DW006, DW036, DW050 - 7 errors, 5 Warnings

I get these error when I'm trying to install Adobe Premiere Elements 10/Photoshop.  NEED HELP!!!

What computer operating system is involved here? Mac?
And what is this "Photoshop" - Photoshop Elements 10 or some Photoshop CS or higher photo editing programs?
Let us focus on Premiere Elements 10 installation.
If Mac, which probably it is, did you follow the installation details in this Adobe document....
http://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-elements/kb/updated-installation-instructions-premiere-ele ments.html#main_Resulting_errors_when_not_installing_using_one_of_the_previously_described _methods
Most roads point to the above link
Please review and consider, and then let us know if any of the above applies to you and resolves your issues.
Thank you.

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  • Download error DW036 DW050 Adobe Premiere 10

    I'm trying to install from disk Premiere Elements 10. I keep getting error codes DW036 DW050. This came as a bundle along with Adobe Photoshop 10 which installed just fine. Please help!

    try this link!

  • Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings

    I've modified the PDF Binder sample to get a plugin that would open PDF's and Tif files, and save them as PDF/A-1b (code below).
    It's working. The problem: it's processing too slow (compared with the Actions batch processing)... and I've been getting warnings/and errors about "The imput file is corrupt or of an unknown/unsupported type" type. This is stopping my batch process until I click OK, and the it continues.
    I am trying to process a few thousand of tif files now. I tried first to use the Batch processing capability built in the Acrobat X... an it works, but only with the first 255 documents in the folder... then gives an "insufficient disk space" message for the rest of the files in the directory.
    So, 2 questions: Does anyone knows why it is so slow processing the tiff files and... how I can make my code "silent" so it does not wait for the OK after the message??
    Thanks in advance.
    The code:
    Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated
    All rights reserved.
    NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
    in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement
    accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source other
    than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it
    requires the prior written permission of Adobe.
      \file PDFBinder.cpp
    - Implements a method to convert multiple files into PDFs and bind the PDFs
    into one PDF file. The code shows how to use AVConversionToPDFHandler to
    convert files to PDF and how to use PDDocInsertPages() to combind PDF files.
    // Headers.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #ifndef MAC_PLATFORM
    #include <direct.h>
    #include "PIHeaders.h"
    // Defines ----------
    // Define this flag to show AVConversionToPDFEnumHandler info. in log file.
    // define this flag to use file type filter 
    #define USE_FILE_FILTER   
    // Message display control.  Ture: display
    ASBool bEcho = true;
    // File location. User can change the following filenames.
        const char* STRING_PDFBinderFolder = "C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\in";
        const char* STRING_PDFOutputFolder = "C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\PDFA";
        const char* FOLDERSYMBOL="\\";
        const char* STRING_PDFBinderFolder = "/PDFBinder";
        const char* FOLDERSYMBOL="/";
    char* OutputPdfFileName = "PDFBinderOutput.pdf";
    char* LogFileName = "PDFProcessLog.txt";
    static ASInt32 gNumToPDFExt;
    static ASInt32 gNumFromPDFExt;
    static AVConversionFromPDFHandler RightHandler;
    const int MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 256;
    char sLogFileName[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
    // Filter -----------
    // Filter is a list of file types which can be converted to PDF in this program.
    // Use a filter may fit user's specific needs and ensure a smooth automation process.
    // Of course, the user can turn off the filter in two ways:
    //   (1) gPDFBinderFileFilter = "";
    //   (2) comment out //USE_FILE_FILTER 
    // The filter should be consistent with the Acrobat viewer's menu capability:
    //   Create PDF from multiple files ...
    // Here we put the types which have been tested, but user can expand it.
    const char* gPDFBinderFileFilter = "pdf,tif,tiff,PDF,TIF,TIFF";
    const int MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 2048;
    AVConversionToPDFHandler gHandler;
    // functions in this file.
    int    ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF(ASPathName aspItem, char* aFileName, PDDoc  PDFfile);
    void BindingFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb, PDDoc targetPDdDoc, ASPathName outputPathName, int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted);
    ASBool PassPDFBinderFileFilter(char* filename);
    int    ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile, ASPathName outputPathName);
    char* NewFileName(char *& aFileName);
    // callbacks
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 AVConversionToPDFEnumFindHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc(AVConversionFromPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
    /**    This sample implements a method to convert multiple files into PDF
      and bind the PDFs into one PDF file .
        This sample shows developers how to grammatically implement To-PDF file
      converson functionality.  Basically, the code uses AVConversionToPDFHandler
      to convert files to PDF and PDDocInsertPages()to combine PDF files.
      This plug-in is designed to run from a menu item, and by setting bEcho = false
      it may be run without any graphics user interface on the screen. Therefore, it 
      can be executed from other programs such as C IAC, VB IAC, and JavaScript
      to meet enterprise workflow needs.
        How to run it :
        - This sample adds a menu item "PDF Binder" under the Acrobat SDK submenu. Two ways to
        execute it: 1) click the menu item to run the program using a fixed file location
        hard coded; 2) press the shift key and click the menu item to choose a folder where
        files to be converted are located.
        - Without folder selection, this original code is to convert and bind files in a
        directory    C\test\PDFBinder for Win, or a folder   MacHD:test:PDFBinder for Mac.
        You can copy the test files in the project's testfiles folder to the appropriate location 
        for testing. You may locate files to be converted in another directory/folder, and
        specify the location in the string variable PDFBinderFolder in the code.
        - When you have the files to be converted ready in the specified location,
        run Acrobat 6 menu Advanced->AcrobatSDK->PDF Binder to start the operation.  There are
        echo messages informing you of the operation start and end, but you can change and
        rebuild the code to turn off the display on screen.
        - An output file PDFBinderOutput.pdf in the same location is created
        when the program succeeds. A text log file  PDFBinderLog.txt in the same
        location records the process and results.
        -  You can set bEch = false in the code to turn off any display on the screen.
        This is necessary when you  call the menu function from within other programs
        of C IAC, VB IAC, JavaScript. 
        -  An optional file filter is used to pre-process the files. The filter only allows
        the files with predefined types to be processed. You can change the file type list
        as you wish. Using a filter may ensure a smooth automation process, since you can put
