Dynamic Action On change tabular form question

Hi guys!
I've wanted to add dynamic action on change (tabular form) to execute PL/SQL which checks if column of the tabular form has changed and if yes it changes walue of text field to Y or N. It doesnt work...and I don't know why. If I create validation with this PL/SQL it works. Can you help?
On change - Tabular Form
   nazwa     VARCHAR2(4000);
   counter   NUMBER := 0;
   FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f08.COUNT
      IF wwv_flow_item.md5(nazwa) <>  wwv_flow_item.md5(apex_application.g_f08(i)) THEN
        counter := counter + 1;
      END IF;
   IF counter > 0 THEN
END;Page items to submit: P5_IS_TABULAR_FORM_CHANGE
What's wrong?
With regards,

Region static id shouldn be in bracketsYou missed the '#' informt of the region id.
why my original PL/SQL process did not work
FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f08.COUNTThis works only when the application array has values and that happens only when the page is submitted.When you submit the dynamic action , it isn't.
This script combined with script to detect changes makes apex page running very slowIf you use that PLSQL code(assuming it works as expected) , then its going to take a server request every-time you change a field in the tabular form and loop though all the array values(if they would be submitted before) and recalculate and compare the checksums . Isn't that going to be very inefficient.
As for that JS code, it only runs at the client side. You can do all the server side checks on submit, when the user expects some delay due to processing.

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    Hi Everyone, I have posted this question in the past and made huge progress with Denes Kubicek's help:  https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=31517:294:115851992029365::::: based on my earlier question posted: https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2537494
    I am struggling with one item in my tabular form.  It is a radio button.  The choices all appear properly, but the value is not saved in the collection (and hence, not saved in the table).  All other items in the tabular form save properly.
    here is what I have for the query.   It is item c024 (which maps to ;'f03'), which is defined as a radio LOV based on an existing LOV.
    Currently I have:
    2 page items:
    Dynamic action called CHANGE COLUMN:
    event: CHANGE
    selection type: jQUERY Selector
    jQuery Select = input[name='f03'],select[name'f08'],select[name='f09'],input[name='f10'],input[name='f11'],input[name='f12'],select[name='f40'],input[name='f21'],input[name='f22'],input[name='f23'],input[name='f50']
    event scope: Dynamic
    true action#1: set value P110_ID javascript expression this.triggeringElement.id
    true action#2: set value P110_VALUE javascript expression this.triggeringElement.value
    true action#3: execute pl/sql code
      v_member number;
      v_seq number;
      v_member := TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (:p110_id, 2, 2));
      select ltrim(substr(:p110_ID,5,4),'0') into v_seq from dual;
    true ation#4 refresh region :LANDINGS_COLLECTION
    the tabular form is based on the query:
    apex_item.text(1,seq_id,'','','id="f01_'||seq_id,'','') "DeleteRow",
    seq_id display_seq_id,
    apex_item.text_from_LOV(c004,'SPECIES')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV(c005,'GRADE')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV(c006,'MARKETCODE')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV_query(c007,'select unit_of_measure d, unit_of_measure r from species_qc') unit,
    apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(8,c008,'DISPOSITIONS','onchange="getAllDisposition('||seq_id||')"','YES','0','  -- Select Favorite --  ','f08_'||seq_id,'') Disposition,
    apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(9,c009,'GEARS','style="background-color:#FBEC5D; "onFocus="checkGearPreviousFocus('||seq_id||');"onchange="getAllGears('||seq_id||')"','YES','3333','-- Select Favorite --','f09_'||seq_id,'') Gear,
    apex_item.text(10,TO_NUMBER(c010),5,null, 'onchange="setTotal('||seq_id||')"','f10_'||seq_id,'') Quantity,
    apex_item.text(11,TO_NUMBER(c011),5,null,'onchange="getPriceBoundaries('||seq_id||')"','f11_'||seq_id,'') Price,
    apex_item.text(12, TO_NUMBER(c012),5,null, 'onchange="changePrice
    ('||seq_id||')" onKeyDown="selectDollarsFocus('||seq_id||',event);"','f12_'||seq_id,'') Dollars,
    decode(c013,'Y',apex_item.text(14, c014,30,null,'style="background-color:#FBEC5D;" onClick="onFocusAreaFished('||seq_id||');"','f14_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') Area_Fished,
    decode(c017,'Y',apex_item.text(18, c018,4,null,'style="background-color:#FBEC5D; "onBlur="setUnitQuantity('||seq_id||')"','f18_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') UNIT_QUANTITY,
    decode(c017,'Y',apex_item.text(19,'CN',3,null,'readOnly=readOnly;','f19_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') UNIT_COUNT,
    c024 hms_flag,
    decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.checkbox(21,'Y','id="f21_'||seq_id||'" style="background-color:#FBEC5D; " onClick="alterYes('||seq_id||');" onKeyPress="alterYes('||seq_id||');"',c021),'N','N/A') FinsAttached,
    decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.checkbox(22,'N','id="f22_'||seq_id||'" style="background-color:#FBEC5D;" onClick="alterNo('||seq_id||');" onKeyPress="alterNo('||seq_id||');"',c022),'N','N/A') FinsNotAttached,
    decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.checkbox(23,'U','id="f23_'||seq_id||'" style="background-color:#FBEC5D;" onClick="alterUnk('||seq_id||');" onKeyPress="alterUnk('||seq_id||');"',c023),'N','N/A') FinsUnknown,
    decode(c050,'Y',apex_item.textarea(28,c028,3,null,null,'f28_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') Explanation,
    decode(c024,'N',apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(29,c029,'HMSNATURE','onchange="saveNature('||seq_id||')"','YES','A','-- Select Nature of Sale --','f29_'||seq_id,''),'U',apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(29,c029,'HMSNATURE','onchange="saveNature('||seq_id||')"','YES','A','-- Select Nature of Sale --','f29_'||seq_id,''),'Y','N/A') Nature_Of_Sale,
    'N','N/A') HMS_AREA_CODE,
    'N','N/A') Sale_Price
    from apex_collections
    where collection_name = 'SPECIES_COLLECTION' order by seq_id
    I have noticed the following:
    when I change column C011 (price) the following values are set in the dynamic action:
    P110_ID = f11_1
    P110_VALUE = whatever I change the price to.
    when I change the column C024 (hms_flag), the following values are set:
    P110_ID = f03_0001
    P110_VALUE = whatever I change hms_flag to.
    the region is refreshed in my dynamic action, and the change for hms_flag does not hold.  I have tested the SQL query that generates the value for v_SEQ in the dynamic action.   In both a change to price and HMS_FLAG it appears valid
    select ltrim(substr(:p110_ID,5,4),'0') into v_seq from dual;
    if f11_1, v_seq:= 1
    if f03_0001, v_seq := 1
    thank you!

