Eclipse Plugins not loading

I'm on a freshly installed 64bit Arch. I installed eclipse with pacman and eclipse-wtp / eclipse-checkstyle from AUR. But they're both not showing up.
[user@host ~]$ ls /usr/share/eclipse/dropins/
checkstyle emf gef wtp
On my previous Arch installation (32bit), it worked.
Do I somehow have to enable the plugins? Is something broken?
Last edited by danilo (2011-12-02 15:27:20)

What worked 4 me:
pacman -S eclipse eclipse-cdt
Go to the eclipse website and download the latest package. Extract it.
sudo rm -r /usr/share/eclipse
sudo mv $DIR_WHERE_EXTRACTED_ECLIPSE /usr/share/eclipse
Not sure what's going on here but the latest trend in software is all about monkey business Luckily I know a little bit about monkeys jumping on the bed...
"Momma called the doctor and the doctor said.... 'This release is %&*^$@, use the stock one in its stead!'"

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  • I get the "Fast Browser Plugin not loaded" message every time i run  safari and I can't find an MTWB folder anywhere on my hard drive?

    I get the "Fast Browser Plugin not loaded" message every time I run  Safari and I can't find an MTWB folder anywhere on my hard drive?  This doesn't seem to be causing a problem, but is a puzzle?

    1. This procedure is a diagnostic test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve the problem.
    2. If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. The backup is necessary on general principle, not because of anything in the test procedure. There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    3. Below are instructions to run a UNIX shell script, a type of program. All it does is to collect information about the state of the computer. That information goes nowhere unless you choose to share it. However, you should be cautious about running any kind of program (not just a shell script) at the request of a stranger on a public message board. If you have doubts, search this site for other discussions in which this procedure has been followed without any report of ill effects. If you can't satisfy yourself that the instructions are safe, don't follow them. Ask for other options.
    Here's a summary of what you need to do, if you choose to proceed: Copy a line of text from this web page into the window of another application. Wait for the script to run. It usually takes a few minutes. Then paste the results, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page. The sequence is: copy, paste, wait, paste again. Details follow.
    4. You may have started the computer in "safe" mode. Preferably, these steps should be taken in “normal” mode. If the system is now in safe mode and works well enough in normal mode to run the test, restart as usual. If you can only test in safe mode, do that.
    5. If you have more than one user, and the one affected by the problem is not an administrator, then please run the test twice: once while logged in as the affected user, and once as an administrator. The results may be different. The user that is created automatically on a new computer when you start it for the first time is an administrator. If you can't log in as an administrator, test as the affected user. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this section doesn’t apply. Don't log in as root.
    6. The script is a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, though you may not see all of it in the browser window, and you can then copy it. If you try to select the line by dragging across the part you can see, you won't get all of it.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin; clear; Fb='%s\n\t(%s)\n'; Fm='\n%s\n\n%s\n'; Fr='\nRAM details\n%s\n'; Fs='\n%s: %s\n'; Fu='user %s%%, system %s%%'; AC="com.autodesk.AutoCAD"; H='^[[:space:]]*((127\.0\.0\.1|::1|fe80::1%lo0)[[:space:]]+local|(255\.){3}255[[:space:]]*broadcast)host[[:space:]]*$'; NS=networksetup; PB="/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print"; A () { [[ a -eq 0 ]]; }; M () { find -L "$d" -type f | while read f; do file -b "$f" | egrep -lq XML\|exec && echo $f; done; }; AT () { o=`file -b "$1" | egrep -v '^(A.{16}t$|cann)'`; Ps "${1##*/} format"; }; Pc () { o=`grep -v '^ *#' "$2"`; l=`wc -l <<< "$o"`; [[ l -gt 25 ]] && o=`head -n25 <<< "$o"`$'\n'"[$((l-25)) more line(s)]"; Pm "$1"; AT "$1"; }; Pm () { [[ "$o" ]] && o=`sed -E '/^ *$/d;s/^ */   /;s/[-0-9A-Fa-f]{22,}/UUID/g;s/(ochat)\.[^.]+(\..