        only well-tested file types in the filter. To turn off the filter, you can set
        gPDFBinderFileFilter = "" or not to define USE_FILE_FILTER 
        - Note this is a sample only, developers need to make further improvement for
        their actual use. For example, you can set up a list of files to use the method for
        the conversion and binding. And you can add code to handle special file types.
          @see AVConversionConvertToPDFWithHandler
        @see AVConversionEnumToPDFConverters
        @see ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator
        @see PDDocOpen
        @see PDDocClose
        @see PDDocInsertPages
        @see PDDocCreatePage
        @see PDDocDeletePages
        @see PDPageRelease
        @see ASFileSysCreatePathName
        @see ASFileSysFirstFolderItem
        @see ASFileSysNextFolderItem
        @see ASFileSysGetNameFromPath
        @see ASFileSysReleasePath
    ACCB1 void ACCB2 PDFBinderCommand(void*)
        // if the menu item clicked with Shift key pressed down, go to interactive mode.
        // let the user to choose a folder and process all the file in the folder.
        ASText dispText = ASTextNew();
        char PDFBinderFolder[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
        ASBool shiftKeyIsDown = ((AVSysGetModifiers() & AV_SHIFT) != 0);
        if(shiftKeyIsDown) {
            AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec dialogParams;
            // Configure the dialog box parameters.
            memset (&dialogParams, 0, sizeof (AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec));
            dialogParams.size = sizeof(AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec);
            dialogParams.windowTitle = ASTextFromScriptText("Choose folder with files to bind",kASRomanScript);
            dialogParams.flags |= kAVOpenSaveAllowForeignFileSystems;
            dialogParams.initialFileSys = ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys();
            ASPathName thePath;
            ASFileSys fileSys;
            if(ASBoolToBool(AVAppChooseFolderDialog(&dialogParams, &fileSys, &thePath)) != true){
                //AVAlertNote("Failed to select the folder");
    #ifdef WIN_PLATFORM       
            ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPath(ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), thePath, dispText);
            ASHostEncoding bestEnc = ASTextGetBestEncoding(dispText, (ASHostEncoding)PDGetHostEncoding());
            strncpy(PDFBinderFolder, ASTextGetEncoded(dispText, bestEnc), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
            ASPlatformPath aspPath;
            ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath(fileSys, thePath, ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), &aspPath);
            strncpy(PDFBinderFolder, (char *)ASPlatformPathGetPOSIXPathPtr(aspPath), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
            ASFileSysReleasePlatformPath(fileSys, aspPath);
            // remove extra path separator
            char e = PDFBinderFolder[strlen(PDFBinderFolder)-1];
            if(e == ':' || e == '/')
            dispText = ASTextFromScriptText(PDFBinderFolder, kASEUnicodeScript);
            ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, thePath);
        // Otherwise, the hard coded file path will be used.
        else {
            strcpy(PDFBinderFolder, STRING_PDFBinderFolder);
            dispText = ASTextFromScriptText(PDFBinderFolder, kASRomanScript);
        // instruction message
        char strMsg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "";
        sprintf(strMsg, "This function will convert and process Tiff and PDF files in the selected directory. ");
        strcat(strMsg, " You need to copy your files in C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\in directory." );
        strcat(strMsg, " Files will be processed into C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\PDFA directory." );
        strcat(strMsg, " If you are ready, click OK to continue, or click Cancel to quit. " );
        strcat(strMsg, " \nNote you can press down Shift key and click the menu item to have a folder selection. " );
        strcat(strMsg, " \nNote you can turn off the echo message by setting bEcho = false and rebuild the code. " );
            ASInt32 choice = AVAlert(ALERT_CAUTION, strMsg, "OK", "Cancel", NULL, true);
            if(choice==2) {
        // create a new target pdf file with one empty page
        PDDoc TargetPDF = PDDocCreate();
        ASFixedRect mediaBox = { fixedZero, ASInt32ToFixed(792), ASInt32ToFixed(612), fixedZero };
        PDPage emptyPage = PDDocCreatePage (TargetPDF, PDBeforeFirstPage, mediaBox);
        PDPageRelease (emptyPage);
        //     get available headlers and set our file filter
        char ValidExt[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
        memset(ValidExt, 0, MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
        // enumerate AVConversioToPDF handlers to get all available file
        // types which can be converted to PDF.
        AVConversionEnumToPDFConverters(MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc, (AVConversionEnumProcData) ValidExt);
        //AVAlertNote("Converters Defined");
    #ifdef USE_FILE_FILTER    
        // set File filter
        strcpy(ValidExt, gPDFBinderFileFilter);
        // process all files in the directory
        int iNumFiles = 0;
        int iNumFilesConverted = 0;
        char* Done = "Converted";
        char* NotDone = " - ";
        char fileName[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH+1];
        ASFileSysItemPropsRec props;
        ASFolderIterator iter;
        ASPathName aspItem = NULL;
        memset(&props, 0, sizeof(props));
        props.size = sizeof(props);
        //AVAlertNote("Props Defined");
        ASPathName theFolder = NULL;
        ASFileSys fileSys = NULL;
    #ifdef WIN_PLATFORM   
        fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), dispText);
        theFolder = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys, ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), dispText, 0);
        //AVAlertNote("FileSys and Folder Defined");
        fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), PDFBinderFolder);
        theFolder = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                                ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), PDFBinderFolder, 0);
        if (theFolder==NULL) {
            //AVAlertNote("Fail to create ASPathName for the selected folder.");
        // Find first file in current directory
        if((iter = ASFileSysFirstFolderItem(fileSys, theFolder, &props, &aspItem))==FALSE) {
            //AVAlertNote("This is either an invalid folder or the folder contains no files.");
        ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, theFolder);
        //AVAlertNote("Folder Released");
        // get filename only
        if(ASFileSysGetNameFromPath(fileSys, aspItem, fileName, sizeof(fileName))) {
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(aspItem!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
            if(theFolder!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, theFolder);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
        // go to binding if it's a valid type of file
        if(props.type == kASFileSysFile && PassPDFBinderFileFilter(fileName)) {
            char outFileName[] = "";
            //strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
            //strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
            //strcat(outFileName, fileName);
            strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
            strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
