Dynamically creating a CR by code

Post Author: ffderennes
CA Forum: .NET
Hello, I am discovering crystal reports (I have the basic version included with VS 2005).  I would like to dynamically create a report by the code.I need to generate a report from a Dataset or DataTable but this source is variable.The columns of the table are not always the sames. I did research, and all the tutorials I have seen create models primarily via visual studio (with known column names). I wonder if it is possible to create and edit from A to Z the report by the code.  I tried (creation of the object ReportDocument, but I can not add a section, TextObject ...).  Visual Studio back me errors and tells me that these objects have no constructor.  I began to wonder if it was possible to do that.If yes, in which version (maybe mine is too old).  In any case, if someone has a runway, an example or a tutorial to advise me, I am taker.  thank you in advance.

Post Author: JonathanP
CA Forum: .NET
You can use the Report Application Server (RAS) engine to dynamically create reports, or add items to existing reports. RAS is not included with the verison of Crystal Reports that comes with .NET. Full versions such as XI R2 do include RAS.
Some samples can be found on the support site.
http://technicalsupport.businessobjects.com/KanisaSupportSite/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=http--supportbusinessobjectscom-communityCS-FilesandUpdatesNoNav-rasvbnetwebsamplesexeasp&sliceId=&dialogID=22114090&stateId=1 0 22112331

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    Assuming that WYSIWYG concept is valid, you are better off with Flex. Flex offers xml structure that you can use as template and just write values. Then this XML can be used by compiler as it is used in Flex.
    In any case, this is a very tedious and advanced task you are embarking on. If you are talking about couple of objects and simple animations - it is not that bad. But if there is more - it is difficult mainly because of the multitude of use cases and exponential growth in objects relationships from both display list and user interaction standpoint.
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    In your dynamic internal tables, does all fields can be summed?
    If yes, I would do like this. Create a generic a variable say V_FIELD. Assume maximum program may have 30 fields.
    data v_field type char30
    data v_num type char2.
    data v_field1 type char30.
    data v_field30 type char30.
    add 1 to v_num.
    CONCATENATE 'V_FIELD' v_num into v_field.
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      DATA: lref_vcntlr  TYPE REF TO if_wd_view_controller,
            lref_comp    TYPE REF TO if_wd_component_usage,
            lv_embed_pos TYPE string.
      lref_vcntlr = wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
      lv_embed_pos = 'FILE_PERS_EDIT/VC_GENERAL'.
          CALL METHOD lref_vcntlr->do_dynamic_navigation
              source_window_name        = 'FILE_PERSISTENCE_WND'          " Window
              source_vusage_name        = 'FILE_PERS_EDIT_USAGE_1'       " Source View usage
              source_plug_name          = 'TO_EDIT_LAYOUT'                       " Outbound plug
              target_view_name          = 'PERS_EDIT_LAYOUT'                  " Second view to be embedded
              target_plug_name          = 'IN'                                                  " Second view inboun plug
              target_embedding_position = lv_embed_pos
              component_usage           = lref_comp.
        CATCH cx_wd_runtime_repository .
      wd_this->fire_to_edit_layout_plg( ).
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    However onaction tab select i change the embeding position( 'FILE_PERS_EDIT/view container name of different tab') of the view2 an try to embed view2 in a different tab.
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    Thanks & Best Regards,

