Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings

I've modified the PDF Binder sample to get a plugin that would open PDF's and Tif files, and save them as PDF/A-1b (code below).
It's working. The problem: it's processing too slow (compared with the Actions batch processing)... and I've been getting warnings/and errors about "The imput file is corrupt or of an unknown/unsupported type" type. This is stopping my batch process until I click OK, and the it continues.
I am trying to process a few thousand of tif files now. I tried first to use the Batch processing capability built in the Acrobat X... an it works, but only with the first 255 documents in the folder... then gives an "insufficient disk space" message for the rest of the files in the directory.
So, 2 questions: Does anyone knows why it is so slow processing the tiff files and... how I can make my code "silent" so it does not wait for the OK after the message??
Thanks in advance.
The code:
Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated
All rights reserved.
NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
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  \file PDFBinder.cpp
- Implements a method to convert multiple files into PDFs and bind the PDFs
into one PDF file. The code shows how to use AVConversionToPDFHandler to
convert files to PDF and how to use PDDocInsertPages() to combind PDF files.
// Headers.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include "PIHeaders.h"
// Defines ----------
// Define this flag to show AVConversionToPDFEnumHandler info. in log file.
// define this flag to use file type filter 
#define USE_FILE_FILTER   
// Message display control.  Ture: display
ASBool bEcho = true;
// File location. User can change the following filenames.
    const char* STRING_PDFBinderFolder = "C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\in";
    const char* STRING_PDFOutputFolder = "C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\PDFA";
    const char* FOLDERSYMBOL="\\";
    const char* STRING_PDFBinderFolder = "/PDFBinder";
    const char* FOLDERSYMBOL="/";
char* OutputPdfFileName = "PDFBinderOutput.pdf";
char* LogFileName = "PDFProcessLog.txt";
static ASInt32 gNumToPDFExt;
static ASInt32 gNumFromPDFExt;
static AVConversionFromPDFHandler RightHandler;
const int MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 256;
// Filter -----------
// Filter is a list of file types which can be converted to PDF in this program.
// Use a filter may fit user's specific needs and ensure a smooth automation process.
// Of course, the user can turn off the filter in two ways:
//   (1) gPDFBinderFileFilter = "";
//   (2) comment out //USE_FILE_FILTER 
// The filter should be consistent with the Acrobat viewer's menu capability:
//   Create PDF from multiple files ...
// Here we put the types which have been tested, but user can expand it.
const char* gPDFBinderFileFilter = "pdf,tif,tiff,PDF,TIF,TIFF";
const int MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 2048;
AVConversionToPDFHandler gHandler;
// functions in this file.
int    ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF(ASPathName aspItem, char* aFileName, PDDoc  PDFfile);
void BindingFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb, PDDoc targetPDdDoc, ASPathName outputPathName, int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted);
ASBool PassPDFBinderFileFilter(char* filename);
int    ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile, ASPathName outputPathName);
char* NewFileName(char *& aFileName);
// callbacks
ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 AVConversionToPDFEnumFindHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc(AVConversionFromPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
/**    This sample implements a method to convert multiple files into PDF
  and bind the PDFs into one PDF file .
    This sample shows developers how to grammatically implement To-PDF file
  converson functionality.  Basically, the code uses AVConversionToPDFHandler
  to convert files to PDF and PDDocInsertPages()to combine PDF files.
  This plug-in is designed to run from a menu item, and by setting bEcho = false
  it may be run without any graphics user interface on the screen. Therefore, it 
  can be executed from other programs such as C IAC, VB IAC, and JavaScript
  to meet enterprise workflow needs.
    How to run it :
    - This sample adds a menu item "PDF Binder" under the Acrobat SDK submenu. Two ways to
    execute it: 1) click the menu item to run the program using a fixed file location
    hard coded; 2) press the shift key and click the menu item to choose a folder where
    files to be converted are located.
    - Without folder selection, this original code is to convert and bind files in a
    directory    C\test\PDFBinder for Win, or a folder   MacHD:test:PDFBinder for Mac.