            strcat(outFileName, fileName);
            ASPathName outputFileName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("Cstring"), outFileName, 0);
            BindingFileToPDF(aspItem, fileName, props, TargetPDF, outputFileName ,&iNumFiles, &iNumFilesConverted);
            //AVAlertNote("File Processed");
        ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
        // process all other files 
        while(ASFileSysNextFolderItem(fileSys, iter, &props, &aspItem)) {
            // get filename only
            if(ASFileSysGetNameFromPath(fileSys, aspItem, fileName, sizeof(fileName))) {
            // go to binding if it's a valid type of file
            if(props.type == kASFileSysFile && PassPDFBinderFileFilter(fileName))  {
                char outFileName[] = "";
                //strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
                //strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
                //strcat(outFileName, fileName);
                strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
                strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
                strcat(outFileName, fileName);
                ASPathName outputFileName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("Cstring"), outFileName, 0);
                BindingFileToPDF(aspItem, fileName, props, TargetPDF, outputFileName, &iNumFiles, &iNumFilesConverted);
                //AVAlertNote("File Processed");
            ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
        ASPathName pdfPathName = NULL;
        // close the findfile
        ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator(fileSys, iter);
        // save and close the output pdf file
        // create path
        ASText pathText = ASTextNew();
            ASTextFromScriptText(FOLDERSYMBOL, kASRomanScript),
            ASTextFromScriptText(OutputPdfFileName, kASRomanScript),
    #ifdef WIN_PLATFORM
        ASFileSys fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), pathText);
        pdfPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                                ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), pathText, 0);
        char path[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
        strncpy(path, ASTextGetEncoded(pathText,
            ASTextGetBestEncoding(pathText, (ASHostEncoding)PDGetHostEncoding())), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
        ASFileSys fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), path);
        pdfPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                                ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), path, 0);   
        if(pdfPathName==NULL) {
        // delete the empty page
        if(PDDocGetNumPages(TargetPDF)>1) {
            PDDocDeletePages (TargetPDF, 0,0,NULL, NULL);
        // save
        //PDDocSave (TargetPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized,
        //            pdfPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(),    NULL, NULL);
        PDDocClose (TargetPDF);
        //ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, pdfPathName);
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(pdfPathName!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, pdfPathName);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
        // use this line to show the massage on screen if you need
        //if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
        AVAlertNote ("Folder Completed. PDF/A Output files generated.");
    /* ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF
    /** Internal function \n
    ** Convert a file to PDF, then insert it to target PDF file.
    ** @param aFileName IN  char string, filename.
    ** @param PDFfile IN/OUT PDDoc of the target PDF file.
    ** @return 0 if OK, 1 if failed.
    int    ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile)
        PDDoc tempPDF;
        char* Ext;
            // get file extention
            Ext = strrchr(aFileName,'.');
            if(Ext) {
            else {
                E_RETURN (1);
            // if the file is PDF, open PDDoc
            if(strcmp(Ext,"PDF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"pdf")==0) {
                tempPDF = PDDocOpen (aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL, true);
                if(tempPDF==NULL) {
                    E_RETURN (1);
            // else convert it to PDF
                // let it automatically find right handler for the file and do the job.
                AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertToPDF
                    (kAVConversionAsyncOkay, //kAVConversionNoFlags
                      aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), &tempPDF, NULL);
                // check if successful
                if(stat != kAVConversionSuccess) {
                    //AVAlertNote("Cannot convert the file.");
                    E_RETURN (1);
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho) == true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
            return 1;
        // insert new PDF into target PDF
            // insert all pages of new pdfc to TargetPDFfile.
            PDDocInsertPages(PDFfile, PDLastPage, tempPDF, 0,
                            PDAllPages, PDInsertAll, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
             char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
            if(strcmp(Ext,"doc")==0) {
                char fname[40];
            return 0;
    /* MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc
    /** Internal callback function \n
    ** called for every AVConversionToPDFHandler.
    ** get the valid type (file extention) for the conversion. 
    ** @return true.
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler,
                                                 AVConversionEnumProcData data)
        ASUns16 numFileExt = handler->convFilter.numFileDescs;
        for (int i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++) {
            char* ext = handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension;
            if(strlen(ext)>0) {
                strcat((char*) data, ext);
                strcat((char*) data, ",");
        return true;
    /* this is alternative code to get right conversion handler for a specific file
       to be converted. It works with function AVConversionConvertToPDFWithHandler.
       It's not used now, but kept for user's reference.
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 AVConversionToPDFEnumFindHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler,
                                                 AVConversionEnumProcData data)
        ASUns16 numFileExt = handler->convFilter.numFileDescs;
        for ( int i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++)
            char* ext = handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension;
            if(strlen(ext)) {
                if(!strcmp((char*) data, ext)) {
                    gHandler = handler;
                    return false;
        return true;
    /* BindingFileToPDF
    /** Internal callback function for binding process \n
    ** IN: char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb \n
    **     PDDoc targetPDdDoc, int *ipTotal, \n
    **     int *ipConverted, FILE *logfile \n
    ** OUT: int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted. \n
    void BindingFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb, PDDoc targetPDdDoc, ASPathName outputPathName, int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted)
        // ignore system, hidden files, and our target PDF and log file.
        if( nFileAttrb.isHidden 
            || (strcmp(aFilename,".")==0) || (strcmp(aFilename,".." )==0)