    Hello Srini,
    I found a solution to your problem, because I had a similar task.
    In WDDOINIT I changed the method do_dynamic_navigation to if_wd_navigation_services_new~prepare_dynamic_navigation:
        l_view_controller_api TYPE REF TO if_wd_view_controller.
      l_view_controller_api = wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
          CALL METHOD l_view_controller_api->if_wd_navigation_services_new~prepare_dynamic_navigation
              source_window_name        = 'WDW_MAIN'
              source_vusage_name        = 'VW_SUB_USAGE_1'
              source_plug_name          = 'TO_VW_CONTENT'
              target_component_name     = 'ZTEST_DYNAMIC'
              target_view_name          = 'VW_CONTENT'
              target_plug_name          = 'DEFAULT'
              target_embedding_position = 'VW_MAIN/VC_TAB.VW_SUB/TAB1_VC'
              repository_handle         = wd_this->g_rep_handle.
        CATCH cx_wd_runtime_repository .
      wd_this->fire_to_vw_content_plg( param1 = 'TAB1' ).
    In the action I first deleted the navigation targets, then navigated to the empty-view and last I called my target view:
        lv_position           TYPE string,
        l_view_controller_api TYPE REF TO if_wd_view_controller,
        lr_view_usage         TYPE REF TO if_wd_rr_view_usage,
        lr_view_***_t         TYPE wdrr_vca_objects,
        lr_view_***           LIKE LINE OF lr_view_***_t.
      l_view_controller_api = wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
      lr_view_usage = wd_this->g_view->get_view_usage( ).
      lr_view_usage->delete_all_navigation_targets( plug_name = 'TO_VW_CONTENT' ).
      CLEAR lv_position.
      CONCATENATE 'VW_MAIN/VC_TAB.VW_SUB/' old_tab '_VC' INTO lv_position.
          source_window_name = 'WDW_MAIN'
          source_vusage_name = 'VW_SUB_USAGE_1'
          source_plug_name   = 'TO_EMPTYVIEW'
          target_component_name = 'ZTEST_DYNAMIC'
          target_view_name   = 'EMPTYVIEW'
          target_plug_name   = 'DEFAULT'
          target_embedding_position = lv_position ).
        CATCH cx_wd_runtime_repository.
      CLEAR lv_position.
      CONCATENATE 'VW_MAIN/VC_TAB.VW_SUB/' tab '_VC' INTO lv_position.
          wd_this->g_rep_handle = l_view_controller_api->if_wd_navigation_services_new~prepare_dynamic_navigation(
            source_window_name = 'WDW_MAIN'
            source_vusage_name = 'VW_SUB_USAGE_1'
            source_plug_name   = 'TO_VW_CONTENT'
            target_component_name = 'ZTEST_DYNAMIC'
            target_view_name   = 'VW_CONTENT'
            target_plug_name   = 'DEFAULT'
            target_embedding_position = lv_position ).
        CATCH cx_wd_runtime_repository.
      wd_this->fire_to_vw_content_plg( param1 = tab ).
    Ann.: I my example, I had 3 views: VW_MAIN which embedds VW_SUB. VW_SUB has the tabs in it and VW_SUB embedds VW_CONTENT.

  • Dynamically creating oracle table with csv file as source

    We have a requirment..TO create a dynamic external table.. Whenever the data or number of columns change in the CSV file the table should be replaced with current data and current number of columns...as we are naive experienced people in oracle please give us a clear solution.. We have tried with a code already ..But getting some errors. Code given below..
    thank you
    we have executed this code by changing the schema name and table name ..Remaining everything same ...
    Assume the following:
    - Oracle User and Schema name is ALLEXPERTS
    - Database name is EXPERTS
    - The directory object is file_dir
    - CSV file directory is /export/home/log
    - The csv file name is ALLEXPERTS_CSV.log
    - The table name is all_experts_tbl
    1. Create a directory object in Oracle. The directory will point to the directory where the file located.
    conn sys/{password}@EXPERTS as sysdba;
    CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY file_dir AS '/export/home/log';
    2. Grant the directory privilege to the user
    3. Create the table
    Connect as ALLEXPERTS user
    create table ALLEXPERTS.all_experts_tbl
    (txt_line varchar2(512))
    organization external
    default directory file_dir
    access parameters (records delimited by newline
    (txt_line char(512)))
    location ('ALLEXPERTS_CSV.log')
    This will create a table that links the data to a file. Now you can treat this file as a regular table where you can use SELECT statement to retrieve the data.
    PL/SQL to create the data (PSEUDO code)
    -- Setup the cursor
    CURSOR c_main IS SELECT *
    FROM allexperts.all_experts_tbl;
    FROM allexperts.all_experts_tbl
    -- Declare Variable
    l_delimiter_count NUMBER;
    l_temp_counter NUMBER:=1;
    l_current_row VARCHAR2(100);
    l_create_statements VARCHAR2(1000);
    -- Get the first row
    -- Open the c_first_row and fetch the data into l_current_row
    -- Count the number of delimiter l_current_row and set the l_delimiter_count
    OPEN c_first_row;
    FETCH c_first_row INTO l_current_row;
    CLOSE c_first_row;
    l_delimiter_count := number of delimiter in l_current_row;
    -- Create the table with the right number of columns
    l_create_statements := 'CREATE TABLE csv_table ( ';
    WHILE l_temp_counter <= l_delimiter_count
    l_create_statement := l_create_statement || 'COL' || l_temp_counter || ' VARCHAR2(100)'
    l_temp_counter := l_temp_counter + 1;
    IF l_temp_counter <=l_delimiter_count THEN
    l_create_statement := l_create_statement || ',';
    END IF;
    l_create_statement := l_create_statement || ')';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_create_statement;
    -- Open the c_main to parse all the rows and insert into the table
    WHILE rec IN c_main
    -- Loop thru all the records and parse them
    -- Insert the data into the table created above

