E-Commerce and Generic User

Dear expert,
In our system, we create service orders via webrequest. We would like all employees of our company to be able to raise a service order via webrequest, even if they are not CRM users.
How can we do that?
Thanks in advance

In our system, we wanted to have the employees answer a survey, via BSP, but they would have had to have had a CRM login.
We got around this by assigning an anonymous login user to the service for the surveys.
I imagine that something like this might work for you?
As long as the employee is set up as an employee (BUP003) in CRM, they don't have to have be a CRM User...at least for surveys.

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    You've posed two questions here:
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    Think of the product offerings as a stack. Personalization Server (WLPS) is built
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    Its really hard to generalize here. You might want to engage a BEA sales engineer
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    Sorry for being so generic, but its really hard to elaborate further.
    http://e-docs.bea.com is a good place to get more info.
    "Bola Taylor" <[email protected]> wrote:
    The Company I am working for just purchased both Commerce and personalisation
    as they wish to revamp their current
    website into a modern one.
    I have a few questions as I have been doing some portal creation with
    the personlization
    How does the Personalisation server connect with the commerce server?.
    The Company
    I am working for has been
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    bought three
    other companies as well. I created Portals for these five companies in
    the commerce
    server and added or changed the respectie images within the company folder.
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    their Companys implementation to their own website, do we have
    to create other folders or commerce server portlets for the different
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    would be
    appreciated with diagrams if possible
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    [email protected]

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    Just go into the workflow builder and create a new step. Choose a Decision Step and it will make one with the generic decision task, TS00008267. Just fill in what the options are and who it should go to. The task text  starts with the very generic:
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    actually Forms6i is the last client/server release of Forms, which means that starting Forms9i it only supports Web deployment. Forms6i client/server support (error correction) ends in end 2004 which means that after 2004 Forms is available on teh Web only. I can imagine that this is not the desktop strategy that you had in mind, but actually it is what the statement of direction on OTN says.
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    The only way I can think of at the moment is to extract your CALL TRANSACTION into a separate self-contained program (which it may already be looking at your post).  Then use FM JOB_OPEN, JOB_SUBMIT (changing the parameter AUTHCKNAM to you generic user) and JOB_CLOSE (with STRTIMMED = abap_true).
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    I think it's not a right way to lock SYS.
    More over, if you connect as OS Administrator (root for Unix/linux) on the server and use
    OS Authentification then, you can connect on SYS AS SYSDBA anyway.
    So, in fact, it's not possible to lock out SYS even if you execute the following:
    ALTER USER SYS ACCOUNT LOCK;If you want to prevent access on SYS you should set a complex and long password and
    apply the same rule for the Administrator / root OS user.
    These passwords must be known by very few and well - identified people and written nowhere
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    More over, you should limit DBA roles to SYS and SYSTEM and remove this powerful Role
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    Then, you may enable session AUDIT so as to control the connexion on the database and,
    create a LOGON TRIGGER so as to check the login, workstation, program of the end users
    who connect to the database.
    On 10g, EM DBConsole shows an alert everytime a User is connected with SYS.
    Please, find enclosed, an interesting document written by Pete Finigan on this topic:
    Hope this help.
    Best regards,

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    Hi Bart,
    Difference between named users and concurrent users:
    Named user means when you buy BOXI you buy a certain amount of named user licenses and then you give each of these named users a login. It`s a cheaper type of license but you have to know exactly who your users are, and so is pretty useless if your userbase is constantly changing or your exposing Infoview over the web.
    Concurrent user licenses are now only available in BOXI Edge - the equiv in BOXI Pro\Premium is a CPU license, which means you can let as many people login as your hardware will support. Concurrent user licenses are useful when you don`t know who your userbase is - you can just give a generic login for people to use. Or give people specific logins and not worry that they might not be using the system and using up a valuable named user license.
    for more information follow the below links:
    Hope this helps.
    Deepti Bajpai

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    This is my scenario:
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    "B" is a query on the users original table, but with a new column storing a constant value (the one stored in "A").
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    Could anybody show me the right way to configure this kind of generic or service user?
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    Appreciate any hint on this.

    In the how to components there is a component that demonstrates how to bolster authenticated or anonymous users with a one time security elevation to be able to take some kind of action like see content or write content. It is not exactly what you're asking for but it is a starting place. You'll need something like that to elevate permissiosn for the user for that page.

