DVD RAM:  Does Leopard 10.5 read and write it?

Does 10.5 read / write DVD RAM? (Of course, via a third party drive.) This is more than relevant today, when good burners at the TV, such as to capture TiVo recordings, will burn to DVD RAM. And DVD RAM is a marvelously flexible tool that behaves much like a hard drive.
Or do we still have to pay for Software Architects software (thank goodness for them ...), to use DVD RAM?
Thanks in advance for your good help. (Have previously searched, without finding any prior discussion here.) --David Allen

If you leave your Mac on 24/7, it will run the maintenance tasks, but you have the option of either using a disk utility like Macaroni, or you can force background maintenance yourself.
Mac OS X: How to force background maintenance tasks (logs and temporary items)
As far as authoritative answers, you can try here;
And here: http://www.macworld.com/article/133730/2008/06/maintenance_routines.html
Just use common sense. Check the boot disk for errors using your restore disk and Disk Utility. Repair Permissions BEFORE and AFTER all software updates.
Watch your available disk space: Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon on your Desktop, then click: Get Info. In the Get Info window, click the discovery triangle so it's facing down. You will see; Capacity and Available Make sure you have 10% available disk space, 15% is better.
Insufficient available space can cause performance issues, system corruption, and possible loss of data.
If don't want to purchase Macaroni, Leopard Cache Cleaner is free and available here;

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  • Why does this class not read and write at same time???

