Dynamic select sql statement

Hi currently i have a problem with the sql statement.
The field name and the table name of the sql statement will depend on what the user input. We need to find out what records is in tableA columnA and not in tableB columnB.
Below is my sql statement:
ColumnA = "the user input the field name"
TableA = " the user input the table name"
TableB = " the user input the table name"
The problem lies at the WHERE clause. The system generate a sql error which says "unable to find the field name".

Check the following code:
For dynamic table name....
REPORT demo_select_dynamic_database .
DATA wa TYPE scarr.
WHERE mandt = '000'.
WRITE: / wa-carrid, wa-carrname.
For dynamic field list
REPORT demo_select_dynamic_columns .
            wa LIKE LINE OF itab.
DATA: line(72) TYPE c,
list LIKE TABLE OF line(72).
APPEND line TO list.
FROM spfli.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
LOOP AT itab INTO wa.
WRITE: / wa-cityfrom, wa-cityto.

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    I have created a procedure, in which there is dynamic select query. The procedure has one out put parameter which gives error code. When I compile that procedure it compiles successufully. When I run it it executes successfully and gives output error code. But I don't know how to get resultset of that dynamic select sql query. I need that.
    This is the procedure:
    create or replace
    PROCEDURE uspGetProductDetailsMultiOrder
      v_DefinitionDBName IN VARCHAR2,
         v_CommonDBName IN VARCHAR2,
         v_Filter_FilledStatus IN VARCHAR2,
         v_Filter_Internal_Counterparty IN nvarchar2,
         v_Filter_NoteType IN nvarchar2,
         v_Filter_Exchange IN nvarchar2,
         v_Filter_Issuer IN nvarchar2,
         v_Filter_Product_Category  IN VARCHAR2,
         v_DateToFilter IN VARCHAR2,     
         v_Filter_FromDate IN VARCHAR2,
         v_Filter_ToDate IN VARCHAR2,
         v_Active_YN_Flag IN NVARCHAR2,
         v_Entity_ID IN NVARCHAR2,
         v_ErrorNumber  OUT NUMBER
       v_SelectSQL  nvarchar2(32767);
          v_Setting_Name  nvarchar2(32767);
       v_Default_Value  nvarchar2(32767);
       v_Config_Value  nvarchar2(32767);
       v_CCY_ID  NUMBER(10,0);
       v_CCY_Data  nvarchar2(32767);
       v_CCY_List  nvarchar2(32767);
       v_Seq_Id  NUMBER(10,0);
       SWV_Active_YN_Flag NVARCHAR2(1);
       SWV_VarStr long;--varchar2(4000);
        SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var1 NUMBER(10,0);
       SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var0 NUMBER(10,0);
      CURSOR RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC 
       IS select CS.Setting_Name,Default_Value,Config_Value
       from Config_Settings CS   LEFT OUTER JOIN Entity_Config EC  ON EC.Setting_ID = CS.Setting_ID
       where EC.Entity_ID = v_Entity_ID AND Setting_Level = 'ENTITY';
       CURSOR Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor IS SELECT Id_1,Data_1 FROM table(fnc_SplitString(v_Config_Value,','));
       --CURSOR Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor IS SELECT Id,Data FROM imp;
       CURSOR GetRestrictTemplateListCursor 
      -- is select id,data from imp;
       IS SELECT Id_1,Data_1 FROM table(fnc_SplitString(v_Config_Value,',')) ;
         --Parikshit 18-Jul-2010, active YN flag param added in SP
    SWV_Active_YN_Flag := v_Active_YN_Flag;
       if SWV_Active_YN_Flag = ' '  then
          SWV_Active_YN_Flag := 'Y';
       end if;
       v_SelectSQL := ' ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Select ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  NM.Note_Master_Id, NM.Product_Name, NM.Template_ID, NM.Template_Sr_No, NM.Asset, NM.Exchange, NM.Type, NM.Currency';
         --SET @SelectSQL = @SelectSQL + ' , NM.Trade_Date, NM.Value_Date, NM.Valuation_Date, NM.Maturity_Date, NM.Tenor, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage, (case when (NM.Type like '' ELN%'' or NM.Type like ''RELN%'') THEN  NOP.Issue_Price Else NM.Customer_Price End) as Customer_Price, NM.Dealer_Price, (case when (NM.Type like '' ELN%'' or NM.Type like ''RELN%'') THEN  NOP.Customer_Yield Else NM.Customer_Yield End) as Customer_Yield,  NOP.Dealer_Cost_PA as Internal_Cost '
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NM.Trade_Date, NM.Value_Date, NM.Valuation_Date, NM.Maturity_Date, NM.Tenor, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage, (case when (NM.PriceList_YN = ''Y'') THEN  NOP.Issue_Price Else NM.Customer_Price End) as Customer_Price, NM.Dealer_Price, (case when (NM.PriceList_YN = ''Y'') THEN  NOP.Customer_Yield Else NM.Customer_Yield End) as Customer_Yield,  NOP.Dealer_Cost_PA as Internal_Cost ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NM.Minimum_Issue_Size, NM.Maximum_Issue_Size, NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount, NM.Maximum_Tolerence_Amount, NM.Trigger_Amount_Warning, nvl(NM.PerUnit_Equivalent_Amount,1) as PerUnit_Equivalent_Amount,  NM.Active_YN_Flag, NM.Verify_YN_Flag ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NM.Tranche_YN_Flag, NM.Launch_Date, NM.Open_Date, NM.Close_Date, NM.PreHedged_YN, NM.Created_By, NM.Created_At,  NM.Verified_At, NM.Verified_By, NM.ISIN, NM.Issuer';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NM.Product_Catagory as Product_Category, NM.Note_Issuer_Type as Issuer_Category, NM.Series_No as Series_No, NM.Minimum_Investment_Amount ';
         --Added by Parikshit on 14-Jun-2011, to remove the unwinding amounts from the total issue size
         --SET @SelectSQL = @SelectSQL + ' , NOP.LastTimeWhenProductModified,NOP.Nominal_Amount as Current_Issue_Size, NOP.Filled_Status, NM.Counterparty as Internal_Counterparty  '
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NOP.LastTimeWhenProductModified,(NOP.Nominal_Amount - nvl(ND.Unwind_Amount,0) ) as Current_Issue_Size, NOP.Filled_Status, NM.Counterparty as Internal_Counterparty  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ,T2.Confirmed_Amount, T2.Confirmed_Shares';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , T3.Live_Deals';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , BS.Net_Trade_Hedged, BS.Net_Trade_Outstanding, BS.Hedged_Nominal_BUY, BS.Hedged_Nominal_SELL, BS.Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, BS.Outstanding_Nominal_SELL   ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , ( case    When UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''Y'' Then ''Launched'' ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When ((NM.Maturity_Date IS  NOT NULL) AND to_date(NM.Maturity_Date) <= to_date(sysdate)) Then ''Matured''';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NOT NULL)  Then ''Launched''';     
         --Ready to launch
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date  IS  NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= NM.Minimum_Issue_Size) AND  to_date(Close_Date) > to_date(sysdate) ) Then ''Ready To Launch''';     
         --Ready to launch
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date  IS  NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= (NM.Minimum_Issue_Size - NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount)) AND  to_date(Close_Date)= to_date(sysdate)    )  Then ''Ready To Launch''';     
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date  IS  NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= (NM.Minimum_Issue_Size - NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount)) AND  to_date(Close_Date)< to_date(sysdate)    )  Then ''Ready To Launch''';     
         --Warning trigger reached
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date IS  NOT NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= NM.Trigger_Amount_Warning ))  Then ''Warning Trigger Reached''';          