+)/\1\2/;/Shared/!s/(\/Users\/)[^/]+/\1-/g' <<< "$o"` && printf "$Fm" "$1" "$o"; }; Pp () { o=`$PB "$2" | awk -F'= ' \/$3'/{print $2}'`; Pm "$1"; }; Ps () { o=`echo $o`; [[ ! "$o" =~ ^0?$ ]] && printf "$Fs" "$1" "$o"; }; R () { o=; [[ r -eq 0 ]]; }; SP () { system_profiler SP${1}DataType; }; id -G | grep -qw 80; a=$?; A && sudo true; r=$?; t=`date +%s`; clear; { A || echo $'No admin access\n'; A && ! R && echo $'No root access\n'; SP Software | sed -n 's/^ *//;5p;6p;8p'; h=(`SP Hardware | awk '/ Id/{print $3}; /Mem/{print $2}'`); o=$h; Ps "Model"; o=$((h[1]<4?h[1]:0)); Ps "Total RAM (GB)"; o=`SP Memory | sed '1,5d;/[my].*:/d'`; [[ "$o" =~ s:\ [^O]|x([^08]|0[^2]|8[^0]) ]] && printf "$Fr" "$o"; o=`SP Diagnostics | sed '5,6!d'`; [[ "$o" =~ Pass ]] || Pm "POST"; p=`SP Power`; o=`awk '/Cy/{print $NF}' <<< "$p"`; o=$((o>=300?o:0)); Ps "Battery cycles"; o=`sed -n '/Cond.*: [^N]/{s/^.*://p;}' <<< "$p"`; Ps "Battery condition"; for b in FireWire Thunderbolt USB; do o=`SP $b | sed -En '/:$/{s/ *:$//;x;s/\n//;s/\n.*//;/\)/p;};/^ *(V.+ [0N]|Man).+ /{s/ 0x.... //;s/[()]//g;s/(.+: )(.+)/ (\2)/;H;};/Apple|Genesy|Intel|SMSC/{s/.//g;h;}'`; Pm $b; done; o=`pmset -g therm | sed 's/^.*C/C/'`; [[ "$o" =~ No\ th|pms ]] && o=; Pm "Thermal conditions"; o=`pmset -g sysload | grep -v :`; [[ "$o" =~ =\ [^GO] ]] || o=; Pm "System load advisory"; o=`nvram boot-args | awk '{$1=""; print}'`; Ps "boot-args"; fdesetup status | grep -q On && o=on || o=; Ps "FileVault"; a=(/ ""); A=(System User); for i in 0 1; do o=`cd ${a[$i]}L*/Lo*/Diag* || continue; for f in *.{cr,h,pa,s}*; do [[ -f "$f" ]] || continue; d=$(stat -f%Sc -t%F "$f"); [[ "$f" =~ h$ ]] && grep -lq "^Thread c" "$f" && f="$f *"; echo "$d ${f%%_2*} ${f##*.}"; done | sort | tail`; Pm "${A[$i]} diagnostics"; done; grep -lq '*$' <<< "$o" && printf $'\n\t* Code injection\n'; o=`syslog -F bsd -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'caug|GPU |hfs: Ru|last value [1-9]|n Cause: -|NVDA\(|pagin|proc: t|Roamed|rror|ssert|Thrott|timed? ?o|WARN' -k Message Ane 'SMC:' | tail -n25 | awk '/:/{$4=""; $5=""};1'`; Pm "Kernel messages"; o=`df -m / | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}'`; o=$((o<5120?o:0)); Ps "Free space (MiB)"; o=$(($(vm_stat | awk '/eo/{sub("\\.",""); print $2}')/256)); o=$((o>=1024?o:0)); Ps "Pageouts (MiB)"; s=( `sar -u 1 10 | sed '$!d'` ); [[ s[4] -lt 85 ]] && o=`printf "$Fu" ${s[1]} ${s[3]}` || o=; Ps "Total CPU usage" && { s=(`ps acrx -o comm,ruid,%cpu | sed '2!d'`); n=$((${#s[*]}-1)); c="${s[*]}"; o=${s[$n]}%; Ps "CPU usage by process \"${c% ${s[$((n-1))]}*}\" with UID ${s[$((n-1))]}"; }; s=(`top -R -l1 -n1 -o prt -stats command,uid,prt | sed '$!d'`); n=$((${#s[*]}-1)); s[$n]=${s[$n]%[+-]}; c="${s[*]}"; o=$((s[$n]>=25000?s[$n]:0)); Ps "Mach ports used by process \"${c% ${s[$((n-1))]}*}\" with UID ${s[$((n-1))]}"; o=`kextstat -kl | grep -v com\\.apple | cut -c53- | cut -d\< -f1`; Pm "Loaded extrinsic kernel extensions"; R && o=`sudo launchctl list | awk 'NR>1 && !/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix\.cron)|org\.(amav|apac|calendarse|cups|dove|isc|ntp|openld|post[fg]|x)/{print $3}'`; Pm "Extrinsic daemons"; o=`launchctl list | awk 'NR>1 && !/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)|\.[0-9]+$/{print $3}'`; Pm "Extrinsic agents"; o=`for d in {/,}L*/Lau*; do M; done | egrep -v 'com\.apple\.(CSConfig|server)' | while read f; do ID=$($PB\ :Label "$f") || ID="No job label"; printf "$Fb" "$f" "$ID"; done`; Pm "launchd items"; o=`for d in /{S*/,}L*/StartupItems; do M; done`; Pm "Startup items"; sys=`pkgutil --regexp --only-files --files* | sort | uniq | sed 's:^:/:'`; b=`sed -E '/^.+Lib.+\/Contents\/Info.plist$/!d;s/\/Info.plist$//;/Contents\/./d' <<< "$sys"`; l=`egrep '^/usr/lib/.+dylib$' <<< "$sys"`; [[ "$b" && "$l" ]] && { o=`find -L /S*/L*/{C*/Sec*A,E}* {/,}L*/{A*d,Compon,Ex,In,iTu,Keyb,Mail/B,P*P,Qu*T,Scripti,Sec,Servi,Spo}* -type d -name Contents -prune | grep -Fv "$b" | while read d; do test -f "$d/Info.plist" || continue; ID=$($PB\ :CFBundleIdentifier "$_") || ID="No bundle ID"; printf "$Fb" "${d%/Contents}" "$ID"; done`; Pm "Extrinsic loadable bundles"; o=`find /usr/lib -type f -name *.dylib | grep -Fv "$l"`; Pm "Extrinsic shared libraries"; :; } || echo $'\nReceipts missing'; o=`for e in INSERT_LIBRARIES LIBRARY_PATH; do launchctl getenv DYLD_$e; done`; Pm "Inserted dylibs"; o=`find -L {,/u*/lo*}/e*/periodic -type f -mtime -10d`; Pm "Modified periodic scripts"; o=`scutil --proxy | grep Prox`; Pm "Proxies"; o=`scutil --dns | awk '/r\[0\] /{if ($NF !