    I had another thread where i was trying to combine two class files together
    I managed to do it myself but when i run the file it does not work right. If i write a file then try and open the file it says there are no records in the file, but if i close the gui down and open the file everything get read in as normal can anybody tell me why?
    import java.io.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import bank.BankUI;
    import bank.*;
    public class testing extends JFrame {
       private ObjectOutputStream output;
       private BankUI userInterface;
       private JButton SaveToFile, SaveAs, Exit; //////////savetofile also saves to store need to split up and have 2 buttons
       private Employee record;
    //////////////////////////////////////from read
    private ObjectInputStream input;
       private JButton nextButton, openButton, nextRecordButton ;
       private Store store = new Store(100);
         private Employee employeeList[] = new Employee[100];
         private int count = 0, next = 0;
    /////////////////////////////////////////////from read end
       // set up GUI
       public testing()
          super( "Employee Data" ); // appears in top of gui
          // create instance of reusable user interface
          userInterface = new BankUI( 9 );  // nine textfields
          getContentPane().add( userInterface, BorderLayout.CENTER );
          // configure button doTask1 for use in this program
          SaveAs = userInterface.getSaveAsButton();
          SaveAs.setText( "Save as.." );
    //////////////////from read
    openButton = userInterface.getOpenFileButton();
          openButton.setText( "Open File" );
             // anonymous inner class to handle openButton event
             new ActionListener() {
                // close file and terminate application
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener
          // register window listener for window closing event
             // anonymous inner class to handle windowClosing event
             new WindowAdapter() {
                // close file and terminate application
                public void windowClosing( WindowEvent event )
                   if ( input != null )
                   System.exit( 0 );
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addWindowListener
          // get reference to generic task button doTask2 from BankUI
          nextButton = userInterface.getDoTask2Button();
          nextButton.setText( "Next Record" );
          nextButton.setEnabled( false );
          // register listener to call readRecord when button pressed
             // anonymous inner class to handle nextRecord event
             new ActionListener() {
                // call readRecord when user clicks nextRecord
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener
    //get reference to generic task button do Task3 from BankUI
          // get reference to generic task button doTask3 from BankUI
          nextRecordButton = userInterface.getDoTask3Button();
          nextRecordButton.setText( "Get Next Record" );
          nextRecordButton.setEnabled( false );
          // register listener to call readRecord when button pressed
             // anonymous inner class to handle nextRecord event
             new ActionListener() {
                // call readRecord when user clicks nextRecord
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener
    ///////////from read end
          // register listener to call openFile when button pressed
             // anonymous inner class to handle openButton event
             new ActionListener() {
                // call openFile when button pressed
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener
          // configure button doTask2 for use in this program
          SaveToFile = userInterface.getSaveStoreToFileButton();
          SaveToFile.setText( "Save to store and to file need to split this task up" );
          SaveToFile.setEnabled( false );  // disable button
          // register listener to call addRecord when button pressed
             // anonymous inner class to handle enterButton event
             new ActionListener() {
                // call addRecord when button pressed
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                   addRecord(); // NEED TO SPLIT UP SO DONT DO BOTH
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener
    Exit = userInterface.getExitAndSaveButton();
          Exit.setText( "Exit " );
          Exit.setEnabled( false );  // disable button
          // register listener to call addRecord when button pressed
             // anonymous inner class to handle enterButton event
             new ActionListener() {
                // call addRecord when button pressed
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                   addRecord(); // adds record to to file
                   closeFile(); // closes everything
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener
          // register window listener to handle window closing event
             // anonymous inner class to handle windowClosing event
             new WindowAdapter() {
                // add current record in GUI to file, then close file
                public void windowClosing( WindowEvent event )
                             if ( output != null )
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addWindowListener
          setSize( 600, 500 );
          setVisible( true );
         store = new Store(100);
       } // end CreateSequentialFile constructor
       // allow user to specify file name
    ////////////////from read
      // enable user to select file to open
       private void openFile()
          // display file dialog so user can select file to open
          JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
          fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY );
          int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog( this );
          // if user clicked Cancel button on dialog, return
          if ( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )
          // obtain selected file
          File fileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
          // display error if file name invalid
          if ( fileName == null || fileName.getName().equals( "" ) )
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Invalid File Name",
                "Invalid File Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
          else {
             // open file
             try {
                input = new ObjectInputStream(
                   new FileInputStream( fileName ) );
                openButton.setEnabled( false );
                nextButton.setEnabled( true );
             // process exceptions opening file
             catch ( IOException ioException ) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error Opening File",
                   "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
          } // end else
       } // end method openFile
    public void readRecord() // need to merger with next record
          Employee record;
          // input the values from the file
          try {
         record = ( Employee ) input.readObject();
                   employeeList[count++]= record;
                   store.add(record);/////////ADDS record to Store
              System.out.println("Count is " + store.getCount());
             // create array of Strings to display in GUI
             String values[] = {
                        String.valueOf( record.getDateOfBirth()),
                        String.valueOf( record.getID()),
                             String.valueOf( record.getStartDate()),