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              Else ''Not Ready'' ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              End)Launch_Status';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NI.Issuer_Code';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , (nvl(NOP.Nominal_Amount,0) - nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0)) as Unconfirmed_Amount, NM.Upfront as Upfront,   case when UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''Y'' THEN 0 else (nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0) - nvl(BS.Net_Trade_Hedged,0)) end as ReadyToHedge';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NOP.Hard_Margin  as Margin_Amount, NM.YearBasis as YearBasis, NM.Note_Product_Rating as Equity_Risk_Score, AD.Equity_Asset_Class ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  , NM.Note_Product_Rating as Product_Rating,  NOP.PO_ID, AD.LotSize as Lot_Size, NM.Max_Orders_Per_Product as MAX_Orders, NOP.Order_Count as Current_Order_Count,  nvl(NM.Denomination_Ccy,NM.Currency) as Denomination_Ccy, NM.Note_Scheme_Type as Underlying_Type, NM.Note_Asset_Class as Asset_Class, NULL as Product_Created_YN, NULL as Product_Created_ID,  ( (case when NM.Note_Order_Type = '''' then N''Market'' else NM.Note_Order_Type end )  ) as  Order_Type, NOP.Spot_Price, NM.Note_Price_Link, NOP.Strike_Price, NVL(NM.C_Fixing_Frequency,''Atmaturity'') as Fixing_Frequency, NM.Document_Uploaded_YN, NM.Document_Uploaded_At, NM.Document_Uploaded_By, NM.Document_File_Name, NM.Document_File_Extension, NM.Document_File_Path, NM.CutOff_Time, NM.Soft_Tenor, NM.NM_Sn_Code_All, NULL as Note_Price_Source, AD.LongName, NVL(NM.Pricelist_YN,''N'') as Pricelist_YN, AD.AlternateIdentifierAlias as Underlying, NM.Note_Issuer_Date_Offset, NM.Counterparty as Note_Counter_Party, NULL as
    Note_Premium_PC  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  , NI.Issuer_Name, IP.Issuer_Id, IP.Broad_Cash, IP.Odd_Cash, IP.Account_Note, IP.Rounding, IP.Decimal_Truncate, IP.Misc1 as Recidual_YN, NM.Note_Issuer_Type, NM.Target_Coupon, C_Fixing_Frequency as C_Fixing_Frequency, NM.Callable_Frequency as Callable_Frequency, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage as C_Note_Strike_PC, NM.NM_Airbag_PC as  Airbag_PC, C_Note_Barrier_PC as C_Note_Barrier_PC, TM.Template_Name, ''Product'' as Record_Type, NM.C_Settlement_Frequency, NM.Coupon_Frequency, NM.NM_Fixing_Source as Note_Fixing_Source, NM.Order_Entry_Type, (nvl(NM.Minimum_Issue_Size,0) - nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0)) as Remaining_Launch_Amount, NM.C_Fixing_Start_Point, NM.C_Fixing_End_Point, NM.Order_Entry_Type, SC.Scheme_Alias, SC.Scheme_Name, CM.CM_ID, CM.CM_Name as Counterparty_Name, NM.NM_Other_Features as Other_Features, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage as Accrual_Strike, NM.NM_KnockIn as KnockIn, NM.NM_Airbag_Type, NM.NM_Put_strike as Put_Strike, NM.NM_Accrual_Strike,
    NM.NM_Counterparty_Upfront,  NM.Price_Updated_YN as Prices_Updated_YN, AD.Code as Asset_Name,NULL as KO_FREQ_TYPE, NM.Daily_Accumalation_Equities, NM.MaxNoAcc_days, NM.Guaranteed_Days, NM.Leverage_ratio, NM.NORM_IF, NM.NORM_PAIR, NM.NORM_FXRate ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' from ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName|| '.Note_Master NM  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || 'Left Outer Join ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Issuer_Master NI ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On NM.Issuer = (case when  ISNUMERIC(NM.Issuer) = 0  then  cast (NI.Issuer_Name as nvarchar2(25))  else  cast(NI.Issuer_Id as nvarchar2(25)) end )';     
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Order_Product NOP ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On NOP.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_DefinitionDBName||'.AssetDef AD ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On AD.Code = NM.Asset';
         v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND AD.TypeAsset  = substr(NM.Note_Asset_Class,1,2) ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Issuer_Parameter IP ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On NM.Issuer = (case when  ISNUMERIC(NM.Issuer) = 0  then  cast (IP.Issuer_Name as nvarchar2(25))  else  cast(IP.Issuer_Id as nvarchar2(25)) end )';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Template_Master TM ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On  TM.Template_Id =  NM.Template_ID ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Scheme_Codes SC ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On  SC.Scheme_Alias =  NM.Type';     
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Counterparty_Master CM ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On  CM.CM_ID =  NM.Counterparty';     
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join      ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ( ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Select Note_master_ID, sum(Nominal_Amt) as Unwind_Amount from ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Deals ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' where Prematurity_Date IS NOT NULL';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND (UPPER(Deletion_Reason ) = ''PART REDEMPTION'' or UPPER(Deletion_Reason ) = ''FULL REDEMPTION'')';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Group by Note_master_ID ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ) ND ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On  ND.Note_Master_ID =  NM.Note_Master_ID';
    if  (v_Filter_FilledStatus = ' ' OR UPPER(v_Filter_FilledStatus) = 'ALL' ) then
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NOP.Filled_Status IN (' || v_Filter_FilledStatus  || ')';
       end if;                         
         --AND NOP.Internal_Counterparty = 'DEFAULT''
       if(SUBSTR(to_char(v_Filter_Internal_Counterparty),1,4000)= ' ')  then
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NOP.Internal_Counterparty IN (' || v_Filter_Internal_Counterparty || ')';
       end if;                    
         --SET @SelectSQL = @SelectSQL + ' --Filter--'
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' (';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   select Note_Master_ID, sum(Nominal_Amount) As Confirmed_Amount, sum(No_Of_Shares)  As Confirmed_Shares  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   from '||v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Order_RM  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   Where substr(UPPER(Order_Status_Flag),1,6) = ''YYYYYY'' AND substr(substr(UPPER(Order_Status_Flag),1,7),-1,1) = ''N'' ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   group by  Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ) T2';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ON T2.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' LEFT OUTER JOIN';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' (';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   Select ND.Note_Master_ID, sum(ND.Nominal_Amt) As Live_Deals ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   from '||v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Deals ND  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   where ND.Active_YNFlag = ''Y'' ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   group by  Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ) T3';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ON T3.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  LEFT OUTER JOIN';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  (';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  (CAST(SUM(Hedged_Nominal_Buy) AS BINARY_FLOAT) -CAST(SUM(Hedged_Nominal_Sell) AS BINARY_FLOAT))  Net_Trade_Hedged,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  (CAST(SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_BUY) AS BINARY_FLOAT) -CAST(SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_SELL) AS BINARY_FLOAT))  Net_Trade_Outstanding,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(Hedged_Nominal_BUY) AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(Hedged_Nominal_SELL) AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_BUY) AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_SELL) As Outstanding_Nominal_SELL';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  From';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  (';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(NH_Hedged_Nominal) AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, 0 AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(NH_Outstanding_Nominal) AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, 0 AS Outstanding_Nominal_SELL';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  FROM '||v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Hedge  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  WHERE NH_Direction = ''BUY'' ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  Union';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  0 AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, SUM(NH_Hedged_Nominal) AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  0 AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, SUM(NH_Outstanding_Nominal) AS Outstanding_Nominal_SELL';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  FROM '||v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Hedge  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  WHERE NH_Direction = ''SELL''  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  ) ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  ) BS';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  ON BS.NH_Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Where NM.Verify_YN_Flag = ''Y'' ';
