Duplicate iCloud 'accounts' on contact lists - MacBook Pro

I've been having difficulties first getting my contacts to synch with all devices. So I opened up the 'contacts' application on my MacBook pro, and found a number of iCloud accounts were being recognized on my computer. I have only ever signed in one account, so these appear to be duplicates. However, apart from one of these 'duplicate' accounts that contains a large number of contacts, all other 'duplicates' appear to be empty, and are more like phantom accounts. I've attached a photo of what my sidebar looks like... If anyone has encountered this before, any help would be much appreciated!

It is possible to use 3 iCloud accounts with notes, but I assume you are not expecting 3 accounts, are they not your accounts.

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    You can't merge Apple IDs.  You can, however, share the same iCloud account on your phones by going to Settings>iCloud and signing in with the same Apple ID.

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    I found a way to resolve this.
    1) Remove iCloud from your System Preferences (make sure all your iCloud content is backed up somewhere else first (via Time Machine or on another Mac)
    2) Shutdown
    3) Boot up
    4) Open up contacts app
    5) Open Preferences of Contacts and go to "Accounts"
    6) Select the rogue iCloud account and click the button in the bottom right "Edit account", this will open up system preferences and the rogue iCloud account will reappear there.  Hit the Minus button in the left sidebar to remove it.
    7) Quit System Preferences & quit Contacts app
    8) Shutdown & Boot up again
    9) Repeat steps 4-8 until all of the duplicate/rogue iCloud accounts are removed from the Contacts app.
    10) Once completely free of the duplicate/rogue iCloud accounts in Contacts app, re-enable iCloud in System Preferences.
    I did this to remove 4 duplicates and now have one clean iCloud account in the Contacts app.

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    Your signature says you have 10.6.8 - is this correct? (It it isn't please amend it to prevent confusion).
    Assuming Snow Leopard, iCloud has not been deleted - it was never there. The minimum requirement for iCloud is Lion 10.7.2 (Mountain Lion preferred): the iCloud Preference Pane does not appear on earlier systems - the MobileMe pane appears on Lion and earlier but is non non-functional - you cannot now open or access a MobileMe account.
    You can set Snow Leopard up to access the email on an existing iCloud account which has been set up on a compliant device, and you may be able to sync iCal using an unsupported (and possibly unreliable) hack, but no other facilities will work. You cannot open an iCloud account on Snow Leopard.
    This page outlines the limited use you can make of an existing iCloud account with Snow Leopard:
    To make full use of iCloud you will have to upgrade your Mac to Lion or Mountain Lion, provided it meets the requirements.
    The requirements for Lion are:
    Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, or Xeon processor
    2GB of memory
    OS X v10.6.6 or later (v10.6.8 recommended)
    7GB of available space
    To purchase it you will have to ring Apple at the number given at the bottom left of this page.
    The requirements for Mountain Lion are listed here:
    It is available from the Mac App Store (in Applications). (If you are currently pre-Snow Leopard you will have to upgrade to that to access the Mac App Store: it's available in the online Apple Store.)
    You should be aware that PPC programs (such as AppleWorks) will not run on Lion or above; and some other applications may not be compatible - there is a useful compatibility checklist at http://roaringapps.com/apps:table

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    bah, you're right, they can't be seen there.
    But if you want to clear them... How to clear the Local Calendar and Local Contacts databases on the BlackBerry 10 smartphone
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    When you do an import in On demand , you can select the appropriate choice in the Step 1 of your import wizard.
    you can select to import the account with the on demand predefined fields where in you can import via account and location.
    In case when duplicate is found you can opt for a overwrite of existing records and when no duplicate is found then you can ask for a new record creation.
    the same way you can do for contacts.
    By this method you can be sure that records are not lost and new records are created if there is no existing record.\
    hope this helps.