            || (strcmp(aFilename,OutputPdfFileName)==0) || (strcmp(aFilename,LogFileName)==0)) {
        char msg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "";
        char* Done = "Converted";
        char* NotDone = " - ";
        // try to convert and insert it to target PDF file.
        // rc would be 0 for success, otherwise 1.
        int rc = ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(aPathName, aFilename, targetPDdDoc, outputPathName);
        // if converted
        if(rc==0) {
    /* PassPDFBinderFileFilter
    /** Internal callback function for binding process
    ** @return true if the IN aFilename is a valid file for PDF conversion,
    ** otherwise false.
    ASBool PassPDFBinderFileFilter(char* aFilename)
    #ifdef USE_FILE_FILTER
        // if the filter is empty, any file will pass.
            return true;
        char* Ext = strrchr(aFilename,'.');
        if(Ext!=NULL) {
            if(strstr(gPDFBinderFileFilter, Ext)) {
                return true;
        return false;
            // not use filter, any file will pass.
            return true;
    /* ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF
    /** Internal function \n
    ** Convert a file to PDF, then insert it to target PDF file.
    ** @param aFileName IN  char string, filename.
    ** @param PDFfile IN/OUT PDDoc of the target PDF file.
    ** @return 0 if OK, 1 if failed.
    int    ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile, ASPathName outputPathName)
        PDDoc tempPDF;
        char* Ext;
            // get file extention
            Ext = strrchr(aFileName,'.');
            if(Ext) {
            else {
                E_RETURN (1);
            // if the file is PDF, open PDDoc
            if(strcmp(Ext,"PDF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"pdf")==0) {
                tempPDF = PDDocOpen (aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL, true);
                if(tempPDF==NULL) {
                    E_RETURN (1);
            // else convert it to PDF
                // let it automatically find right handler for the file and do the job.
                AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertToPDF
                    (kAVConversionAsyncOkay, //kAVConversionNoFlags
                      aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), &tempPDF, NULL);
                // check if successful
                if(stat != kAVConversionSuccess) {
                    //AVAlertNote("Cannot convert the file.");
                    E_RETURN (1);
                else {
                    //change Extension
                    ASText asTmp = ASTextNew();
                    ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPath(ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), outputPathName, asTmp);
                    //AVAlertNote(ASTextGetScriptText(asTmp, kASRomanScript));
                    if(strcmp(Ext,"TIF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"tif")==0){
                        ASTextReplace(asTmp, ASTextFromScriptText(".tif", kASRomanScript), ASTextFromScriptText(".pdf", kASRomanScript));
                    } else {
                        ASTextReplace(asTmp, ASTextFromScriptText(".tiff", kASRomanScript), ASTextFromScriptText(".pdf", kASRomanScript));
                    //AVAlertNote(ASTextGetScriptText(asTmp, kASRomanScript));
                    outputPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), asTmp, 0);
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho) == true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
            return 1;
        // Run OCR and Save new PDF into target PDF
            //    OCR
            ASAtom cmdName;
            AVCommand cmd;
            ASCab config = ASCabNew();
            ASCabPutInt (config, "UIPolicy", kAVCommandUISilent);       //hide the interface
            if (kAVCommandReady ==     AVCommandSetConfig (cmd, config)) {
                //AVAlertNote("Config Ready");
            ASCab inputs = ASCabNew();
            ASCabPutPointer (inputs, kAVCommandKeyPDDoc, PDDoc, tempPDF, NULL);
            if (kAVCommandReady == AVCommandSetInputs (cmd, inputs)) {
                //AVAlertNote("Input Ready");
            ASCabDestroy (inputs);
            AVCommandStatus status = AVCommandExecute(cmd);
                        //switch (status) {
                        //    case kAVCommandReady :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Not working, but ready to work.");
                        //        break;
                        //    case kAVCommandWorking :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Still working");
                        //        break;   
                        //    case kAVCommandDone :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Done working");
                        //        break;   
                        //    case kAVCommandInError :
                        //        AVAlertNote("In Error");
                        //        break;       
                        //    case kAVCommandNotExecuted :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Command not executed due to lack of objects on which the command to be executed");
                        //        break;
            //PDDocSave (tempPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized, outputPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(),    NULL, NULL);
            //Convert to PDF/A Compliance
            //Select the right handler
            AVConversionEnumFromPDFConverters(myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc, NULL);
            // do conversion
            AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertFromPDFWithHandler(RightHandler, NULL, kAVConversionAsyncOkay, tempPDF, outputPathName,  ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL);
            // check the returned status and show message
            //if (stat == kAVConversionSuccess)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The PDF/A file was saved in output folder." );
            //else if (stat == kAVConversionFailed)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The PDF/A conversion failed." );
            //else if (stat == kAVConversionSuccessAsync)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The conversion will continue asynchronously." );
            //else if (stat == kAVConversionCancelled)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The conversion was cancelled." );
            //PDDocSave (tempPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized, outputPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), NULL, NULL);
            ASFileSysReleasePath(ASGetDefaultFileSys(), outputPathName);
             char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
            if(strcmp(Ext,"doc")==0) {
                char fname[40];
            return 0;
    //Select the appropiate handler for the PDF/A conversion
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc(AVConversionFromPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data)
        AVFileFilterRec filter = handler->convFilter;
        ASUns16 numFileExt = filter.numFileDescs;
        char *kUniqueID = handler->uniqueID;
        // go through the conversion handlers to find a handler for PDF extension files and the unique key matches the PDF/A one.
        for  (ASInt32  i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++)
            if  (strlen(handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension)>0)
                // found it, fill in the handler and return false to stop going on.
                if (!strcmp(handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension, "pdf") && !strcmp(kUniqueID,"com.callas.preflight.pdfa")) {
                    RightHandler = handler;
                    return  false ;
        return true;

