DVD Studio Pro must be serialized first......

OK.... this is super bizarre. I've used Quicktime to export MPEG-2's for time beyond memory. However, we purchased an additional license of FCP Studio.... so I deleted all the ID files off of this machine and entered the newer serial number when I was prompted.... serializing all of my FCP Studio apps. Now whenever I try to export MPEG-2 files out of Quicktime I get this oh-so-lovely error:
DVD Studio Pro must be serialized first in order to run Quicktime MPEG Encoder.
Isn't that grand?
Now I realize that I could go through the painful and very lengthy steps of finding all of the FCP Studio files, preferences, support files, etc. and chucking them.. and then go through the nice, lengthy 2 hour install and put everything back on... however, I see this as very un-Maclike... has Apple truly made the FCP Studio ownership experience this tedious? This reminds me oh so much of my.... ahem... Winbloze experiences.
Anyone have a solution for this besides doing the standard solution that Windows users have to go through when something breaks? (aka reinstalling bloody everything and hoping to **** that it actually works?)

Have you just opened DVD SP and re-entered the serial number?
If not then do so, if DVD SP isn't installed then install it, then open it and input the serial number, that's all it's asking for.
The Mpeg 2 encoder is part of the DVD SP's install and activated when DVD SP is launched and serialized.

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    Have you just opened DVD SP and re-entered the serial number?
    If not then do so, if DVD SP isn't installed then install it, then open it and input the serial number, that's all it's asking for.
    The Mpeg 2 encoder is part of the DVD SP's install and activated when DVD SP is launched and serialized.

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    Since you have DVDSP4, I don't understand why you can't just use Compressor rather than exporting MPEG2 from QT Player.

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    No Joe, but I've not really tried anything. I have no immediate need for DVD Studio. I thought I maye have had a bad disk but if you have the same issue it might be a problem with the installer script.
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    Actually it does work, and it does make sense.
    The mpeg2 output option is a feature now associated with DVD Studio Pro, not compressor or FCP.
    Try this. Somewhere in one of your libraries there's file called FCP.reg.pref or something. Delete that file, then launch Final Cut Pro. You'll have to re-register, just like when you first installed. Same thing with DVD Studio Pro.
    If your FCP can't find this file, you won't be able to export as mpeg2. If you haven't installed DVD Studio Pro at all, you can't export to mpeg2. If you haven't launched DVD Studio Pro yet, you have to make sure it has opened to create that preference file. If you have launched it, you need to make sure you didn't move the preference file.

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    Back in my menu I see 8 buttons. In my timeline I have 18 chapters. How do I transfer my 18 chapters over to my menu so that I have 18 buttons each one representing a chapter?
    You can duplicate your 8 buttons menu so many time as you need to include your 18 chapters, creating a simple new button to navigate through Chapter Menu1, Chapter Menu2, etc.
    Or you can duplicte&resize buttons to fit more of them in a single menu, but 18 button chapters could be too much for a comfortable navigation.
    Thanks for any advise!!.. also if anyone has a good 'idiot's guide' for ex iDVD people moving to DVD Pro then I'd really appreciate it!
    You can use the Search feature in this forum and almost for sure you'll find any answer you need, in particular for basic stuff.
    You can visit Drew13's site [DVD Step by Step|http://www.dvdstepbystep.com] for some good tutorials, and Drew13 uses to stay tuned here to help you too!
    And sometimes Google helps too !
    Hope that helps !

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    http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=303184 Trash the files... then re-enter the serial number with new one when asked.

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    Doc Holiday

    Nope, there are no demos of DVD Studio Pro, and Apple will not give you another Serial Number.
    I would would try and get someone at home to give it to you over the phone

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    It means your file is too large to fit on a single layer disk.
    Recompress to keep the overall size (audio,video and menus) below 4.5GB

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    kkita75 wrote:
    Thats the version I have on my laptop,sorry !
    Well, there never was a Final Cut Studio 9. So I'm still confused. What version is listed on your disk?
    DVD SP shouldn't be asking for a serial number if the FCS suite was correctly installed.
    Download this utility and remove DVDSP (it will ensure that you get all the associated files). Reinstall from the install disks. Then run Software Update repeatedly until there is nothing more listed. Repair permissions in Disk Utility and launch DVDSP.
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    Are you sure? Does the menu have the First Play symbol in the top left corner?

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    Has something gone wrong with DVD Studio Pro, with it's preferences or something else? Any advice on what I should do? I can no longer burn DVDs because of this!
    PowerMac G5 2GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   4.5 GB RAM

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    Help! Anyone seen this problem? What should I do, I have to burn a DVD for Monday! Thanks.

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    Pretty confident that all your FCS apps – including DVSP – should work fine after this.
    BUT. Always clone your systems drive so you can revert in case you don't like the results. (Time Machine is not an adequent substitute. I use Carbon Copy Cloner but there are alternatives.)

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