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    Feature 1 above is done by changing 'Hide entry points for 'Fast User Switching' in Computer Configuration=>Administrative Templates=>System=>Logon. But in order to get rid of the 'Switch User' button on the initial logon screen you also have to enable 'Interactive logon: Do not display last user name' in Computer Configuration=>Windows Settings=>Security Settings=>Local Policies=>Security Options and we only want this enabled for students. There are only two options for this setting - 'enabled' and 'disabled'.
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    User GPO :
    Enable 'Interactive logon: Do not display last user name' in Computer Configuration=>Windows Settings=>Security Settings=>Local Policies=>Security Options
    NOTE: This allows me to differentiate between student and staff users.
    Workstation GPO:
    Enable 'Hide entry points for 'Fast User Switching' in Computer Configuration=>Administrative Templates=>System=>Logon
    Enable 'Always use custom logon background' in Computer Configuration=>Administrative Templates=>System=>Logon
    Deploys the bmp file to C:\Windows\System32\oobe\info\.
    Unfortunately, this setup only works as intended when the user is set up with a volatile DLU policy. When the user associated DLU is non-volatile it doesnt display the graphic and it does not remove the switch user button on the main logon screen. If I logon/logoff as a non-volatile user I get the generic Windows 7 logon page with the switch user button visible, when I logon/logoff as a volatile user I get the custom graphic logon page without the switch user button. Whats even stranger is that when I go into gpedit.msc and look at the settings after I log in, theyre correct for each type of user.
    Does anyone have any insight on why I might be seeing this problem?
    Ive tried to be complete as possible describing the problem but if didnt describe something correctly or someone needs additional info, please let me know.
    Thanks for any assistance.

    Hi Dan,
    are you using Novell CLient?
    The Tiles on the Login Screen also depend on the Client configuration. If there is only Novell CLient active Windows cannot display other tiles or switch user.
    Originally Posted by dlietz
    I am trying to use ZCM 11 Group Policy management to do two things. 1). Turn off the Windows 7 switch user feature that exists in the start menu and at the initial logon screen, and 2). Add a policy statement graphic to the initial logon screen in Windows 7.
    Feature 1 above is done by changing 'Hide entry points for 'Fast User Switching' in Computer Configuration=>Administrative Templates=>System=>Logon. But in order to get rid of the 'Switch User' button on the initial logon screen you also have to enable 'Interactive logon: Do not display last user name' in Computer Configuration=>Windows Settings=>Security Settings=>Local Policies=>Security Options and we only want this enabled for students. There are only two options for this setting - 'enabled' and 'disabled'.
    Feature 2, adding a graphic to the initial logon screen, is turned on by enabling 'Always use custom logon background' in Computer Configuration=>Administrative Templates=>System=>Logon and creating a custom bmp file placed in C:\Windows\System32\oobe\info\.
    Because the 'Interactive logon: Do not display last user name' setting only has enable/disable options (the default is disable) and because user associated settings overwrite workstation associations Im using two policies, one workstation and one user as inidcated below:
    User GPO :
    Enable 'Interactive logon: Do not display last user name' in Computer Configuration=>Windows Settings=>Security Settings=>Local Policies=>Security Options
    NOTE: This allows me to differentiate between student and staff users.
    Workstation GPO:
    Enable 'Hide entry points for 'Fast User Switching' in Computer Configuration=>Administrative Templates=>System=>Logon
    Enable 'Always use custom logon background' in Computer Configuration=>Administrative Templates=>System=>Logon
    Deploys the bmp file to C:\Windows\System32\oobe\info\.
    Unfortunately, this setup only works as intended when the user is set up with a volatile DLU policy. When the user associated DLU is non-volatile it doesnt display the graphic and it does not remove the switch user button on the main logon screen. If I logon/logoff as a non-volatile user I get the generic Windows 7 logon page with the switch user button visible, when I logon/logoff as a volatile user I get the custom graphic logon page without the switch user button. Whats even stranger is that when I go into gpedit.msc and look at the settings after I log in, theyre correct for each type of user.
    Does anyone have any insight on why I might be seeing this problem?
    Ive tried to be complete as possible describing the problem but if didnt describe something correctly or someone needs additional info, please let me know.
    Thanks for any assistance.

  • Differences between OIM Connectors using Adapter Factory and Generic Tech

    Can any one please tell me what is the difference between Oracle Identity Manager Connectors by using Adapter Factory and Generic Technology.

    This issue is a bit complex but let me try to explain.
    One way to look at it is to consider cars with automatic and manual gearboxes. A car with a manual gearbox requires more skills of the end user. You do need to understand how to use the clutch and what gear to use under what circumstances. In a car with an autoamtic gearbox all of these things are abstracted away from the user. On the other hand a automatic gearbox is more complex to manufacture, especially if you would do it yourself with just some machine tools and some basic materials available.
    In the same way an adapter factory connector requires a bit more skill to install and configure. A generic tech one is a lot more point and click. The downside is that creating the generic tech takes a little bit more effort and skill.
    Excellent article by Nishant on this : http://blog.talkingidentity.com/2007/06/understanding_oims_generic_tec.html
    Hope this helps

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    With SAP ECC 6.0, on HR environment, I need to create more 4.000 portal’s users.
    I would like to find a customizing to create one generic user (with rule ESS / MSS) on back-end and create (import) 4.000 users on portal.
    I think it’s should be the best practice to maintain users’s access.
    -     What is your opinion on that ? Is-it possible to customizing this ?
    -     Have you a solution ? What is the custonizing to create ?
    Thanks for you answers.

    I have moved this topic into the [link=http://technet.oracle.com:89/cgi-bin/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&forum=Oracle9<i>i</i>AS+SSO+and+Portal+Security&number=83&DaysPrune=20&LastLogin=]Oracle9iAS Portal SSO and Login Server forum[link] where it is open and can still be posted to.

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    Thanks & Regards

    Hi everyone,
    I got the same problem. It is very urgent to get an answer.

Maybe you are looking for