    solved.  sort of. 
    field c024 references f03.
    the Dynamic ACtion, step 4 calculates v_member by taking a substring of P110_ID...and in all other fields, the column and the field (fxx) are the same value....except for c024.
    I am not certain exactly how to resolve, but see the problem.

  • Dynamic action to change item label

    Hi All,
    How can I use dynamic action to change item label?

    fac586 wrote:
    Why and when do you want to dynamically change a label? This would have a detrimental effect on usability and accessibility.
    Consider a visually impaired user of your app using a screen reader. The screen reader identifies a checkbox labelled "Free Cake". They like the sound of that, so navigate to the checkbox to tick it. Your dynamic action fires when it gets focus and changes the label to "Give all my money to Fadi".I think this would confuse even a sighted user! I don't know the OP full requirements or constraints but I can bet the OP does not want to change the item label when the user navigates to it.
    I have to say that I don't like forms that change as the user enters data. I think that enabling and disabling fields is OK, but not hiding or showing or changing labels or field types.
    In any case, if you have to do it, an alternative to changing an item label is to have 2 separate items: one hidden and one shown. Then, using some triggering event, you can hide one and show the other.
    Because there are built-in dynamic actions to hide and show items but not to change item labels, one might thing that one approach is more acceptable than the other. However, if those 2 separate items occupy the same spot in the page, from a user point of view (or screen reader for that matter) I don't see any difference between those two approaches (in my view, both bad practices.)
    And because of its lots of nested tables, lack of headings etc, apex pages are not screen-reader friendly anyway... This is an interesting plugin for firefox that shows how your page would be read by a screen reader:
    fac586 wrote:
    You can use an "execute javascript" dynamic action type to do it.Yes, you can. But should you?I don't know. As I mentioned above, I don't like the idea. However, as I also mentioned above, I don't know anything about the OP constraints or requirements.

  • Dynamic LOV in a Tabular Form

    Can somebody please tell me if there is a easy way to code a
    dynamic LOV in a Tabular Form?
    I need the ability to access a column value in the table row, to use in the WHERE clause of LOV query for another column in the row? Seems
    like that should be easy , but not finding an answer.
    Thanks for any help.