                        String.valueOf( record.getSalary()),
                        String.valueOf( record.getAddress()),
                           String.valueOf( record.getNatInsNo()),
                        String.valueOf( record.getPhone())
    // i added all those bits above split onto one line to look neater
             // display record contents
             userInterface.setFieldValues( values );
          // display message when end-of-file reached
          catch ( EOFException endOfFileException ) {
             nextButton.setEnabled( false );
          nextRecordButton.setEnabled( true );
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "No more records in file",
                "End of File", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
          // display error message if class is not found
          catch ( ClassNotFoundException classNotFoundException ) {
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Unable to create object",
                "Class Not Found", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
          // display error message if cannot read due to problem with file
          catch ( IOException ioException ) {
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                "Error during read from file",
                "Read Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
       } // end method readRecord
       private void getNextRecord()
               Employee record = employeeList[next++%count];//cycles throught accounts
          //create aray of string to display in GUI
          String values[] = {String.valueOf(record.getName()),
              String.valueOf( record.getStartDate() ), String.valueOf( record.getAddress()),
         String.valueOf( record.getNatInsNo()),
         String.valueOf( record.getPhone()),
             String.valueOf( record.getID() ),
               String.valueOf( record.getDateOfBirth() ),
         String.valueOf( record.getSalary() ) };
         //display record contents
         //display record content
    ///////////////////////////////////from read end
    private void SaveLocation()
          // display file dialog, so user can choose file to open
          JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
          fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY );
          int result = fileChooser.showSaveDialog( this );
          // if user clicked Cancel button on dialog, return
          if ( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )
          File fileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); // get selected file
          // display error if invalid
          if ( fileName == null || fileName.getName().equals( "" ) )
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Invalid File Name",
                "Invalid File Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
          else {
             // open file
             try {
                output = new ObjectOutputStream(
                   new FileOutputStream( fileName ) );
                SaveAs.setEnabled( false );
                SaveToFile.setEnabled( true );
              Exit.setEnabled( true );
             // process exceptions from opening file
             catch ( IOException ioException ) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error Opening File",
                   "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
          } // end else
       } // end method openFile
       // close file and terminate application
    private void closeFile()
          // close file
          try {
              //you want to cycle through each recordand add them to store here.
                                            int storeSize = store.getCount();
                                            for (int i = 0; i<storeSize;i++)
    input.close();// from read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
             System.exit( 0 );
          // process exceptions from closing file
          catch( IOException ioException ) {
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error closing file",
                "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
             System.exit( 1 );
       } // end method closeFile
       // add record to file
       public void addRecord()
          int employeeNumber = 0;
          String fieldValues[] = userInterface.getFieldValues();
          // if account field value is not empty
          if ( ! fieldValues[ BankUI.IDNUMBER ].equals( "" ) ) {
             // output values to file
             try {
                employeeNumber = Integer.parseInt(
                   fieldValues[ BankUI.IDNUMBER ] );
                        String dob = fieldValues[ BankUI.DOB ];
                        String[] dateofBirth = dob.split ("-"); // what used to put between number chnage to /
                        String sDate = fieldValues[ BankUI.START ];
                        String[] startDate = sDate.split ("-");
                        String sex = fieldValues[ BankUI.GENDER ];
                        char gender = (sex.charAt(0)); // check if m or f prob check in employee
    if ( employeeNumber >= 0 ) {
                  /* create new record =String name, char gender, Date dob, String add, String nin, String phone, String id, Date start, float salary*/
                    record  = new Employee(
                    fieldValues[ BankUI.NAME ],
                    new Date(     Integer.parseInt(dateofBirth[0]),
                        fieldValues[ BankUI.ADDRESS ],
                        fieldValues[ BankUI.NATINTNO ],
                        fieldValues[ BankUI.PHONE ],
                        fieldValues[ BankUI.IDNUMBER ],
              new Date(     Integer.parseInt(startDate[0]),
              Float.parseFloat( fieldValues[ BankUI.SALARY ] ));
                        if (!store.isFull())
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "The Store is full you cannot add\n"+
                         "anymore employees. \nPlease Save Current File and Create a New File." );
                             System.out.println("Store full");
                        System.out.println("Count is " + store.getCount());
                                  // output record and flush buffer
                                  //output.writeObject( record );
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                       "Account number must be greater than 0",
                       "Bad account number", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
                // clear textfields
             } // end try
             // process invalid account number or balance format
             catch ( NumberFormatException formatException ) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                   "Bad ID number, Date or Salary", "Invalid Number Format",
                   JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
             // process exceptions from file output
             catch ( ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ArrayException ) {
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error with Start Date or Date of Birth\nPlease enter like: 01-01-2001",
                    "IO Exception", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
                      // process exceptions from file output
             catch ( IOException ioException ) {
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error writing to file",
                    "IO Exception", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
          } // end if
       } // end method addRecord
       public static void main( String args[] )
          new testing();
    } // end class CreateSequentialFile

