E-mail Gift Certificate To Yourself?

Is it possible with iTunes to send an e-mail Gift Certificate to yourself?
It sounds like a weird idea, but I'd like to put £10 credit on to my own account, without going out and having to buy a physical plastic card each time.

I have done this and it works.
I do it because I want to make sure I don't spend more than AU$50 a month. When you just use your credit directly for purchase it's not easy to see how much you are spending over a month. You get many small transactions on your card. If you do the email gift certificate then you can see at the top of the iTunes Store how much money you have left until next time you purchase another gift certificate.
You might want to check out whether any retailers do any specials. JB HiFi in Australia had a deal recently of 2 $30 iTunes Gift Cards for $50. Apparently they do this from time-to-time.

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    Ask the person who sent you the gift certificate to have it resent (it's easy if they bought it through the iTunes Music Store).

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    Kind regards,

    I think I've found the answer to my problem on another thread. It appears that Apple are no longer offering e-mailed and printable gift certificates, possibly for security reasons. Hopefully, these security issues will be resolved and that Apple with restore the service, because I think a great number of people wish to use the service and have been inconvenienced.

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    Same problem here and it seems to be a problem that has been occuring, intermittently, for quite a while. I  received the following reply from Apple Support
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    As I believe that strength comes in numbers, please open a support ticket:

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    Hi LittleSis,
    While it's true we no longer offer physical mail delivery of iTunes Gift Certificates, we do offer a custom-printed greeting card that comes along with iTunes Gift Cards, very appropriate for gift giving.
    When you get to the iTunes Gift Card page (here), choose the card you'd like to give and then you'll have opportunity to enter a custom message. Trust me on this one, the presentation looks great.
    Hope this helps!
    PowerBook 15" 1.67GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

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    You can't resolve that by yourself man. Contact support so they can check:

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    Very little im afraid, the gift cards are country specific so unless you have a canadian account (which by the sounds of it, you don't) theres not much you can do.
    Since you do have a canadian address though, you may be able to create a Canadain account through gift card redemption, but Im not sure of the exact process to do that.

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    mandyfar wrote:
    I got a gift card that says "Itunes"on it and not "apple"or something like that...
    I was wondering if that gift card can only be used on the itunes store, meaning I can only buy songs, tv shows, music videos , etc.. ...
    That is Correct...
    iTunes Gift Options

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    Unless you are also in France with a French iTunes account then he won't be able to redeem it, they are country-specific. If you don't know anybody else in the same country as yourself who could send it to instead (resending), then you can try contacting iTunes support and see if they will refund or credit you : http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/ - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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    Chris CA,  62,910 points.  Dang...that's a lot of support.  Before I start, let me say Thank You!  You need to answer a lot of people's questions to achieve that.
    1)  You slightly misunderstood my letter through no fault of your own.  It was a generic compilation of information submitted by members of this discussion turned into a letter by me for use on the Apple Feedback site.  I myself did not receive an e-mail.  I actually was prevented from purchasing any more iTunes gift cards at a certain point and was given a cryptic response from the iTunes store that my request could not be processed.  It was only after investigation on my part that I found out the reason was the $100 max per 30 day rule.  I'd try to find where in the Apple's support site I did find that information...but, well, you are just going to have to trust me.  However, others in this discussion stated they received the information in an e-mail.  I used that fact in my letter as it seemed to create a less "cumbersome" feedback submission.
    2)  "Why look for iOS apps?"  That's a good very good question!  I miswrote.  I should have said "OS X apps."  That is where iTunes is located on the Feedback Site.  Good catch.  As you know (62,910 points is a lot of "knowing"), when you submit feedback you must click on the item of which you are going to write.  I must be so ramped up for the impending release of the new iPhone that I had iOS on the brain.  My bad. :-)
    3)  In all the time this discussion has been alive (over a year), and in all my googling, I never read about an option to contact iTunes support and ask them to remove this limit from my account.  It is too bad you didn't come to this discussion when it started in May of 2011 to offer that piece of advice!  Surprisingly, that information wasn't anywhere on the Apple site where I read about the $100/30 day limit.  Maybe it is there now.  But, it sure wasn't there when I read it.  It would have been very helpful.
    4)  You say "(which they can do and often have done for many people here)."  I am curious, what do you mean by "here."  Not "here" as in "here in THIS discussion forum."  Right?  I don't see anyone in this discussion aware of that information and posting it for others to read.  By "here" I assume you mean the ENTIRE Apple Support Community.  Unfortunately, until you arrived on the scene, none of those from that gigantic "here" came across THIS discussion to share their good fortune and knowledge about removing the $100 limit on iTunes gift card purchases per 30 days.
    Well, I think that wraps it up for another day.  I am off to iTunes support to get this limit removed from my account.
    Adios amigos!
    Mr. Luigi

  • How to make gift certificates

    Hi all,
    How do I create a gift certificate so shoppers can select amount they want to spend and then print certificate or have it emailed to them.  I use godaddy as host with SSL certificate.
    Where do I start?  Is this a DW extension? or do you create it yourself in php? I have DWCS4.
    Thanks for any assistance.

    Both PayPal and Google Checkout are stand-alone payment systems so with either one you will not need to get a separate gateway or merchant account.  Google Checkout or PayPal will process the credit card and then transfer funds directly to your bank account.
    To answer your question about GoDaddy's shopping cart system - what is your long term goal for this site?
    Are you selling all types of different things or do you only want to sell gift certificates?  Can the gift certificates be used online?
    Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Training Classes, Seminars and Workshops

  • HT2736 I have purchased a gift certificate but the person did not get it


    When I send them they arrive in seconds.
    Ask the recipient to check Mail rules and filtering, the verification mail may be going to a junk folder or even being deleted altogether.
    Also see if you are able to resend the email by following these steps.
    If the problem persists, select the content which is causing a problem and use the 'Report a problem' button in Your Purchase History using your computer.

  • Missing iTunes gift certificate

    I recently sent an iTunes gift certificate to a friend, but they never received it. I sent it about a week ago via email, and it was for $20. I really need this to go through, or for it to be refunded. Thanks .

    First have your friend check their email settings, both in their email application and with their ISP, to make sure the mail didn't get filtered out by a spam filter. Then here are the steps to resend a gift certificate...
    1. Launch iTunes.
    2. Click on the Store icon in the Source pane to go to the iTunes Store.
    3. Click on your account name to sign in to the iTunes Store.
    4. Enter your password.
    5. Click Purchase History.
    6. Click the small grey arrow next to the Gift Certificate you'd like to resend.
    7. Scroll to the bottom of the detail screen for the Gift Certificate and re-enter the recipient's email address.

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    I'm not seeing an option to buy a gift "certificate" that I can print. there was no way to print a gift card.  confused

    oh, it turns out I need to have itunes downloaded on this machine and have an account. So i do that and then i'm told my Apple ID is not currently eligibale for this purchase. MOTHERDSJGILHJSILFBHWNF#$*%#HYGF*(&#FHVWFLAKJADGSIJBH seriously?   go frak yourself apple, the kid's gonna get cash.

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