    The initial table is showing errors and the procedure is created with compilation errors
    After executing the create table i am getting the following errors
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout
    ORA-29400: data cartridge error
    KUP-00554: error encountered while parsing access parameters
    KUP-01005: syntax error: found "identifier": expecting one of: "badfile,
    byteordermark, characterset, column, data, delimited, discardfile,
    disable_directory_link_check, exit, fields, fixed, load, logfile, language,
    nodiscardfile, nobadfile, nologfile, date_cache, processing, readsize, string,
    skip, territory, varia"
    KUP-01008: the bad identifier was: deli
    KUP-01007: at line 1 column 9
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.ORACLE_LOADER", line 19

  • Dynamically creating a Record Group based on Previously entered Record Grou

    Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
    I know how to dynamically create a record group based on a query and putting the code in When new form instance.
    My query is. I have a form which has multiple Record Groups and the user wants to dynamically create subsequent groups based on previous groups.
    For example
    I have a record group with selects a Location,
    when the user selects the Location from a list of values
    the 2nd record group called 'Cost Centres' will have to filter out only those with the locations selected above.
    How can I populate the 2nd record group at run-time when I do not know what site the user will select?
    If I simply populate in when new form instance as in location and just select everything, the list of values populates.
    CC field is a LIST ITEM and the list style is a POP LIST, it is not required.
    I have put the code in the Location field in the when-list-changed trigger.
    I am getting this error:
    frm-41337: cannot populate the list from the record group
    here is the code:
    v_recsql Varchar2(1000); -- The SQL for creating the Record Group.
    v_recgrp RecordGroup; -- Record Group
    v_status Number; -- Return Value of Populate_Group function.
    c_where VARCHAR2(1000);
         IF :location = '1' THEN
              c_where := ' substr(cost_centre,1,2) in (''01'',''02'')';
         ELSIF :location  = '2' THEN
              c_where := ' substr(cost_centre,1,2) in (''02'',''03'')';
         ELSIF :location   = '3' THEN
              c_where := ' substr(cost_centre,1,2) in (''01'',''11'',''07'')';
              c_where :=  ' 1=1'; --EVERYTHING
         END IF;
    v_recsql := 'SELECT cost_centre, description  FROM   cost_centres  where '||c_where;
    -- Create the Record Group
    v_recgrp := CREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY('v_recgrp', v_recsql);
    IF NOT ID_NULL(v_recgrp)
    THEN -- No Error, record group has been successfully created.
    -- Populate Record Group
    v_status := POPULATE_GROUP('v_recgrp');
    IF v_status = 0
    THEN -- No Error. Record Group has been Populated.
    POPULATE_LIST('block.CC', 'v_recgrp');
    END IF; -- IF v_status = 0
    -- Delete the Record Group as it is no longer needed.
    END IF; -- IF NOT ID_NULL(v_recgrp)
    END;thanks for your assistance.

    Once record status gets change for block you can not populate/repopulate the list item. Keep those list items as non-database item with different names and create different items as database orignal items. Than assign the values in WHEN-LIST-CHANGE trigger to the actual database items.

  • How to set a value to a dynamically created node/attribute?

    I dynamically created attributes using the following method,
    IWDNodeInfo cbOptions = wdContext.getNodeInfo().addChild("cbOpt"+count, null, true, true, false, false, false, true, null, null, null);
    cbOptions.addAttribute("opt"+critEle.getQuest_Critid(), "ddic:com.sap.dictionary.string");
    How do i assign a  value to it now, since the node/attribute cannot be accessed via wdcontext?
    On a side note, it seems really troublesome if i need to use a checkbox grp(s) dynamically. I actually need to dynamically create a seperate node + attribute for each checkbox grp i have. Is there any better way to do this?
    Thanx in advance