    Sure you can read and write at the same time. But normally you would be reading from one place and writing to another place.
    I rather regret avoiding the OP's earlier post asking how to combine two classes. I looked at the two classes posted and realized the best thing to do was actually to break them into more classes. But I also realized it was going to be a big job explaining why and how, and I just don't have the patience for that sort of thing.
    So now we have a Big Ball Of Tar&trade; and I feel partly responsible.

  • Problem: DVD-RAM can no longer be read on MBP C2D

    The "MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-857D" in my MacBook Pro C2D is said to have read (but not write) support for DVD-RAM media.
    During the first few weeks of its lifetime, reading DVD-RAMs definitely worked. But now, no more, no matter what brand of media I try.
    All other types of optical media continue to work as advertised (read and write).
    I wonder whether this is a physical defect (but then why doesn't it affect other types of media?) or an issue caused by recent sopftware updates (but when I boot from an external DVD-drive using the very original MacOS DVD with no updates at all, why do I still not get read support on the internal drive?).
    AFAIK there has not been any recent firmware update for this model. So what can be the reason? Should I let Apple swap the drive? Has anyone else observed the same issue?
    MBP C2D   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-857D

    Hey Grant,
    thought you'd like to know my "cleaning the lens with a cloth" worked fine - uh... but for about three days only, then back to the same old, same old.
    I'd originally slid a business card covered with a lens cleaning cloth (from my camera bag) to clean the lens, and although the cloth emerged mostly pristine, I figured it must've done the trick as the drive started working again.
    So this time, I decided to go in deeper. I actually took the whole drive apart - case off, drive out, drive dismantled - and I had a long look around to see if any parts looked dirty or damaged...
    I found just one thing - the small silver rod on which the read/write head travels (the servomechanism that moves up and down the disc radius as it reads/writes) had some 'oily gunk' at the point where the travelling-head's 'sleeve' met it -  when I tried to move the head manually up and down the rod, it sort of staggered along. So I cleaned off the gunk with a cotton bud and then slid the drive-head up and down a few times 'till it seemed to run freely.
    Put everything back - and fired up my Mac Pro. And the drive has been 100% fine since then - two whole weeks!
    Maybe this time I've cracked it? (for my drive at least)

  • How to burn read and write files on DVD

    I would like to know how to burn DVDs (image files) with the Read and Write setting. I have changed the settings in Get Info for the image files to Read and Write for Owner, Group and Others and yet when I burn the DVD and try and copy the files back onto the hard drive (to test if it works or not) it won't allow me. When I check the Get Info it says Read and Write for owner (greyed out) and Read Only for Group and Others (greyed out too).
    I have also tried to change the status of the blank DVD before adding files and after adding the files (but b4 the burn) to Read and Write, this works but then during the burn process the DVD or burner changes my settings to Read Only.
    I am burning with Finder and have tried with Toast 10 Titanium. What am I doing wrong, or not doing at all?! I'm going loopy with frustration!