    You can copy the test files in the project's testfiles folder to the appropriate location 
    for testing. You may locate files to be converted in another directory/folder, and
    specify the location in the string variable PDFBinderFolder in the code.
    - When you have the files to be converted ready in the specified location,
    run Acrobat 6 menu Advanced->AcrobatSDK->PDF Binder to start the operation.  There are
    echo messages informing you of the operation start and end, but you can change and
    rebuild the code to turn off the display on screen.
    - An output file PDFBinderOutput.pdf in the same location is created
    when the program succeeds. A text log file  PDFBinderLog.txt in the same
    location records the process and results.
    -  You can set bEch = false in the code to turn off any display on the screen.
    This is necessary when you  call the menu function from within other programs
    of C IAC, VB IAC, JavaScript. 
    -  An optional file filter is used to pre-process the files. The filter only allows
    the files with predefined types to be processed. You can change the file type list
    as you wish. Using a filter may ensure a smooth automation process, since you can put
    only well-tested file types in the filter. To turn off the filter, you can set
    gPDFBinderFileFilter = "" or not to define USE_FILE_FILTER 
    - Note this is a sample only, developers need to make further improvement for
    their actual use. For example, you can set up a list of files to use the method for
    the conversion and binding. And you can add code to handle special file types.
      @see AVConversionConvertToPDFWithHandler
    @see AVConversionEnumToPDFConverters
    @see ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator
    @see PDDocOpen
    @see PDDocClose
    @see PDDocInsertPages
    @see PDDocCreatePage
    @see PDDocDeletePages
    @see PDPageRelease
    @see ASFileSysCreatePathName
    @see ASFileSysFirstFolderItem
    @see ASFileSysNextFolderItem
    @see ASFileSysGetNameFromPath
    @see ASFileSysReleasePath
ACCB1 void ACCB2 PDFBinderCommand(void*)
    // if the menu item clicked with Shift key pressed down, go to interactive mode.
    // let the user to choose a folder and process all the file in the folder.
    ASText dispText = ASTextNew();
    char PDFBinderFolder[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    ASBool shiftKeyIsDown = ((AVSysGetModifiers() & AV_SHIFT) != 0);
    if(shiftKeyIsDown) {
        AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec dialogParams;
        // Configure the dialog box parameters.
        memset (&dialogParams, 0, sizeof (AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec));
        dialogParams.size = sizeof(AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec);
        dialogParams.windowTitle = ASTextFromScriptText("Choose folder with files to bind",kASRomanScript);
        dialogParams.flags |= kAVOpenSaveAllowForeignFileSystems;
        dialogParams.initialFileSys = ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys();
        ASPathName thePath;
        ASFileSys fileSys;
        if(ASBoolToBool(AVAppChooseFolderDialog(&dialogParams, &fileSys, &thePath)) != true){
            //AVAlertNote("Failed to select the folder");
#ifdef WIN_PLATFORM       
        ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPath(ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), thePath, dispText);
        ASHostEncoding bestEnc = ASTextGetBestEncoding(dispText, (ASHostEncoding)PDGetHostEncoding());
        strncpy(PDFBinderFolder, ASTextGetEncoded(dispText, bestEnc), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
        ASPlatformPath aspPath;
        ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath(fileSys, thePath, ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), &aspPath);
        strncpy(PDFBinderFolder, (char *)ASPlatformPathGetPOSIXPathPtr(aspPath), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
        ASFileSysReleasePlatformPath(fileSys, aspPath);
        // remove extra path separator
        char e = PDFBinderFolder[strlen(PDFBinderFolder)-1];
        if(e == ':' || e == '/')
        dispText = ASTextFromScriptText(PDFBinderFolder, kASEUnicodeScript);
        ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, thePath);
    // Otherwise, the hard coded file path will be used.
    else {
        strcpy(PDFBinderFolder, STRING_PDFBinderFolder);
        dispText = ASTextFromScriptText(PDFBinderFolder, kASRomanScript);
    // instruction message
    char strMsg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "";
    sprintf(strMsg, "This function will convert and process Tiff and PDF files in the selected directory. ");