    1) Create the  action click is done statically (you cannot create action dyanmically)
    2) binding the  action click to checkbox dynamically 
    public static void wdDoModifyView(IPrivateDynamicProgrammingView wdThis, IPrivateDynamicProgrammingView.IContextNode wdContext, com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.api.IWDView view, boolean firstTime)
        //@@begin wdDoModifyView
                      IWDTransparentContainer con=(IWDTransparentContainer)view.getElement("RootUIElementContainer");
              IWDCheckBox checkBox=(IWDCheckBox)view.createElement(IWDCheckBox.class,"ck");
              IWDAction act=wdThis.wdCreateAction(IPrivateDynamicProgrammingView.WDActionEventHandler.CLICK,"");
    Thanks and Regards,

  • How do I reference a dynamically created MovieClip from another MovieClip?

    I'd be grateful for any pointers to the following problem:
         I'm having trouble referencing dynamically created MovieClips (links in a side panel on a Flash website, created from an XML file) from the current MovieClip (the currently selected link).
         I wish to freeze the the link/MovieClip in its mouseOver state once it has been clicked - this part works. When a new link/MovieClip is clicked on, I wish to release the previously clicked-on link from its mouseOver state, which is what I've so far been unable to do.
         My problem seems to be referencing the previous link/MoveClip. I've used the trace statement trace(MovieClip(this).name) to determine that the MovieClips are named item0, item1, item2 and so on. However, I've been unable thus far to reference the previous clip thus far. I've tried to trace the route to the MovieClip from the stage, and also tried MovieClip(parent).item0.gotoAndStop and lots of other different permutations, but to no avail. It's the fact they seem to be in a container called 'panel' which is defeating me.
         Here's a live version I've uploaded, which might explain the problem better. Click on "UBER UNS" in the top menu bar to get to the page in question. It's the links on the left-hand side (Historie, Unser Team, etc.) which are the problem. You'll see that once they've been clicked on they remain in their mouseOver state.
         This is the code in question on the fla file, which is a file I did not create myself. The parts in black work fine; it's the red parts where the problem lies:
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    panel.buttonMode = true;
    var lang:uint = 1;
    var url_Link:String=MovieClip(root).program.websiteXML .language[lang].pages.titlePage[MovieClip(root).program.linkPage].texts.pageList.txt[numT XT].@link;
    var urlPage:Number=Number(MovieClip(root).program.webs iteXML.language[lang].pages.titlePage[MovieClip(root).program.linkPage].texts.pageList.tx t[numTXT].@linkPage);
    var request:URLRequest;
    var linkIndex:uint;
    var lastClickedLink:MovieClip;   //This is supposed to store the last link that has been clicked - it doesn't work
    panel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicLink);
    panel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseOverLink);
    panel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mouseOutLink);
    function mouseOverLink(event:MouseEvent):void {
    function mouseOutLink(event:MouseEvent):void {
          if(numTXT !== (linkIndex - 1)/5){         //freezes mouseOver state if this is the link for the current page
    function clicLink(event:MouseEvent):void {
          var linkpage:uint = MovieClip(root).program.linkPage;
          if (url_Link) {
               request = new URLRequest(url_Link);
          } else {
               linkIndex = numTXT * 5 + 1;
               if(linkpage == 1){
                   MovieClip(root).chPages.cont.page_about_mc.page3Tu  rner_mc.gotoAndStop([linkIndex]);
              } else if (linkpage == 2){
                   MovieClip(root).chPages.cont.page3_mc.page3Turner_  mc.gotoAndStop([linkIndex]);
         lastClickedLink.gotoAndPlay('s2');  // this is supposed to release the previous clicked-on link from it's mouseOver state - doesn't work
         lastClickedLink = MovieClip(this).name;    //this is supposed to set the new link as the last link clicked after the old one has been released from it's mouseOver state - doesn't work
    If anyone can help, that would be great.

    What you might be after for that line is to use:
    lastClickedLink = MovieClip(event.currentTarget);
    For what you show, the name property of an object is a String, so I would expect you to be getting an error regarding trying to get a String to act like a MovieClip when you try to tell it to gotoAndPlay('s2').

  • Not Yet Documented ADF Ex 9 Dynamically Binding to Dynamically Created View

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    <textarea style="width: 100%" name="sql" rows="3" ><c:out value="${param.sql}"/></textarea><br>
    Saying required param "cols" is missing. I also get a nesting error in this code:
    <c:forEach var="attributeLabel" items="${bindings.DynamicViewObject.labelSet}">
    because (I think) the compiler expects a </tr> and it is seeing the <c:forEach var="attributeLabel"> tag.
    Is there a setting in JDeveloper I can use to allow this application to compile? Is there a similar example done in JSF as that is what my current application is being developed using.

