Dynamic Image Gallery AS2

I have dipped in almost every search engine and this site to
locate some easier way to create dynamic image gallery in Flash 8
AS2 using ASP (as i am conversant with ASP only, although i found
many sites suggesting PHP and XML). I'd be very greatful to u all
if u could provide me some help in this part of my project.
I have tried this source also but neither the source throw
any error nor it displays the images, what could be wrong with the
source? Please Please Please Please Please Help me!!!!!!!!
"scroller_sp", 10);
scroller_sp. setSize (100, 300);
for(i=0;i< swfThumbs.length;i++){
scroller_sp.contentPath = clipLoader;
thanks in anticipation and regards

I have a picture show.
It creates its own folder when you first upload images with
the integrated Image uploader. Then it loads the images in with
Have a look at
- click the B1 Image-show.
When you are interested, the contact is at the site.

Similar Messages

  • Dynamic Image Gallery Issue

    Hello All!
    I am creating a dynamic image gallery, but when my external
    images load in the empty movie clip, all the images are loading in
    the same size/dimension. Does anyone know how I can command the MC
    to load the images in different sizes, another words - to load them
    according to its own size?
    here's the AS
    onClipEvent (load)
    function imageMove()
    var _loc1 = this;
    for (i = 1; i <= num_of_image; i++)
    mc = _loc1["image" + i];
    if (i < hit)
    tempx = small * (i - 1) + 30;
    temps = small - 5;
    mc.useHandCursor = true;
    else if (i > hit)
    tempx = big + small * (i - 2) + 30;
    temps = small - 5;
    mc.useHandCursor = true;
    tempx = small * (i - 1) + 150; //distance of how far out the
    displayed image jumps.
    temps = big - 5; //distance between the displayed image and
    display = txt
    mc.useHandCursor = false;
    } // end else if
    mc._x = mc._x + (tempx - mc._x) / 3; //number of pixals on
    x-axis the displayed image moves over to right side before growing
    mc._width = mc._width + (temps - mc._width) / 3; //number of
    pixals on x-axis the displayed image moves over to left side before
    growing big.
    mc._height = mc._width * 4 / 3;
    if (Math.abs(mc._width - temps) <= 1)
    title._x = hit < 5 ? (_loc1["image" + hit]._x + big / 2) :
    (_loc1["image" + hit]._x - big / 2 - 100);
    title._y = 100;
    } // end if
    } // end of for
    } // End of the function
    function loopHye()
    if (hit != num_of_image)
    _global.hit = 1;
    } // end else if
    } // End of the function
    getURL("FSCommand:allowscale", false);
    big = 300;
    //Large image width (400 works best for my portfolio site)
    small = 60;//Small image width (40 works well for my
    portfolio site)
    num_of_image = 8;//Total number of images
    timeGap = none;//Speed (speed of gaptime when each image is
    displayed automatically. "2000" is default of this original file.
    larger the number the slower the image changes. (type in "none"
    will stop automatic images from changing.
    _global.hit = 0;//First displyed image number (type "0" to
    stop images from growing out)
    txt = [" ", "image1", "image2", "image3", "image4", "image5",
    "image6", "image7", "image8"];//insert text of each images between
    for (i = 1; i <= num_of_image; i++)
    attachMovie("image", "image" + i, i);
    loadMovie("image/" + i + ".jpg", this["image" +
    i].tar);//image folder path
    mc = this["image" + i];
    mc._x = small * (i - 1) + 30;
    mc._y = 200; //where on the axis should the displays be.
    mc._width = small - 5;
    mc._height = mc._width * 4 / 3;
    this["image" + i].onRelease = function ()
    _global.hit = this._name.substr(5);
    interval = setInterval(loopHye, timeGap);
    } // end of for
    interval = setInterval(loopHye, timeGap);
    onClipEvent (enterFrame)
    check out the file
    this is what the current gallery looks like
    I'd appreciated if someone replies with any sort of
    suggestions! thanks in advance!!!
    - W£NDI

