Editable Table - Submit - RFC Call

Hi Experts.
I have a table iView that displays the content provided in a RFC. This table is editable. Once all changes within several rows are done I want to press a submit button to transfer the table content to another RFC.
How can I tell the submit button (within a form iView) to transfer the whole table content?
Thanks, Mathias

You need to create a toolbar for the table. Right-click the table and click "Create Toolbar". Create a pushbutton eg 'Save" and assign it the system action "Submit Form" and draw a transition line from the table to the rfc (for event submit)

Similar Messages

  • Send data to ECC table through RFC Call function from SAP B1 via  b1if

    I have created scenario in B1if which triggers from SAP B1, now I have to send this data in to ECC table, so I have created scenario for that with inbound SAP B1, outbound void and in process RFC Call atom is there but I am not getting data in receiver and also how to write xml to send data in RFC function. Function for RFC has configured from ECC end and have access of that function.
    So please help me to send data to ECC table through RFC Call function from SAP B1 (9.0) via b1if

    Solved by my own.

  • Empty tables with RFC call

    Good day,
    we have a delphi application using wdtfuncs.ocx to connect to SAP via RFC. Since we updated the GUI from 6.2 to 6.4 we have the strange problem, that in some cases select statements returning 0 hits (they should return at least 1 hit).
    After downgrading the wdtfuncs.ocx to version 6.2, everything seems to work fine.
    Maybe someone has a good idea?!
    Any help appreciated.
    Andreas Hähre

    Thank you for trying to help me Kathirvel!
    But unfortunately I have not solved my problem.
    Let me be sure I did this right: I set OBJECTID=PA and SUBTYPE=0000 ?
    Well, I have tried diffrent combinations ...
    Are there a connection between subtype and infotype?
    (I did try 0006 as well ...)
    The problem with wdtfuncs.ocx are also described in this thread:
    I tried to swap the files wdtfuncs.ocx and wdtaocx.ocx from version 6.4 til 6.2, but it didn't help.
    The same problem as I'm struggeling with appears in this thread:
    The SAP Note 310190 I mentioned earlier are from 2002, and have Service Packages for version 4.5B to 4.6C. We are running SAP ERP 2004 PS, I think this is version 5.0. I did belive these Service Package were too old for our system, but am I wrong? Should I try to install them?
    Well, this seems to be a hard nut to crack! ...
    Kindly regards
    Arnstein Ørjavik

  • Problem passing a table parameter in rfc call using the function control

    I try to pass a Table as parameter to a Function Module using the SAP.Functions library (part of SAP frontend controls) from a Visual Basic (VBA) program.
    The function module has been verified to work when invoked from SAP FrontEnd Function Builder.
    The SAP RFC Control is created with
    Set sapFunctions=CreateObject("SAP.Functions")
    Following code snippet shows how I attempt to set exports and add a table row before calling the function module:
    sapFunctions.Connection = sapConnection
    Set sapMaterialUpd = sapFunctions.Add("Z_SD_BAPI_SALES_DATA_UPD")
    With sapMaterialUpd
    <i>'set exports</i>
         .Exports("PA_GLPUPDLEVEL") = "S"
         .Exports("PA_VKORG") = "FI14"
    <i>'append table row</i>
         .Tables("IT_SALES_DATA_UPD")(1, "VKORG") = "FI14"
         .Tables("IT_SALES_DATA_UPD")(1, "MATNR") = "W_3100"
         .Tables("IT_SALES_DATA_UPD")(1, "DATBI") = "99991231"
         .Tables("IT_SALES_DATA_UPD")(1, "DATAB") = "20041231"
         .Tables("IT_SALES_DATA_UPD")(1, "KBETR") = "2222"
         .Tables("IT_SALES_DATA_UPD")(1, "KONWA") = "EUR"
    End With
    <i>'call the function module</i>
    If sapMaterialUpd.Call() = True Then
        <i>'do something with the return tables here...</i>Else
        Debug.Print sapMaterialUpd.Exception
    End If
    The Call() returns <b>FALSE</b> and the exception is <b>"SYSTEM_FAILURE"</b>. The connection also resets.
    The local logfile that the control generates shows that an exception occurs at the point of the call:
    <i>10.02.2005  17:54:20.766 Packing Parameters for Z_SD_BAPI_SALES_DATA_UPD
    Packing Parameter PA_GLPUPDLEVEL.
    Packing Parameter PA_VKORG.
    Packing Table 0.
    Packing Table 1.
      10.02.2005  17:54:20.766 *** Calling  RFC Function 'Z_SD_BAPI_SALES_DATA_UPD'
      10.02.2005  17:54:20.986 RFC CALL status = RFC_SYS_EXCEPTION
      10.02.2005  17:54:20.986 RFC Error: RFC_IO27
      -Message:connection closed
      -Internal Status:IO HANDLE=23 DRV=EXT LINE=1420 CODE=27 : GET ID=ffff LINE=861 CODE=7
      10.02.2005  17:54:20.986 Function call finished.</i>
    Seen next code snippet. If the Table object is not touched, the function call goes through without any problems:
    sapFunctions.Connection = sapConnection
    Set sapMaterialUpd = sapFunctions.Add("Z_SD_BAPI_SALES_DATA_UPD")
    With sapMaterialUpd
    'set exports
        .Exports("PA_GLPUPDLEVEL") = "S"
        .Exports("PA_VKORG") = "FI14"
        'do <b>not</b> append a table row, for testing only ;-)</b>
    End With
    <i>'call the function module</i>
    If sapMaterialUpd.Call() = True Then
    <i>    'do something with the return tables here...</i>
        Debug.Print sapMaterialUpd.Exception
    End If
    This code works perfectly when calling the function. It returns TRUE and behaves normally. The function module returns descriptive response text in a table telling that the table was empty, according to the BAPI implementation.
    So is there something special needed here <i>after</i> appending the table row and <i>before</i> making the Call to properly attach the table as a parameter for the function module?
    Can this be a bug in the SAP RFC Control? The version of the wdtfuncs.ocx is 6206.6.45.54.
    Any hints are welcome!