    strcat(strMsg, " You need to copy your files in C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\in directory." );
    strcat(strMsg, " Files will be processed into C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\PDFA directory." );
    strcat(strMsg, " If you are ready, click OK to continue, or click Cancel to quit. " );
    strcat(strMsg, " \nNote you can press down Shift key and click the menu item to have a folder selection. " );
    strcat(strMsg, " \nNote you can turn off the echo message by setting bEcho = false and rebuild the code. " );
        ASInt32 choice = AVAlert(ALERT_CAUTION, strMsg, "OK", "Cancel", NULL, true);
        if(choice==2) {
    // create a new target pdf file with one empty page
    PDDoc TargetPDF = PDDocCreate();
    ASFixedRect mediaBox = { fixedZero, ASInt32ToFixed(792), ASInt32ToFixed(612), fixedZero };
    PDPage emptyPage = PDDocCreatePage (TargetPDF, PDBeforeFirstPage, mediaBox);
    PDPageRelease (emptyPage);
    //     get available headlers and set our file filter
    char ValidExt[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    memset(ValidExt, 0, MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
    // enumerate AVConversioToPDF handlers to get all available file
    // types which can be converted to PDF.
    AVConversionEnumToPDFConverters(MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc, (AVConversionEnumProcData) ValidExt);
    //AVAlertNote("Converters Defined");
#ifdef USE_FILE_FILTER    
    // set File filter
    strcpy(ValidExt, gPDFBinderFileFilter);
    // process all files in the directory
    int iNumFiles = 0;
    int iNumFilesConverted = 0;
    char* Done = "Converted";
    char* NotDone = " - ";
    char fileName[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH+1];
    ASFileSysItemPropsRec props;
    ASFolderIterator iter;
    ASPathName aspItem = NULL;
    memset(&props, 0, sizeof(props));
    props.size = sizeof(props);
    //AVAlertNote("Props Defined");
    ASPathName theFolder = NULL;
    ASFileSys fileSys = NULL;
#ifdef WIN_PLATFORM   
    fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), dispText);
    theFolder = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys, ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), dispText, 0);
    //AVAlertNote("FileSys and Folder Defined");
    fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), PDFBinderFolder);
    theFolder = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                            ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), PDFBinderFolder, 0);
    if (theFolder==NULL) {
        //AVAlertNote("Fail to create ASPathName for the selected folder.");
    // Find first file in current directory
    if((iter = ASFileSysFirstFolderItem(fileSys, theFolder, &props, &aspItem))==FALSE) {
        //AVAlertNote("This is either an invalid folder or the folder contains no files.");
    ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, theFolder);
    //AVAlertNote("Folder Released");
    // get filename only
    if(ASFileSysGetNameFromPath(fileSys, aspItem, fileName, sizeof(fileName))) {
        // exception handling
        char errorMsg[256];
        ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
        if(aspItem!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
        if(theFolder!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, theFolder);
        // display an error message.
        if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
            AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
    // go to binding if it's a valid type of file
    if(props.type == kASFileSysFile && PassPDFBinderFileFilter(fileName)) {
        char outFileName[] = "";
        //strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
        //strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
        //strcat(outFileName, fileName);
        strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
        strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
        strcat(outFileName, fileName);
        ASPathName outputFileName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("Cstring"), outFileName, 0);
        BindingFileToPDF(aspItem, fileName, props, TargetPDF, outputFileName ,&iNumFiles, &iNumFilesConverted);
        //AVAlertNote("File Processed");
    ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
    // process all other files 
    while(ASFileSysNextFolderItem(fileSys, iter, &props, &aspItem)) {
        // get filename only
        if(ASFileSysGetNameFromPath(fileSys, aspItem, fileName, sizeof(fileName))) {
        // go to binding if it's a valid type of file
        if(props.type == kASFileSysFile && PassPDFBinderFileFilter(fileName))  {
            char outFileName[] = "";
            //strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
            //strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