    if you google with "dynamic image gallery", you'll find a lot
    tutorials & examples including pre-programmed solutions
    if you prefer to do it yourself, you need to deal with
    dynamic sites. DW
    help chapters Preparing to Build Dynamic Sites, Making Pages
    Dynamic &
    Developing Applications Rapidly can also help to understand
    in fact you don't need a database, the images can be read
    from the
    folder they're stored. that way to update a gallery you only
    need to
    remove/replace/add images. one folder for each gallery
    and the application development forum is best suited for your
    BTW, some nice photos in your page
    uvi wrote:
    > I'm trying to create a dynamic image gallery that is
    updated from a database, i
    > managed to create a simple mysql database
    > using phpmy admin, so I could update my image gallery
    more often, I saw
    > something that I like but I have no idea how to create
    it here is the example:
    > I didnt manage to create this with dynamic table from
    within dreamweaver 8,
    > maybe I just don't know how,
    > this is the link to a gallery on my website:
    I need all the help I can get
    > I'm using dreamweaver 8 on a Mac and using PHP/MySql
    server model.

  • Dynamic image gallery on detail page

    I have a master page listing 8 products. I have inserted a dynamic image gallery on the detail page which looks ok, but has one major flaw: when you click on a thumbnail the main image opens on the wrong page. e.g. if you click on page ../dragons.php?id=3 the main image opens on  ../dragons.php/id=1 and shows the following url: .../dragons.php?image=btf.jpg (or whatever the image file name).
    I have only just started using php and I would appreciate some guidance on how to resolve this problem.
    The relevant sections of the code are as follows?
    $vardragon_dragons_species = "1";
    if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
      $vardragon_dragons_species = $_GET['id'];
    mysql_select_db($database_cjwebsite, $cjwebsite);
    $query_dragons_species = sprintf("SELECT dragons.Order, dragons.family, dragons.Latin, dragons.English, dragons.Img1, dragons.Img2, dragons.Img3, dragons.img4, dragons.Img5, dragons.text, `dragons gallery`.filename, `dragons gallery`.caption, dragons.id, `dragons gallery`.image_id, dragons.id FROM dragons, `dragons gallery` WHERE dragons.id = `dragons gallery`.image_id AND dragons.id=%s", GetSQLValueString($vardragon_dragons_species, "int"));
    $dragons_species = mysql_query($query_dragons_species, $cjwebsite) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_dragons_species = mysql_fetch_assoc($dragons_species);
    $totalRows_dragons_species = mysql_num_rows($dragons_species);
    if (isset($_GET['image'])) {
      $mainImage = $_GET['image'];
    else {
      $mainImage = $row_dragons_species['filename']; }
      <div class="main_image"><img src="../images/dragons/<?php echo $mainImage; ?>" alt="<?php echo $row_dragons_species['caption']; ?>" />
      <div class="capt"><?php echo $row_dragons_species['caption']; ?></div>
    <ul class="gallery">
            <?php do {
          if ($row_dragons_species['filename'] == $mainImage) {
      <li><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?image=<?php echo $row_dragons_species['filename']; ?>"><img src="../images/dragons/thumbs/<?php echo $row_dragons_species['filename']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $row_dragons_species['caption']; ?>"  /></a></li>
      <?php } while ($row_dragons_species = mysql_fetch_assoc($dragons_species)); ?>
    Many thanks