~ /^1(0|72\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])|92\.168)\./) print $NF; exit}'`; i=`route -n get default | awk '/e:/{print $2}'`; I=`$NS -listnetworkserviceorder | sed -En '/ '$i'\)$/{x;s/^\(.+\) //p;q;};x'`; n=`$NS -getdnsservers "$I" | awk '!/^T/{printf "not "; exit}'`; Ps "DNS (${n}from DHCP)"; o=`$NS -getinfo "$I" | awk '/k:/{if ($3 !~ "(255\.){3}0") print $3}'`; Ps "Netmask"; R && o=`sudo profiles -P | grep : | wc -l`; Ps "Profiles"; f=auto_master; [[ `md5 -q /etc/$f` =~ ^b166 ]] || Pc $f /etc/$f; for f in fstab sysctl.conf crontab launchd.conf; do Pc $f /etc/$f; done; f=/etc/hosts; Pc "hosts" <(egrep -v "$H" $f ); AT $f; Pc "User launchd" ~/.launchd*; R && Pc "Root crontab" <(sudo crontab -l); Pc "User crontab" <(crontab -l); R && o=`sudo defaults read LoginHook`; Pm "Login hook"; LD="$(`find /S*/*/F* -type f -name lsregister | head -n1` -dump)"; o=`for ID in $AC; do [[ "$LD" =~ $ID ]] && echo $ID; done`; Pm "Application check"; Pp "Global login items" /L*/P*/loginw* Path; Pp "User login items" L*/P*/*loginit* Name; Pp "Safari extensions" L*/Saf*/*/E*.plist Bundle | sed -E 's/(\..*$|-[1-9])//g'; o=`find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) | wc -l`; Ps "Restricted user files"; cd; o=`SP Fonts | egrep 'id: N|te: Y' | wc -l`; Ps "Font problems"; o=`find L*/{Con,Pref}* -type f ! -size 0 -name *.plist | while read f; do plutil -s "$f" >&- || echo $f; done`; Pm "Bad plists"; d=(Desktop L*/Keyc*); n=(20 7); for i in 0 1; do o=`find "${d[$i]}" -type f -maxdepth 1 | wc -l`; o=$((o<=n[$i]?0:o)); Ps "${d[$i]##*/} file count"; done; o=; [[ UID -eq 0 ]] && o=root; Ps "UID"; o=$((`date +%s`-t)); Ps "Elapsed time (s)"; } 2>/dev/null | pbcopy; exit 2>&-
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    7. Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). The text you pasted should vanish immediately. If it doesn't, press the return key.
    8. If you see an error message in the Terminal window such as "syntax error," enter
    exec bash
    and press return. Then paste the script again.
    9. If you're logged in as an administrator, you'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. You will not see the usual dots in place of typed characters. Make sure caps lock is off. Type carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you make three failed attempts to enter the password, the test will run anyway, but it will produce less information. In most cases, the difference is not important. If you don't know the password, or if you prefer not to enter it, press the key combination control-C or just press return three times at the password prompt. Again, the script will still run.
    If you're not logged in as an administrator, you won't be prompted for a password. The test will still run. It just won't do anything that requires administrator privileges.
    10. The test may take a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. A computer that's abnormally slow may take longer to run the test. While it's running, there will be nothing in the Terminal window and no indication of progress. Wait for the line
    [Process completed]
    to appear. If you don't see it within half an hour or so, the test probably won't complete in a reasonable time. In that case, close the Terminal window and report the results. No harm will be done.
    11. When the test is complete, quit Terminal. The results will have been copied to the Clipboard automatically. They are not shown in the Terminal window. Please don't copy anything from there. All you have to do is start a reply to this comment and then paste by pressing command-V again.
    If any private information, such as your name or email address, appears in the results, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
    12. When you post the results, you might see the message, "You have included content in your post that is not permitted." It means that the forum software has misidentified something in the post as a violation of the rules. If that happens, please post the test results on Pastebin, then post a link here to the page you created.
    Note: This is a public forum, and others may give you advice based on the results of the test. They speak only for themselves, and I don't necessarily agree with them.
    Copyright © 2014 by Linc Davis. As the sole author of this work, I reserve all rights to it except as provided in the Terms of Use of the Apple Support Communities website ("ASC"). Readers of ASC may copy it for their own personal use. Neither the whole nor any part may be redistributed.