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NM.Active_YN_Flag = ''' || SWV_Active_YN_Flag || '''';
       if(SUBSTR(to_char(v_Filter_NoteType),1,4000) = ' ' OR UPPER(v_Filter_NoteType) = 'ALL' ) then
               v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NM.Type IN (' || v_Filter_NoteType  || ')';
       end if;     
    IF UPPER(v_Entity_ID) <> 'ALL'  then
          OPEN RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC;
          FETCH RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC INTO v_Setting_Name,v_Default_Value,v_Config_Value;
          WHILE RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC%FOUND   LOOP
         --2) Convert comma separated ccy (CNY,HKD,USD) string to single quote ccy with comma separated Ccy ('CNY','HKD','USD') string
             if (UPPER(v_Setting_Name) = 'RESTRICT_TERMSHEET_VISIBILITY_BY_CCY')  then
                if v_Config_Value is not null  then
              SELECT COUNT(Id_1) INTO SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var0 FROM TABLE(fnc_SplitString(v_Config_Value,',')) ;
                   IF (SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var0 > 0)  then
                        --print 'Before Single  quote separated ccy : ' + '''' + @Config_Value + ''''
                      v_Seq_Id := 0;
                      OPEN Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor;
                      FETCH Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor
                      INTO v_CCY_ID,v_CCY_Data;
                      WHILE Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor%FOUND   LOOP
                         if v_Seq_Id = 0  then
                            v_CCY_List := '''' || v_CCY_Data || '''';
                            v_CCY_List := v_CCY_List || ',' || '''' || v_CCY_Data || '''';
                         end if;
                         v_Seq_Id := v_Seq_Id+1;
                         FETCH Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor INTO v_CCY_ID,v_CCY_Data;
                      END LOOP;
                      CLOSE Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor;
                        --print 'After Single quote ccy : ' + @CCY_List
                      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND nvl(NM.Denomination_Ccy,NM.Currency) NOT IN (' || v_CCY_List   || ')';
                   end if;
                end if;
             end if;
    --3) Convert comma separated template (ELN,BELN,BELN_B) string to single quote template code with comma separated template ('ELN','BELN','BELN_B') string
             if (UPPER(v_Setting_Name) = 'RESTRICT_TERMSHEET_VISIBILITY_BY_SUBSCHEME')  then
                if v_Config_Value is not null then
          SELECT COUNT(Id_1) INTO SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var1 FROM TABLE(fnc_SplitString(v_Config_Value,',')) ;
                   IF (SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var1 > 0)  then
                      v_Seq_Id := 0;
                      OPEN GetRestrictTemplateListCursor;
                      FETCH GetRestrictTemplateListCursor
                      INTO v_CCY_ID,v_CCY_Data;
                      WHILE GetRestrictTemplateListCursor%FOUND 
                         if v_Seq_Id = 0  then
                            v_CCY_List := '''' || v_CCY_Data || '''';
                            v_CCY_List := v_CCY_List || ',' || '''' || v_CCY_Data || '''';
                         end if;
                         v_Seq_Id := v_Seq_Id+1;
                         FETCH GetRestrictTemplateListCursor INTO v_CCY_ID,v_CCY_Data;
                      END LOOP;
                      CLOSE GetRestrictTemplateListCursor;
                   --print 'After Single quote template code: ' + @CCY_List
                      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND TM.Template_Code NOT IN (' || v_CCY_List   || ')';
                   end if;
                end if;
             end if;
             FETCH RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC INTO v_Setting_Name,v_Default_Value,v_Config_Value;
          END LOOP;
          CLOSE RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC;
       end if;
      if  (v_Filter_Exchange = ' ' OR UPPER(v_Filter_Exchange) = 'ALL')  then
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NM.Exchange IN (' || v_Filter_Exchange  || ')';
       end if;                         
         --SET @SelectSQL = @SelectSQL + ' --AND NM.Issuer = 4'
      if  (v_Filter_Issuer = ' ' OR UPPER(v_Filter_Issuer) = 'ALL') then
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NM.Issuer IN (' || v_Filter_Issuer  || ')';
       end if;     
          if  v_Filter_Product_Category    = ' '  then
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND UPPER(NM.Note_Issuer_Type) IN (''' || v_Filter_Product_Category  || ''')';
       end if;          
       if UPPER(v_DateToFilter) = 'NA'  then
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
          if UPPER(v_DateToFilter) = 'CLOSE_DATE'  then
             v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND to_char( '|| v_DateToFilter || ') >= to_date(''' || v_Filter_ToDate ||  ''');
                             -- AND convert(smalldatetime,''' || v_Filter_ToDate || ''',106) ';
             v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND to_char(''' || v_DateToFilter || ''') BETWEEN to_date(''' || v_Filter_FromDate ||  ''') AND to_date(''' || v_Filter_ToDate || ''') ';
          end if;
       end if;
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Order by NM.Product_Name';
       SWV_VarStr := v_SelectSQL;
       IF SQLCODE <> 0  then
       end if;
       IF SQL%rowcount > 0  then
       end if;     --Commit Transaction
       v_ErrorNumber := SQLCODE;
       << ERROR_HANDLER >> v_ErrorNumber := SQLCODE;
       SWV_TRANCOUNT := 0;     --Rollback Transaction
    END;Please suggest something. Thanks
    Edited by: BluShadow on 30-Nov-2011 11:00
    added {noformat}{noformat} tags for formatting of code.  Please read {message:id=9360002} to learn to do this yourself in future.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    Connecting to the database sample_adf_finiq_common.