    I'm still at an early stage in building this site and because it is allvery experimental I am and just using local testing.
    So to try to explain my objective. I have a master page with 8 products  there is a link to a detail page based on product id. So from the master page (dragons.php) you can select a product which will show the product information on a detail page (eg. dragons_species.php?id=1 or dragons_species.php?id=2 etc). This works ok.
    Each detail page has various pieces of information and 5 images. I wanted to show the images in an image gallery format and so used the code you provide in your book PHP Solutions (Creating a Dynamic Online Gallery pp.323-330). This works ok on the first page where id=1, but on subsequent pages (id=2, id=3 etc) I am loosing the id link infavour of an image based link.
    This is the complete script for my detail page (dragons_species.php)
    <?php require_once('../Connections/cjwebsite.php'); ?>
    if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
    function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
      if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {
        $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
      $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
      switch ($theType) {
        case "text":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "long":
        case "int":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "double":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "date":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "defined":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
      return $theValue;
    $vardragon_dragons_species = "1";
    if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
      $vardragon_dragons_species = $_GET['id'];
    mysql_select_db($database_cjwebsite, $cjwebsite);
    $query_dragons_species = sprintf("SELECT dragons.Order, dragons.family, dragons.Latin, dragons.English, dragons.Img1, dragons.Img2, dragons.Img3, dragons.img4, dragons.Img5, dragons.text, `dragons gallery`.filename, `dragons gallery`.caption, dragons.id, `dragons gallery`.image_id, dragons.id FROM dragons, `dragons gallery` WHERE dragons.id = `dragons gallery`.image_id AND dragons.id=%s", GetSQLValueString($vardragon_dragons_species, "int"));
    $dragons_species = mysql_query($query_dragons_species, $cjwebsite) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_dragons_species = mysql_fetch_assoc($dragons_species);
    $totalRows_dragons_species = mysql_num_rows($dragons_species);
    if (isset($_GET['image'])) {
      $mainImage = $_GET['image'];
    else {
      $mainImage = $row_dragons_species['filename']; }
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Odonata Species</title>
    <link href="../Css/dragons.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="../Css/menu.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <div id="header">
      <?php include('../Includes/logo2.inc.php'); ?>
    <div id="content"> <div id="title">
      <h1>Damselflies &amp; Dragonflies</h1>
    <div class="family")><?php echo $row_dragons_species['Order']; ?></div>
    <div class="subfamily">
      <?php echo $row_dragons_species['family']; ?>
      <div class="main_image"><img src="../images/dragons/<?php echo $mainImage; ?>"   alt="<?php echo $row_dragons_species['caption']; ?>" />
       <div class="capt"><?php echo $row_dragons_species['caption']; ?></div></div></  
       <div class="description">
        <div class="text" id="name"><?php echo $row_dragons_species['Latin']; ?></div>
        <div  id="vernname"><?php echo $row_dragons_species['English']; ?></div>
      <?php echo $row_dragons_species['text']; ?></div>
    <ul class="gallery">
            <?php do {
                      if ($row_dragons_species['filename'] == $mainImage) {
    <li><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?image=<?php echo $row_dragons_species['filename']; ?>"><img src="../images/dragons/thumbs/<?php echo $row_dragons_species['filename']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $row_dragons_species['caption']; ?>"  /></a></li>
      <?php } while ($row_dragons_species = mysql_fetch_assoc($dragons_species)); ?>
      <div id="footer">
        <?php include('../includes/footer.inc.php'); ?>
    The code for my master page dragons.php is as follows
    <?php require_once('../Connections/cjwebsite.php'); ?>
    if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
    function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
      if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {
        $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
      $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
      switch ($theType) {
        case "text":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "long":
        case "int":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "double":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "date":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "defined":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
      return $theValue;
    mysql_select_db($database_cjwebsite, $cjwebsite);
    $query_dragons_species = "SELECT id, Latin, English, Thumbs FROM dragons";
    $dragons_species = mysql_query($query_dragons_species, $cjwebsite) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_dragons_species = mysql_fetch_assoc($dragons_species);
    $totalRows_dragons_species = mysql_num_rows($dragons_species);mysql_select_db($database_cjwebsite, $cjwebsite);
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <link href="../Css/menu.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="../Css/dragons.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <div id="header">
    <?php include('../Includes/logo2.inc.php'); ?></div>
    <div id="content"> <div id="title">
    <h1>Damselflies</a> & Dragonflies</h1>
    <div id="sidebar">
    <?php include('../Includes/menu2.inc.php'); ?>
    <div id="text">
      <p>Ten species have been recorded on the islands, of which seven are common and widely distributed. The Golden-ringed Dragonfly and the Emerald Damselfly are both very scarce, whilst the record of the Azure-winged Dragonfly on Lewis is unconfirmed.   
           <?php do { ?>
        <div class="speciesbox"><a href="Dragons_species.php?id=<?php echo $row_dragons_species['id']; ?>"><img src="../images/dragons/thumbs/<?php echo $row_dragons_species['Thumbs']; ?>" /></a>
            <div class="latin"><a href="Dragons_species.php?id=<?php echo $row_dragons_species['id']; ?>"><?php echo $row_dragons_species['Latin']; ?></a>
              <div class="english"><a href="Dragons_species.php?id=<?php echo $row_dragons_species['id']; ?>"><?php echo $row_dragons_species['English']; ?></a> </div>
      <?php } while ($row_dragons_species = mysql_fetch_assoc($dragons_species)); ?> </div>
    <div id="footer">
        <?php include('../includes/footer.inc.php'); ?>
    Does this shed any light?
    Many thanks

  • Dynamic image gallery

    Hi all, I am new to the forum and I have a specific question
    about a dynamic image gallery i am making.
    Everything goes well, until I want to click from a thuimbnail
    to see an enlarged image that is another file.
    here is the specific code for that:
    1) one problem is that -when I wlick one of the 5 jpegs
    attached- I always see the last one enlarged...
    2) another problem is to go back to the thumbs after clicking
    the enlarged image...
    PLease help me

    One issue it might be, is that in your for loop you have var
    i:Number=1; Set to 1 not 0. Then you referrence that number when
    declaring your small and large images by i.
    Remember actionscript always starts at zero not 1 when
    creating objects dynamically.