  • Filter plugin not loaded everytime

    I am currently writing a filter Plug-in for Photoshop but I'm having an issue and can't find any clue of what is causing it.
    My plugin is sometimes loaded by photoshop and sometimes not. When it is not, deleting the 8bf file and doing a rebuild of the project works, without modifying anything in the code. Sometimes I have to rebuild many times until the plugin gets loaded, which is anoying...
    First I checked that the sdk version in the .r file was correct: Version { (latestFilterVersion << 16 ) | latestFilterSubVersion }, the entry point is the same as in the dissolve example.
    I thought that photoshop may cache the plugins to load them faster and that the new version isn't seen (like when I build many times a minute), but I figured out that when a plugin is loaded once, it is always recognized.
    One thing that I've noticed is that when my plugin is loaded, if I go to Help > System Info..., there is no version number for my plugin, that may cause the issue but I can't find in the dissolve example where this version 13 comes from. I thought as well that maybe the resource isn't compiled correctly sometimes but it is strange and unlikely I think (maybe still worth mentionning).
    Does anybody have any clue / suggestion? It's been 2 days that I'm trying to figure out what's going on and it starts to drive me crazy...

    Are you developing for Windows or Mac?
    I had a similar problem with Windows.  I found I wasn't compiling the correct pipl files (my .rc file wasn't including the correct pipl files).  Tidy up/delete any pipl files and make sure 100% you're including correct pipl files.
    I also had a problem when switching between 32/64 bit builds.  For example, when compiling a 64 bit plug-in, VS2010 would sometimes not force a rebuild for the .r file (to generate .pipl for 64 bit) and would then include the 32 bit pipl (leftover from the 32 bit build).  This meant that my plugin wouldn't appear in 64 bit Photoshop (because the pipl was invalid).  For me the solution is to either delete any old pipl files before compiling, or being mindful to do a rebuild of pipl files when switching from 32/64 bit builds.  I could also have created separate pipl builds for 32/64 bit and made sure correct one was being included.
    When the plug-in doesn't appear in Photoshop, eliminate all the obvious bits (like plug-in paths), check your DLL exports, then check the pipl.  I don't think it's the version number, but someone with more experience than me might point you in a better direction.

