Edit submenu without affecting top menu

Hi all,
I'm very new to Muse so still learning a lot. I was wondering if it was possible to edit a submenu without affecting the top menu.
For instance, in the following scenario I have a top menu that is Vertically; Left-Aligned and I would like the submenu to be Horizontally; Centre-Aligned. I've tried unticking the Edit Together option but it doesn't seem to do it (or anything to that matter). Screenshot below.
Also, when I add a new sub page (Untitled 11), the style (or State) doesn't apply to it so I have to do everything again to the new page. Surely you don't have to do that every time a new page is created?
Any ideas?
Many thanks in advance.

Hi Dave
Are you still facing the same issue ?
These videos can be helpful :
Add and Customize Site Navigation | Adobe Muse Feature Tour | Adobe TV
http://tv.adobe.com/watch/learn-adobe-muse-cc/add-a-menu-to-your-page-insert-a-menu-widget /
http://www.musegrid.com/adobe-muse-tutorials/designing-navigation-menus-with-adobe-muse-ho w-to-separate-menu-items-with-style

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     Please refer the below link which may help you to resolve your problem.
    If its not helping you please let us know
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    I deffinitly saw this and tried it. It is possible to do. I just don't use it and I forgot how. I saw it during the first months of last year on the Apple start up page under something like hot new tips for using Tiger or some such.
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    In the screenshot you provided Logic Pro X is running in Full Screen Mode not Windowed mode
    When looking at the main Logic Pro X screen... If you move your mouse pointer to the very top of the screen the menu bar should drop down and appear
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    Index Values, I think, is the property you are looking for.  Set the index to 0 to be at the top.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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    L305-S5955, T9300 Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, 60GB SSD, Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit

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    Should I start a new catalog to begin my new batch of incoming photos? I have so many folders in LR now, that I sometimes have a hard time finding the folder that I need.
    **I am using LR2
    Thank you so much, in advance, for any help or suggestion!!!

    Hi Heidi!
       Okay, let's see...
    i ADD photos to catalog without moving. and when i export...i export them back to their original folder.
    So basically, you are elminating most of the functions of using LR in the first place.  So, let me explain a bit..
    LR is designed to do a couple of things for your;  manage large collections of images, and edit images without destruction of the original image.
    Let's take the last one first:  without destruction.   You are pointing LR at an original image (using the Add import).   You then use LR to do all the edits you like to it.  Then you Export back into the same directory, _overwriting_ your original.  This means that all of the history that LR keeps track of, such as your color edits, etc, gets wiped out.   That neatly negates LR's ability to do non-destructive editing.   Because you can't go back to your original, having overwritten it.
    Do you have a reason why you shoot in jpg mode?  Or is it just because you haven't understood or tried raw mode?  The difference shooting in raw makes is quite dramatic in LR compared to shooting in jpg.  (And, it makes it almost impossible to overwrite the original!)  But that can come as a later refinement, if you wish.  Let's work on your current problem.
    on the left side, under folders...i have about 200 folders from the last
    year and i have about 60,000 photos total in my catalog. obviously, it
    is getting hard for me to find folders when i need them even though i do
    label each folder with the year/month/brief desciption (2010 december
    I think we have a different description of how you create folders.  If you have 200 hundred folders, you are not doing what you claim;  year/month/... Becuase that would mean you have been taking photos for 200 years!
    Here is what I meant by folder structures.  I keep all of my images in a sub-folder called MainCatalog.  That way, when I do backups, I only have to grab that one folder, and everything below it is backed up.
    Top level is major project, it's the one farthest left, below my parent folder:
    Under those catagories, each one has a year folder.
    And each folder under the year has month
    And each folder with month under it has the day,
    You could, for example, replace the bottom folder with a description appended to it.  You can see that this decreases the number of folders you have to scan to find what you are looking for;  by knowing the year and month, it's down to at most 31 folders.  This can be changed around; you could remove the top level project, and just use the rest of it, or move the project to the bottom... many ways of doing it.  One reason I chose this method is that LR will create all of the folders for me, I just create the top level major project folder.  Then in the import dialog, I point to the major project folder, and tell LR to import via the date format, and choose the year->year-mon->year-mon-day format.  Easy.
    Now, as to moving your images to an external disk...
    First, I would promote a parent folder.  This is done from within LR.  Bring up LR, and right-click on any of the folders you currently have, and select "promote parent folder".  This will have the effect of moving all of your folders into a sub-folder, and you'll now see the sub-folder at the very top in your list.  This is good.
    And by finder, we meant the normal operating system's finder, not from within LR.  Some people move from within LR, some don't.  I find that if I use the operating system to move my files and later tell LR to reconnect them, I don't have problems with LR not being able to see the drive, as some people say they do.  Works both ways, but I obviously like my way better.
    Now, as to moving your images... yep, it's easy, as someone else pointed out.  Just drag (move, not copy) and drop onto your new hard drive from your operating system.  Then when you bring up LR, you'll see '?' on the folder pane, saying LR doesn't know where these are anymore.  Right-click on the  top-level (parent) folder that you promoted, and browse to the new location and LR will connect them again.  The reason for doing the promote parent is that you only have to do this once; LR will connect all of the folders below it if they are in the same structure.
    You don't need to upgrade to LR 3.3 if you don't need to yet;  I would recommend downloading Lr 2.7, however, as it fixed a few bugs in 2.6.  And it's a free upgrade.  With your current worfflow, there isn't a dramatic improvement in using 3.3.  The improvements are mostly for raw files, and many people have found that 3.3 is slower in regards to 2.6/2.7.
    Does that make sense now?

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    Computer iMac7,1 has been giving sundry problems for sometime. Within the last six weeks I have reinstalled the OS (Snow Leopard),without affecting the overall contents of the hard drive.
    ±3 weeks later the problems became more serious and I againreinstalled the OS and installed OS 6.6.7 from the internet.
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    What to do? I need help urgently and would appreciate anyadvice that offers solutions to the problem.

    To check your S.M.A.R.T status open disk utility and click on your drive and then click on the info icon.

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    In case you are looking for a customized Menu then I would suggest you to use Manual Menu. Using Manual Menu you will be able to create your own Menu and will be able to link each Menu to the desired pages/files/URLs.
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