  • Dynamic Image Gallery First, Next,Previous,Last

    had a friend help me build this but now he's gone and I don't
    understand arrays or coldfusion really. I have an image gallery
    that works beautifully except that I want to be able to add two
    behaviors to the page. 1.Pagination. 2. Display Record Count. (I
    know how to use the Dreamweaver built in Server Behaviors with
    Dynamic Tables but this is a little different from that b/c he's
    using arrays to build the table instead. I've almost go the
    pagination working. Except I can't figure how to show the last
    record. I've got "First, Next, & Previous" to work. But the
    "Last" doesn't. This is the part of the code that I'm concerned
    with as everything else is working.
    <cfset CountUp=Count + 10>
    <cfset CountDown=Count - 10>
    <p align="center"><cfif Count gte 1><a
    href="gallery.cfm">First</a></cfif>  <cfif
    Count gte 10><a
    href="gallery.cfm?Count=<cfoutput>#CountDown#</cfoutput>">Previous</a></cfif>  <cfif
    ArrayLen(PhotoArray) gt CountUp><a
    ArrayLen(PhotoArray) lt CountUp><a
    I have no idea how to write the "Display record counts" so if
    someone can help me write that part I would be so greatful.
    Here is all of the code for this page attatched...
    Attach Code

    Your code is more complicated than it needs to be. I honestly
    didn't dig through it, but here are a few suggestions.
    Use ArrayLen(array[]) to count the number of rows in an aray.
    Use array[ArrayLen(array)] to find the last record

  • Adding "loading" movieclip to dynamic image gallery?

    Hello again,
    I've completed my XML-driven image gallery, however upon live testing I'd realized I made a rookie mistake and not put some kind of placeholder "loading" movie clip loop while the thumbnails—and subsequent full-size images—are being loaded. The images will randomly appear when loaded and I would like to be able to insert a placeholder movie clip while they load, and swap them up with the thumbnails/images after it has been loaded. The placeholder movie clip is in my library (loadingLoop), but I'm having problems getting it to work correctly.
    Below is the original function that processes the XML and adds the thumbnail images; this is where I'm trying to insert the placeholder movie clip per XML child node (every attempt I've made just keeps throwing more errors, so I've omitted my attempts to avoid confusion), and I've attached the XML file for testing. And insight or help would be appreciated.
    //Locate the external XML file and trigger xmlLoaded when complete
    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("data/artGallery.xml"));
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
    //Load the XML and process the image locations
    function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void {
        xml = XML(event.target.data);
        //parse the nodes in the XML file
        xmlList = xml.children();
        //count the number of nodes in the XML file via XMLList
        //loop to load all of the thumbnails, based on the number of nodes in XMLList
        //"i" = every child node in the XML file
        for (var i:int = 0; i < xmlList.length(); i++) {
            //Add loadingLoop movie clip per node and wait for thumnail to load before swapping out with imageLoader thumbnail images <-- help!!
            //for every node, create a new instance to be put on stage
            imageLoader = new Loader();
            //load each thumbnail from its location per XML node's "thumb" attribute
            imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(xmlList[i].attribute("thumb")));
            //position of thumbnail instances per XML node (horizontally across stage)
            imageLoader.x = i * 110 + 10;//thumbs are 100 x 100 so, +10 to the width, plus +10 from left edge
            //imageLoader.y = 10;
            //for each node in XML list, name the instance with the path to the location of the full size image
            imageLoader.name = xmlList[i].attribute("source");
            //for each node in the XML list, add a drop shadow
            imageLoader.filters = [thumbDShadow];
            //add thumbnails to stage
            dropTween = new Tween(imageLoader, "y", Bounce.easeOut, -100, 10, 1, true);
            //set up thumbnails to wait for a click to execute showPicture
            imageLoader.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showPicture);
            //set up thumbnails to scale when rolled over
            imageLoader.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, sizeUP);

