Dynamically build graph

hi guys ,
I am trying to update a 3d graph dynamically, now its easy to plot the 3d graph when all the values are know . In my case ,check the vi, i have three axis distance wavelength and power. The wave lenght and distance are fixed that is i am taking the wavelength from 1596,35 - 1596,95 and distance from 33572,649 - 34085,735 which in the vi are included as contants .. the power i am measuring from the txt filed which i have attached. Now i want to update the graph in the for loop when the values are being read from the txt file.
let me know if anyone has idea how to do this
Go to Solution.
3d.vi ‏34 KB
power.txt ‏356 KB

Hi nolsqn86,
You wired an empty constant to the inner mesh plot helper.vi - so, the "3d mesh 2" didn't receive any data at all.
I tidied up your blockdiagram and wired the inner mesh plot helper.vi correctly as you did for the outer mesh plot helper.vi
Then I realized Labview is executing this vi so quickly so the "3d mesh 2" has no chance to update the GUI
So, I put in the wait until next ms multiple to give the "3d mesh 2" 100 ms to update. Know you should be able to see the 3d graph being updated as the for loop executes.
There's sometimes a time-lag from iteration to iteration; but mostly each iteration lasts 100 ms. Maybe a "timed loop" will be more accurate.
♜♖ LabView 8.6 - LabView 2014 ♖♜
2013-05-09_3d_rev2.vi ‏127 KB

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    Q2 -- Feb
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    Q2 -- Feb -- Feb
    Q3 -- Mar -- Mar
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    Q2 -- Feb -- NULL
    Q3 -- Mar -- NULL
    Set new CHILD2 column as the property for CHILD column and you'll get your properties as needed. This obviously gets difficult if the dim is large.
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    Hi Anton,
    If I understand you correctly then you have a webdynpro iView with 2 values and you want to access a transaction iView by sending these 2 values as input parameters.
    You can achieve this using Portal Navigation. This document provides details:
    public void navigateAbsolute(java.lang.String navigationTarget,
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                                 java.lang.String windowFeatures,
                                 java.lang.String windowName,
                                 WDPortalNavigationHistoryMode historyMode,
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                                 java.lang.String businessParameters,
                                 java.lang.String applicationParameters,
                                 boolean postParameters,
                                 boolean useSAPLauncher)
    API details:
    Best regards,