            //strcat(outFileName, fileName);
            strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
            strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
            strcat(outFileName, fileName);
            ASPathName outputFileName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("Cstring"), outFileName, 0);
            BindingFileToPDF(aspItem, fileName, props, TargetPDF, outputFileName, &iNumFiles, &iNumFilesConverted);
            //AVAlertNote("File Processed");
        ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
    ASPathName pdfPathName = NULL;
    // close the findfile
    ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator(fileSys, iter);
    // save and close the output pdf file
    // create path
    ASText pathText = ASTextNew();
        ASTextFromScriptText(FOLDERSYMBOL, kASRomanScript),
        ASTextFromScriptText(OutputPdfFileName, kASRomanScript),
    ASFileSys fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), pathText);
    pdfPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                            ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), pathText, 0);
    char path[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    strncpy(path, ASTextGetEncoded(pathText,
        ASTextGetBestEncoding(pathText, (ASHostEncoding)PDGetHostEncoding())), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
    ASFileSys fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), path);
    pdfPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                            ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), path, 0);   
    if(pdfPathName==NULL) {
    // delete the empty page
    if(PDDocGetNumPages(TargetPDF)>1) {
        PDDocDeletePages (TargetPDF, 0,0,NULL, NULL);
    // save
    //PDDocSave (TargetPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized,
    //            pdfPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(),    NULL, NULL);
    PDDocClose (TargetPDF);
    //ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, pdfPathName);
        // exception handling
        char errorMsg[256];
        ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
        if(pdfPathName!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, pdfPathName);
        // display an error message.
        if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
            AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
    // use this line to show the massage on screen if you need
    //if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
    AVAlertNote ("Folder Completed. PDF/A Output files generated.");
/* ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF
/** Internal function \n
** Convert a file to PDF, then insert it to target PDF file.
** @param aFileName IN  char string, filename.
** @param PDFfile IN/OUT PDDoc of the target PDF file.
** @return 0 if OK, 1 if failed.
int    ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile)
    PDDoc tempPDF;
    char* Ext;
        // get file extention
        Ext = strrchr(aFileName,'.');
        if(Ext) {
        else {
            E_RETURN (1);
        // if the file is PDF, open PDDoc
        if(strcmp(Ext,"PDF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"pdf")==0) {
            tempPDF = PDDocOpen (aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL, true);
            if(tempPDF==NULL) {
                E_RETURN (1);
        // else convert it to PDF
            // let it automatically find right handler for the file and do the job.
            AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertToPDF
                (kAVConversionAsyncOkay, //kAVConversionNoFlags
                  aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), &tempPDF, NULL);
            // check if successful
            if(stat != kAVConversionSuccess) {
                //AVAlertNote("Cannot convert the file.");
                E_RETURN (1);
        // exception handling
        char errorMsg[256];
        ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
        // display an error message.
        if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho) == true) {
            AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
        return 1;
    // insert new PDF into target PDF
        // insert all pages of new pdfc to TargetPDFfile.
        PDDocInsertPages(PDFfile, PDLastPage, tempPDF, 0,
                        PDAllPages, PDInsertAll, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
         char errorMsg[256];
        ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
        if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
        if(strcmp(Ext,"doc")==0) {
            char fname[40];
        return 0;
/* MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc
/** Internal callback function \n
** called for every AVConversionToPDFHandler.
** get the valid type (file extention) for the conversion. 
** @return true.
ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler,
                                             AVConversionEnumProcData data)
    ASUns16 numFileExt = handler->convFilter.numFileDescs;
    for (int i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++) {
        char* ext = handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension;
        if(strlen(ext)>0) {
            strcat((char*) data, ext);
            strcat((char*) data, ",");
    return true;
/* this is alternative code to get right conversion handler for a specific file
   to be converted. It works with function AVConversionConvertToPDFWithHandler.
   It's not used now, but kept for user's reference.
ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 AVConversionToPDFEnumFindHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler,
                                             AVConversionEnumProcData data)
    ASUns16 numFileExt = handler->convFilter.numFileDescs;
    for ( int i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++)
        char* ext = handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension;
        if(strlen(ext)) {
            if(!strcmp((char*) data, ext)) {
                gHandler = handler;
                return false;
    return true;
/* BindingFileToPDF
/** Internal callback function for binding process \n
** IN: char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb \n
**     PDDoc targetPDdDoc, int *ipTotal, \n
**     int *ipConverted, FILE *logfile \n
** OUT: int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted. \n
void BindingFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb, PDDoc targetPDdDoc, ASPathName outputPathName, int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted)
    // ignore system, hidden files, and our target PDF and log file.
    if( nFileAttrb.isHidden 
        || (strcmp(aFilename,".")==0) || (strcmp(aFilename,".." )==0)
        || (strcmp(aFilename,OutputPdfFileName)==0) || (strcmp(aFilename,LogFileName)==0)) {
    char msg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "";
    char* Done = "Converted";
    char* NotDone = " - ";
    // try to convert and insert it to target PDF file.
    // rc would be 0 for success, otherwise 1.
    int rc = ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(aPathName, aFilename, targetPDdDoc, outputPathName);
    // if converted
    if(rc==0) {
/* PassPDFBinderFileFilter
/** Internal callback function for binding process
** @return true if the IN aFilename is a valid file for PDF conversion,
** otherwise false.
ASBool PassPDFBinderFileFilter(char* aFilename)
    // if the filter is empty, any file will pass.
        return true;
    char* Ext = strrchr(aFilename,'.');
    if(Ext!=NULL) {
        if(strstr(gPDFBinderFileFilter, Ext)) {
            return true;
    return false;
        // not use filter, any file will pass.
        return true;
/* ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF
/** Internal function \n
** Convert a file to PDF, then insert it to target PDF file.
** @param aFileName IN  char string, filename.
** @param PDFfile IN/OUT PDDoc of the target PDF file.
** @return 0 if OK, 1 if failed.
int    ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile, ASPathName outputPathName)
    PDDoc tempPDF;
    char* Ext;
        // get file extention
        Ext = strrchr(aFileName,'.');
        if(Ext) {
        else {
            E_RETURN (1);
        // if the file is PDF, open PDDoc
        if(strcmp(Ext,"PDF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"pdf")==0) {
            tempPDF = PDDocOpen (aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL, true);
            if(tempPDF==NULL) {
                E_RETURN (1);
        // else convert it to PDF
            // let it automatically find right handler for the file and do the job.
            AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertToPDF
                (kAVConversionAsyncOkay, //kAVConversionNoFlags
                  aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), &tempPDF, NULL);
            // check if successful
            if(stat != kAVConversionSuccess) {
                //AVAlertNote("Cannot convert the file.");
                E_RETURN (1);
            else {
                //change Extension
                ASText asTmp = ASTextNew();
                ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPath(ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), outputPathName, asTmp);
                //AVAlertNote(ASTextGetScriptText(asTmp, kASRomanScript));
                if(strcmp(Ext,"TIF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"tif")==0){