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    So, you have signed out of icloud and have no active icloud accounts in internet accounts.
    And, you still have an icloud account in Contacts?
    If you have other accounts beside iCloud listed in Internet Accounts, make sure Contacts for all are deselected.
    Go to iCloud.com and see if you have more than one iCloud account listed. Make sure all your contacts are there. You should only have one.
    Question. When you sign out of iCloud, do you choose to delete the contacts from the computer? If not, sign back in to iCloud . Then sign out and choose delete all contacts from the computer. They will remain on the server. Then check the AB and see if the account still appears.
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    How Restore Deleted or Missing OS X Components
    A few of the basic OS X installed applications can be restored from the Optional Installs installer located in the Optional installs folder on your Installer DVD.  However, if what you need is not there then follow the instructions below.
    How to Use Pacifist to Restore Deleted or Missing OS X Components
    Insert the OS X Installer DVD into the optical drive.  Use a simple utility like TinkerTool to toggle invisibility so you can see invisible items.  Alternatively, open the Terminal application in your Utilities folder and at the prompt enter the following:
    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles Yes
    Press RETURN.
    To turn off the display of invisible files repeat the above command substituting No for Yes.
    The install packages are located in the /System/Installation/ folder on the DVD.
    Download the shareware utility Pacifist. Use it to extract a fresh copy of the missing item(s) from the file archives on your OS X installation DVD. The file archives are in the /System/Installations/ folder (use Go to Folder option in the Go menu of the Finder.)
    Here are Four Basic ways to use Pacifist (courtesy of George Orville.)
    Drag a .pkg icon onto the Pacifist window .....proceed to step 7.
    Click on “Open Package ....” and navigate to package desired and click “Open” in the open/save window.....proceed to step 7.
    Insert Mac OS X installer CD and when it mounts, navigate to .... Menu->Go->Go to Folder. In the path field enter or paste ....
    /Volumes/disc name/System/Installation/Packages (where disc name is the name of the CD/DVD that you inserted.)
    Click on the  "Go" button ..... • Drag a .pkg to Pacifist..... proceed to step 7.
    The package you'll need will have to be discovered by trial and error, but for most applications you should start with the Essentials.pkg and/or Additional Essentials.pkg.
    D. Insert your Mac OS X install disk 1 .... and open Pacifist.
    1.          In Pacifist, select "Open Mac OS X Install Packages" ... dialog may appear asking for disk 2, then disk 3 and finally disk 1 again.... {if DVD is not used)...If “Stop Loading” is selected...the procedure will stop!!!
    2a. When loading is complete, a new window appears, click the triangle to display contents of each package...Select item and proceed to step 7.
    2b.          or click the “Find” icon in the Pacifist window and type the name of the software you need.
    3.          In the list that comes back, click the top most entry for the item that you want. ..... that is the one for the English language.
    4.          On the top of the Pacifist window, click “verify” .... you will probably be prompted for your password.
    5.          Enter checks for.... “verify permissions” and “verify file contents.” and click “verify” ....enter password when prompted.... you will get back output which may look like this:
              20 files were scanned. 20 of 20 files were present on the hard disk. 0 of 20 files had file permissions that did not match those specified in the package. 0 of 20 files had checksums that did not match those specified in the package.
    6.          Click “close”. Go to step 7.
    Extract or Install........
    7.          In the Toolbar (upper left), you now have the option to extract or install. Click a file in the lower list and those two icons will be enabled.
    8.          If “Extract to...” is selected.... navigate to the location where the file will be placed, select “choose”, select “extract” in new dialog that appears,authenicate , if prompted, click “OK”.
    9.          In the next dialog, click “Extract”.
    10.          If “Install” is selected... dialog will appear with the location/path of the installed software. Click “Install”
    11.          Type in your password, click “OK”
    Pacifist will begin to extract files.
    12.          In steps 8/10ß.... you also have the choice to “cancel”
    Notes:          Pacifist may find that a file it is installing already exists on the hard disk. Pacifist will present you with an alert panel....
    Leave original alone
    Update .....
    Default selection
    Replace .... (Replace option should only be used on full install packages)

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    By upgrading to OS X Lion 10.7.2 or higher (required for iCloud).  First check to see if your system meets the system requirements to upgrade.
    Lion system requirements are:
    Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, or Xeon processor
    2GB of memory
    OS X v10.6.6 or later (v10.6.8 recommended)
    7GB of available space
    Mountain Lion requirements are shown here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5444.
    If you can run Mountain Lion, you can purchase an upgrade from the Mac App Store.  If you can only run Lion, contact the online store in your country and purchase a download code to download it from the Mac App Store.
    After upgrading, you will find iCloud in System Preferences>iCloud on your Mac, and can set it up as explained here: http://www.apple.com/icloud/setup/mac.html.
    Before upgrading, you may want to check the compatibility of your existing programs by checking here: http://roaringapps.com/apps:table.

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    Specifically, I used the Migration Assistant to move music and photos from my old PC to my new MacBook. 
    Somehow, I missed the fact that it was creating a new user account when it was doing this.  So none of music and photos are in the user account I originally set-up.  Instead, all these files are now in a different account.
    I'd like to consolidate all my files on the one user account and delete the other one.
    Is this possible and, if so, how do I do it?
    Thank you.

    you can crop files from one account to another using the Public Dropbox which every user account has.  Log into the user that has the files you want to move, then drag the folder you want to the new users' dropbox:
    I suggest a small scale test on a few files first before moving gigabytes of files.

  • HT1495 My Wife and I have separate accounts on the same Macbook Pro.  I have moved the iTunes library to a shared area and we can both access it, however, my Wife (secondary user)can't import cd's. Is there something we are missing and is there a way to d

    My Wife and I have separate accounts on the same Macbook Pro.  I have moved the iTunes library to a shared area and we can both access it, however, my Wife (secondary user)can't import cd's. Is there something we are missing and is there a way to do this?

    You are more likely to get relavant and useful suggestions posting to the Mac forums instead of the iTunes for Windows forum where you've posted.

  • How to Set Up 2 Skype Accounts on the Same MacBook Pro Computer

    How to Set Up 2 Skype Accounts on the Same MacBook Pro Computer

    http://community.skype.com/t5/Mac/How-can-I-run-two-Skype-accounts-on-a-Mac/td-p /169126
    http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/run-two-skype-accounts-same-mac-computer-3524 6.html
    http://www.profesional.co.cr/technology/multiple-skype-accounts-mac-os-or-window s-same-time/
    Note that you posted in the Mac Pro desktop forum

  • Buy an iphone 4 thousand pesos and asked me to turn iCloud account, I contacted the previous owner but no reply

    buy an iphone 4 thousand pesos and asked me to turn iCloud account, I contacted the previous owner but no reply

    There is nothing you can do, if you can not get the previous owner to unlock the phone from his account it is useless.

  • Which duplicate cleaner can i use on macbook pro

    which duplicate cleaner can i use on macbook pro?

    Skytag's File Buddy.   I would just use it to sort by file name.  Don't use the duplicate cleanup as it may get too much!  Note it may also show applications as packages, and their contents as individual files within a .app folder.  Do not confuse the various .app folder contents for files that are duplicate, since they are default files for the various Mac OS X applications.   Make sure the duplicates have the same file name and byte size, before choosing to delete one file.

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