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    The following is an excerpt of the code I used. Because of a
    lack of time, I haven't made the code generic. The code is used
    to interface with Oracle Reports 6i & Oracle Configurator. The
    configurator (config_hdr_id & config_rev_nbr) parameters are
    selected by the user and passed into Oracle Reports using related
    dynamic combo-boxes. Pay particular attention to the
    wwpro_api_parameters.get_value function as well as the onChange
    javascript. Hope you can take pieces of this for an example.
    The following is the code for a Portal dynamic page:
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    <title>Configurator Reports</title>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1">
    <!-- Comment out script for old browsers
    ** this function will open a new URL for the Reports CGI
    ** executable to run the report
    function runReport()
    // semi-constants for JavaScript
    var cgiexe = "runrep.sh";
    var slash = "/";
    var colon = ":";
    var qmark = "?";
    var paramsep = "&";
    ** URL parameter values
    ** We should check for nulls, http://, etc. but not for now
    var dtlist = document.REPFORM.WEBHOST;
    var WEBHOST = dtlist.options[dtlist.selectedIndex].value;
    var WEBPORT = document.REPFORM.WEBPORT.value;
    var dtlist = document.REPFORM.SERVER;
    var SERVER = dtlist.options[dtlist.selectedIndex].value;
    var dtlist = document.REPFORM.REPORT;
    var REPORT = dtlist.options[dtlist.selectedIndex].value;
    var dtlist = document.REPFORM.P_HEADER_ID;
    var P_HDR_ID = dtlist.options[dtlist.selectedIndex].value;
    var P_REV_NBR = document.REPFORM.P_REV_NBR.value;
    var dtlist = document.REPFORM.USERID;
    var USERID = dtlist.options[dtlist.selectedIndex].value;
    var dtlist = document.REPFORM.DESTYPE;
    var DESTYPE = dtlist.options[dtlist.selectedIndex].value;
    var dflist = document.REPFORM.DESFORMAT;
    var DESFORMAT = dflist.options[dflist.selectedIndex].value;
    var dtlist = document.REPFORM.MIMETYPE;
    var MIMETYPE = dtlist.options[dtlist.selectedIndex].value;
    // construct the final URL given the parameters
    var URL = "http://" + WEBHOST + colon + WEBPORT +
    + cgiexe + qmark +
    "server=" + SERVER + paramsep +
    "report=" + REPORT + paramsep +
    "p_header_id=" + P_HDR_ID + paramsep +
    "p_rev_nbr=" + P_REV_NBR + paramsep +
    "userid=" + USERID + paramsep +
    "destype=" + DESTYPE + paramsep +
    "desformat=" + DESFORMAT + paramsep +
    "mimetype=" + MIMETYPE;
    // alert("Opening a window with the following URL : \r\r" +
    // open the new window with the constructed URL
    //runWindow = window.open(URL);
    //Point the current window to the URL to run the form
    function getRevision(form)
    var l_config_hdr_id =
    window.location.href =
    return false;
    <form NAME="REPFORM" METHOD="GET" onSubmit="return false">
    <table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING="5" valign="top" align="left">
    <td ALIGN=LEFT COLSPAN="2"><font face="arial" size="-1"><B>Enter
    configuration data and click the button to submit the selected
    <TR><TD> </TD></TR>
    <tr><td valign="top"><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING="2">
    <FONT COLOR="#6666CC" FACE="arial,helvetica"
    SIZE="-1"><NOBR><B>Report Parameters</B></NOBR></FONT>
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Report:</font></td>
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><select NAME="REPORT">
    <option SELECTED
    -- Dynamically retrieving the Configurator Header ID's.
    -- kreierso 8-oct-01
    v_config_hdr_id oc_config_ord_qte_lookup.config_hdr_id%type;
    v_config_hdr_id :=
    htp.p('<TR><TD ALIGN="left"><font face="arial"
    size="-1">Configuration Header ID:</font></TD>');
    htp.p('<TD><font face="arial" size="-1"><SELECT
    NAME="P_HEADER_ID" onchange="getRevision(this.form)">');
    htp.p('<OPTION VALUE=" "> ');
    for r_get_hdr_values in (
    select cz.config_hdr_id, cz.config_rev_nbr
    from cz_config_hdrs cz
    order by cz.config_hdr_id desc
    ) loop
    if v_config_hdr_id = r_get_hdr_values.config_hdr_id then
    end if;
    end loop;
    htp.p('<TR><TD ALIGN="left"><font face="arial"
    size="-1">Configuration Revision:</font></TD>');
    htp.p('<TD><font face="arial" size="-1"><SELECT
    for r_get_rev_values in (
    select cz.config_rev_nbr
    from cz_config_hdrs cz
    where cz.config_hdr_id = v_config_hdr_id
    order by cz.config_rev_nbr desc
    ) loop
    end loop;
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Format:</font></td>
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><select NAME="DESFORMAT">
    <option VALUE="PDF">PDF
    <option VALUE="HTML">HTML</select></font></td>
    <tr><td> </td></tr>
    <td ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT face="arial" size="-1"><input TYPE="SUBMIT"
    NAME="Runrep" VALUE="Run Report"
    <td ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT face="arial" size="-1"><input TYPE="RESET"
    NAME="Reset" VALUE="Reset"></FONT></td>
    <td valign="top"><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING="2">
    <FONT COLOR="#6666CC" FACE="arial,helvetica"
    SIZE="-1"><NOBR><B>Report Paremeters (Hidden
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Userid:</font></td>
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><select NAME="USERID">
    <option SELECTED
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Type:</font></td>
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><select NAME="DESTYPE">
    <option SELECTED VALUE="cache">cache
    <option VALUE="Printer">printer
    <option VALUE="File">file
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Mimetype:</font></td>
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><select NAME="MIMETYPE">
    <option SELECTED VALUE="application/msword">application/msword
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Reports
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><select NAME="SERVER">
    <option SELECTED
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Web Host:</font></td>
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><select NAME="WEBHOST">
    <option SELECTED VALUE="shane.dci.com">shane.dci.com
    <td ALIGN=LEFT><font face="arial" size="-1">Web Port:</font></td>
    <td><font face="arial" size="-1"><input type=hidden
    NAME="WEBPORT" VALUE="7500">7500</font></td>
    <TR><TD> </TD></TR>
    <font face="arial" size="+1" color="#000099">This is currently
    being developed.... ~Thanks, Kirk.</font>

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    This was actually brought up some time ago - I did a check of Essbase 6.5.1 and you cannot update comments with a load rule.A couple of options - you could build an API program to do it, or you could take a look at ESSCMDQ - which is an unsupported utility that Hyperion has for download on Essbase.com. Supposedly they use it for testing the API - it might have a function to update member comments.Regards,Jade--------------------------------Jade ColeSenior Business Intelligence ConsultantClarity [email protected]

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    The Content Area Views describe the information that you can access from PL/SQL.