    Select NM.Note_Master_Id, NM.Product_Name, NM.Template_ID, NM.Template_Sr_No, NM.Asset, NM.Exchange, NM.Type, NM.Currency , NM.Trade_Date, NM.Value_Date, NM.Valuation_Date, NM.Maturity_Date, NM.Tenor, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage, (case when (NM.PriceList_YN = 'Y') THEN NOP.Issue_Price Else NM.Customer_Price End) as Customer_Price, NM.Dealer_Price, (case when (NM.PriceList_YN = 'Y') THEN NOP.Customer_Yield Else NM.Customer_Yield End) as Customer_Yield, NOP.Dealer_Cost_PA as Internal_Cost , NM.Minimum_Issue_Size, NM.Maximum_Issue_Size, NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount, NM.Maximum_Tolerence_Amount, NM.Trigger_Amount_Warning, nvl(NM.PerUnit_Equivalent_Amount,1) as PerUnit_Equivalent_Amount, NM.Active_YN_Flag, NM.Verify_YN_Flag , NM.Tranche_YN_Flag, NM.Launch_Date, NM.Open_Date, NM.Close_Date, NM.PreHedged_YN, NM.Created_By, NM.Created_At, NM.Verified_At, NM.Verified_By, NM.ISIN, NM.Issuer , NM.Product_Catagory as Product_Category, NM.Note_Issuer_Type as Issuer_Category, NM.Series_No as Series_No, NM.Minimum_Investment_Amount , NOP.LastTimeWhenProductModified,(NOP.Nominal_Amount - nvl(ND.Unwind_Amount,0) ) as Current_Issue_Size, NOP.Filled_Status, NM.Counterparty as Internal_Counterparty ,T2.Confirmed_Amount, T2.Confirmed_Shares , T3.Live_Deals , BS.Net_Trade_Hedged, BS.Net_Trade_Outstanding, BS.Hedged_Nominal_BUY, BS.Hedged_Nominal_SELL, BS.Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, BS.Outstanding_Nominal_SELL , ( case When UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'Y' Then 'Launched' When ((NM.Maturity_Date IS NOT NULL) AND to_date(NM.Maturity_Date) <= to_date(sysdate)) Then 'Matured' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NOT NULL) Then 'Launched' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= NM.Minimum_Issue_Size) AND to_date(Close_Date) > to_date(sysdate) ) Then 'Ready To Launch' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= (NM.Minimum_Issue_Size - NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount)) AND to_date(Close_Date)= to_date(sysdate) ) Then 'Ready To Launch' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= (NM.Minimum_Issue_Size - NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount)) AND to_date(Close_Date)< to_date(sysdate) ) Then 'Ready To Launch' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NOT NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= NM.Trigger_Amount_Warning )) Then 'Warning Trigger Reached' Else 'Not Ready' End)Launch_Status , NI.Issuer_Code , (nvl(NOP.Nominal_Amount,0) - nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0)) as Unconfirmed_Amount, NM.Upfront as Upfront, case when UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'Y' THEN 0 else (nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0) - nvl(BS.Net_Trade_Hedged,0)) end as ReadyToHedge , NOP.Hard_Margin as Margin_Amount, NM.YearBasis as YearBasis, NM.Note_Product_Rating as Equity_Risk_Score, AD.Equity_Asset_Class , NM.Note_Product_Rating as Product_Rating, NOP.PO_ID, AD.LotSize as Lot_Size, NM.Max_Orders_Per_Product as MAX_Orders, NOP.Order_Count as Current_Order_Count, nvl(NM.Denomination_Ccy,NM.Currency) as Denomination_Ccy, NM.Note_Scheme_Type as Underlying_Type, NM.Note_Asset_Class as Asset_Class, NULL as Product_Created_YN, NULL as Product_Created_ID, ( (case when NM.Note_Order_Type = '' then N'Market' else NM.Note_Order_Type end ) ) as Order_Type, NOP.Spot_Price, NM.Note_Price_Link, NOP.Strike_Price, NVL(NM.C_Fixing_Frequency,'Atmaturity') as Fixing_Frequency, NM.Document_Uploaded_YN, NM.Document_Uploaded_At, NM.Document_Uploaded_By, NM.Document_File_Name, NM.Document_File_Extension, NM.Document_File_Path, NM.CutOff_Time, NM.Soft_Tenor, NM.NM_Sn_Code_All, NULL as Note_Price_Source, AD.LongName, NVL(NM.Pricelist_YN,'N') as Pricelist_YN, AD.AlternateIdentifierAlias as Underlying, NM.Note_Issuer_Date_Offset, NM.Counterparty as Note_Counter_Party, NULL as
    Note_Premium_PC , NI.Issuer_Name, IP.Issuer_Id, IP.Broad_Cash, IP.Odd_Cash, IP.Account_Note, IP.Rounding, IP.Decimal_Truncate, IP.Misc1 as Recidual_YN, NM.Note_Issuer_Type, NM.Target_Coupon, C_Fixing_Frequency as C_Fixing_Frequency, NM.Callable_Frequency as Callable_Frequency, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage as C_Note_Strike_PC, NM.NM_Airbag_PC as Airbag_PC, C_Note_Barrier_PC as C_Note_Barrier_PC, TM.Template_Name, 'Product' as Record_Type, NM.C_Settlement_Frequency, NM.Coupon_Frequency, NM.NM_Fixing_Source as Note_Fixing_Source, NM.Order_Entry_Type, (nvl(NM.Minimum_Issue_Size,0) - nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0)) as Remaining_Launch_Amount, NM.C_Fixing_Start_Point, NM.C_Fixing_End_Point, NM.Order_Entry_Type, SC.Scheme_Alias, SC.Scheme_Name, CM.CM_ID, CM.CM_Name as Counterparty_Name, NM.NM_Other_Features as Other_Features, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage as Accrual_Strike, NM.NM_KnockIn as KnockIn, NM.NM_Airbag_Type, NM.NM_Put_strike as Put_Strike, NM.NM_Accrual_Strike,
    NM.NM_Counterparty_Upfront, NM.Price_Updated_YN as Prices_Updated_YN, AD.Code as Asset_Name,NULL as KO_FREQ_TYPE, NM.Daily_Accumalation_Equities, NM.MaxNoAcc_days, NM.Guaranteed_Days, NM.Leverage_ratio, NM.NORM_IF, NM.NORM_PAIR, NM.NORM_FXRate from Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Master NM Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Issuer_Master NI On NM.Issuer = (case when ISNUMERIC(NM.Issuer) = 0 then cast (NI.Issuer_Name as nvarchar2(25)) else cast(NI.Issuer_Id as nvarchar2(25)) end ) Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Order_Product NOP On NOP.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.AssetDef AD On AD.Code = NM.Asset AND AD.TypeAsset = substr(NM.Note_Asset_Class,1,2) Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Issuer_Parameter IP On NM.Issuer = (case when ISNUMERIC(NM.Issuer) = 0 then cast (IP.Issuer_Name as nvarchar2(25)) else cast(IP.Issuer_Id as nvarchar2(25)) end ) Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Template_Master TM On TM.Template_Id = NM.Template_ID Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Scheme_Codes SC On SC.Scheme_Alias = NM.Type Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Counterparty_Master CM On CM.CM_ID = NM.Counterparty Left Outer Join      ( Select Note_master_ID, sum(Nominal_Amt) as Unwind_Amount from Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Deals where Prematurity_Date IS NOT NULL AND (UPPER(Deletion_Reason ) = 'PART REDEMPTION' or UPPER(Deletion_Reason ) = 'FULL REDEMPTION') Group by Note_master_ID ) ND On ND.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID AND NOP.Internal_Counterparty IN (1) LEFT OUTER JOIN ( select Note_Master_ID, sum(Nominal_Amount) As Confirmed_Amount, sum(No_Of_Shares) As Confirmed_Shares from Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Order_RM Where substr(UPPER(Order_Status_Flag),1,6) = 'YYYYYY' AND substr(substr(UPPER(Order_Status_Flag),1,7),-1,1) = 'N' group by Note_Master_ID ) T2 ON T2.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN ( Select ND.Note_Master_ID, sum(ND.Nominal_Amt) As Live_Deals from Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Deals ND where ND.Active_YNFlag = 'Y' group by Note_Master_ID ) T3 ON T3.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID, (CAST(SUM(Hedged_Nominal_Buy) AS BINARY_FLOAT) -CAST(SUM(Hedged_Nominal_Sell) AS BINARY_FLOAT)) Net_Trade_Hedged, (CAST(SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_BUY) AS BINARY_FLOAT) -CAST(SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_SELL) AS BINARY_FLOAT)) Net_Trade_Outstanding, SUM(Hedged_Nominal_BUY) AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, SUM(Hedged_Nominal_SELL) AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL, SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_BUY) AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_SELL) As Outstanding_Nominal_SELL From ( SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID, SUM(NH_Hedged_Nominal) AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, 0 AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL, SUM(NH_Outstanding_Nominal) AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, 0 AS Outstanding_Nominal_SELL FROM Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Hedge WHERE NH_Direction = 'BUY' GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID Union SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID, 0 AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, SUM(NH_Hedged_Nominal) AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL, 0 AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, SUM(NH_Outstanding_Nominal) AS Outstanding_Nominal_SELL FROM Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Hedge WHERE NH_Direction = 'SELL' GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID ) GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID ) BS ON BS.NH_Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID Where NM.Verify_YN_Flag = 'Y' AND NM.Active_YN_Flag = 'Y' AND UPPER(NM.Note_Issuer_Type) IN ('Internal') AND to_char('16-oct-11') BETWEEN to_date('15-oct-11') AND to_date('17-oct-11') Order by NM.Product_Name
    Process exited.
    Disconnecting from the database sample_adf_finiq_common.
    here v_errornumber=0 is the output when i run it in oracle sql developer.