    There are some options for various APIs to run "kinda silent" - but again, Acrobat is designed for INTERACTIVE use…so "completely silent" isn't really an option.
    As for speed – you'd need to be MUCH MORE specific about where your slow downs are.  Have you profiled?
    From: Adobe Forums <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Reply-To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 07:39:08 -0800
    To: Leonard Rosenthol <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Subject: Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings
    Re: Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings
    created by FFX-ER<http://forums.adobe.com/people/FFX-ER> in Acrobat SDK - View the full discussion<http://forums.adobe.com/message/4079175#4079175

  • Errors/warnings occurred when generating the local proxy dll and VI wrappers for web service

    I'm new to web services - trying to import a WSDL that was created by an outside vendor and placed on a company server.  I imported a previous version successfully.  The error I'm getting doesn't make a lot of sense to me, here it is:
    The following errors/warnings occurred when generating the local proxy dll and VI wrappers for this web service.
    Can't generate files.
    Possible reasons are:
    1. The output file(s) might be read-only.
    Remove the read-only attribute and import the Web service again.
    2. A proxy DLL that LabVIEW created under the same file path exists in memory.
    Restart LabVIEW and import the Web service again.
    I don't see any read-only attributes on the output files and I've tried restarting LabVIEW - no luck.  Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Al Rauch
    Merck & Co., Inc.

    I was able to successfully import and run the web services from the WSDL file in question in LV2009 on a different computer than the one on which I had the original problem.  Unfortunately I am still having the original problem on the project computer and will need to get it working there . . . still looking for a solution to that.  Apparently LV2009 is perfectly capable of importing and running this WSDL file, but there is something still in the way on the project PC.