    Kiraly, I agree that the actual problem here might be something else, but as a side issue there seems to be a difference in the way permissions are handled when a file copy is made using Finder compared to when the copy is made using the cp copy in Terminal. At least in my Tiger system, Finder preserved the permission structure, though not the ownership, when it copied a file, whereas cp used the OS defaults.
    I tried the following experiment:
    From my test user account "t", I created a textfile named ReadWrite.txt, and gave it Read+Write permissions for Owner, Group, and Others. I then burned it using Finder to a DVD which I named PermissionTest, and then unchecked the "Ignore Ownership" box on PermissionTest.
    The original ownership and permissions were preserved on the DVD, though of course you couldn't actually write to anything there:
    xxG5-Computer:~ t$ ls -l /Volumes/PermissionTest/ReadWrite.txt
    -rw-rw-rw- 1 t t 15 Sep 13 18:25 /Volumes/PermissionTest/ReadWrite.txt
    I then copied the file from the DVD to the Desktop using Finder, and the permissions were preserved!
    Finder copy:
    xxG5-Computer:~ t$ ls -l /Users/t/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    -rw-rw-rw- 1 t t 15 Sep 13 18:25 /Users/t/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    I then trashed the Finder copy of ReadWrite,txt on the desktop, and made a second copy from the DVD, but this time I used the cp command from Terminal instead of using Finder. This time the permissions were not preserved, but reverted to the OS default:
    cp copy:
    xxG5-Computer:~ t$ cp /Volumes/PermissionTest/ReadWrite.txt Desktop
    xxG5-Computer:~ t$ ls -l /Users/t/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 t t 15 Sep 13 19:43 /Users/t/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    I then switched to a different user account "t1", and repeated the above with the same DVD, first copying the ReadWrite.txt file to the desktop using Finder, and then using cp. The ownership of the copied file changed from t to t1 in both cases, but the permission structure again was preserved in the Finder copy but not in the cp copy:
    DVD file:
    xxG5-Computer:~ t1$ ls -l /Volumes/PermissionTest/ReadWrite.txt
    -rw-rw-rw- 1 t t 15 Sep 13 18:25 /Volumes/PermissionTest/ReadWrite.txt
    Finder copy:
    xxG5-Computer:~ t1$ ls -l /Users/t1/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    -rw-rw-rw- 1 t1 t1 15 Sep 13 18:25 /Users/t1/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    cp copy:
    xxG5-Computer:~ t1$ cp /Volumes/PermissionTest/ReadWrite.txt Desktop
    xxG5-Computer:~ t1$ ls -l /Users/t1/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 t1 t1 15 Sep 13 19:51 /Users/t1/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    I got similar results when I tried copying a file with Read+Write permissions for all from a USB flash drive to the Desktop, again with the "Ignore Ownership" box unchecked.

  • Is SuperDrive able to read and write DVD DL?

    I remember when I first bought my MacBook, it says it comes with SuperDrive, doesn't it able to read and write DVD DL? But, when I go to System Profiler >> Disk Burning, I don't see DVD DL-Write, but I only see CD-Write and DVD-Write. Does it mean my SuperDrive is not able to write DVD DL?

    Look at the text to the right of DVD-Write to determine what types of disks the computer can burn. If the cache is listed as 0KB, restart the computer with the Option, Command, P, and R keys held down, release the keys at the second startup chime, and check again.

  • I have been trying to download photos. It keeps saying can't create file, please check permissions on destination folder. Ihave made sure I have set the permissions on read and write. What am I doing wrong?

    I have been trying to download photos too my MAC. It keeps saying can't create file, please check permissions on destination folder. Ihave made sure I have set the permissions on read and write. What am I doing wrong?

    Try this it worked for me Pat Willener gave it to me off the site :
    I have not read all you wrote, so I may have missed some points. As I understand it, you installed FP 10 on IE7, but it won't play any Flash content?
    Try this
    download the FP uninstaller from http://www.adobe.com/go/tn_14157
    close all browser windows, then run the uninstaller
    download the offline ActivX installer for Internet Explorer from http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_ax.exe
    close all browser windows, then run the installer

  • Using OS X 10.8.4. Installed iLife 11 to get iDVD. iMovie ready to burn through iDVD. Attempted burn. iDVD says burn is complete. Burn lines are on DVD R. Same disk cannot be read and is considered blank by computer and DVD player. How do I burn properly?

    Using OS X 10.8.4. Installed iLife 11 and got iDVD. iMovie ready in iDVD. Attempted burn. iDVD says burn is complete. Burn lines are on DVD+R. Same disk cannot be read and is considered blank by computer and DVD player. How do I burn properly?

    Hello TchrDi,
    I suggest this article named Archived - iDVD: Troubleshooting issues with burning discs found here http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1583.
    It is pretty lengthy, but also pretty thorough.

  • Mac desktop. 10.6.8. Text edit. Not locked. Read and write. Still, documents are locking when they are moved from desktop to another folder on the server. Techies can't figure it out here. What am I not doing?