  • How to dynamic create Select SQL statements.

    Hi frnds,
    I want to make a SELECT statement in which all values I will get dynamically. Like i have two fields on selection screen, one for table name and one for field name. Now I need to make my ITAB according to the table selected and field name selected. So finally my ITAB will be having the field which I chosen from selection screen.
    Now how can I make a dynamic ITAB and how to create a dynamic SELECT statement?
    It wud be great if you can help me.

    Here is a sample program....
    This will get you started in programming a dynamic internal table as well as dynamic select.
    report zrich_0002.
    type-pools: slis.
    field-symbols: <dyn_table> type standard table,
    data: alv_fldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
          it_fldcat type lvc_t_fcat.
    type-pools : abap.
    data : it_details type abap_compdescr_tab,
           wa_details type abap_compdescr.
    data : ref_descr type ref to cl_abap_structdescr.
    data: new_table type ref to data,
          new_line  type ref to data,
          wa_it_fldcat type lvc_s_fcat.
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text .
    parameters: p_table(30) type c.
    selection-screen end of block b1.
    * Get the structure of the table.
    ref_descr ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( p_table ).
    it_details[] = ref_descr->components[].
    loop at it_details into wa_details.
      clear wa_it_fldcat.
      wa_it_fldcat-fieldname = wa_details-name .
      wa_it_fldcat-datatype = wa_details-type_kind.
      wa_it_fldcat-intlen = wa_details-length.
      wa_it_fldcat-decimals = wa_details-decimals.
      append wa_it_fldcat to it_fldcat .
    * Create dynamic internal table and assign to FS
    call method cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
                    it_fieldcatalog = it_fldcat
                    ep_table        = new_table.
    assign new_table->* to <dyn_table>.
    * Create dynamic work area and assign to FS
    create data new_line like line of <dyn_table>.
    assign new_line->* to <dyn_wa>.
    * Select Data from table.
    select * into corresponding fields of table <dyn_table>
               from (p_table).
    * Write out data from table.
    loop at <dyn_table> into <dyn_wa>.
        assign component  sy-index  of structure <dyn_wa> to <dyn_field>.
        if sy-subrc <> 0.
        if sy-index = 1.
          write:/ <dyn_field>.
          write: <dyn_field>.
    Rich Heilman
    Message was edited by: Rich Heilman