  • Dynamically build VI using LabVIEW

    I'm currently working on an application and I would like to be able to generate VI's using LabVIEW. I remember seeing something like this being used before, so I would like to know how one would go about accomplishing such a feat. The point is that I want to be able to use LabVIEW to generate LabVIEW VI's add some elements to those VI's (controls, functions, etc).
    Thanks in advance,

    I can not comment on when, but it will become available, someday.
    Vision Builder has been doing this for years.
    The LV State Diagram Editor (which is wonderful by the way) can obviously edit diagrams and is apparently implemented as a VI!
    THe SD Editor (which is great by the way, I love this thing, NO MORE PowerPoint to design) is an incredibly small add-on. This leads me to suspect much of this functionality (i.e. VI's to edit VI's) is already implmented in LV, we just do not have mechanisms to get at it (other than using the very restricted tools mentioned above).
    I stongly agree with Wiebe in that this functionality will be rather challenging to master.
    It will also be dificuly to support!
    Imagine the type of code that would result. here
    is one mind bogling possiblity.
    Write three VI's
    "A.VI" alternately calls "B" and "C".
    "B.VI" Executes a "random VI" evaluates the reuslts and clones a modified version of itself as "C.VI" based its evaluation of the random code results and any prior experiments it has performed.
    C.VI then duplicates the actions of B.
    This could lead to a type of artificial intellegent code that is able to adapt it own algorithm.
    What happens if the code after learning and growing decides it does not want to do math anymore and would rather just listen to the same albumn over and over again?
    How does a support engineer address that?
    The reason I present this extreme case was that this functionaly, when it comes, it will be limited at first (as we see in dynamic event registration).
    I seem to remember Rolf Kalbermatter (on Info-LabVIEW) saying something like "Self modifying code is a bad idea and went out style years ago".
    Just my thoughts,
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • Dynamically Build Tables

    I've looked through the forums and found a lot of previous posts regarding dynamic spreadsheets, but I don't think any of them worked quite like this (although I could be wrong).
    I have a master table that lists a bunch of items and each item has several columns with information describing that item. For example: Row 1-Ball, Small, Blue, Smooth. Row 2-Cube, Medium, Red, Textured. And so on... This table is not complete and as time goes on I'll have more items to add to it.
    Now here's the tricky part: I have other tables that I would like to have their contents build as I add items to the master table. So, when I add Row 3 for a Cylinder the other tables will automatically add the new item to themselves, perform the functions I have laid out, and sort accordingly.
    Thank you for your help with this.

    dcifanatic05 wrote:
    Perhaps I'm not properly understanding the solution, but I think mine differs from these examples. Both of these examples are looking for subsets of items from their master tables (only plants with these characteristics or only students from this group). I am looking to have additional tables that still list every single item (ball, cylinder, square), but not all of the fields.
    At its most basic, using labels in the header cells of Table 1 for:
    "Item" (Column B), "Size" (C), "Colour" (D), "Surface" (E),
    the formulas for Table 2, showing only:
    "Item" in column B and "Colour) in column C
    B: =Table 1::B
    C: =Table 1::D
    In this form, Table 2 will shot the item name and colour in rows where such information has been entered in Table 1 and zeroes in rows where the data has not yet been entered.
    This variation will suppress the zeroes, leaving blank cells in rows where there's no data in Table 1.
    B: =IF(LEN(Table 1::B)>0,Table 1::B,"")
    Items on Table 2 will be listed in the same order as on Table 1.

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    RRWell, if you use Swing with a JApplet then you are dynamically creating the user interface. The components are added at runtime, not when you compile the programs. All you need to do is drive which controls to add by some stored data. The same is true for HTML if you generate your pages at runtime (i.e. not just static HTML files).

  • Dynamically build Portal URL

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    The goal is it to start the browser with the seached URL from an ABAP report. How to start the internet browser I allready now. Is there any ABAP class for building such urls with parameter support?
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards

    this is one [WAY|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/d3/ab0b5decd045e482d0deae9f9c90d5/frameset.htm]
    let me know is that ok for u or  ......
    if u r using webdynpro for abap  check for the manus Dua post
    How to open URL IView with dynamic url parameter (navigate_absolute)
    let me know u need more info

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    I want that my first onEnterframe() uses the values of the
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    I hope all this is clear enough for you guys.
    Here's my scrip tI use:
    function setNewImagePosition(){
    for(i=0; i<_root.myArray12Length; i++){
    speed = 4;
    whichNumber = _root.myArray12
    whichNumber = whichNumber.substr(1,1);
    var p:Number = whichNumber;
    trace("whichNumber: " + p);
    myWidth = this["ImageMenuItem"+(p-1)]._width;
    var E:Number = (80+myWidth+(i*20));
    this["ImageMenuItem"+(p-1)].onEnterFrame = function(){
    this._x += (E-this._x)/speed;

    Maybe one last question about all this.
    How do I know if the last and only the last onEnterframe has
    reached his goal?
    Beacaus only then there' may take another action place.

  • Building Graphs with JDeveloper

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    We have the choice of using Oracle 6i Graphics Builder or JDeveloper with BI Beans to create simple line graphs for a new system we are developing, using Oracle Forms Developer 6i.
    I had a look at the Graphics Builder and it doesn't look very easy to use. It also requires a lot of parameter lists passed from Forms to Graphics Builder.
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    Is it even possible in my case to do this?
    Another question (less important); If I would use JDeveloper, I do not mind having graphs displayed on another page than the system. Or, would it be possible to integrate graphs made with JDeveloper into Forms?
    Thanks for your time,

    Try the OA Framework forum:
    OA Framework

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