    hi All partner,
    who solved this problem , I meet it too and
    can't clear it.
    SAPfunc := sapfunctions1.Add('z_get_sfcs_dn_mo');    
    SAPitab := sapfunc.tables.item ('I_DNMO');
    SAPitab.appendrow;                                       SAPitab.value(1,'MANDT') := '220'; 
    SAPitab.Value(1,'VBELN') := '2150000001';
    SAPitab.Value(1,'POSNR') := '50';
    SAPitab.value(1,'MATNR') := '19-99999-00'; 
    SAPitab.value(1,'AUFNR') := '921241512001';
    SAPitab.value(1,'DEDAT') := '2005/09/09';
    SAPitab.value(1,'LFIMG') := '100';  
    IF  SAPfunc.call = true then
        showmessage('call fail!!') ;
    RFC source code as below
    FUNCTION z_get_sfcs_dn_mo.
    ""Local interface:
    *"  TABLES
      data: wa type zdn_mo.
      LOOP AT i_dnmo.
        wa-mandt = i_dnmo-mandt.
        wa-vbeln = i_dnmo-vbeln.
        wa-posnr = i_dnmo-posnr.
        wa-matnr = i_dnmo-matnr.
        wa-aufnr = i_dnmo-aufnr.
        wa-dedat = i_dnmo-dedat.
        wa-lfimg = i_dnmo-lfimg.
       modify  zdn_mo from wa.
        insert into zdn_mo values wa.  --dump at here
        commit work.
    T/C: ST22 error message say at
      insert into zdn_mo values wa. ---dump at here
    the sapfunc.call returns fail.
    Message was edited by: jorry wang

  • RFC calls with SAP table insert - lock tables

    I have an external server program, which is calling a rfc function many times the same time with different transaction types. There are transaction types, which are downloading information from SAP (only send data back to the caller), and there are transaction types which are uploading data to SAP (inserting/updating data on SAP).
    The function calls are synchronous as the server needs to get feedback directly. The parallel work processes for RFC calls are limited, so a system overload can´t happen.
    The problem now is, if the server is down for while and going to be restarted, it´s opening parallel threads and calls the function in SAP at nearly the same time. That means, it will call the function with upload requests (table must be locked), and download requests the same time.
    In the upload requests, the table has to be locked, that it can´t occur that we get wrong entries...
    I can only enqueue the table with just two fields... I know, that is almost like locking the whole table, but it´s not possible to lock it in a different way.
    I tried to use the enqueue function with the parameter WAIT, but it didn´t help, as there where too many parallel calls and after some seconds, they were ending up with an error (Because the table has been locked by another call).
    It seems that it´s trying to lock the table again for all parallel calls at exactly the same time....
    The calls has to be synchronous, as the server needs to get the feedback directly. Any ideas how top solve this, that it handles all incoming calls parallel and waits for the table is unlocked again?
    Thank you for your help!

    thank you for your answer!
    I have investigated something new yesterday:
    I thought at the beginning, that the problem just occurs, when the system work processes are reached. The system has for example set up 15 dialog processes and the external server is calling the function 20 times in parallel. Then we normally need 5 dialog processes more. The system is taking then all 15 dialog processes and the locks got stucked.
    That means, that I´ll maybe only get 4 or 5 uploads, which have really been updated the tables. All the others couldn´t get the table locked for their process.
    But if I now let the server call the function just about 13 times in parallel, nearly all uploads have been updated the table!
    From my point of view, the lock from SAP gets stucked, when the limit of dialog processes is reached. It´s not working in the right way anymore...
    The same is happening, when you set up in the system, that only 10 work proecesses can be used by RFC. If I have more than 10, it´s going to be critical with the locks....
    Can anybody help me out of trouble?
    Thank you!