  • Dynamic Tables & SQL Statements

    A user types in a SQL statement, " Country = 'US' ", into a input field. i read it and copy into table A. how am i supposed to use the statement found in the table to do a comparison of data from table B? i've found a example in the abap documentation but i'm not sure how to retrieve the statement from table A. please provide sample codes so i know how it works. i'll reward handsomely if the answer's close (((((((:
    Thanks (:
    REPORT demo_special_tech_subroutine_1.
    DATA: code TYPE TABLE OF rssource-line,
          prog(8) TYPE c, msg(120) TYPE c, lin(3) TYPE c,
          wrd(10) TYPE c, off(3) TYPE c.
            TO code.
            TO code.
       'WRITE / ''Hello, I am the temporary subroutine DYN1!''.' "#EC NOTEXT
            TO code.
            TO code.
            TO code.
       'WRIT / ''Hello, I am the temporary subroutine DYN2!''.'  "#EC NOTEXT
            TO code.
            TO code.
                             MESSAGE msg
                             LINE    lin
                             WORD    wrd
                             OFFSET  off.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      WRITE: / 'Error during generation in line', lin,           "#EC NOTEXT
             / msg,
             / 'Word:', wrd, 'at offset', off.                   "#EC NOTEXT
      WRITE: / 'The name of the subroutine pool is', prog.       "#EC NOTEXT
      SKIP 2.
      PERFORM dyn1 IN PROGRAM (prog).
      SKIP 2.
      PERFORM dyn2 IN PROGRAM (prog).
    Edited by: Leslie Koh on Jan 16, 2008 6:31 AM

    Check below comments:
    types: begin of ty_code,   " Type declaration
             text type char255,
           end of ty_code.
    data: it_code type table of ty_code, " Internal table to hold the dynamic WHERE condition
          wa_code type ty_code. " Work Area
    select * from <tabA> into <itabA>. " tabA is the first table which holds the SQL conditions
    loop at <itabA> into <waA>.
         move <waA>-cfield to wa_code-text. " In this example as presuming CFIELD has the SQL condition
         append wa_code to it_code. " Am preparing an internal table with all the conditions
    * Note that if you have more than one condition you may need to add AND to starting 2nd line
    * Now the conditions exists in table it_code, Use the same for next select
    select * from <tabB> into <itabB>
           where (it_code). " Retreiving data from table tabB with the SQL conditions from tabA
    Hope this helps you understand.
    Try using the above code in a temporary program, replace <tabA> with your first table that holds SQL conditions, <tabB> with the second table.
    Kind Regards

  • How to dynamically create sql statement for Defaulting Segment Values?

    1) Descriptive/Segments
    2) Query for DFF to be modified
    3) Uncheck “Freeze Flexfield Definition”
    4) (B) Segments
    5) Segments Summary form opens
    6) (B) open - Segments form opens
    Now, here I want to specify Default type as "SQL Statement" and in the default value field I want to use SQL statement with parameters (to evaluate the default value).
    The parameters should be pass at runtime from the form in which we have this DFF. The parameters value should be one of the values which get evaluated at runtime in the form window.
    Please suggest how we can achieve this?
    Or is there any alternative to achieve this?
    Edited by: Narender Singh on Mar 30, 2010 7:47 AM
    Edited by: Narender Singh on Mar 30, 2010 7:48 AM

    it is possible, though not so simple as with a report.
    What you need to do is to create a pipelined function, that returns your date and count data. This pipelined function can be the base of a pseudo-table, which can be used in a select. For the pipelined function you need to define types for one row and a table to define the return-type for your function:
    create or replace type calendar_row as object (date_time date, description varchar2(250));
    create type calendar_table as table of calendar_row;
    Then you can create the package with the function:
    create or replace package dyn_calendar is
    procedure set_query(i_query in varchar2);
    function view_source return calendar_table pipelined;
    create or replace package body dyn_calendar is
    v_query varchar2(100) := null;
    procedure set_query(i_query in varchar2) is
    v_query := i_query;
    function view_source return calendar_table pipelined is
    TYPE cursor IS REF CURSOR;
    c_cal cursor;
    v_date_time date := null;
    v_description varchar2(100) := null;
    r_cal calendar_row;
    open c_cal for v_query;
    fetch c_cal into v_date_time, v_description;
    exit when c_cal%notfound;
    r_cal := calendar_row(v_date_time, v_description);
    pipe row(r_cal);
    fetch c_cal into v_date_time, v_description;
    end loop;
    Now you can set query in a PL/SL region before the calendar:
    dyn_calendar.set_query(SELECT count(*), ' || :P8_SOURCE_DATE || ' FROM ' || :P8_SOURCE_TABLE || ' GROUP BY ' || :P8_SOURCE_DATE);
    and you can base your calendar on the query:
    select * from table(dyn_calendar(view_source))
    Good luck,

  • Select SQL statement with variable syntax error

    Hi All,
    I am running a Web Application with a java bean to connect to a mysql database. i have compiled a test .java file whcih works using the same statement that has a problem in my web application. Taking the statement out of the Web App makes it work so it must be this stetment:
    String SQLStatement = "SELECT * FROM MASTER WHERE USERNAME LIKE '"+data+"' ";
    This works fine in testing a separate java file, but it does not compile when running ant build to compile the same line of code for my Web App.
    I have tried many possibilities of changing the syntax to no avail, its a puzzle!
    Many thanks for any swift reply.