  • Regarding Tomcat Server Error/Warnings

    Hi there,
    I am getting some errors/warnings on the Tomcat server screen...
    Actually, I am using a Controller Servlet and every request is being passed thru this servlet. There are some images on the Home page (Home.jsp) but when the Home link is clicked, these images disappear....
    What do these error/warnings mean?
    2002-04-03 12:42:52 - Ctx( /9001 ): IllegalStateException in: R( /9001 + /Home.jsp + null) Cannot forward as OutputStream or Writer has already been obtained
    2002-04-03 12:42:52 - Ctx( /9001 ): 404 R( /9001 + /servlet/getacro.gif + null)null
    2002-04-03 12:42:52 - Ctx( /9001 ): 404 R( /9001 + /servlet/getie.gif + null) null
    2002-04-03 12:43:04 - Ctx( /9001 ): IllegalStateException in: R( /9001 + /Contact.jsp + null) Cannot forward as OutputStream or Writer has already been obtained
    Any help would be much appreciated

    I believe this means that the JSP has already committed to sending data to the output stream, so it can no longer do a redirect or forward. If you have redirect or forward logic in your page, you should execute it before you write any data to the output stream. This means it needs to be the first thing in the page before any html is written.

  • Custom Errors/Warnings in eclipse....

    Before I start, I know this is not an eclipse forum...... I've been looking for about an hour for a good eclipse forum but came up with nothing.
    Anyway, What I was wondering is if anyone knows of a way to create my own own warning/error filter that I can apply to eclipse/my eclipse.
    I work for a pretty big PRD department and have noticed that some standards are not always being followed (unused code, unused imports, company spicific problems), so what I was hoping to do it create a base warning/error filter that when used will display a warning/error when ever the standards are not being followed??
    Does anyone know if this can be done or even point me in the right direction?
    (p.s. if you want more info just shout)

    Sorry.That's okay.
    I work for a pretty big PRD department and have
    noticed that some standards are not always being
    followed (unused code, unused imports, company
    spicific problems), so what I was hoping to do it
    create a base warning/error filter that when used
    will display a warning/error when ever the standards
    are not being followed??Awareness of things like unused variables, methods, imports etc is standard in Eclipse. See Preferences -> Java -> Compiler -> Errors/Warnings. It may have most of them set to "Ignore" by default but you can set them to warning or error. You can agree on one set of rules and have everyone import these settings from one central file.
    As for fully custom warnings/errors, I don't know if Eclipse supports that; other IDEs do have extensively customizable code inspections (IDEA).

  • Can't install Acrobat XI. ERROR: DW050. ERROR: 1316. error: 1603. Exit Code: 7.

    Having problems installing Acrobat XI from Creative Cloud.  I receive a few error messages each time I try.
    Can anyone help?
    This is the message:
    Exit Code: 7
    Please see specific errors and warnings below for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR: DW050 ...
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)
    ----------- Payload: {23D3F585-AE29-4670-8E3E-64A0EFB29240} Acrobat Professional -----------
    ERROR: Error 1316.A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file C:\Windows\Installer\AcroPro.msi
    ERROR: Install MSI payload failed with error: 1603 - Fatal error during installation.
    MSI Error message: Error 1316.A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file C:\Windows\Installer\AcroPro.msi
    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR: DW050: - Acrobat Professional: Install failed

    This msi error (1613) usually means previous install is creating problems with this install. Have you tried uninstalling all previous versions of Acrobat?

  • Is it possible to make the log pop up of errors/warnings appear for longer?

    Dear all
    The answer to this question may have already been posted but I could not locate it when searching.
    I am running SQL Developer 1.5.1 and I have set up the display so that the log is minimised. When I debug or compile any packages the log of error messages/warnings pops up. However this does not stay on screen long enough for me to be able to read it and only 1 in 4 times do I get to the log window quick enough, in order to click on it to keep it open. Is there away of making the log pop up until I minimise it or at least stay on screen for longer, so that I can reach it in time? I estimate it is currently staying on screen for less than 1 second.
    I don't want the log to be displayed all the time because it takes up valuable space, which I find useful when writing my code. It gets in the way even more when I am using the SQL statement window/script output window.
    Kind regards

    Thank you K. for your reply.
    After all these months of using SQL developer. it never registered with me that hovering over the tab brings it up. I must have brought it up before now but I don't remember doing so if I did.
    Problem resolved.
    Kind regards

  • Soft errors/warnings are creating idocs in 51 status, and creating orders

    In our SAP 4.7 environment, inbound orders that encounter credit checks, materials in the wrong status, blocked customers, and several other issues that should just be warnings or messages rather than resulting in status 51 idocs, are hitting 51 error status, and they are creating orders in SAP as well (51 status idocs are still creating orders, and nuisance messages are creating 51 status idocs, and still creating orders). I assume someone made some programming changes years ago to cause this to happen. This is really polluting workflow and BD87, and customer service is duplicating orders as they process 51 status idocs through workflow, unaware that orders already created immediately regardless of the 51 status.
    Can anyone point me in the direction of where I can specify what warnings or errors constitute 51 status, and where I can stop 51 status idocs from creating orders until the error is repaired?
    Would it be in program RBDAPP01, or the inbound function module EDI_DATA_INCOMING?
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Hi Kevin,
    so then it is time to check it out in WE19 debug mode. After each PERFORM in the EDIDC Loop in the FM IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS, check the control and status data, this will lead you to the point where the unexpected and/or unwanted behavior appears.
    In the LOOP AT IDOC_CONTRL, in our system line 183 you find the comment fill IDOC Status. Check if field OK is not cleared here. If OK is set although you should have errors, then it's already too late.
    But please double-check EXIT_SAPL_VEDA_004 if it changes the tables parameter didoc_status = idoc_status.
    What I did not mention yet as I think you are talking only about IDoc not about online processing, applies to both:
    Customizing SPRO, SAP Reference IMG, Sales and Distribution -> Sales -> Sales Documents -> Define variable messages:
    Here you may have entries for application area V4, Sales messages (variable messages and EDI messages). Check if you find suspicious messages set to 'W' here.
    If this is the case and table logging is switched on as it should be, you can use menu uitilities -> change logs to find out who changed what when.
    Good luck!