    Hi Carol,
    You can add the select list's definition directly into your SQL statement using APEX_ITEM.SELECT_LIST_FROM_QUERY - see: [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10513_01/doc/apirefs.310/e12855/apex_item.htm#CHDIDGDA]
    If you first run your page with your existing select list on it, then do a View Source and look for the select list, you will see a "name" attribute of something like "f01" or "f02" etc. Make a note of the number part of this.
    Then update your SQL statement to include the above and using the number you noted as the Index value (say, 4):
    FROM EMPThat would give you a select list of employees in the same department as the current employee (excluding that employee themself)

  • Dynamic Action on change automatically submit

    I have a tabular form (manually handled) with a text item that can be changed (Apex
    Each time the user changes the value of the text item, the changes automatically will be submitted.
    Therefore I defined a dynamic action:
    selection type: region
    with javascriptcode: apex.submit({request:'SAVE'});
    When I leave changed text item with tab-key everything works fine.
    But when I leave changed text item through a button Click only the submit of dynamic action is performed and the button functionality is ignored.
    The button click initiates the onchange event at the changed text item and then ignores everything after this event.
    The enduser will not be able to understand the behavior of the application.
    I have less experience in Java and JavaScript.
    Is it possible to get the information if and which button was clicked, so I can decide at javascriptcode of the dynamic action what is to do?

    Region static id shouldn be in bracketsYou missed the '#' informt of the region id.
    why my original PL/SQL process did not work
    FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f08.COUNTThis works only when the application array has values and that happens only when the page is submitted.When you submit the dynamic action , it isn't.
    This script combined with script to detect changes makes apex page running very slowIf you use that PLSQL code(assuming it works as expected) , then its going to take a server request every-time you change a field in the tabular form and loop though all the array values(if they would be submitted before) and recalculate and compare the checksums . Isn't that going to be very inefficient.
    As for that JS code, it only runs at the client side. You can do all the server side checks on submit, when the user expects some delay due to processing.

  • Tabular forms question

    This should be a simple one. I have a tabular form right now but I have a field in that form I want read only when another field in the record is not null (ie. you are not adding a new record). Any ideas here? For the record were running APEX 3.1.2.

    I got to doing some digging after I posted this and I found some interesting stuff using javascript but because of DB Links I kept running into db consistency errors (where apex complains constantly that there the database version had changed since you started the action). In the end I abandoned tabular forms entirely because I have always ended up with them in the same position of the database version constantly changing and they end up un-usable. What I would love to see and would really help me out the most once 4.0 comes would be for APEX to support automatic operations over a dblink without the need for local views or having to write a plsql interface package for the remote tables so I can use forms over procedures.

  • Issue in execution of Dynamic action on change event

    I have scenario, where I have one select list (P_CATEGORY) and one shuttle control (P_ROOMS) on page.
    The values of the shuttle list is being populated based on the selected value in select list.
    The left pane of shuttle control's value based on LOV and source of the shuttle item is a plsql function, which returning colon separated value list.
    So that returned values shown in the right pane of shuttle.
    The LOV values are getting being populated using cascading LOV i.e based on the of Select List item. But the Shuttle source values not getting auto refresh and for achieving that I've created a dynamic true action on change event of Select list.
    The dynamic action is with :
    Action : Set Value
    Set Type : PL SQL funciton body
    Page items to submit : P_CATEGORY (this is select list)
    Escape Special Character : Yes
    Suppress Change event : Yes
    Affected Elements -
    Selection type : Item(s)
    Item(s) : P_ROOMS
    This is perfectly working on Firefox but not working on IE9 & Google Chrome.
    I've debugged in both IE9 & Google chrome and found the dynamic action get executes ajax call and the values get back but not rendering on the screen. i.e not assigning to the item.
    So can you please advice me what will be a workaround for this issue?
    I am using Application Express .
    I'll appreciate your prompt response.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jaydipsinh Raulji

    I don't understand why this is not working withouth seeing an example, there might be multiple processes working on the item.
    Anyway if the value is returned check if the value is in the session aswell. If it is in the session but not on the page that means you will need to find a way to bring it from the DB to the page. You can do this by adding an action to your DA:
    Action: Execute PL/SQL code
    PL/SQL code: NULL;
    Page Items to Return: your shuttle item

  • Dynamic action on "Change" of Radio group value

    I'm using Apex 4.1 on XE 11G.
    If I create a simple dynamic action which shows/hides a field on the change of an item of type select list this works great.
    So for example if the value of the select list is 1 then show another field and otherwise hide this other field.
    If I change the type of the first field ( the select list ) to a radio group the dynamic action stops working. It looks like the value of the radio group does not get changed when I click another value in the radio group.
    I'm somehow able to bypass this by using a dynamic action which fires when the radio group is clicked and then evaluatie it's value via JS, but that's not really the ideal solution.
    Is there some basic difference in radio groups and select lists when it comes to storing values and/or dynamic actions which are based on the change event on that item ?
    Edited by: Bas de Klerk on 31-mei-2012 6:42

    Take a look at the Radio group item in HTML DOM using FF/Firebug or IE/DevTools, and you will see the difference.
    If you have neither of the 2 debug tools , time you get one.