    [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\jwsdp-1.3\garland\build\WEB-INF\classe
    [javac] C:\jwsdp-1.3\garland\src\LogonBean.java:20: cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol : variable data
    [javac] location: class logonApp.LogonBean
    IKE '"+data+"' ";
    [javac] C:\jwsdp-1.3\garland\src\LogonBean.java:79: cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol : variable SQLState1
    [javac] location: class logonApp.LogonBean
    [javac] rs = stmt.executeQuery(SQLState1);
    [javac] ^
    [javac] 2 errors
    Thats the compiler error, but it still works on a normal java file. ill try a prepared statement in the mean time.

  • A very slow select with sub selects sql statement on Oracle

    I'm moving an application from MySql to Oracle. The following select were very efficiently executed in MySql. In oracle its slow like a snail.
    Do anyone have a hint on how to speed it up?
    The slow part is the four sub selects in the select part. Removing them makes the select about 50 times faster on Oracle.
    Best Regards,
    (select count(*) from relation rr where rr.document_id = d.id and rr.product_id = ? and (rr.relation_type_id = 'link' OR rr.relation_type_id = 'product')) as relationList,
    (select count(*) from relation rr where rr.document_id = d.id and rr.product_id = ? and rr.relation_type_id = 'number') as relationNumber,
    (select count(*) from relation rr where rr.document_id = d.id and rr.product_id = ? and rr.relation_type_id = 'title') as relationTitle,
    (select count(*) from relation rr where rr.document_id = d.id and rr.product_id = ? and rr.relation_type_id = 'content') as relationText,
    from document d,(
    select distinct r.document_id id
    from relation r
    r.product_id = ?
    ) dd
    where d.id=dd.id

    You are accessing the relation-table too many times, so a rewrite to a query like this
    SQL> select dept.deptno
      2       , dept.dname
      3       , count(decode(job,'CLERK',1)) clerk
      4       , count(decode(job,'MANAGER',1)) manager
      5       , count(decode(job,'SALESMAN',1)) salesman
      6    from dept, emp
      7   where dept.deptno = emp.deptno (+)
      8   group by dept.deptno
      9       , dept.dname
    10  /
        DEPTNO DNAME               CLERK    MANAGER   SALESMAN
            10 ACCOUNTING              1          1          0
            20 RESEARCH                2          1          0
            30 SALES                   1          1          4
            40 OPERATIONS              0          0          0
    4 rijen zijn geselecteerd.will be worth the effort.
    If still not satisfied, you have to do some investigation, as described [url http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=501834&tstart=0]here

  • Obtain Param Array using SELECT SQL statement

    I was trying to use array processing to fetch an array of data from a database. Here is the problem I am facing (I am new to this, so I am sorry if I am doing something silly):
    I am using the following statements in C++:
    OParamArray idParam;
    OParamArray colorParam;
    OParameterCollection paramCol = odb.GetParameters();
    idParam= paramCol.AddTable("idParam",OPARAMETER_OUTVAR,OTYPE_NUMBER,100,10);
    colorParam= paramCol.AddTable("colorParam",OPARAMETER_OUTVAR,OTYPE_VARCHAR2,100,10);
    oresult res1 = odb.ExecuteSQL("select :idParam=MYID, :colorParam=COLOR from MYTABLE"); // MYID and COLOR are the column names
    But after the "ExecuteSQL" call when I check for the values in idParam and miColorParam, I find no values....
    What am I doing wrong? How do I use the SELECT statement with Array Parameters?
    Thanks in advance.

    [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\jwsdp-1.3\garland\build\WEB-INF\classe
    [javac] C:\jwsdp-1.3\garland\src\LogonBean.java:20: cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol : variable data
    [javac] location: class logonApp.LogonBean
    IKE '"+data+"' ";
    [javac] C:\jwsdp-1.3\garland\src\LogonBean.java:79: cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol : variable SQLState1
    [javac] location: class logonApp.LogonBean
    [javac] rs = stmt.executeQuery(SQLState1);
    [javac] ^
    [javac] 2 errors
    Thats the compiler error, but it still works on a normal java file. ill try a prepared statement in the mean time.

  • Dynamic PL/SQL block vs dynamic SQL SELECT

    Hi there,
    I have a question regarding the optimal way to code a dynamic SELECT INTO statement. Below are the 2 posiibilities I know of:
    _1. Dynamically executing the SELECT statement and making use of the INTO clause of the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement_
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_num_of_employees (p_loc VARCHAR2, p_job VARCHAR2)
    v_query_str VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_num_of_employees NUMBER;
    v_query_str := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emp_'
    || p_loc
    || ' WHERE job = :bind_job';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_query_str
    INTO v_num_of_employees
    USING p_job;
    RETURN v_num_of_employees;
    _2. Encapsulating the SELECT INTO statement in a block and dynamically exectuting the block_
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_num_of_employees (p_loc VARCHAR2, p_job VARCHAR2)
    v_query_str VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_num_of_employees NUMBER;
    v_query_str := 'begin
    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO :into_bind FROM emp_'
    || p_loc
    || ' WHERE job = :bind_job;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_query_str
    USING out v_num_of_employees, p_job;
    RETURN v_num_of_employees;
    I was just wondering which way would be preferred? I know the second method uses a bind variable for the INTO clause, but does the first one also use bind varialbes (no semi-colon)? Any differences in terms of efficiency or speed?
    Thanks alot
    Edited by: BYS2 on Oct 19, 2011 1:23 AM

