Edge Animate - für CMS exportieren und einbetten?

Ich habe noch eine Frage, die jetzt in der Praxis aufkam.
Mit Adobe Muse ist es kein Problem eine OAM-Datei einzubauen in die Webseite.
Doch wenn ich die HTML Datei mit den JS-Dateien in ein CMS einbauen möchte, frage ich mich, wie ich dies am Effektivsten mache.
In der Regel arbeite ich mit Joomla, doch das dürfte ja sekundär sein, da die CMS recht ähnlich in Bedienung und Aufbau sind.
Muss ich dies über iframe machen, oder gibt es eine elegantere Lösung, die leicht zu handeln ist?
Lieben Dank

Hallo Stephan,
vielleicht ist ein iFrame das beste. Edge Animate Animationen benötigen eine ganze Reihe von Dateien und sind daher nicht so einfach in ein CMS zu laden.
Unter http://2glux.com/forum/jumi/use-adobe-edge-joomla-t1049.html findest du eine recht alte Anleitung, wie man es vielleicht mit der Jumi Extension schaffen könnte, aber ob das aktuell noch geht und wie viel Arbeit es ist, kann ich nicht abschätzen.
Viele Grüße

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    Hallo luk579,
    Ich bin gleich weit wie Sie waren. Wie haben Sie das Problem lösen können?
    Für eine Antwort wäre ich Ihnen sehr dankbar.

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    Hi there,
    Thanks for your suggestions! We're looking at ways to make the timeline more flexible as far as nesting and/or hiding elements, so hopefully these types of improvements will come as Animate continues to grow. Just wanted to quickly pop in to address a few of your bullet points - hopefully, other Animate users can answer regarding whether they use Animate for software simulation.
    Your first two points (I think) can be at least somewhat addressed by using symbols. Each symbol has its own timeline which can contain many elements, but it will appear as a single element in the main (Stage) timeline.
    Regarding video, there's currently only one HTML5 browser that natively supports video with alpha transparency: Chrome, using video encoded to the webm format. See here for more info: Alpha transparency in Chrome video - HTML5Rocks Updates
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    You can now modify the first parameter to "AdobeEdge.loadComposition" in the generated html page accordingly.
    Say, you moved the edge generated js(_edge.js and/or _edgePreload.js) files to folder "myJSFiles", then do the following change:
         Before Change:  AdobeEdge.loadComposition('CompName', 'EDGE-107552393', { ..... }
         After Change:    AdobeEdge.loadComposition('myJSFiles/CompName', 'EDGE-107552393', { ..... }

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    Lieben Gruß

    Hallo Stefux,
    bei Edge Animate brauchst Du dafür kein Script. Du kannst links auf die Aktionsklammer neben ein Objekt klicken und wählst dann den click Event und rechts im Code Editor dann Abspielen aus.
    Symbolaktionen lassen sich über die Wiedergabefunktion in der Zeitleiste steuern.
    Wir können uns das ja Morgen im eSeminar noch mal ansehen.
    Viele Grüße

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    When you use Adobe Edge Web fonts, the browser has to download the font before applying to the text.  During the time of download, the text will be styled using the fallback font. The causes the switch.
    You can try this approach of preloading the script to avoid this effect.
    1. Create new file in EA
    2.  Create a text element  and apply a font ..say 'Acme'
    3.  Save the file as test.htm
    4. Go to the saved folder
    5. Look for a file name test_edge.js
    6. Open the file using any text editor  ( say notepad)
    7,  You will see a line like 'acme, sans-serif': '<script src=\"http://use.edgefonts.net/acme:n4:all.js\"></script>'        },
    8. Publish your file
    8.  Using this line as reference, Add the following to your publish/web/test.html
    <!--Adobe Edge Runtime End-->
    <script src="http://use.edgefonts.net/acme:n4:all.js"></script>

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    Vielen Dank und schöne Grüße!

    Hast Du in Photoshop den Generator ausprobiert? Der macht auf Basis der Ebenennamen automatisch Exporte und aktualisiert bei allen Änderungen. Man muss nur in den Ebenenname einige Eigenschaften der zu exportierenden Daten integrieren. Dazu im Handbuch nachlesen.

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    Hallo :-)
    Ich habe mit Edge Animate eine Animation erstellt, die auf Toucheingabe über die Funktionen touchstart und touchmove reagiert.
    $(document).bind("touchmove", function(e) { ...
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    Ich hoffe, dass mir jemand dabei helfen kann...
    Viele Grüße, Carsten.

    So I guess this must be a server issue since as you can see with the link I provided earlier that it works as expected. The file is also on edgeheroo.com and works there as well.So, I am not sure what the problem is, but you might want to ask your hosting provider what server setting should be changed in order for jQuerry-ui to work. Though frankly I am really mystified about it because I can't even imagine what server setting would prevent it to work unless it is a matter of not reading cdn files. I cannot remember how the scripts were loaded in this file. If they point to cdn then, try to include animate and the plugins locally instead of cdn and see if it makes a difference.
    On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 5:00 AM, muddypub <[email protected]>

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    Sort of. I'm using this code inside an action for a button symbol. But it doesn't work perfectly. Trying to debug it.
    Let me know if you have any luck.
    //Check to see if pageCounter already exists
    if (typeof EC.pageCounter === 'undefined') {
      // it doesn't exist so initialize it to first page
        EC.pageCounter = 2;
    //check if the page is only 1 digit -- patch for single digit
    if (EC.pageCounter < 9) {
       // it is, so we need to pad a 0 on the front.
      EC.pageCounterString = "0" + EC.pageCounter;
      //e.g.  01 ...09,11,12,13....115,222352,,....
    else {
      EC.pageCounterString = EC.pageCounter;
    EC.loadComposition(EC.pageCounterString + "/publish/web/" + EC.pageCounterString + ".html", sym.$("container"));
    EC.pageCounter = EC.pageCounter + 1;
    //TODO for back  -1

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    Have you tried to use google fonts? I have used them and they work for me.
    When you add your font for example:
    Copy paste:
    <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Finger+Paint' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
    and then for font family.
    'Finger Paint', cursive;
    then select addfont on the addfont screen

  • Adobe Edge Animate CC 2014.1

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    i have ulpaded 2 animation ( one normal and one Responsive ) in 2 different server here the link
    via SAFARI or CHROME on MAC all OK
    but via IPAD ( SAFARI, CHROME and MERCURY) i didn't see the video, just the animation of the BUTTON  and the link if i click on it (not in Mercury), like in the content viewer.

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    I'm new to Edge but am keen to explore.
    Anyone have any feedback on whether:
    1. It's possible, and
    2. What techniques/effects have been used.

    Hi there and welcome,
      Could you be a little more specific on what it is exactly that you would want to create? Most of what I can see from that website is doable in Edge Animate, but if you specify what it is you'd like to accomplish I could walk you through how to do it.

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    Thanks for your patience...

    These fragments might fall under the category of "other", as an example, there is a copyright fragment in the Other tab of the fragment toolbox window. You could copy that and enhance it to make your footer.

Maybe you are looking for