    Somehow I had a feeling this wouldn't be a copy-and-paste job for the full-size images. Sorry to be a bother. This is the showPicture function that is fired off when the thumbnail image is clicked (from our previous example). Two errors are thrown:
    When the thumnail is clicked:
    "Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
        at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
        at MethodInfo-51()"
    But the full-size image loads nonetheless. The second loading loop (loadingLoop2) is not removed. Below is the showPicture function:
    //Load the full-size images and place onto the stage
    function showPicture(event:MouseEvent):void {
        //add new movie clip container
        var mc2:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
        //clear the fullLoader—this is to help clear any full-size images that may already be on the stage (they have two options, click a new thumbnail, or close the current full-size image
        //re-create the fullLoader, if there was one cleared
        fullLoader = new Loader();
        //load each full size image from its location per XML node's "source" deliniated by mc.ldr's "source" attribute
        fullLoader.load(new URLRequest(event.target.name));
        //add the loder to the container
        //create new instance of second loading loop
        mc2.fsloop = new loadingLoop2();
        //add the second loading loop to the container
        //for each container, add a drop shadow
        mc2.filters = [fullDShadow];
        //set the container's position center on stage, making it the size of the loading loop until the full-size images are loaded
        mc2.x = (stage.stageWidth - mc2.fsloop.width) * 0.5;
        mc2.y = (stage.stageHeight - mc2.fsloop.height) * 0.5;
        //place container on stage
        //fade in each container
        fadeTween = new Tween(mc2, "alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 1, 0.5, true);
        //check to see if the image has been loaded completely—this is to make sure the image's attributes can be used to re-center on stage and remove fsloop
        fullLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, removeLoop2);
        //set field to multiline so that the <br> HTML tags can be used
        imageTextField.multiline = true;
        //add text frame for description
        imageTextField.x = 10;
        imageTextField.y = 125;
        //for each full-size image, load the description text from the XML child nodes
        for (var j:int = 0; j < xmlList.length(); j++) {
            //check to make sure that the correct full-size image matches the text node when clicked
            if (xmlList[j].attribute("source") == event.target.name) {
                //add each child node as a separate line in the same text field; added HTML tags for CSS application
                imageTextField.htmlText = "<p><span class = 'projectName'>" + xmlList[j].child("projectName") + "</span><br>"
                + "<span class = 'toolsUsed'>" + xmlList[j].child("toolsUsed") + "</span><br><br>"
                + xmlList[j].child("projText") + "<br>"
                + "<span class = 'liveURL'>" + xmlList[j].child("liveURL") + "</span></p>";
        function removeLoop2(event:Event):void {
            //re-position the container to center on stage to accomodating the full sized image
            mc2.x = (stage.stageWidth - fullLoader.width) * 0.5;
            mc2.y = (stage.stageHeight - fullLoader.height) * 0.5;
            //Add the text field
            //hide instructional text, already on stage
            galleryInfo_mc.alpha = 0;
            //remove the full-sized loading loop
            event.target.loader.parent.removeChild(MovieClip(event.target.loader.parent).loadingLoop2 );
        //set up full-size images to "self close" by clicking on it
        mc2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clearStage);
    The second error gets thrown when the container is clicked and the function clearStage is executed, which does not remove the container:
    "TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
        at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
        at artGallery_v1_5_fla::MainTimeline/clearStage()"
    This is the clearStage function:
    //Allow full-size image to "self close" by clikcing on it and removing the text description
    function clearStage(event:MouseEvent):void {
        //clear the fullLoader
        //remove the container
       //remove the text field
        //show the instructional text that is on-stage
        galleryInfo_mc.alpha = 1;