  • Changing tabular form column to checkbox

    I have a tabular form in 3.2. There is a column that is a text field, but really should be a checkbox. I have tried changing the region source to something like, select a, b, APEX_ITEM.CHECKBOX(3, PRIMARY FLAG) "PRIMARY_FLAG", d
    from my_table
    WHERE a = :P52_XPROD, but the column still shows up as a text field, displaying a value like "<input type="checkbox" name="...etc.
    Is it possible to change a tabular form column to a checkbox in 3.2?

    edit your report attributes, then edit your column and change "display as" to "standard report column"

  • Manually tabular form question

    hi all
    i built a manually tabular form.
    i want that this tabular for will used only to update , and without the option of insert new row .
    two questions i have here according to the document :
    there is something called
    Adding Optimistic Lockingoptimistic locking
    is that possible to do it if it's only an update form?
    i've tried to do it and not really succeeded.
    second question is about collection
    again is this possible to do it if i built only an update form ?
    thanks for quick response

    Hi Naama,
    >> i've created the package , it's show like it done but then i cannot see it.what seems to be the problem ?
    I have no idea, but this is definitely something local in your database. Just drop the package and re-create it. If the Object Browser doesn’t show you the package, try to use SQL*Plus.
    >> what is the meaning of this package?
    is this package active only in the tabular manually form ?.
    This is a regular PL/SQL package, and with the proper privileges, can be used anywhere on the database, with or without APEX connection.
    This package is “special” because it’s includes all you need to manage Optimistic Locking, which is characteristic to Web based applications. Other than that, you can use it whenever you need to manipulate the related table(s).
    >> the apex know in which part to relate in the package right ?
    APEX don’t know anything. When you are building a manual tabular form, it is also your responsibility to construct the proper DML processes. If you want your tabular form to support insert/update/delete you’ll need to construct three processes, each with the proper DML statement, each condition by the proper button. In your private case, as you need to support update only, you’ll need to build only one DML process (PL/SQL anonymous block), which will call the proper update procedure from the package.
    >> thank you
    Wow! You signed your name correctly :) You should amend your handle to reflect that.
    Best Regards,

  • Customer Tabular Form Questions

    I am following the white paper on creating a tabular form from scratch using Html DB ver. 1.6 and having trouble getting the report to show columns as fields. In 1.6 -- There is no 'create sql report (updateable) when you are creating the page. So I had to create the page as a SQL query, then go back and change the region definition type to "SQL query - updateable report, but the rows are still not updatable. What am I missing here?
    Here is my SQL:
    htmldb_item.hidden(1,T.EMP_ID_FK) EMP_ID,
    I am creating this page to capture the daily hours worked based on a value entered in a different region (week ending date) -- So week ending date is not part of the tabular form report region (which is just capturing the hours worked by day (M-Sun). When they submit, it should insert the hours by day and the week ending date in the same table.
    Is it possible to do this with a tabular form (created from scratch?).

    The form that is using the tabular form has columns such as hour_type (OT, Regular, Sick) and then has columns for each day. The TAble has these columns as well as a week ending date. For one week ending date, their could be 3 or more rows:
    example: 1 row for hours of OT by day
    1 row for Regular hours by day
    1 row for Vacation hours by day
    I would like to have the week ending date in a different region (that also details the employees personal information) -- and the user would select the w/end date from a date picker within this region.
    This also would help by letting the employee enter the w/end date and then he/she could see their hours for that w/end date.

  • Tabular form question

    How can I immediately use an automatically generated PK which is created when I add new row to a tabular form and then click on the Submit button?

    This is best accomplished with a trigger. The database takes care of it and APEX can take advantage of it.
    This type of trigger would be known as an AFTER INSERT trigger that would be placed on table A. The body of the trigger would look something like this:
    new_val number;
    if (:new.id is null) then
    select table_a_sequence.nextval into new_val from dual;
    :new.id := new_val;
    end if;
    insert into table_b (fk_to_table_a_id)
    values (new_val);
    end;Caution: this is untested code for demonstration only. Adjust for your purpose.