  • RFC calls keep old buffer tables PS and PSINFO

    I have written a BSP application for an R/3 system which is release 4.6c.  For that reason, we have a stand-alone WebAS which must make RFC's to the core R/3 system to retrieve and update HR data.
    Originally the RFC destination to connect to the core R/3 system from WebAS was not a trusted connection, but we ran into problems with structural authorizations where the RFC was not returning all of the data for the actual user.  We found that the problem was related to the fact that the RFC destination was using a hard-coded user ID to make the connection to the R/3 HR system.  That particular user ID was being used as SY-UNAME in a routine used by structural authorizations, and it wasn't finding the correct data for the User ID that was entered as the RFC user.  Therefore, we made the change on the RFC destination in WebAS so that now we have the "Current User" checkbox checked, the hard-coded user ID and password has been removed, and now the "Trusted System" radio button is selected.  Those changes resolved our issue with structural authorizations because now the routine has the actual user ID as SY-UNAME instead of the generic RFC user ID.
    I'm not sure if the RFC trusted connection is part of this issue or not, but I wanted to provide that information.
    Here is the actual issue...  Several of the RFC's update different HR infotypes, and most of these use function module HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION to insert new HR infotype records or modify existing ones, etc.  We started receiving short dumps and getting strange results, and I was able to track it down to the fact that the PS and PSINFO buffer tables are not being refreshed.  I was expecting that these tables would be "clean" everytime I make a new RFC call.  However, this is not the case.  I watched this in debugger, and I see that the PS and PSINFO tables are still filled from the last RFC whenever I make a subsequent RFC!  When it finally gets to the point that dialog HR_MAINTAIN_MASTER_DATA is called, it still has the old data in these tables, so it tries to process the infotypes AGAIN.  This is very bad!  For one thing, the previous RFC which used HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION might have been for an applicant number (TCLAS = 'B') and the current RFC might be for an employee number (TCLAS = 'A').  We have seen this happen, and it resulted in a short dump (it's a long story - just trust me when I say that it is causing a lot of problems!).
    I was able to resolve the issue in one of my function modules by adding a call to function module HR_PSBUFFER_INITIALIZE at the beginning of the function module.  However, I don't want to have to add this to the beginning of every function module that I write.  Also, I think that this is a problem which needs to actually be solved instead of using a band-aid like this.
    This is what I want to know - Why are these buffer tables still filled from the last RFC whenever I make the next RFC?  Is this because it is set up as a "trusted" connection?  Is this related to the fact that my BSP application is stateful instead of stateless?  Does something need to be changed on my RFC destination configuration so that each RFC starts out with "clean" buffer tables?
    Thanks in advance for whatever advice you can offer me!

    I don't think this has anything to do with the trusted connection. It is because your application is stateful.  If you watch in the process overview in your system you will see that with a stateful application, no only does your BSP session state remain between calls, but also you should see a thread per user for the RFC connection. 
    That means that the Session state is also still alive on your R/3 4.6C system for a period of time as well (RFC keep alive time).  We have used this to our advantage before when building BSP applications (caching of data in Global Data of a Function Group).
    However you have the opposite problem.  It sounds like you would want to call the HR_PSBUFFER_INIT at the start of each transaction.  If you writting this as a Classic Dynpro Transaction would you not do the same? 
    You might try calling RFC_CONNECTION_CLOSE as well.  This should close the connection and end the state on the R/3 side.  However you will have the performance overhead of reestablishing a new connection on the next call.  But RFC connections seem to be very efficient.  I doubt you would notice any performance difference.

  • Locking tables using a RFC Call

    I am trying to lock a Table in R/3 from BW by calling a Enqueue Function Module which is remote enabled in R/3. The BW Call to R/3 is successful but the table is not getting locked. I wanted to know if this is something that can be done.
    I have an assumption once the locking is done in R/3 the connection in R/3 is closed and its getting unlocked automatically.
    Please Post  your answers if you guys have faced a similar situation.