                    ASTextReplace(asTmp, ASTextFromScriptText(".tif", kASRomanScript), ASTextFromScriptText(".pdf", kASRomanScript));
                } else {
                    ASTextReplace(asTmp, ASTextFromScriptText(".tiff", kASRomanScript), ASTextFromScriptText(".pdf", kASRomanScript));
                //AVAlertNote(ASTextGetScriptText(asTmp, kASRomanScript));
                outputPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), asTmp, 0);
        // exception handling
        char errorMsg[256];
        ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
        // display an error message.
        if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho) == true) {
            AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
        return 1;
    // Run OCR and Save new PDF into target PDF
        //    OCR
        ASAtom cmdName;
        AVCommand cmd;
        ASCab config = ASCabNew();
        ASCabPutInt (config, "UIPolicy", kAVCommandUISilent);       //hide the interface
        if (kAVCommandReady ==     AVCommandSetConfig (cmd, config)) {
            //AVAlertNote("Config Ready");
        ASCab inputs = ASCabNew();
        ASCabPutPointer (inputs, kAVCommandKeyPDDoc, PDDoc, tempPDF, NULL);
        if (kAVCommandReady == AVCommandSetInputs (cmd, inputs)) {
            //AVAlertNote("Input Ready");
        ASCabDestroy (inputs);
        AVCommandStatus status = AVCommandExecute(cmd);
                    //switch (status) {
                    //    case kAVCommandReady :
                    //        AVAlertNote("Not working, but ready to work.");
                    //        break;
                    //    case kAVCommandWorking :
                    //        AVAlertNote("Still working");
                    //        break;   
                    //    case kAVCommandDone :
                    //        AVAlertNote("Done working");
                    //        break;   
                    //    case kAVCommandInError :
                    //        AVAlertNote("In Error");
                    //        break;       
                    //    case kAVCommandNotExecuted :
                    //        AVAlertNote("Command not executed due to lack of objects on which the command to be executed");
                    //        break;
        //PDDocSave (tempPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized, outputPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(),    NULL, NULL);
        //Convert to PDF/A Compliance
        //Select the right handler
        AVConversionEnumFromPDFConverters(myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc, NULL);
        // do conversion
        AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertFromPDFWithHandler(RightHandler, NULL, kAVConversionAsyncOkay, tempPDF, outputPathName,  ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL);
        // check the returned status and show message
        //if (stat == kAVConversionSuccess)
        //                AVAlertNote( "The PDF/A file was saved in output folder." );
        //else if (stat == kAVConversionFailed)
        //                AVAlertNote( "The PDF/A conversion failed." );
        //else if (stat == kAVConversionSuccessAsync)
        //                AVAlertNote( "The conversion will continue asynchronously." );
        //else if (stat == kAVConversionCancelled)
        //                AVAlertNote( "The conversion was cancelled." );
        //PDDocSave (tempPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized, outputPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), NULL, NULL);
        ASFileSysReleasePath(ASGetDefaultFileSys(), outputPathName);
         char errorMsg[256];
        ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
        if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
        if(strcmp(Ext,"doc")==0) {
            char fname[40];
        return 0;
//Select the appropiate handler for the PDF/A conversion
static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc(AVConversionFromPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data)
    AVFileFilterRec filter = handler->convFilter;
    ASUns16 numFileExt = filter.numFileDescs;
    char *kUniqueID = handler->uniqueID;
    // go through the conversion handlers to find a handler for PDF extension files and the unique key matches the PDF/A one.
    for  (ASInt32  i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++)
        if  (strlen(handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension)>0)
            // found it, fill in the handler and return false to stop going on.
            if (!strcmp(handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension, "pdf") && !strcmp(kUniqueID,"com.callas.preflight.pdfa")) {
                RightHandler = handler;
                return  false ;
    return true;

