Easy way to remember tcodes

Hello SD gurus,
please tell me a easy way to remember important tcodes in SD.
va01, va11,va21etc this are very easy to remember but ovr1 ,vo51 etc are very difficut to remember , so please tell me the naming convention to remember.
And also pls kindly tell me how to remeber the all the tables and fields related to sd.
Thank you so much for all the replies
Edited by: shiva k on May 30, 2008 9:13 PM

Hi Shiva,
It is very difficult to remember all the T.codes and it is highly difficul.Based on daily practise and work u can remember those.
For orders it starts with VA,Deliveries with VL,Billing with VF.
Go through the following T.codes and try to be regular.
Creating Sales Order - VA01
Maintaining a Sales Order - VA02
Displaying a Sales Order - VA03
Releasing an Order or Delivery from Credit Hold: Non-Flooring - VKM1
Display List of RMAs by Customer - VA05
Confirm RMA Goods Receipt - VL02
Generate list of open return orders for deletion - VA05
Display Customer returns eligibility - MCSI
Removing a Billing Block (Approving Credit/Debit Requests) - V.23
Create Pricing - VK11
Creating a Sales Deal - VB21
Maintaining a Sales Deal - VB22
Displaying a Sales Deal - VB23
Maintaining Prices - VK12
Displaying Prices - VK13
Creating Material Substitution Master Data - VB11
Maintaining/Deleting Material Substitution Master Data - VB12
Displaying Material Substitution Master Data - VB13
Creating a Bundled Master - MM01
Creating a Sales BOM - CS01
Maintaining a Sales BOM - CS02
Displaying a Sales BOM - CS03
Creating Partner Records - XD01
Maintaining Customer Master Data - XD02
Displaying Customer Master Data - XD03
Deactivating a Partner - VD06
Creating/Maintaining New Customer Credit Information - FD32
Displaying Customer Credit Information - FD33
Blocking or Unblocking a Customer - VD05
Creating a Delivery - VL01N
Displaying a Delivery - VL03N
Deleting a Delivery - VL02N
Shipment Inquiry / Display - VT03
Adjusting Transfer Order - Confirmation Quantity - LT12
Collectively Confirm Transfer Order - LT25
Batch Shipment Confirmation - VL19
Creating Service Provider/Carrier Master Data - XK01
Maintaining Serive Provider/Carrier Master Data - XK02
Displaying Service Provider/Carrier Master Data - XK03
Maintaining Product Master/Serial # Profile/Unit of Measure/Shipping Unit - MM02
IDoc Inquiry - WE02 / WE05
Invoicing a Customer Shipment - VF01
Reprinting an Invoice - VF31
Releasing a Sales Order for Billing - V.23
Creating an Invoice by Using the Billing Due List - VF04
Checking Open Billing Documents - VF05
Create Credit/Debit Memo - FB01
Controlling Total Debit/Credit bkgs - F.03
Generate FI Account balance - F.08
Generate Month-to-date Inv. register - F.02
Process payments - FBZ1
Rqst Individual Customer Corresp. - FB12
Generate Customer Correspondence - F.61
Enter Batch totals under Control ttl - FB07
Display G/L Acct. totals - FBL3N
Reverse Posted Amounts - FB08
Customer Refunds - FBL6
Customer Refund to other than Payer - FB05
Clearing Debit/Credit on Cust. acct. - FB1D
Customer Balance in Local Currency - F.23
G/L Account Balance Report - F.08
Create Invoice - legal entity adjust - FB01
Generate Cust. Acct. statements - F.27
Generate Dunning Letters - F150
Generate Billing Due List - VF04
Generate Blocked Billing Doc list - VFX3
Inq. via Credit Release Screen - VKM1
List orders by partner - VA05
Past Due invoices by customer - FD11
Check number info by G/L account - FBL3N
Display customer Line items - FBL5N
The most frequently used transaction codes are as follows:
1. VS00 - Master data
2. VC00 - Sales Support
3. VA00 - Sales
4. VL00 - Shipping
5. VT00 - Transportation
6. VF00 - Billing
Others as follows:
At Configuration:
1. VOV8 - Define Sales documents type (header)
2. OVAZ - Assigning Sales area to sales documents type
3. OVAU - Order reasons
4. VOV4 - Assign Item categoreies(Item cat determination)
5. VOV6 - Scedule line categories
6. OVAL - To assign blocks to relevant sales documents type
7. OVLK - Define delivery types
8. V/06 - Pricing
9. V/08 - Maintain pricing procedure
10.OVKP - Pricing proc determination
11.V/07 - Access sequence
1. Customer Master Creation-VD01 and XD01 (for full inclu company code)
VD02 - Change Customer
VD03 - Display Customer
VD04 - Customer Account Changes
VD06 - Flag for Deletion Customer
XD01 - Create Customer
XD02 - Modify Customer
XD03 - Display Customer
2. Create Other material -
3. VB11- To create material determination condition record
4. CO09- Material availability Overview
5. VL01 - Create outbound delivery with ref sales order
6. VL04 - Collective processing of delivery
7. VA11 - Create Inquiry
VA12 - Change Inquiry
VA13 - Display Inquiry