    Mac desktop. 10.6.8. Text edit. Not locked. Read and write, not read only. Documents are locking when they are moved from desktop to another folder or saved directly into that folder on the server. Not happening with anyone else but me and the boss's computer so has to be in the properties for my text edit software. Techies can't figure it out after trying for two weeks. Boss can do a cut and paste and put into a new document, but that's starting to become a problem.

    Mac desktop. 10.6.8. Text edit. Not locked. Read and write, not read only. Documents are locking when they are moved from desktop to another folder or saved directly into that folder on the server. Not happening with anyone else but me and the boss's computer so has to be in the properties for my text edit software. Techies can't figure it out after trying for two weeks. Boss can do a cut and paste and put into a new document, but that's starting to become a problem.

  • How well does mac read and write with FAT32

    Hi there,
    I have heard that an external hard drive formatted in FAT32 from a windows machine will work with a mac. Is it a seemless read and write while using an application. i have both a pc and a mac and want both to use the same harddrive.

    as brianking said, you won't be able to boot from it, but for an external drive fat32 works like a charm. I share three 250 GB external drives with my colleagues at work and we only once had a problem of destroyed FAT which might have been caused by the Mac, but was never examined since it did not happen again.

  • How to read and write on ntfs partitions??

    Hello everyone, thanks for viewing my post.  I want to know how to read and write on ntfs partitions under sata hd on my arch64 system.  I'm using kde as my de and dolphin does sees it but can't access it anyway.  I didn't had problem so far on mounting usb drives it just automounts maybe because it is a fat partition not a ntfs?  Please I need your help...Thanks in advance:)

    You will most likely need to rework your fstab.  The one from my desktop is shown below. If you want regular users to be able to access the partition, then you will need to change the gid option as I have done. Although you could create a group just for people you want to have access.
    You will need to know the device that your windows partition is held on of course. In my case it is my first hard disk, first partition, hence /dev/sda1.
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    none /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
    none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
    /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
    /dev/dvd /media/dvd auto ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
    /dev/mapper/nvidia_fbgfhehd1 /boot ext2 defaults 0 1
    /dev/mapper/nvidia_fbgfhehd2 / reiserfs defaults 0 1
    /dev/mapper/nvidia_fbgfhehd3 /var reiserfs defaults 0 1
    /dev/mapper/nvidia_fbgfhehd5 /opt reiserfs defaults 0 1
    /dev/mapper/nvidia_fbgfhehd6 swap swap defaults 0 0
    /dev/mapper/nvidia_fbgfhehd7 /home reiserfs defaults 0 1
    /dev/sdd1 /mnt/andromeda vfat defaults 0 0
    /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows ntfs-3g defaults,user,gid=users 0 0
    My XP partition is set to mount automatically, as I regularly interchange documents between the OS's.
    Hope that helps.

  • Need help to read and write using UTF-16LE

    I am in need of yr help.
    In my application i am using UTF-16LE to export and import the data when i am doing immediate.
    And sometimes i need to do the import in an scheduled formate..i.e the export and imort will happend in the specified time.
    But in my application when i am doing scheduled import, they used the URL class to build the URL for that file and copy the data to one temp file to do the event later.
    The importing file is in UTF-16LE formate and i need to write the code for that encoding formate.
    The problem is when i am doing scheduled import i need to copy the data of the file into one temp place and they doing the import.
    When copying the data from one file to the temp i cant use the UTF-16LE encoding into the URL .And if i get the path from the URl and creating the reader and writer its giving the FileNotFound exception.
    Here is the excisting code,
    protected void copyFile(String rootURL, String fileName) {
    URL url = null;
    try {
    url = new URL(rootURL);
    } catch(java.net.MalformedURLException ex) {
    if(url != null) {
    BufferedWriter out = null;
    BufferedReader in = null;
    try {
    out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName));
    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
    String line;
    do {
    line = in.readLine();
    if(line != null) {
    out.write(line, 0, line.length());
    } while(line != null);
    } catch(Exception ex) {
    Here String rootURL is the real file name from where i have to get the data and its UTF-16LE formate.And String fileName is the tem filename and it logical one.
    I think i tried to describe the problem.
    Plz anyone help me.
    Thanks in advance.

    thanks for yr reply...
    I did the as per yr words using StreamWriter but the problem is i need a temp file name to create writer to write into that.
    but its an logical one and its not in real so if i create Streamwriten in that its through FileNotFound exception.
    The only problem is the existing code build using URL and i can change all the lines and its very difficult because its vast amount of data.
    Is anyother way to solve this issue?
    Once again thanks..