There are some options for various APIs to run "kinda silent" - but again, Acrobat is designed for INTERACTIVE use…so "completely silent" isn't really an option.
As for speed – you'd need to be MUCH MORE specific about where your slow downs are.  Have you profiled?
From: Adobe Forums <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Reply-To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 07:39:08 -0800
To: Leonard Rosenthol <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Subject: Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings
Re: Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings
created by FFX-ER<> in Acrobat SDK - View the full discussion<

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    Jose Antonio Solis
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    You are welcome, Sharon.
    You should be aware that the newest version, CC, is only available as a subscription.
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    Error occurred when starting the parser: Error when opening an RFC connection (FUNCTION: 'R
    Message no. BRAINOLAPAPI011
    Failed to start the MDX parser.
    System Response
    Error when opening an RFC connection (FUNCTION: 'R
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    M Wed Mar 19 09:22:50 2014
    M  *** ERROR => ThPOpen: ExecPopen("/usr/sap/BWP/DVEBMGS00/exe/tp" bwprd sapgw00 18933904 IDX=35, r, ..) returned -14 [thxxexec.c
    M  {root-id=532810645F5D12A0E1008000C0A8642F}_{conn-id=5328109B5F5D12A0E1008000C0A8642F}_5
    A  RFC 1878  CONVID 18933904
    A   * CMRC=0 DATA=0 STATUS=0 SAPRC=0 RfcExecProgramKernel RfcRaiseErrorMessage cmd could not be started by OS (rc = 1)
    A  RFC> ABAP Programm: SAPLSTPA (Transaction: )
    A  RFC> User: JY-LKZ (Client: 900)
    A  RFC> Destination: CALLTP_AIX (handle: 8, DtConId: 530F4E5C30AF4550E1008000C0A8642E, DtConCnt: 0, ConvId: ,)
    A  RFC SERVER> RFC Server Session (handle: 1, 68443927, {5328109B-5F5D-12A0-E100-8000C0A8642F})
    A  RFC SERVER> Caller host:
    A  RFC SERVER> Caller transaction code: STMS (Caller Program: SAPLTMSC)
    A  RFC SERVER> Called function module: TMS_CI_START_SERVICE
    A  *** ERROR => RFC Error RFCIO_ERROR_SYSERROR in abrfcpic.c : 1887
    FUNCTION: 'RfcExecProgramKernel'
    RfcRaiseErrorMessage cmd could not be started by OS (rc = 1)
    PROG ="/usr/sap/BWP/DVEBMGS00/exe/tp" bwprd sapgw00 18933904 IDX=35
    [abrfcio.c    9213]
    A  {root-id=532810645F5D12A0E1008000C0A8642F}_{conn-id=5328109B5F5D12A0E1008000C0A8642F}_5
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    M  *** ERROR => ThPOpen: ExecPopen("/usr/sap/BWP/DVEBMGS00/exe/tp" bwprd sapgw00 18968493 IDX=61, r, ..) returned -14 [thxxexec.c
    M  {root-id=532810645F5D12A0E1008000C0A8642F}_{conn-id=532811958F750F10E1008000C0A8642F}_1
    A  RFC 1878  CONVID 18968493
    A   * CMRC=0 DATA=0 STATUS=0 SAPRC=0 RfcExecProgramKernel RfcRaiseErrorMessage cmd could not be started by OS (rc = 1)
    A  RFC> ABAP Programm: SAPLSTPA (Transaction: )
    A  RFC> User: TMSADM (Client: 000)
    A  RFC> Destination: CALLTP_AIX (handle: 3, DtConId: 530F4E7830AF4550E1008000C0A8642E, DtConCnt: 0, ConvId: ,)
    A  RFC SERVER> RFC Server Session (handle: 1, 70212851, {53281195-8F75-0F10-E100-8000C0A8642F})
    A  RFC SERVER> Caller host:
    A  RFC SERVER> Caller transaction code: STMS (Caller Program: SAPLTMSC)
    A  RFC SERVER> Called function module: TMS_CI_START_SERVICE
    A  *** ERROR => RFC Error RFCIO_ERROR_SYSERROR in abrfcpic.c : 1887
    FUNCTION: 'RfcExecProgramKernel'
    RfcRaiseErrorMessage cmd could not be started by OS (rc = 1)
    PROG ="/usr/sap/BWP/DVEBMGS00/exe/tp" bwprd sapgw00 18968493 IDX=61
    [abrfcio.c    9213]
    A  {root-id=532810645F5D12A0E1008000C0A8642F}_{conn-id=532811958F750F10E1008000C0A8642F}_1
    A  ** RABAX: end RX_GET_MESSAGE.
    1、IT's everything ok in the development system.
    2、It’s ok when i repeat this analysis process .
    3、It’s ok when i run this analysis process in analysis process designer.
    4、Attachment is the sys log in sm21.
    Thanks everyone.