  • Row selector in tabular form question

    hi all,
    i needed to use the tabular form for the report because i needed the row selector. i have around a 100 records on this. but each page shows only 15 rows which is fine. the problem i'm having is that if i wanted to select more than 1 record and these records are located on different pages of the report, how do i set the report to remember all the records i've selected?
    i noticed that for example, page 1 shows records 1 - 15 then i checked record 1, then move to the next page for records 16 - 30. here i select record 20. then when i do a transaction, only record 30 is processed and record 1 is disregarded.
    can anyone help me with this?

    You should perhaps use collections. Collections are session based and can be used in a similar way as having a temp table and what you could do is store your data within the collection and then save the "selections" you made to the collection which would make your tabular form remember what you have seelected and therefore you could retrieve 1- 10 rows and then paginate to the next 10 rows.

  • Converting PowerPoint with Action Buttons To PDF Form Question

    I am currently using Acrobat Pro 9.5.0 on Win 7 and Win XP sp3
    I have created Power Point Slide with one Action Button.  When I set the Action Button to Hyperlink to a video file, and use Acrobat > Form > Start from Wizard ..", the PDF file created by Acrobat has my Action Button as a field.   This field allows the click of this field to execute a certain action.   This is what I want.
    When I set the Action Buttion to hyperlink to an internal slide on my Power Point presentation (which has video inserted on that slide), and when I use Acrobat > Form > Start from Wizard ..", the PDF file created by Acrobat doesn't have my Action Button as a field.    It appears just as a regular pdf with no fields.
    Is there a way to get the wizard to convert my Action Button when I hyperlink to a slide to show up as a field (as in hyperlinking to an external file) ???
    I am using PPT 2007 (which doesn't allow true embedding of video within the PPT slide.   On PPT 2010 has this embedding feature.
    I would appreciate any help you can offer.
    Thank You,

    I am currently using Acrobat Pro 9.5.0 on Win 7 and Win XP sp3
    I have created Power Point Slide with one Action Button.  When I set the Action Button to Hyperlink to a video file, and use Acrobat > Form > Start from Wizard ..", the PDF file created by Acrobat has my Action Button as a field.   This field allows the click of this field to execute a certain action.   This is what I want.
    When I set the Action Buttion to hyperlink to an internal slide on my Power Point presentation (which has video inserted on that slide), and when I use Acrobat > Form > Start from Wizard ..", the PDF file created by Acrobat doesn't have my Action Button as a field.    It appears just as a regular pdf with no fields.
    Is there a way to get the wizard to convert my Action Button when I hyperlink to a slide to show up as a field (as in hyperlinking to an external file) ???
    I am using PPT 2007 (which doesn't allow true embedding of video within the PPT slide.   On PPT 2010 has this embedding feature.
    I would appreciate any help you can offer.
    Thank You,

  • Dynamic actions and tabular forms

    I'm trying to attach a dynamic action to a tabular form item, and it's not working the way I'm expecting it to. Since you can't attach dynamic actions to parts of a tabular form in the "normal" way that you can for page items, I'm using JQuery selectors to pick the parts to link to. For links (such as opening a pop-up window with more information about a row), this is working fine. But I'm really struggling to attach to a simple checkbox.
    On my tabular form, I've got a simple checkbox. I've tried putting text in the Element Attributes, Element Option Attributes, CSS Class, CSS Style, and HTML Expression fields, but none of them appear to be making it through to the source code of the generated page. Which means, I think, that I'm limited to using a jQuery Selector along the lines of "input[name=f07]", but creating a dynamic action on click or on change with that selector doesn't seem to ever fire.
    What am I missing?

    Ok, this is interesting. When I tried to mock this up on apex.oracle.com, I was able to make it work (though I had to change the selector to "input[name=f07_NOSUBMIT]", which means I'm going to have to walk the DOM to get the actual value...but I'm pretty sure I can handle that). After a bit of scratching my head, I eventually found that my pop-up dynamic action was somehow or other blocking the checkbox dynamic action from firing. Changing the sequence so that the checkbox DA happens first allows them both to fire.
    Here's the javascript from the pop-up DA (it's based on this post by Havard Kristiansen):
    /* prevent default behavior on click */
    var trgt = this.triggeringElement.href;
    var e = this.browserEvent;
    /* Trigger JQuery UI dialog */
    var horizontalPadding = 30;
    var verticalPadding = 30;
    $('<iframe id="modalDialog" src="' + trgt + '" />').dialog({
         title: "Item Details",
         autoOpen: true,
         width: 570,
         height: 400,
         modal: true,
         close: function(event, ui) {$(this).remove();},
         overlay: {
              opacity: 0.5,
              background: "black"}
    }).width(570 - horizontalPadding).height(400 - verticalPadding);
    return false;At this point, the checkbox DA's action is simply an alert box. Like I said, I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm at least able to move forward...

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