  • Need advice/idea about Image gallery

    Hello to ALL!!!
    I'm trying to make an dynamic image gallery WITH!!! some
    active buttons above (for example: BUTTON1 with function "delete"
    and BUTTON2 with function "update") a picture and some "dataoutput"
    below (for example:Price). So, separate cell must look like:
    For implementation this task I have:
    1) mySQL database "gallery" with table "test" and columns
    "Id", "path to image", "Price"
    2) 2 gifs: BUTTON1, BUTTON2
    Before my first trying I thought that it's simple, and I've
    <!---action page---->
    <cfquery name="qTest" datasource="gallery">
    SELECT * FROM test
    <div id=imagecont>
    <cfloop query="qTest">
    <img src="../Button1.gif />
    <img src="../Button2.gif /><br>
    <img src="#qTest.path to image#" />
    And it worked normal. BUT!!! Looping had a vertical
    direction! And any CSS rules that I've applied to DIV "imagecont"
    (weight, height) hadn't any effect.
    So, what I've get:
    I see all necessary information (on browser), but I don't
    know, how to format it with my dreaweawer cs3 and CSS.
    And I afraid that I've chosen a "wrong method" (I mean my
    code above)
    Please, give me some recommendations or advices.
    How can i archive my needs?
    How to use CSS in div tag, which includes <cfloop>
    code. I've also tried to use CSS with structure like:
    <div id=a>
    <cfloop >
    <div id=b>
    But (div a)'s CSS rule HEIGHT take's no effect on <div
    id=b> :(
    And what about useful technique for displaying " action
    buttons" above each image in dynamic image gallery???
    Great THANKS for your answers/comments!!!!

    the css attribute you are looking for is FLOAT.
    see if something like
    what you are after in general images layout terms. feel free
    to check
    the generated html :).
    re general css knowledge i highly recommend the book
    "Bulletproof CSS"
    by Mark Grabinski.
    re the 2 buttons above the image: consider turning them into
    css image
    overlays instead (when the buttons appear OVER [not above]
    the image
    only when a user mouses over) - it looks much better that
    Azadi Saryev

  • Urgent Help with Image Gallery

    I really need help with an image gallery i have created. Cannot think of a resolution
    So....I have a dynamic image gallery that pulls the pics into a movie clip and adds them to the container (slider)
    The issue i am having is that when i click on this i am essentially clicking on all the items collectively and i would like to be able to click on each image seperately...
    Please see code below
    var xml:XML;
    var images:Array = new Array();
    var totalImages:Number;
    var nbDisplayed:Number = 1;
    var imagesLoaded:int = 0;
    var slideTo:Number = 0;
    var imageWidth = 150;
    var titles:Array = new Array();
    var container_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    container_mc.mask = slider_mc.mask_mc;
    function loadXML(file:String):void{
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(file));
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, parseXML);
    function parseXML(e:Event):void{
    xml = new XML(e.target.data);
    totalImages = xml.children().length();
    function loadImages():void{
    for(var i:int = 0; i<totalImages; i++){
      var loader:Loader = new Loader();
      loader.load(new URLRequest("images/"+String(xml.children()[i].@brand)));
    //      loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS,onProgress);
    function onComplete(e:Event):void{
    if(imagesLoaded == totalImages){
    function createImages():void{
    for(var i:int = 0; i < images.length; i++){
      var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap();
      bm = Bitmap(images[i].content);
      bm.smoothing = true;
      bm.x = i*170;
          var caption:textfile=new textfile();
          caption.x=i*170; // fix text positions (x,y) here

    yes, sorry i do wish to click on individual images but dont know how to code that
    as i mentioned i have 6 images that load into an array and then into a container and i think that maybe the problem is that i have the listener on the container so when i click on any image it gives the same results.
    what i would like is have code thats says
    if i click on image 1 then do this
    if i click on image 2 then do something different
    hope that makes sense
    thanks for you help!

  • Dynamic picture gallery

    I'm trying to create a dynamic image gallery that is updated
    from a database, i managed to create a simple mysql database
    using phpmy admin, so I could update my image gallery more
    often, I saw something that I like but I have no idea how to create
    it here is the example:
    I didnt manage to create this with dynamic table from within
    dreamweaver 8, maybe I just don't know how,
    this is the link to a gallery on my website:
    I need all the help I can get
    I'm using dreamweaver 8 on a Mac and using PHP/MySql server

    All you need to is put a repeat region on the page and then
    apply something
    like a horizontal looper to it to get the number of images
    across that you
    want. I know that there is a commercial extension for DW but
    there also may
    be free php ones. Do a google search on horizontal looper +
    Paul Whitham
    Certified Dreamweaver MX2004 Professional
    Adobe Community Expert - Dreamweaver
    Valleybiz Internet Design
    "uvi" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:eiqtu3$c1b$[email protected]..
    > I'm trying to create a dynamic image gallery that is
    updated from a
    > database, i
    > managed to create a simple mysql database
    > using phpmy admin, so I could update my image gallery
    more often, I saw
    > something that I like but I have no idea how to create
    it here is the
    > example:
    > I didnt manage to create this with dynamic table from
    within dreamweaver
    > 8,
    > maybe I just don't know how,
    > this is the link to a gallery on my website:
    I need all the help I can
    > get
    > I'm using dreamweaver 8 on a Mac and using PHP/MySql
    server model.