  • Deployment Utility - log file errors/warnings not clear

    I'm doing my first deployment and have few questions:
    1) I tried to deploy ONLY the TS user directories. I checked the 'Deploy Files in TestStand User Directories' option and did not check 'Install TestStand Engine' since I deploy it into a system with TS3.0+CVI7.0 software(same as the source).
    The process was successful by I get the following warnings in the log file.
    Starting Log.
    5:47 PM
    An installer is being created.
    The installer is finished
    The build process is done.
    5:48 PM
    Warning: You may need to add any sequence files referenced by the following expressions:
    "reportgen_" + RunState.Root.Locals.ReportOptions.Format + ".seq" in step 'Process Step Result', sequence 'SequenceFilePostResultListEntry', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    "reportgen_" + RunState.Root.Locals.ReportOptions.Format + ".seq" in step 'Process Step Result', sequence 'ProcessModelPostResultListEntry', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    "ReportGen_" + Parameters.ReportOptions.Format + ".seq" in step 'Get Report Footer', sequence 'TestReport', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    "ReportGen_" + Parameters.ReportOptions.Format + ".seq" in step 'Get Report Header', sequence 'TestReport', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    "ReportGen_" + Parameters.ReportOptions.Format + ".seq" in step 'Get Report Body (Sequence)', sequence 'TestReport', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    "ReportGen_" + Parameters.ReportOptions.Format + ".seq" in step 'Set Report Disabled Message', sequence 'TestReport', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    RunState.ProcessModelClient in step 'MainSequence Callback', sequence 'Single Pass', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    RunState.ProcessModelClient in step 'MainSequence Callback', sequence 'Test UUTs', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    What does it mean? What to do about it?
    2) The utility does not include the cfg/TypePalettes where I have a my own file.
    Is there a reason to it? Do I need to include it manually?
    3) When I included workspace in the utility I get the following errors:
    Starting Log.
    Processing Workspace...
    Done processing workspace file
    Processing Workspace...
    Done processing workspace file
    6:08 PM
    Error could not open LabVIEW
    Distributing VIs requires the LabVIEW Development System
    Class not registered
    in TestStand - Get LV Reference.vi->TestStand - Package VIs.vi->TestStand - Build.vi->TestStand - Distribution Wizard GUI.vi->TestStand - Deployment Utility Splash Screen.vi
    An installer was not created due to an error
    The build process is done.
    6:08 PM
    Error Code:-2147221164
    Class not registered
    in TestStand - Get LV Reference.vi->TestStand - Package VIs.vi->TestStand - Build.vi->TestStand - Distribution Wizard GUI.vi->TestStand - Deployment Utility Splash Screen.vi
    In order to eliminate the problem source I un-checked the files presented by the 'Analyze Source Files' until all of them are un-checked. Even in that case I get the error message.
    What does the message mean?
    What to do about it?
    I don't use any LV in my system!!!!!
    Thanks and my apology for the long message

    Hi Rafi,
    On #1 the warnings appear whenever you have an expression that specifies a sequence file because many expressions are not valid until runtime, you can ignore it as long as ALL sequences that expression may evaluate to are included in the Workspace.
    >2) The utility does not include the cfg/TypePalettes where I have a my own file.
    >Is there a reason to it? Do I need to include it manually?
    No it does not include it because it is not needed unless you plan to edit on the deployed sequence (generally not recommended). If you add a custom type to a sequence the sequence file will have a copy of the type. You can include the types palettes manually in the workspace if desired.
    >3) When I included workspace in the utility I get the following errors:
    >What does the message mean?
    The deployment utility thinks you have a VI to deploy, it is trying to load LabVIEW and failing because LabVIEW is not installed.
    >What to do about it? I don't use any LV in my system!!!!!
    Somewhere there is a .vi or .llb in the system. Find the VI(s) and uncheck them. I did find a bug that the deployment utility caches the flag indicating if a VI is present, but it is easily worked around: Save a tsd file, Press the New button and then reload the tsd.
    -Rick Francis

  • Import failed with errors/warnings like   ORA-31684/ORA-39082

    While doing IMPDP actvity i am getting messages like ORA-31684: Object type PACKAGE_BODY:"APPS"."AZ_DELETE" already exists and ORA-39082: Object type PACKAGE_BODY:"APPS"."FND_DM_PRODUCTS_PKG" created with compilation warnings
    Complete Import log file, same messages were encountered like ORA-31684 and Ora-39082
    Can you please suggest.