  • PlugIn not loading Acrobat 8

    We migrated old version(Ver 7) plug in to Version 8 using 8 SDK libraries and VS2005.On development box it's working fine according to our requirements, but the same plug in file is copied to plug_ins folder of other machine having acrobat 8 but the plug in is not loading.
    please give some solution.

    Compiled in debug and release mode.
    But i took the release version to copy to other machine.
    First step is to make work in other system having acrobat professional edition..
    Then our final goal is to distrubute this PlugIn to external users.
    Users may use any edition like professional ,reader or standard.
    After completion of first step then we will do reader enable.
    Both(debug and release) are working fine in development machine having Acobat 8 and VS2008.

  • WSAD 5 / Eclipse plugin not working

    I have installed the Kodo plugin into my Websphere Application Developer
    5.1.0 environment. I have configured the Kodo preferences and selected "Add
    Enhancer to Build" for my project.
    Still, the other items on the Kodo menu remain grayed out ("Enhance
    Metadata", "Refresh Mappings", etc.). Can anyone tell me what I'm doing
    Thanks in advance,
    Kevin Keigwin

    there is a typo in the plugin.xml file for the Kodo plugin.
    change the following line -
    <library name="jakarta-commons-logging-1.0.2.jar"/>
    to -
    <library name="jakarta-commons-logging-1.0.3.jar"/>
    and restart Eclipse.
    Should do the trick.
    "Darville" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:bfo9s9$h8e$[email protected]..
    Darville wrote:
    James Eitzmann wrote:
    I am trying to evaluate jdo implementations. I have installed the
    plugin according to the instructions, but it is not working. I amrunning
    with eclipse 2.1 on windows. I can see the menu items and the entry inthe
    preferences panel but when I click on the preferences item, nothing
    happens. When I try to switch to the kodo view, I get a problemsshowing
    view error message. I am using kodo 2.5.2.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?
    I am experiencing the same problem
    using kodo 2.5.2
    using eclispe 2.1.1 (windows)
    ChristopheOops, the solution was already in the forum
    See mail from Aapo (07-17-03)
    This is a copy of the mail :
    while trying to get KODO Eclipse plugin to work,
    I noticed that in plugin.xml there was incorrect reference
    to the jakarta-loggings jar : the version number is wrong:
    1.0.2 -> 1.0.3.
    Changing this I could get it working.

  • Eclipse plugin not working

    I am trying to evaluate jdo implementations. I have installed the eclipse
    plugin according to the instructions, but it is not working. I am running
    with eclipse 2.1 on windows. I can see the menu items and the entry in the
    preferences panel but when I click on the preferences item, nothing
    happens. When I try to switch to the kodo view, I get a problems showing
    view error message. I am using kodo 2.5.2.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    there is a typo in the plugin.xml file for the Kodo plugin.
    change the following line -
    <library name="jakarta-commons-logging-1.0.2.jar"/>
    to -
    <library name="jakarta-commons-logging-1.0.3.jar"/>
    and restart Eclipse.
    Should do the trick.
    "Darville" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:bfo9s9$h8e$[email protected]..
    Darville wrote:
    James Eitzmann wrote:
    I am trying to evaluate jdo implementations. I have installed the
    plugin according to the instructions, but it is not working. I amrunning
    with eclipse 2.1 on windows. I can see the menu items and the entry inthe
    preferences panel but when I click on the preferences item, nothing
    happens. When I try to switch to the kodo view, I get a problemsshowing
    view error message. I am using kodo 2.5.2.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?
    I am experiencing the same problem
    using kodo 2.5.2
    using eclispe 2.1.1 (windows)
    ChristopheOops, the solution was already in the forum
    See mail from Aapo (07-17-03)
    This is a copy of the mail :
    while trying to get KODO Eclipse plugin to work,
    I noticed that in plugin.xml there was incorrect reference
    to the jakarta-loggings jar : the version number is wrong:
    1.0.2 -> 1.0.3.
    Changing this I could get it working.

