DV Camcorder Driver Needed?

I have ordered a DV camcorder that will arrive in a few days. I'll use it for iChatAV and iMovie. Is there a OSX native driver for firewire cams, or do I need to download/buy IOXperts firewire cam driver?

The answer to your question depends upon which camcorder you bought. Some current models are not Mac friendly. If yours is, you will need nothing but the appropriate Firewire connecting cable.
The lists of camcorders compatible without additional software and the link to info about the IOXperts drivers are both available in the iSight versus DV Camcorder or other web-cam FAQ.

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    Let's hope a couple things: that you have bootable clones of your drives also; that the backup drive for TimeMachine has over 3x capacity of the data you plan and are storing. I would also switch TM backup drives so you have a 2nd.
    Fragmented free space affecting performance happens when the drive is too full which may mean there isn't enough free space for a full backup set.
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    https://discussions.apple.com/community/mac_os/mac_os_x_v10.6_snow_leopard?view= discussions#/?tagSet=1009
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    kahjot wrote:
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    Stop using the drive immediately, un plug it.
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    If it's the same computer, same CPU and same HD, no de-activation or re-activation should be necessary.
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    Please do a forum search.  I and others have repeatedly answered the question about failed updates of CS5 a whole bunch of times recently.
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    Hi Janice,
    What version of Mac OS are you using?
    Adobe does not recommend migrating the software from one disk to the other.
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    here's my 2 cents on this: there should be 2 sata ports on your logic boards. However, getting to them is a pain in the rear. If you want to try that way, by all means do so. However, you can get a Sata to Pata bridge board which attaches to the rear of the Sata drive and lets it be used without having to try to find the sata connectors.  That way you can use more modern drives.  I bought something from MCE and it worked just fine (it's a blu-ray, btw). Installation was a snap.  My original CD/DVD drive failed and I didn't want to mess around trying to find a replacement ATAPI (or PATA) drive. The only real caveats I have to tell you are: If you want to play and view Blu-Ray discs in your MacPro tower, you'll have to buy a 2nd party blu ray player. Same with burning Blu-ray discs. You'll have to buy some kind of upgrade to Toast if that's what you used to burn stuff before.  however, if all you want to do is burn standard CD's and DVD's then it'll work just fine. the pioneer may have issues with sleeping, but I can't confirm this for sure either way
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    Lorenzo Jimenez

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    The attachment is my VI by which I attempt to acquire image, and I don't know what is the problems in it and whether it is because of the lack of the driver.
    method2.vi ‏19 KB

    You asked the same question here under a different user ID. 
    Asking for someone to email you something that you must purchase is called software piracy. Nobody on this forum will help you with that.

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    Hi folks,
    Do Mac drives need to be defragmented periodically like PC's do? If yes, how do you do that on a Mac?

    Sorry to hear about your situation Anonymoose2 - tough spot to be in.
    I have a lot of experience with defragging in Windows and Mac. It really helps with Windows but on a Mac it is not worth the dollars & time & effort. iDefrag is a quality product, but it costs money (no free trial worth the effort) and it is labor intensive. And it fails to get at everything (even when using it from boot-disk). Besides - it appears that Apple products defragment themselves provided you leave them "on" overnight (perhaps all week?) I have read about this AND have experienced the "performance jump" from doing that. The direct method of tidying data on a Mac is to boot to your install DVD, attach an external drive, access Disk Utilities, then copy your entire OS X contents to the external storage. It takes about 30 minutes to one hour (do it while you make dinner so as not to get bored). Then reverse this - copy the external drive BACK on to your Mac. Perfect defragmentation (if that is important to you - it is very important when experiencing trouble while installing Boot Camp for instance). A perfectly defragmented drive is always a little faster, but that's all you get out of it.
    Put a note up in your area and ask if anyone can donate their old jump drives / memory sticks to you. The new ones are up to 32GB and people tend to ignore their old 2GB or 4GB sticks. Most offices pass them out to staff like candy.
    There is really great software out there for recovering lost data on a Mac. Often even with a free try before you buy - but - those products recommend you do NOT install on the same drive as the lost files. The more you use the drive the more the lost files can be over-written before you recover them. The drive needs to be examined from another machine, unfortunately (and better done by a certified service person).
    There is freeware and shareware which allows you to "see" useless files and duplicated data. You can then safely delete the extra. Photos and music are typical items which take up LOADS of you precious space. (Actually - start right now by deleting your Safari cache and cookies. I had friends who had years of browsing history on their machine and it added up to a LOT of space saved when they dumped it!).
    Araxis has some of that clean-your-files software that lets you try before you buy (I liked it) - OmniDiskSweeper is another recommend (I have not tried it yet).
    For what it's worth. (Hope things pick up for ya! - Cheers)

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