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    GoVerizon wrote:
    ...  did not know that email would disconnect without internet because we can sign into email from the Verizon cell phones. ... Nobody would ever use their email if they thought it was to be disconnected when the customers do use other Verizon services  ... 
    As "topdog" has stated, you can only have Verizon email if you subscribe to Verizon Internet service.  That's the nature of the system and nothing has changed in that regard for a very long time.  Also it's important to realize that your Verizon mobile phone service is provided by a separate company.  Verizon Wireless is the mobile phone company, and Verizon Communications is the Internet company.  Maybe that sounds strange, but once again that's the way this thing is organized.
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    The week view affords some of the capability that you are looking for.
    Experiment with these suggestions:
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    2. Choose the number of days that you want to display by selecting (Option +  + 1), (Option +  + 2), (Option +  + 3)...and so forth for the number of days desired for a week display of 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 days. Make sure the mini calendar window is displayed and you will see the number of gray days change accordingly.
    3. Create a new item on Wednesday (Double click on the start point) and drag to your desired length, and if the event falls over the weekend change the display length as indicated in step 2 above, and drag the event to the end time.
    Let me know if you get the hang of what I am trying to describe. It is easier to accomplish than it is to describe.

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    As far as I remember, just replace the old files by the new ones in the document's file.
    If it is a flat file, rename it
    double clic to expand it
    Now, in both original format you have now a package.
    ctrl click its icin > Show Package Contents.
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    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE samedi 21 mars 2009 21:33:11)

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    Please remember to rate helpful responses and identify helpful or correct answers.

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    Hmm, ok, I haven't tried that. Thanks for the idea.
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    for a script that I can have them click or some other way.   

    Hi Hurley081182,
    Agree with others, it’s recommend to use Lync 2013.admx Administrative Template, which contain the registry-based policy settings that you configure for Group Policy objects in the domain.
    For more details, please check out the following article.
    Configuring client bootstrapping policies in Lync Server 2013
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    Ok I found this by searching the forum
    Frequently asked questions about Apple ID - http://support.apple.com/kb/HE37 --> Can I change the answers to the security questions for my Apple ID?  --> Yes. You can change the answers to the security questions provided when you originally signed up for your Apple ID. Go to My Apple ID (http://appleid.apple.com/) and click Manage your account.
    Forgotten security questions - https://discussions.apple.com/message/18402551  andhttps://discussions.apple.com/message/18625296
    More involved forgotten question issues -https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3961813
    Kappy 09/2012 post about security questions -https://discussions.apple.com/message/19569468
    John Galt's tips (09&11/2012) - https://discussions.apple.com/message/19809294 andhttps://discussions.apple.com/message/20229239
    If none of the above work, contact iTunes Support athttp://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/ and follow the instructions to report the issue to the iTunes Store.

  • Is there any easy way to migrate painter reports from 4.7 Enterprise to 6.0

    Dear All
    We are being upgraded from 4.7 Enterprise to ECC 6.0 . The issue that we are facing is that company has more than 200 report painter reports ( on special ledger)  and I was wondering if there is any easier way to migrate it to ECC than redoing the whole work. What I mean to say is that, is there any tool/program/tcode that we can use for copying/editing purpose of the reports in ECC 6.0 to be based on flex ledger.

    Why do you need to transport the reports?  Upgrade to 6.0 should keep your
    old reports from 4.7.
    In any case transaction GR57 allows you to export them to local file in C:\ and GR58 will import them. I have tested between systems of different releases and
    it worked correctly.

  • HT5228 How to find out if your Mac has the Flashback Trojan EASY WAY!!!!

    Just did it works great and they also have a post on how to remove it as well.

    Here is an even easier way, it will remove most infections too:
    I have created a user tip and malware checker/removal tool: https://discussions.apple.com/docs/DOC-3271

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    I would like to make them wrap around when either the max or min values are reached.
    Is there an easy way to do this?
    I was hoping for something like an "enableWraparound" property, but I haven't found such an animal.
    I suspect I could add value change listeners to all the components and do it by brute force,
    but there are too many spinners scattered around to make that an option I would like to take.
    Any suggestions?

    Ok, it looks like custom spinner models are the way to go.
    Hopefully, I can create a couple that are generic enough to meet my requirements without too much pain.
    It looks like the ones I have already created will be easy enough to modify.
    Thanks for the feedback.

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