  • CS4 plugin not loaded

    Since CS4, I get a notice that a few plugins aren't being loaded and I
    checked the system log, but it doesn't tell me which ones are not compatible
    or not loaded... Anyway to tell which ones are not?

    Locate the plug-in in the Finder, highlight its icon and do a Get Info (Command+I). The Info box should tell you whether it's a Universal or PowerPC plug-in. PowerPC plug-ins will only run if you can run Photoshop in Rosetta emulation. Universal plug-in run native on MacIntel machines.
    <br />
    <br />c
    <a href="" /></a>
    <img alt="Picture hosted by Pixentral" src="" border="0" />

  • IDCS5 Mac - release plugin not loading

    I have several "release version" plugins that are not loading on my CS5 Mac machine.
    The Porting Guide says that if the folder is inconsistently named with the plugin or if a resource file is missing, the plugin will not load.
    I carefully checked the package and the folder is named the same as the app file (with the exception that the folder also has ".InDesignPlugin" added to its name--I am assuming that variation is acceptable).
    I checked the folders and the files in the folders between the debug version and the release version.  With one exception the release resource folder mirrors the debug resource folder.  That difference is in the presence of a single file: timestamp.
    Where does it come from and how can I get my release version project to generate one?
    Are there other possibilities I should look into?

       You correctly guessed the problem.  Actually, what was happening was that I was using MySQL in both plugins.  Because I was developing on my computer, I of course had the MySQL libraries loaded, but the production computers had the wrong libraries installed. With the help of a colleague (Dan Morris deserves this credit) the above fact was discovered.  I dropped back a couple of versions in the libraries I was using, recompiled, and the problem was resolved.
       Take care,

  • E71 local search plugins not loading since firmwar...

    Has anybody else encountered the problem?
    all that is showing up in the search app is the web search end the search on the mobile itself.
    the plugins with the local ( book.... ) information based on the region you provide are not loading.
    before the firmware update local search was available.
    I also notice search is no longer available for download from the nokia site (broken links)..
    Please help.

    this probably is a case of a bug in ur device so what u can try are: plz make a back up
    take out your sim card and put in *#7780# to restore factory settings. you should not lose any data, but all settings will go into default. try that first.
    the second option is a reset *#7370# this one will erase all of your data, 'wipe the phone clean' and restore to factory settings. see if any of these options work and if you are able to use your phone as you like/need to.
    the third option U can go in for a hard reset which will turn ur device as it left the factory totally new
    U can also update/reinstall ur firmware and see the result...
    Also use ur device without the memory card and see
    in case of ur memory card there are different options available to you to get rid of the corrupt/unwanted data in your card.
    menu--tools--memory---options---format memory card......
    remember everything including ur factory installed apps will be deleted......... but u can always download them later either from nokia or google them...
    or insert ur card in any reader or laptop and check for virus and also the hidden folders.......
    Articles posted courtesy engadget
    keep us updated about the progress.... if u like wat I have to offer then click on khudos.

  • Eclipse plugin not working with Eclipse 2.1

    I'm trying to use the Eclipse plugin with Eclipse version 2.1 (recently
    released). I am aware that the Kodo documentation says it works with
    Eclipse 2.0. The "Kodo" menu appears in the wrong perspective (the CVS
    Repository Exploring Perspective). This makes it generally unusable.
    Anyone else tried this with better success?

    Problem solved. After closing the perspectives I had open and reopening
    them, the menu showed up in the correct perspectives.
    Ignore This wrote:
    I'm trying to use the Eclipse plugin with Eclipse version 2.1 (recently
    released). I am aware that the Kodo documentation says it works with
    Eclipse 2.0. The "Kodo" menu appears in the wrong perspective (the CVS
    Repository Exploring Perspective). This makes it generally unusable.
    Anyone else tried this with better success?

  • Java plugin not loading in Firefox 4.0b11, works fine in 3.6.13

    Java plugin isn't loading in Firefox 4.0b11, but it works fine in 3.6.13 (and in Google Chrome too). It worked in Firefox 4 before, but broke somewhere around beta 5. is not really in the plugins folder, but is a symlink: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ -> /usr/lib/jvm/ia32-java-6-sun- When run from the command line, I see FF trying to load the other symlinked plugins (most totem related) but failing because they are amd64, and FF is built in 32bit. But no messages about (which IS 32bit).

    this method works for Firefox 4.0 b11..!! [ Manually install java plugin....]

