DW + Contribute. Draft approval + links

Tried a post in the Contribute forum, but it's a ghost town
over there.
I will try to be brief. I have a site where one person has
DW, 3 others have Contribute. The site is an Intranet. There are
many links in the pages that go directly to a .doc or .xl file
somewhere on the network.
When a contribute user makes a change and publishes a page,
stupid Contribute copies the linked files to the server! No pop up
to say "no, leave them alone" as in Dreamweaver. The client can't
have it that way, they need the original files linked to, not
copied, then linked.
So, two things:
1. Does anyone know of a way around this?
2. Is there any way for a Dreamweaver user to upload drafts
of pages without buying Contribute too?
Any suggestions short of me losing a client for life?

It is a setting within your site definition. I assume thought
that you are using DW8. I think it was in the same place on mx04
and mx, but I do not remember(it has been a while).

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    Check whether the deafult printer has been mainatined for that approver user and also the FORWARD WORKITEM attribute has been checked in the org structure in PPOMA_BBP.
    if you are using program RBBP_NOTIFICATION_OFFAPP to generate offline approval email.. if yes then select checkboxes HTML text and approval links.
    See this thread for more details:
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    This is the standard behaviour of SRM4.0. 
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    The issue that you have reported is not a bug, but a strandard. Once the
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    Hi Satish,
    The document drafts are saved in the ODRF table. The WddStatus field in the table (ODRF and in all other document tables, like OINV, ORDR, etc.) shows the authorization status of the document. Valid Values are
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    Sorry, this functionality is a potential customization to the product, and not out of the box functionality. That is how the link referenced earlier actually presents this scenario.
    4.8.6 Other CustomizationsMany workflow customizations are available through Consulting Services. This section briefly describes two of those customizations. Please consider engaging Oracle Consulting Services for a thorough evaluation of the impact associated with the replication of workflow examples.
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      The workflow of the drafts have been changed in the newer version (from  CS4) of Contribute. To know more about the new workflow process, please refer to Assigning workflow & drafts review process.
    Since the draft workflow had been enhanced,
    a)      The draft created and send for review/edit/publish from CS5 (/CS4) to the user using CS3, will not receive the draft.
    b)      The draft created and send for review from CS3 to the user using CS5 (/CS4), the user will receive the draft, but will follow the CS3 draft review process, not the new review process.
    If this is not the case, please check by sending the PDF to the same user.

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    This should be possible with some UWL configuration. Please check the following forum post: http://forums.sdn.sap.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1677777

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    How can i reproduce it?.
    Did you login/logout before/after access to your externalId navigation?.
    It could be a WebCenter View Handler bug. I asked to you if it is because there is a bug with it in this version. I don't know if PS4 have similar issue.
    You have a sample code to extend WebCenter View Handler in Andrejus Blog (code of Oracle Support): http://andrejusb.blogspot.com.es/2011/04/practical-guide-for-oracle-webcenter.html

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    Hi Fernando,
    Try adding the below command in the News explorer layout set > collection renderer settings> Displayed properties.

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    Hi Abdul
    For Patches for NW2004s released after 2nd April 2007 a Solution Manager system is a prerrequisite. I guess you are referring to a SAP internal procedure that is not released for customers.

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Masa,
    SPRO->SAP Reference IMG->Supplier Relationship Management->SRM Server->Cross-Application Basic Settings->SAP Business Workflow->Activate Standard Taks
    Activate Standard Tasks
    In this activity, you start a background report that defines certain tasks within the workflows of Enterprise Buyer as standard tasks. Any user can perform standard tasks, such as "Approve User Master Record". You use the workflow definition to narrow down who can actually perform the task. For example, in the case of approval of user master records, this depends on the organizational unit to which the new user master record belongs.
    You must perform this activity during the initialization of the Enterprise Buyer system, otherwise the SAP Business Workflow cannot determine who the approver should be.
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    Hi Punnet,
    Check for the SWFVISU transaction for the  task entries for the Leave and Loan request application. I hope the Loan request is WD java so the XML file must be altered in such a way the java appoval works here.
    So check for the com.sap.pct.erp.mss.addon xml file.
    Mithun K

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