  • How do I read and write to text files on a remote computer's hard drive

    I would like to read and write data to a text file on a remote computer. This is easily accomplished using one of the file functions such as "write characters to file.vi". If I am already connected to the remote computer, all I need to do is specify the path to the particular file and it will work fine.
    My problem is that I want to connect to the remote computer programatically within LabVIEW (I do not want to have to use the computer's OS to establish the connection. Is there a function that I can use to do this?
    Thomas D. Schaefer
    Wells Manufacturing Corp

    You should really start a new thread with a new question like this, so that more people see it. Some people look primarily at threads that have no responses yet. Also, don't post the exact same question in multiple places. Or, if you must cross-post to some other forum, make sure to mention it in your question text.
    I'm happy to be a brick in your Western Wall, but I'm not sure what the main objective is here. Is the main problem really getting access to the "X bytes received in Y seconds at Z bytes/sec" string? Or is it accomplishing the file transfer? And what OS and LabVIEW version are you running?
    I think your problem is that you the LabVIEW System Exec command does not allow for the degree of interactivity that you need if you want to issue a sequence of commands to a command-line executable. However, under Windows XP (and, presumably, other Windows versions, though I can't check), you can tell the FTP executable to use commands from a textfile script by using the -s switch, and you can override the prompts during multiple file transfers with the -i switch:
    If you issue a command in this format to System Exec, and make sure to create a file at FILEPATH with your command sequence (one per line), then you should at least accomplish the FTP actions. This won't give you the transfer details in the standard output, unfortunately. However, if you just want a general sense of how much was transferred and how quickly it happened, you can code that in LabVIEW by getting the resulting file sizes and using Tick Count before and after the System Exec call to see how long the transfer took.
    Hope that helps,

  • Modbus Ethernet read and write to a Eurotherm 6180XIO Modbus server using LV8.2 shared variables

    I am having EXTREME difficulty trying to establish communications with a Modbus device using LV8.2 shared variables.  The device is a Eurotherm 6180XIO Datalogger configured as a Modbus master.  The PC and a cFP-1804 are slaves.  All IP addresses are set correctly.  This approach using shared variables would seem simple, but I can't find any examples or proper guidance on how to get it working.  I am trying to avoid having to mess around with TCP/IP, OPC, or any other old-fashioned method.
    I have read many threads on related topics but none directly apply to this situation.  I have created a library containing a Modbus I/O server and shared variables bound to read and write holding registers.  I have followed all recommended tips for creating such variables but I can neither read or write data.  All data types are U16 due to Modbus protocol limitations.  I have also applied the LV x10 factor in the most significant digit in the register offset (6 digits instead of 5).
    I have a cFP-1804 on the same network which reads into the datalogger OK.  The registers I use are 31000 (for CH0 on module 0, 31002 for CH1, etc) and the data can be read as FLOAT32.  I have updated the firmwate on the 1804 to the latest level.  I cannot even get shared variables to read SGL values.  Using registers 301001 for CH0 and 301002 for CH1 I can only read U16 values, and not a 2-word SGL.
    Third party Modbus simulation software is able to write to and read from registers very easily, but not LabVIEW.
    Some questions are:
    - do I use a Modbus master or slave as an I/O server in the library as a target for binding the shared variables?
    - is there some other wierd translation in register offsets between LabVIEW and traditional Modbus?
    - is this actually possible using shared variables or am I wasting my time?