    sybrand_b wrote:
    No difference in terms of performance or speed
    Both variants will wreck the primary purpose of PL/SQL: to avoid parsing.
    When I would see a 'developer' do this, I would fire him on the spot.
    Why abuse PL/SQL in such a fashion? Both statements don't require parsing, as there is nothing dynamic in them and indicate a complete lack of understanding of Oracle, or a desire to deliver completely unscalable applications, resulting in end-users desiring to lynch you, and rightly so.
    Remove the dynamic SQL or find another job.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBANot dynamic? What if p_loc and p_job were generated dynamically based on user-input? or what if there were potentially thousands of tables that p_loc could refer to? Should I make a CASE statement with a thousand cases?
    In addition, the first example was actually taken directly from the official Oracle Database Application Developer's Guide (version 10.2). http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14251/adfns_dynamic_sql.htm#i1006429 - look under 'Sample Single-Row Query Using Native Dynamic SQL' heading. Therefore, if you have any issues with this alleged 'improper' usage of dynamic SQL, perhaps you should go talk to Oracle directly.
    While I appreciate your response, I don't think it has occurred that you that not everyone is a 'developer'. In fact, I have only very recently (several days ago) taught myself how to use Oracle SQL, PL/SQL and XMLDB by reading several of the official Oracle language and developer's guides. It is more a passing interest to me as I am working on some medical research which may require the use of a database. I am actually in medical school at the moment but have an undergraduate degree in Electrical and Computer engineering so I am generally well-versed in programming.
    Perhaps the next time, you post your rubbish, rude and unhelpful comments, you should stop and think that people come to this forum because they need help and not because they want to be told to 'find another job'. In fact, I am quite certain that I could make you look absolutely stupid in any topic of electrical engineering or medicine.
    Please do us all a favour and stop polluting this forum with your vapid posts. While I understand that your behavior is likely a compensatory mechanism to cope with your inferiority complex, know that help IS available if you need it.
    Edited by: BYS2 on Oct 19, 2011 2:13 AM

  • Building up dymanic SQL statement from user entered fields on a jsp

    Hi guys.
    I'm building up a sql statement from a bunch of input fields that the users can type in on a .jsp page. No real problem there, but I get a problem when they type in words with ' character in it Eg: Don't, I'll etc.
    This confuses the java code totally and usually results in a spectacular crash of the system.
    Any ideas/thought/wild speculations would be most appreciated.
    Elmar Matthee
    University of Stellenbosch
    South Africa

    Even in pure read-only databases SQL injection can be a problem, as the user might be able to read data he should not be able to see.
    You can also create dynamically created sql statements using PreparedStatements, that's not a problem, I'm doing it pretty often myself.
    List<Object> arguments = new ArrayList<Object>();
    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE");
    if (someCondition) {
      sql.append(" foobar = ? ");
      if (someOtherCondition) {
        sql.append(" AND barfoo = ?");
    // later on use setObject() to fill in the parametersObviously you'll have to handle putting the correct ANDs and ORs there, but you probably has solved that already, as it isn't any different if you don't use a PreparedStatement.

  • SQL Statement that will retrieve data from 1 table with 2 conditions

    I have a table "hz_cust_site_uses_all" and I need to retrieve primary_salesrep_id but with the following conditions:
    IF site_use_code = 'SHIP_TO' then
    if primary_salesrep_id is null then
    GET primary_salesrep_id where site_use_code = 'BILL_TO'
    GET primary_salesrep_id;
    Sample Data:
    cust_acct_site_id primary_salesrep site_use_code
    1111 1000 BILL_TO
    1111 1001 SHIP_TO
    How will I convert it in an SELECT SQL statement.
    Thank you.

    Starting in Oracle 9i, you can use the case statement within an SQL statement. It has the functionality of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement.
    The syntax for the case statement is:
    CASE [ expression ]
    WHEN condition_1 THEN result_1
    WHEN condition_2 THEN result_2
    WHEN condition_n THEN result_n
    ELSE result
    For example:
    Select case when site_use_code ='SHIP_TO'
    and primary_salesrep_id is null
    (select primary_salesrep_id
    from hz_cust_site_uses_all
    where site_use_code = 'BILL_TO')
    from hz_cust_site_uses_all;
    hope this help you

  • Is it possible to create a physical DS from an insert SQL statement?

    From the ALDSP docs I came to know we can create a physical data service from a select SQL statement. Can we use an insert statement to create a physical data service? we dont want to use stored procedure for this.
    Please help.

    When you create a physical data service from a database table, the data service will contain a create<tableName> procedure. That procedure will execute an insert statement for the table.

  • How do you include static text in select statement in Dynamic pl/sql

    I want to include some atatic text and get the output of 4 columns joined with a ":" delimiter within them in a select statement built using Dynamic PL/SQL. How do I build it.
    Normal select statement would be
    select 'MY SKU IS : ', col1||':'||col2||':'||col3||':'||col4 from table1 where ....where condition
    and output looks like :
    MY SKU IS a:b:c:d
    Dynamically I have -
    SQL_Stmt := 'select 'MY SKU IS : ', col1||':'||col2||':'||col3||':'||col4 from table1 where '|| wherecondition;
    I understand that this does not work because the single quote terminates the string. But my question is how do I achieve the same result with dynamic PL/SQL ? How do I include the static strings and the delimiters. I have tried using double quote, '\'....

    SQL_Stmt := 'select ''MY SKU is ' || col1 || '':'' ||
                                         col2 || '':'' ||
                                         col3 || '':'' ||
                                         col4 ||
                 ' from table1 where ' || wherecondition;

  • Need to wite pl sql procedure for dynamic select statement

    Need pl sql procedure for a Dynamic select statement which will drop tables older than 45 days
    select 'Drop table'||' ' ||STG_TBL_NAME||'_DTL_STG;' from IG_SESSION_LOG where substr(DTTM_STAMP, 1, 9) < current_date - 45 and INTF_STATUS=0 order by DTTM_STAMP desc;

    I used this to subtract any data older than 2 years, adjustments can be made so that it fits for forty five days, you can see how I changed it from the originaln dd-mon-yyyy to a "monyy", this way it doesn't become confused with the Static data in the in Oracle, and call back to the previous year when unnecessary:

  • How to set Query SQL Statement parameter dynamically in Sender JDBCAdpter

    Hi All,
    I have one scenario in which we are using JDBC Sender Adapter.
    Now in this case,we need to set Query SQL Statement with a SELECT statement based on some fields.
    This SQL statement is not constant, it would need to be changed.
    Means sometimes receiver will want to execute SQL statement with these fields and sometimes they will want to execute it with different fields.
    We can create separate channels for each SQL statement but again that is not an optimum solution.
    So ,I am looking out for a way to set these parameters dynamically or set SQL statement at Runtime.
    Can you all please help me to get this?

    Shweta ,
    <i>Sometimes receiver will want to execute SQL statement dynamically</i>....
    How you will get the query dynamically? Ok Let me assume, consider they are sending the query through file, then its definitely possible. But u need BPM and also not sender JDBC receiver adapter instead, receiver JDBC adapter.
    SQL Query File ->BPM>Synchronous send [Fetch data from DB]--->Response -
    Do u think the above design will suit's ur case!!!!
    Best regards,

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