  • How do get a dynamic image to open in new browser window

    I'm using DW CS3, mysql (MAMP)   OS 10.6.2   I'm designing my online store.  I need the customer to be able to click dynamic image/thumbnails to view a larger image in a new browser pop up window 400 x 400.  An example of this functionality can be seen at :
    So far I can get the separate new browser window to open with the dynamic image, using the open new browser behavior, but the on click also advances to next page with the larger image. You have to press the back button to get back to the product page.  I want the customer to be able to see the product page , while viewing larger image, and then close larger image, and still have the product page open. I don't understand why 2 windows are opening.
    Thanks for the help people!

    I did look at it but, (and this is only my opinion, I do not like such effects) it is your decision.
    If you view source you will see -
    <a href="#" onclick="popWin('http://www.designpublic.com/catalog/product/gallery/id/12706/image/91883/', 'gallery', 'width=300,height=300,left=50,top=50,location=no,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); return false;" title="Spot on Square Roh Dresser" class="gallery-image-link"><img src="http://arcsmedia01.s3.amazonaws.com/catalog/product/cache/2/thumbnail/56x56/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/r/o/roh_dresser1.jpg" alt="" /></a>
    Which is controlled by the javascript function
    which you can view using the firefoxe dev toolbar - view javascript function.

  • Dynamic Photo Gallery in Flash using AS3.0 and XML, but it doesn't work and missed up my app.

    I am creating an iPad app using AS3. The app contains three sections.
    One of those sections (chocolate sources)contains Dynamic Photo Gallery using XML. The photos, thumbnails, and text in this section are loaded from XML.
    I faced may issue when I tried to run this app:
    The gallery photos didn't show up
    The thumbnails (buttons to navigate the photo gallery) didn't show up at all. (The thumbnails should show up under the photo gallery box.)
    The text doesn't show up (the text should be in every photo as describtion)
    I want to include Swipe in the photo gallery, how can I do that?
    When I click on "Chocolate Sources" button, the photo gallery appears in every section, here are print screens describe what I mean:
    The photo gallery covers the home screen too.
    Here is my XML:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                                            Cocoa tree exists in the tropics area, such as Central and South America.
                        Cocoa is supplied in many countries such as Indonesia, Ghana, Brazil, Ecuador and Cameroon.
                                  Dark chocolate helps to relax and reduce the stress and blood pressure because it has antioxidants elements, which helps in vasodilatory process.
                        Chocolate provides energy and hyperactive sometimes because it contains high level of caffeine and sugar.
                        Chocolate could be mixed with many different flavors, such as mint, strawberry, orange, banana, vanilla, hazelnut, almond, coconut, and etc.
                                  Chocolate is expressing of well hospitality and good time due to its lovely taste.
    And here is my Action Script for "Chocolate Sources" section:
    function Choco1(evt:MouseEvent): void {
    function Souc1 (evt:MouseEvent): void {
              gotoAndStop ('31');
    function ShopIn1 (evt:MouseEvent):void {
    import flash.net.URLLoader;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import fl.motion.MotionEvent;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import flash.sampler.NewObjectSample;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    var xmlLoader: URLLoader = new URLLoader (new URLRequest("sources.xml"));
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, finishedXmlLoader);
    var xmlFile:XML;
    var xextend:int = 10;
    var gal:galary = new galary ();
              gal.x = 85;
              gal.y = 165;
    var txfe: TextField = new TextField ();
    txfe.x = 25;
    txfe.y = 45;
    var tformat:TextFormat = new TextFormat ();
    tformat.bold = true;
    tformat.color = 0xFFFFFF;
    tformat.size = "18";
    tformat.font = "Arial";
    txfe.defaultTextFormat = tformat;
    function finishedXmlLoader (e:Event): void{
              xmlFile = new XML (xmlLoader.data);
              var leng:int = xmlFile.image.length();
              txfe.text = xmlFile.image.details[0];
              for (var i:int = 0;i<leng;i++){
                        var b:thumbs = new thumbs ();
                        b.x = xextend;
                        b.y = 480;
                        b.buttonMode = true;
                        b.details = (i+1).toString();
                        b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, theMosover);
                        b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, theMosout);
                        b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMosClick);
                        var bloader:Loader = new Loader();
                        bloader.load(new URLRequest("thumbs/" + (i+1) + ".jpg"));
                        xextend += b.width + 50;
    var loader:Loader = new Loader ();
    loader.load(new URLRequest ("pictures/coca1.jpg"));
    function theMosover(m:MotionEvent):void{
              m.currentTarget.alpha = 0.5;
    function theMosout (m:MouseEvent):void{
              m.currentTarget.alpha = 1.0;
    function onMosClick(m:MouseEvent):void{
              var loader:Loader = new Loader();
              loader.load(new URLRequest("pictures/" + m.currentTarget.details + ".jpg"));
              txfe.text = xmlFile.image.details[int(m.currentTarget.details) -1];
    I need an urgent help to fix the errors and make this section work well.