    Sending the whole 60-character string using a string or array would be the most efficient.  I have tried both methods, and these only cause the datalogger to flag a message log but no text is displayed.
    For a string variable, I have used the following binding "My Computer\Modbus Test.lvlib\ModbusServer6180\442305", where ModbusServer6180 is a Modbus I/O server configured with the logger IP address, and 42304 is the register offset at the start of the text block in the logger.  I need to write to 30 consecutive registers starting with this one.  I am not using buffering and have not enabled single writer.
    Can anyone confirm whether this method should work in 8.2?
    Does the string need a special termination character?

  • External hard drive to be read and write for MAC & PC

    I recently bought a Mac Book Pro and have always used a PC until now, which i used an external hard drive to use to copy files to. My mac does not let me write to this hard drive.
    What do i have to do to be able to read and write to this hard drive on my MAC & PC?

    your drive is formatted NTFS. OS X can only read but not write to NTFS drives. you can reformat it FAT which is writable from both OS X and windows. (this will wipe the drive of course). However, FAT is an inferior format with a number of limitations. another option is to install macfuse and NTFS-3g on your mac
    It will let you write to NTFS formatted drives.

  • I have the latest Mac Air 13" and I have a Seagate 500MB external hard disk I cant copy or Cut any files on the hard disk and I cant even delete any files. I have the settings as Read and Write in the get info tab. Please help

    I have the latest Mac Air 13" and I have a Seagate 500MB external hard disk I cant copy or Cut any files on the hard disk and I cant even delete any files. I have the settings as Read and Write in the get info tab. Please helpand also note that my hard drive was formatted on a Windows 7 Laptop.

    thats the problem, its in MSDos (Fat) or NTFS for Windows.
    1. offload all that data on the HD onto your PC, THEN format the HD in EXFAT for use on BOTH PC and Mac for read/write.....then reload all (or as you need) that data back onto the HD
    2. get another HD, and format it for Mac OSX extended journaled.
    FAT32 (File Allocation Table)
    Read/Write FAT32 from both native Windows and native Mac OS X.
    Maximum file size: 4GB.
    Maximum volume size: 2TB
    You can use this format if you share the drive between Mac OS X and Windows computers and have no files larger than 4GB.
    NTFS (Windows NT File System)
    Read/Write NTFS from native Windows.
    Read only NTFS from native Mac OS X
    To Read/Write/Format NTFS from Mac OS X, here are some alternatives:
    For Mac OS X 10.4 or later (32 or 64-bit), install Paragon (approx $20) (Best Choice for Lion)
    Native NTFS support can be enabled in Snow Leopard and Lion, but is not advisable, due to instability.
    AirPort Extreme (802.11n) and Time Capsule do not support NTFS
    Maximum file size: 16 TB
    Maximum volume size: 256TB
    You can use this format if you routinely share a drive with multiple Windows systems.
    HFS+     ((((MAC FORMAT)))  (Hierarchical File System, a.k.a. Mac OS Extended (Journaled) Don't use case-sensitive)
    Read/Write HFS+ from native Mac OS X
    Required for Time Machine or Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper! backups of Mac internal hard drive.
    To Read HFS+ (but not Write) from Windows, Install HFSExplorer
    Maximum file size: 8EiB
    Maximum volume size: 8EiB
    You can use this format if you only use the drive with Mac OS X, or use it for backups of your Mac OS X internal drive, or if you only share it with one Windows PC (with MacDrive installed on the PC)
    EXFAT (FAT64)    ------Can read/write from both PC and Mac
    Supported in Mac OS X only in 10.6.5 or later.
    Not all Windows versions support exFAT. 
    exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table)
    AirPort Extreme (802.11n) and Time Capsule do not support exFAT
    Maximum file size: 16 EiB
    Maximum volume size: 64 ZiB
    You can use this format if it is supported by all computers with which you intend to share the drive.  See "disadvantages" for details.

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