    Hi Vignesh.B,
    Yes,it's not user's problem . But i don't  think it APD's problem .Cause all APD has the same problem and .
    Below is one of APD souce and target :
    Hope this information  is useful .

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    Hi, I may suggest to activate the root account and try the uninstall process from that account. To do so, you have to:
    Go to System Preferences a open up the Users pane;
    On the left side of the pane, you shuold see Login Options;
    Enabled editing option clicking on the lock (it will ask your password);
    Once the pane is enabled, you should see something like Server Account Network (sorry my OS is in italian, so I don't exactly know the right translation), and right next to it a button;
    Click on that button, and a new pane shows up. Click on Open Directory Utility, and on the upper bar of OS X click on Edit;
    Select Enable Root Account (you can set a password, or not);
    Done that, you should log out and when the login window show up, type on the user field "root" and the password you choose;
    Theorically, from this account you will be able to unistall the application.
    After completing your task, I reccomend you to disable the root account, just by loggin in your personal account and repeating the steps I described before. Hope it helps

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    Any ideas why this would be the case? its really frustrating me. I am also not the most computer savvy.

    Try reinstalling iTunes
    If that doesn't help, if you are using a Windows based computer, could be your anti virus software or your firewall that's preventing the sync.
    iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting security software issues

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    here's the error message i get in reader 11
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: BEX
    Application Name: AcroRd32.exe
    Application  Version:
    Application Timestamp: 536b80b0
    Fault Module Name: StackHash_0a9e
    Fault Module  Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
    Exception Offset: 0050005c
    Exception  Code: c0000005
    Exception Data: 00000008
    OS  Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: 0a9e
    Additional Information  2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    Additional Information  3: 0a9e
    Additional Information  4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e7
    my word program is officei home and business 2010
    In a message dated 5/20/2014 12:48:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    i  reinstalled X pro on my newish computer and get appcrash error message -
    how do i fix? bill
    created by Test Screen  Name
    (  in Acrobat Installation & Update Issues - _View the full 
    discussion_ (

  • Lost all photos on my iPhoto and get the ERROR WRITING TO DISK when trying to reload from Time Machine. iPhoto cannot import your photos because there was a problem writing to the volume containing your iPHOTO LIBRARY  . Looking for solution.

    Lost all photos on my iPhoto and get the ERROR WRITING TO DISK when trying to reload from Time Machine. iPhoto cannot import your photos because there was a problem writing to the volume containing your iPHOTO LIBRARY  . Looking for solution.

    Problems such as yours are sometimes caused by files that should belong to you but are locked or have wrong permissions. This procedure will check for such files. It makes no changes and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem.
    First, empty the Trash, if possible.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it, then copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C:
    find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) 2>&- | wc -l | pbcopy
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V). The command may take a noticeable amount of time to run. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign ($) to appear.
    The output of the command will be a number. It's automatically copied to the Clipboard. Please paste it into a reply.
    The Terminal window doesn't show the output. Please don't copy anything from there.

  • I updated Itunes today to the latest version. Windows 7 64bit. None of my drivers work and get an error when itunes starts, about registry setting for reading and writing dvds and cds missing. Anyone else have the same issue. I downloaded itunes again, re

    I updated Itunes today to the latest version. Windows 7 64bit. None of my drivers work and get an error when itunes starts, about registry setting for reading and writing dvds and cds missing. Anyone else have the same issue. I downloaded itunes again, reinstalled still have same issue.

    I'd start with the following document, with one modification. At step 12 after typing GEARAspiWDM press the Enter/Return key once prior to clicking OK. (Pressing Return adds a carriage return in the field and is important.)
    iTunes for Windows: "Registry settings" warning when opening iTunes

  • Trying to download InDesign CC and getting an error message-

    Trying to download InDesign CC and getting an error message… "Unable to launch Adobe InDesign as you do not have sufficient permissions to access the preferences folders. Ensure that you have appropriate permissions and then restart Adobe InDesign". All other apps that I've downloaded are working properly, but InDesign won't open.
    Here's the screen shot of the error box...

    Hi McMilla,
    as per the screen shot it looks like we dont have enough permissions on your Preference folder . I would suggest the following steps and let us know if these worked or not for you  .
    Go to //Library/Preferences/
             /library/application support/Adobe
            ~/Library/application support/Adobe
    and give full permissions to Preferences folder and the Adobe folder.
    Kartikay Sharma

  • I upgraded to ios7 it has extremely slow charging and gets discharged soon and on its own without using my cel pls guide me I'm so worried pls pls guide

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Maybe you are looking for