    Any help on this? Kind of Urgent...

  • Adding f:Attribute dynamically to a dynamically created Button

    Hi ,
    I am trying to dynamically create a CommandButton and attach a f:Attribute to the same. But somehow I am not able to get hold of the correct API to do the same -
    >RichCommandButton button=new RichCommandButton();
    >AttributeTag attr=new AttributeTag();
    >attr.setValue("DC_OPERATION_BINDING", "bindings.DENY");
    The issue is that the add method expects a UIComponent and attr is of type com.sun.faces.taglib.jsf_core.AttributeTag

    gues u can use it like
    button.getAttributes().put(DC_OPERATION_BINDING", "bindings.DENY");

  • Formatting value in the dynamically created table

    I have created table dynamically.
    In that, if the columns going to be number datatype,
    <af:convertNumber pattern="##########"/> , i want to apply this pattern,
    if the column going to be date,
    <af:convertDateTime pattern="DD/mm/yyyy" /> , i want to apply this pattern.
    Code Snippet for dynamically created UI table,
    <af:table rows="#{bindings.DynamicVO.rangeSize}"
    emptyText="#{bindings.DynamicVO.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
    var="row" rowBandingInterval="0"
    rowSelection="single" id="t1">
    <af:forEach items="#{bindings.DynamicVOIterator.attributeDefs}" var="def">
    <af:column headerText="#{def.name}" sortable="true" rendered="#{def.hints.displayHint!='Hide'}"
    sortProperty="#{def.name}" id="hisc1">
    <af:outputText value="#{row[def.name]}" id="othis1">
    How to apply the pattern for the ouput text dynammically depending on the data type.
    My Jdeveloper version is

    Any help on the above scenario?

  • How to set the cardinality property as 1..n for a dynamically created node

        I am creating Dropdown by index UI element and the
    context atrributes dynamically.To bind multiple data to a dropdown
    the cardinality property of the node should be 0..n or 1..n,
    But i could not set the property of the dynamically created context node to 0..n ...
    can any body suggest me..
    I implemented the following code in WDDoModify View
    IWDTransparentContainer tc=(IWDTransparentContainer)view.getElement("RootUIElementContainer");
    IWDNodeInfo node = wdContext.getNodeInfo().addChild("DynamicNode",null,true,true,false,false,false,true,null,
    IWDAttributeInfo strinfo=node.addAttribute("Value","ddic:com.sap.dictionary.string");
    I could successfully display one value in the drop down,by adding the following code before the line tc.addchild(dbyindex);
    IWDNode node1=wdContext.getChildNode("DynamicNode",0);
    IWDNodeElement nodeElement=node1.createElement();
    but when
    i am trying to bind multiple values i am getting Exception ,,,,

    you are getting the exception because of cardinality property.
    i.e   true,false and
    you are trying to add morethan one element.
    so,if you want to add morethan one than one element you have to set the cardinality property to true,true (or) false,true.
    In your code do the following modification for changing the cardinality.
    For 0..n -->false,true
    IWDTransparentContainer tc=(IWDTransparentContainer)view.getElement("RootUIElementContainer");
    IWDNodeInfo node = wdContext.getNodeInfo().addChild("DynamicNode",null,true,true,false,false,false,true,null,
    IWDAttributeInfo strinfo=node.addAttribute("Value","ddic:com.sap.dictionary.string");
    hope this will solve your problem.
    In addchild(..) the parameters are
    addChild("Name ,
                    Element class for model node ,
                    Is singleton? ,
                    Cardinality ,
                    Selection cardinality ,
                    Initialise lead selection? ,
                    Datatype ,
                    Supplier function ,
                     Disposer function);

  • How to get a dynamically created symbol to delete itself on click?

    Here's the setup...
    I want to have a dynamically created symbol appear upon click of a hotspot. In this case, you click on a pulsating hotspot and a popup box appears.
    Here's the code I'm using for that.
    //Create an instance element of a symbol as a child of the given parent element
    var mySymbolObject = sym.createChildSymbol("gardern_toxins_popup","stage");
    So we have the symbol "garden_toxins_popup" from my library placed dynamically on the page. I would like to assign an action to the pop-up itself that allows you to remove the symbol from the stage upon click.
    I feel silly for not being able to figure this out. I tried iterations of this bit of code...
    //Get the stage from the composition level, get the symbol
    ...but it doesn't work.
    So I tried thinking like I was back in Flash and tried the following...
    But no joy on that as well. Is there something I haven't addressed in this logic or am I going about it in the wrong way? Thanks!