  • Safari 3.0.4: Plugin-not-loaded  alert window

    Immediately after updating to Safari 3.0.4 on my G5 Mac,OS 10.4.11, I got this alert with one of the first pages I opened and from time to time, other URLs as well:
    "Safari 3.0.4 (v523.12) has not been tested with the plugin (null) (null) (v0.62). As a precaution, it has not been loaded. Please contact the plugin developer for further information."
    Certainly doesn't tell me what plugin or developer in any understandable way that allows me to do something about it, does it?
    One page I opened that brought me that alert was this one:

    That mysterious plug-in ((null)(null)(v0.62)) is Acid Search.
    This is probably installed under Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > SIMBL > Plugins > AcidSearch.bundle. If you simply remove this, Safari should be happy. (If you installed it somewhere else, then just use Spotlight to find AcidSearch.bundle.)
    There is a new BETA version (0.7b4) of Acid Search from that avoids this error message. This version was just released yesterday, and works great for me!

  • IDCS5 Mac - release plugin not loading (reprise)

    I have ten plugins that have been converted from CS4 to CS5 on the Mac (Snow Leopard, if it matters).  Out of those ten, two act fishy.  The other eight are fine.
    About the two fishy plugins.  They show up in the Windows dropdown (they are palettes and belong there) in the release version in my computer, but if I take those same two plugins (I mean the "physical" same two packages) out onto a production Mac, they do not show up in the Windows dropdown.  For kicks, I grabbed the non-functioning plugins from off of the production Mac (the same two "physical" plugins) and placed them on my computer and they showed up without a problem.
    Are there any development difficulties associated with CS5 and Snow Leopard that anyone knows about?
    Has anyone else had this kind of difficulty and if you did, how did you resolve the problem?

       You correctly guessed the problem.  Actually, what was happening was that I was using MySQL in both plugins.  Because I was developing on my computer, I of course had the MySQL libraries loaded, but the production computers had the wrong libraries installed. With the help of a colleague (Dan Morris deserves this credit) the above fact was discovered.  I dropped back a couple of versions in the libraries I was using, recompiled, and the problem was resolved.
       Take care,

  • Firefox flash plugin not loading external xml file?

    I have a Flash based website that uses an external xml file
    to load the interface and navigation. When I view the site in
    Firefox it never seems to load the xml file therefore the interface
    doesn't load.
    Any ideas?

    I have followed your instructions and could able to get it working for firefox. The sameway i tried with mozilla, but not working. This time, I didnt see any errors but it is not working as expected (no animations / images displayed)
    So could you please help me.
    My system config. is X86 Solaris 5.10.
    bash-3.00# pwd
    bash-3.00# elfdump -e
    ELF Header
      ei_magic:   { 0x7f, E, L, F }
      ei_class:   ELFCLASS32          ei_data:      ELFDATA2LSB
      e_machine:  EM_386              e_version:    EV_CURRENT
      e_type:     ET_DYN
      e_flags:                     0
      e_entry:                  0x94  e_ehsize:     52  e_shstrndx:   37
      e_shoff:              0x7fb4ac  e_shentsize:  40  e_shnum:      39
      e_phoff:                  0x34  e_phentsize:  32  e_phnum:       3Thanks

  • Shockwave Flash Plugin not loading properly in Safari 1.3.2

    Lately, I've been getting a message in Safari that it attempts to load the Shockwave Flash plugin in, but it's unsuccessful. I think that I've done just about everything possible to corect the problem (uninstalling, installing, fixing permissions, manually deleting associated files...).
    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    Thanks for the reply.
    The Flash media box is indeed unchecked in the QT Sys. pref.'s. And I have IE 5.2.3 installed but never use it. And what's the strangest of all, is that booting up as another user on the same computer, Flash works fine (same sites, same software, etc.). The account that I'm having the problem with is the admin account. The one that works is set up as a Standard account. I've also tried reinstalling it from Macromedia's website, and I simply get an error message stating that I do not have sufficient access (while I'm signed in as Admin. The other account (standard access) allows the install to run smoothly, and as I said above, it works seamlessly.
    Thanks again for any insights.

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