shipping due list with
    option "1 Ship-to party and source document" and package type as 1 "All items for  document type and ship to party"
    Any body has any clue, how we can address this?

    Thank you for your reply.
    Below is my MD04 screen -
    The situation is, once GR is done in above plant, stock gets reflected in this issueing plant.
    Next activity is delivery creation batch job triggers.
    System should create delivery for the STO PO for receiving plant SP1.
    Rather than that system creates outbound delivery for receiving plant SP2 & SP3.
    Which I feel is FIFO break.
    My shipping due list has below parameter -
    Delivery creation profile -
    So any idea what causes this FIFO break.
    Also not sure what is this "planned delivery creation dates" you referred earlier.

  • How to find Inbound Delivery list against the PO.

    I am new to Inbound delivery.
    For a purchase order, i created an Inbound delivery using T.Code VL31N. I am not able to find it in the history of the purchase order.
    Kindly suggest, how I can find the list of inbound deliveries created against various PO.
    C.A. Shankar

    Hello friend,
    If you want to see the list of inbound deliveries agaist the PO.
    You can use VL06IG .Enter your po number and execute the t-code.
    If It doesnot work, It is better to select the item in the Item Details go to Confirmation tab and check the inbound deliveries against the PO/Line item wise.
    Hope it is ok for you.

  • Inspection lot not being created against inspection type 10 or 02

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    1. in SPRO, Assign Inspection Lot Origin to Delivery Type, against Delivery Type LF we mentioned insp. origin 10 
    2. Assigned insp. type 10 in material master QM view
    3. Created Sales Order using the same material code
    4. Created Outbound Delivery against Sales order, but when we press button for Post Good Issue, the system issues the message "Status of inspection lot 100000000004 / partial lot 000000 does not allow good issue" BUT NO INSPECTION LOT IS BEING SEEN WHEN WE USE QA32/QA02. I have also seen the QALS table using SE16 and no record for inspection 100000000004 is seen.
    Please also note that
    1) other inspection lots are being created and processed normally such as inspection origin 01, 14, 15, etc.
    2) each time we try again to create delivery and press post good issue button, IL number is incremented say 100000000005, then 100000000006, 100000000007, so on.
    3) the issue is the same for insp. origin 02
    Please reply

    Check if this is helpful to you.
    qm in sd

  • Problem in delivery creation against stock transfer PO

    Scenario: -
    We have 5 material and make the PO for stock transfer yesterday. After that we made the delivery against that PO.
    Problem it this....today we need to make the another PO related to last one (all same material number's) but diff. qty.
    We make the PO but when we want to make the delivery against today's PO, delivery make only for 2 material's, not for all 5 material's.
    what should be the problem here???
    plz guide.....

    Thanks for reply dear...
    1. check against the the line items that delivery completed indicator has been ticked or not in the STO
    There is no TICK on delivery completed indicator (not on any single line item).
    2. check the delivery date against the line items in the STO
    Delivery date is 26.04.2010 in 2 line items and 26.03.2010 in balance line items (whom delivery not made)
    3. check the purchase order history tab for the line items in the STO
    PO History tab is in only 2 line items, which made delivery earlier but in 3 line items, no delivery tab exist.
    4.remove all the dates and calc rule in the t code VL10 d & VL10 b while creatin g delivery
    check after confirm above point by you.
    Plz guide..

  • Delivery date getting calculated wrongly in delivery created via VL10D

    Hi Gurus,
    We have a strange issue, where in delivery date is getting calculated wrongly for replenishment delivery created via VL10D.
    When we are creating via VL10D , delivery date is getting the additional 30 days from MaxDlvCrteDate . With initial investigation i see that VL10D has delivery creation profile 0101 for which no of days maintained in max delv creation date is 30 .
    I assume that the delivery date is getting the additional days from delivery creation profile felid no of max delv creation date .
    I have created the delivery on 24.03.2011, as per the route no of TL time is 9 days , So Ideally the delivery date should be 04.04.2011 , however system has calculated it as 23.04.2011
    Delivery no             No of days in MaxDlvCrteDate                        Delivery  date
    213443158                           30                                                       23.04.2011
    If I create the delivery for the same PO using t-code VL10B, then delivery date is calculating correctly.
    Not sure why system behavior is strange.
    Please help me with your inputs to resolve the issue..
    Thanks in advance

    Please request one Abaper  to solve this problem.
    You cannot due nothing as the problem is in Code.