    First of all mention your Oracle Version and Operating Systems
    ORA-39082 is a warning You can run utlrp.sql to recompile all the objects that fails and that script is present in Oracle_Home\rdbms\admin
    If these errors are less you can recompile every warning as :--
    SQL>alter package schema_name.package_name compile;

  • Disk Utility Errors/Warnings

    Hi all,
    I guess I just had a kernel panic on my MPB 17" and needed to hold down the power button for a few seconds to shut down and restart. After restarting, I decided to Repair Permissions and was given the following errors:
    Warning: SUID file "usr/libexec/load_hdi" has been modified and will not be repaired.
    Warning: SUID file "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskManagement.framework/Versions/A/Resources /DiskManagementTool" has been modified and will not be repaired.
    Warning: SUID file "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Versions/A/Reso urces/Locum" has been modified and will not be repaired.
    Warning: SUID file "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Resources/runner " has been modified and will not be repaired.
    Warning: SUID file "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Admin.framework/Versions/A/Resources/readconf ig" has been modified and will not be repaired.
    Warning: SUID file "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Admin.framework/Versions/A/Resources/writecon fig" has been modified and will not be repaired.
    Warning: SUID file "usr/libexec/authopen" has been modified and will not be repaired.
    ACL found but not expected on "System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Sites".
    Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/Resources/OwnerGroupTool" has been modified and will not be repaired.
    Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDAg ent" has been modified and will not be repaired.
    There were many more "ACL found but not expected's..." but the above is all of the warnings I had. What do they mean? Should I be concerned? Thanks for your help.

    They don't mean a thing. See this article. If you download the standalone 10.5.1 updater and re-install it those spurious messages should go away. Or you can just wait for the next OS X update, 10.5.2, which is currently in beta test.

  • Is there an easy way to suppress errors/warnings?

    Hey all,
    I've run into an annoying problem. I am using a few swc files in my app. In those swc files, I have a public method that will run some code. So, i import the swc's into my FB app, then access those public methods from flashbuilder.  90% of the time, the method runs fine, but 10% of the time, it throws those annoying warnings, explaining that "Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference." when if fact, that method DOES exist??
    I know you will only get those errors if you are running a debug version of flashplayer, but I don't want the chance of that coming up for any of my users. There has got to be a way to stop those warning from coming up.  I have gone through my code multiple times, and everything is in order, like mentioned, it works 90% of the time. Please help, thanks in advance! BTW, it throws error 1009 if that makes a difference

    I have problems in the past like these where my ui freezes of there i get
    an error because an item is not on the stage. you should try adding a timer to your code to pause for a few second
    s then go on to run some more code. ... just a suggestion..i have done that in past and its wor
    ked  well  but you should post your code up so we can take a close look.

  • Errors & Warnings in setting up NIS Master server

    Hi All,
    I am setting up NIS for that first time & I am getting the following Warnings & errors when I use # /usr/sbin/ypinit -m
    1) make:Warning:Don't know how to make target '/etcdir/services' current working directory /var/yp.
    Where /etcdir is the substitute for /etc which I am using for DIR=/etcdir & PWDIR=/etcdir
    2) make:Warning:Target 'all' not remade because of errors current working directory /var/yp.
    3)***Error Code1***
    make :Fatal Error : Command failed for target 'k' error running Makefile.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hmm, does "/etcdir/services" exist? Apparently not.
    You should populate the directory with the ascii yp map sources, so that there's something from which yp
    maps can be built.

  • Errors & warnings when using the Admin Server Console - Help Needed

    i just installed weblogic 12c and created a new domain which contains an adminServer and managedServer under
    one cluster.
    after finishing the installation, i started the Admin Server and afterwards started the admin server console.
    and i got the next warning and errors.
    the warning look like this:
    <20:00:35 IST 23/03/2012> <Warning> <Munger> <BEA-2156203> <A version attribute
    was not found in element "web-app" in the deployment descriptor C:\Oracle\Middle
    oleapp\jxhze9\console-ext\sipserver-console-ext\WEB-INF\web.xml. A version attri
    bute is required, but this version of the WebLogic Server will assume that the l
    atest version is used. Future versions of WebLogic Server will reject descriptor
    s that do not specify the Java EE version. To eliminate this warning, add an app
    ropriate "version=" to element "web-app" in the deployment descriptor.>
    the errors look like this:
    <20:01:51 IST 23/03/2012> <Error> <netuix> <BEA-423158> <No content found at con
    tentUri = /PortalConfig/security/providers/AuthenticatorConfigCommon.portlet.>
    what is the problem? anyone knows?

    If you want to have an weblogic environment with one domain having server spread across different physical machines , then you will have to perform the installations of the weblogic server separately on all the machines . Also make sure that the version of the Weblogic server you are installing is same across the machines and the directory structure is also exactly same.
    In short you will have to perform the below steps :
    1 : install the weblogic server on all the machines with exactly same version and same dir structure .
    2 : Create domain on MachineA providing all the details of the Managed Server and different machine hostnames.
    3 : Start the Admin Server on machineA and then shut down it.
    4 : execute the WLST pack command on MachineA creating a domain template JAR file.
    5 : copy the create jar file on all the Machines ( B , C , D ) you have to distribute your domain.
    6 : Execute the WLST unpack command on all the machines ( B , C , D ) .
    7 : Execute the WLST nmEnroll () command on all the machines ( B, C , D ).
    8 : Start the Managed Servers on all the machines ( B , C , D )

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