    Hi, chirpieguy-
    You'll want to use the deleteSymbol() API.
    BTW, you should use the capitalized "Stage" to add it to the Stage - the lower case stage has a special meaning with Animate and might not give you what you want..
    sym.createChildSymbol("gardentoxins", "Stage");
    In the symbol itself, create a click event on a container div, then:
    That being said, you don't need to dynamically create and delete an object.  What you can do is to use hide() and show() on an element and use the coordinates of your click to change the CSS value of top/left of this object so that you don't have to do the object management I highlighted above.
    Hope that points you in the right direction.

  • Dynamically creating variable names in javascript

    I have to create variable names dynamically in JavaScript.
    My JSP file accesses information from Database and forms a String corresponding to the information received.
    This String is passed to a JAvaScript function that should CREATE a variable with that NAME.
    For Ex:
    My database access resulted in a single row...
    id name sal
    34 John Smith 38000
    the resulting VARIABLE NAME should be Menu34. 34 comes from the database result.
    Is there any function to dynamically create a variable name in JavaScript?
    Thanks in advance.

    The JSP is printing the contents of an HTML page, and Javascript code can be part of that output...
    So you would just write out the stuff, something like this....
    <% while(rs.hasNext()) { %>
    var Menu<%= rs.getInt("id") %> = '<%= rs.getString("name") %>';
    <% } %>
    In the browser, it'll just look like another long list of Javascript variables.

  • Adding AJAX support for dynamically created panelGrid components

    Hi everyone!
    I would like to ask help from anyone who may have encountered similar problem before...
    I have a panelGrid whose component is dynamically created by the backing bean. Here is my JSF code:
    <h:panelGrid styleClass="panelGrid"
              rowClasses="tsPanelGridRowClass" columns="8" cellpadding="0"
              cellspacing="2" bgcolor="transparent" style="margin-left: 10px"
    </h:panelGrid>And here is the code for backing bean that adds content inside the panelGrid:
    HtmlOutputText index = (HtmlOutputText) app.createComponent(HtmlOutputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
    revCenterItemPanelGrid.getChildren().add(index);On click of a button...
    <a4j:commandButton value="Update"
              styleClass="commandExButtonPou2" id="button1" reRender="revCenterItemPanelGrid"
              <f:attribute name="order" value="2"></f:attribute>
              <f:attribute name="toggleState" value="off"></f:attribute>
    </a4j:commandButton>the backing bean is supposed to update the value of the outputText
    doSortActionListener2() {
    HtmlOutputText index = (HtmlOutputText) app.createComponent(HtmlOutputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
    }However, update doesn't seem to work. I have been successful in adding ajax support to a panelGrid that is not dynamically created but not for this one.
    Has anyone encountered this error before? Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi everyone!
    I would like to ask help from anyone who may have encountered similar problem before...
    I have a panelGrid whose component is dynamically created by the backing bean. Here is my JSF code:
    <h:panelGrid styleClass="panelGrid"
              rowClasses="tsPanelGridRowClass" columns="8" cellpadding="0"
              cellspacing="2" bgcolor="transparent" style="margin-left: 10px"
    </h:panelGrid>And here is the code for backing bean that adds content inside the panelGrid:
    HtmlOutputText index = (HtmlOutputText) app.createComponent(HtmlOutputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
    revCenterItemPanelGrid.getChildren().add(index);On click of a button...
    <a4j:commandButton value="Update"
              styleClass="commandExButtonPou2" id="button1" reRender="revCenterItemPanelGrid"
              <f:attribute name="order" value="2"></f:attribute>
              <f:attribute name="toggleState" value="off"></f:attribute>
    </a4j:commandButton>the backing bean is supposed to update the value of the outputText
    doSortActionListener2() {
    HtmlOutputText index = (HtmlOutputText) app.createComponent(HtmlOutputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
    }However, update doesn't seem to work. I have been successful in adding ajax support to a panelGrid that is not dynamically created but not for this one.
    Has anyone encountered this error before? Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance!

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