  • To see in a ECC report the PO's created against a MM contract

    Someone know how I can see in a ECC report the PO's created against a MM contract.

      extract records from table EKPO where field "Purchase Requisition" (EKPO-BANKF) is blank. Otherwise you can run transaction ME2N, follow the menu path "Edit --> Dynamic Selecyions", and choose the filed "Purchase Requisition" among "Purchasing Document Item" folder, then the field will show up and you can use as selection criteria "Purchase Requisition" = blank.
    Hope to be useful.
    Best regards,

  • Purchase Order created against sales order.. report

    Hi Folks!
    I want to see purchase orders created against sales orders.
    Is there any report?

    You can develop your own report by using table VBAK-VBELN(sales document),VBAK-BSTNK(Customer purchase order number).
    Just try....
    Hope it helps you...

  • Delivery Created with out Material Number

    I created an STO for material, when i have done the VL10B i got a message "See log for information about creating deliveries"
    A Delivery got created with out the Material number, When i look in the Document Flow for the Delivery Created its preceding document (PO) is not linked
    In the log information i see an error, Please advise
    The sales unit is not allowed for the material in item               
    System Response                                                                               
    The system does not allow further processing of this item.                                                                               
    Check your entry.                                                    
        Select a sales unit which is defined for the material in the         
        material master record. Normally the sales unit will be              
        determined immediately from the master master record.

    see the change log of material master in MM04.
    check if  the sales unit got removed recently (after the PO creation - before delivery creation)
    if it is not caused by material master directly, then check if you have any userexit in place that changes the sales unit in the delivery.
    SAP has a sales unit in mind which is not available in material master, hence it issues this error.

  • Duplicate Messages created on target with Multimapping(No BPM)

    I am working on PI7.1 .
    My sceniro
    IDOC to JMS using message split
    Receiving IDOC with Header and Items, PI splitting IDOC and sending to Multiple JMS queues, Header segment data to header queue, Item segment data to Item queue
    PI Successfully Posting data to Queues, but duplicate messages creating on target sys(One IDOC with one header and one item date, PI sending 2 header messages , two item messages to target sys) .
    I did following steps
    1. Created two target messages
    2. Created Two target inbound interfaces
    3. Created Message mapping using with multiple target messages, changed signature occurrence to 0 : unbounded , and mapped to source node to target nodes
    4. Created operation mapping with one source to two target interfaces
    1. Created one business components and assigned one sender and two receiver service interfaces
    2. Created Two receiver communication channel
    3. Created One receiver determination
    4. Created One interface determination , added two inbound interfaces with one operation mapping (Multiplicity is blank )
    5. Created two receiver agreement
    Please help .

    Thanks Gouri ,
    My IDOC structure (Source Message Type)
      HEADER_SEG Node (0:9999) -
    > MT_HEADER ( 0:unbounded) (this one of target message type)
                                                                    HEADER_FLDS  (Element - Main hierarchy)
    >  FLDS
    ITEM_SEG Node (0:9999)  -
    >MT_ITEM(0:unbounded ) (this is another message type)
                                                                    ITEM_FLDS (Element - Main hierarchy)
    >  FLDS
    I tried with the below mappings
                    HEADER_SEG Node -
                    HEADER_SEG Node -
    > HEADER_FLDS (element )
                    ITEM_SEG Node -
                    ITEM_SEG Node -
    > ITEM_FLDS (element )
    2. method
                    HEADER_SEG Node -
                                                           HEADER_FLDS (element )(not mapped)
                    ITEM_SEG Node -
                    ITEM_SEG Node   ITEM_FLDS (element )(not mapped)

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