    txfe.text = xmlFile.section[int(m.currentTarget.details) -1].details;
    instead of
    txfe.text = xmlFile.image.[int(m.currentTarget.details) -1];
    and add your thumbs to gal, not the stage.  when you're done with the gallery, remove gal.

  • Dynamic photo gallery in flex

    superb post for a Dynamic photo gallery using a xml generated flex application http://flexlearner.wordpress.com/2009/09/04/dynamic-photo-gallery-in-flex/

    txfe.text = xmlFile.section[int(m.currentTarget.details) -1].details;
    instead of
    txfe.text = xmlFile.image.[int(m.currentTarget.details) -1];
    and add your thumbs to gal, not the stage.  when you're done with the gallery, remove gal.

  • Need Help With Image Gallery

    Hey all, I need a simple image gallery to load when you click a button.  I've tried shadowbox but have had absolutely zero luck. I'm not sure how to load it from a flash file and I know there is work that has to be done outside of flash like in the root folder. All I need is  for a simple image gallery, nothing fancy, to open when I hit a button. If anyone could explain how to use shadowbox in lamens terms or knows how to easily script a gallery that would be amazing.

    What script version is your target? AS2 or AS3

  • Image Gallery Rollover effect

    First Issue: I've dynamically created the image gallery, on
    rollover or mouseover i'm using the zoom in effect, on rollout i'm
    using the zoom out effect (that will return to the original size).
    zm = new Zoom(timg);
    zm.zoomHeightFrom = 1.2;
    zm.zoomWidthFrom = 1.2;
    zm.zoomHeightTo = 1;
    zm.zoomWidthTo = 1;
    It is working fine when the mouse is moved slowly (after
    playing the full zoom), if i move rapidly (if i rollout before the
    play effect finishes), the image's position will be changed. Please
    give me a solution for this.
    Second issue: I'm also trying to mask the image. all the
    thumbnails will be inside a canvas. How to mask the image with the
    sprite and use the zoom effect.
    Thanks in advance.

    use google to search for "flash tsunami tutorial".  specify your actionscript version if needed.

  • I need to create an image gallery

    I'm looking for a tutorial which explains me how to create a simple AS3 image gallery driven by an XML file.
    The gallery I need is really simple:
    - an horizontal bar placed on the bottom containing the thumbnails which scrolls left and right according to the mouse pointer
    - clicking on a thumbnail the full image must be shown above the thumbnails' bar
    - buttons for prev and next image
    - clicking on the button which opens the gallery I must be able to pass a variable to make the gallery load the proper xml file (I've got 6 different categories to show)
    That's all I need.
    Do you know where I could find a tutorial?

    I'm trying to do it by myself.
    I've decided to give to the xml file this structure
        <img thumb='img_001_thumb.jpg' full='img_001_full.jpg' desc='image 001' />
        <img thumb='img_002_thumb.jpg' full='img_002_full.jpg' desc='image 002' />
    I've found some tutorials where they read the attributes in this way
    where xml is an xml variable containing the xml file's data.
    I think that syntax is for AS2, while I'm using AS3 and it say to me that a semicolon is expected before atsign.
    How can I read the attributes thumb, full and desc in AS3?

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