Editable field in pdf?

Hi!  Trying to create a pdf where the user can type in information, then print out the document.  This would be a parking permit so I want to have spaces where they can type in their vehicle information (license number and state).  Doesn't matter if they can save the changes or not - just want them to be able to type it in and print it out.  Make sense?  Is it possible?
  Thanks in advance for your help!

You will need a version of Acrobat that supports form field creation, 6-8 Professional of 9 Standard.
You can also create the form in OpenOffice.org with form fields and export from OO.org to a PDF form with form fields.

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    Most likely you used the Preview application to fill and save the PDF, rather than Acrobat. The behavior you describe is a known problem. I recently wrote a small article that has more information: http://kb2.adobe.com/community/publishing/885/cpsid_88564.html
    Although the site seems to be a bit slow at the moment.
    Here's a link to a recent topic here where this was discussed: http://forums.adobe.com/message/3268674

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    Hi aleem,
    check this link

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    Name     AAA
    Roll No  10
    I have created two text fields as Name and Roll No, when I run this form then I selects Print Preview option and it will display the values AAA and 10 respectively. But I am not able to edit these values.
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    The structure SFPDOCPARAMS contains a flag FILLABLE, which needs to be activated in your program.
    Be aware that in SFP there is only an automatic conversion from ABAP structures to the XML in PDF, but no out-of-the-box conversion from XML back to ABAP - which is what you normally need in the interactive scenario. Use the forms integration into the Web Dynpro framework, as this framework provides the transformation both ways.
    Best regards,
    Markus Meisl
    SAP NetWeaver Product Management

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    Hi Aleem .
    jus snd ur mail -id.
    i have a document, i vil snd it uuuu.
    its a long process, so its nt posible 2 explain evertytin,
    so snd ur mail id, i vil snd a documenmt with SNAP-SHOT
    that vil b more helpful 2 u.
    Reward if its useful

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    Check your ADS settings, I feel it's due to lack of some config in ADS only.
    <i><b>Raja Sekhar</b></i>

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    Figured out prtected mode was set to enabled on startup. Turned that off and no more problems.

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    It can probably be achieved with a script, but if you only need to do it once, I think doing it manually is the best way to go.

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    You might take a look at PDFpen, especially the "Pro" version. But I think you might need the full version of Acrobat to create fillable forms.

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    Very easy to create. I have not been able to get them to burst with editable fields. Please note that it is not editable with Adobe Reader, unless it is first extended with Adobe Professional or Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions. Depending on your config settings you may have to make some changes to allow the fields to remain editable.

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    with an editable field at the end of the report.In Reports the user cannot add text after generation of the report. So, do it before generating the report. Add a parameter p_comment to the data model and add this to the parameter form (or whatever form you use to call the report, e.g. from Forms) and create a text field at the end of the report.

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    I cannot get this menu item to show?  Can someone tell me if there is an option or setting to enable so that I can get to this menu item?
    Here is a screenshot of the form:
    Here is a screenshot of the Adobe Acrobat version we are running:

    Finally found a work around to my problem.  Here are the steps:
    (1) The original form.  Note missing "Add or Edit Fields" menu item.
    (2) Click on Document-->Extract Pages
    (3) The following dialog pops up.  Since I am only working with a 1 page form I accept the defaults and click OK.
    (4) The following window is launched.  Now I just save the newly generated form:
    (5) Now when I check the Forms menu, I finally see the "Add or Edit Fields" item:  Yay!!!!
    (6) In checking the Document Properties of the new form, the Application (PScript5.dll)  and PDF Producer (GPL Ghostscript 8.15) metadata is still the same as before:
    Still don't know why I couldn't get to the "Add or Edit Fields" menu item in the original form.  After doing the Extract, now I am able to get to it.   At this point that's all I care about right now.
    Thanks George for helping me investigate this issue!

  • Editable field in a Adobe Form

    Hi, guys.
    I gotta insert an editable field in an adobe print form, but I can't make it editable.
    I selected 'User Entered- Required' in the 'Value' palette of the field, but, after the launch of the program, it's not editable yet.
    I also tried to valorize the field 'fillable' of an SFPDOCPARAMS-like structure, but this valorization ('X') have stopped the launch of the form.
    Thanks for who will answer me!

    Go to form properties..
    in that click on defaults tab...
    there in preview...change it ro interactive form....
    now check it in pdf preview...
    The preview type affects Designer's preview only, not SAP spool's preview, which
    is always non-interactive (unless, in the ABAP program, you set the fillable
    parameter of function module FP_JOB_OPEN to X or N).
    Thefillable field determines whether a form can have interactive features.
    By default, it cannot. If you set fillable to 'X', interactive features are enabled
    and Adobe Reader grants the so-called Reader rights (in particular, the user
    can enter data and save the form together with the data). If fillable equals
    'N', the user can make entries in the form, but cannot save the form together
    with the entries.
    Message was edited by:
            Omkaram Yanamala

  • Editing Text in PDF

    Hello!  My project is to create a fillable form PDF.  I started in InDesign and then used Adobe Acrobat Pro to place the fields.
    Now I need to update some of the text at the bottom of the last page.  It appears that I cannot do that in Acrobat, I probably need to go back to InDesign.  How do I duplicate / import all of the fields, settings, and tab order so that they appear exactly where they are in the current revision?  Acrobat says that the document is secured and I can't edit the form, so will that hinder this process?
    Thank you.

    This FAQ explains how to enable editing on the PDF:

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