    I have an assumption once the locking is done in R/3 the connection in R/3 is closed and its getting unlocked automatically.
    Your probably right, when making an RFC call, the locking done within, would only last during the execution of that call.
    Rich Heilman

  • Can't get the tables normally using RFC call to BC

    SAP Business Connector Developer.
    ->IDataUtil.getIDataArray function (can't work properly using RFC CALL)( I think it's the source of problem)
    I use the SAP Business Connector Developer(4.7) to get data from db2.
    and I create a JAVA service in th BC named writeData,
    the most important snippet shown below.
      // Get IDataCursor to manipulate pipeline
      IDataCursor idcPipeline = pipeline.getCursor();       
      // If the value is not an IData[], returns null.
      IData[] recordListIn = IDataUtil.getIDataArray( idcPipeline, "ORICONTENT" );
      idcPipeline.first( "CHECKEDDATE" );
      String checkedDate  = (String) idcPipeline.getValue();
      idcPipeline.first( "CPYCOD" );
      String cpycod= (String) idcPipeline.getValue();
       /* if ( recordListIn == null )
              errMsg += "No Input Data";
            recLen= recordListIn.length;
         recLen= recordListIn.length;
      catch(Exception ed){
         errMsg += "\r\nExceptionIn: " + ed.getMessage();
      In BC, the variable recLen can get the record list length normally, but if i call the function in the SAP,
    the system throw an exception, the ed.getMessage() return value NULL.
      I think the problem which the rfc can't work properly is that the method IDataUtil.getIDataArray execute unnormal.
      I have set value to ORICONTENT(record list) in SAP, and it can return the record that i have set to the SAP System,
    and in the java service,  I have return another record list creating using the following spippet, It can work normally.
    com.wm.app.b2b.server.DBConnection db
            =new com.wm.app.b2b.server.JDBCConnection(driverString,userName,
              com.wm.util.Values ida= db.execSQL(selectSql);
              idcPipeline.insertAfter("OUTDATAREC", ida );
    I have tried some adjustments, but nothing can work.
    The reason That I use one jave service instead of standard flow services is I have to transfer data to more than two db2 servers, and I have to keep the consistency.
    Attached please find the SAP test page (using se37) and the java service code.
    May you kindly help me to solve this problem, I don't know the real reason, and which is very emergent, but i can't changed Priority(If I changed it ,the page is unuseful).
    Additional,I have added some code shown below,
    idcPipeline.first( "ORICONTENT" );
    java.lang.Object curObj = idcPipeline.getValue();
    if (curObj == null)
    errMsg +=" object is null ";
    errMsg +=" object isnt null ";
    } catch(Exception ed){
    errMsg += " ExceptionOBj: " + ed.getMessage();
    In BC, everything is ok. but call the function in the sap, Show the following informatin:
    Object isnt null
    ExceptionOBj: com.wm.util.Table

    Hi, Mei Xie
    you mentioned 'In BC, everything is ok. but call the function in the sap, Show the following informatin: ....', I think the return value of RFC is null.
    have you tried to add a try catch around the RFC call, like following:
    try {
      IDataCursor idcPipeline = pipeline.getCursor();
    } catch (Exception ...)
    I'm not familiar with jave, only worked on C#, but I think try to catch the exception on RFC call is worth doing. Maybe it will descript some information around the problem.
    By the way, can you tell me which RFC/BAPI you are calling?
    I don't know what 'In BC, everything is ok.' mean. I have no experience on BC, only used dotnet connector. So can you explain how you use BC for me?

  • Problem refreshing SAP R/3 tables via RFC connection

      I am developing an application in WAS (using BSPs). I have the WAS in 1 machine and the R/3 in another one.
      When I update some tables, this tables aren't refreshed. In order to refresh it I have to restart the application.
       ¿Do you know how can I solve the problem?.
       Thanks in advance. Javi.
    Message was edited by: Javier Iglesias
    Message was edited by: Javier Iglesias

    Let me understand:
    1. machine A runs on WAS and you have a BSP application there.
    2. R/3 runs on machine B and thru your BSP (by RFC calls - from machineA) you are updating some table in this system.
    When you said tables aren't getting refreshed - hows did you come to this conclusion - a) your BSP is not returning the updated value? b) you went to the System B and checked manually and you dont find the records you update.
    Restarted the application - > which application ? the BSP?
    Answering these questions would help us to analyse the issue better.
    Note: Next time if you have a doubt regarding BSP - post it in BSP forum for a better response.

  • RFC call from Excel using VBA

    I am trying to do an RFC call from Excel to SAP using VBA. RFC is working fine for most the RFC enabled Function Modules except DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET and DDIF_FIELDLABEL_GET.
    What can be the reason for this?
    Can someonme please help me with a macro code where these FMs are working.
    Also can someone please help me with some tutorial on SAP connection with Excel.
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Nov 12, 2008 9:14 AM

    Hello Jon.
    DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET is not working for me either. But I have used another FM (/ZOPTION/LIVE_DDIF_FIELDINFO):
    Public Sub RFC_FIELDINFO()
    Dim Func As Object
    Dim sapConn As Object
    Dim tblFIELDTAB
    Dim intRow%
    Dim intCol%
    '* Sub     : Call FM /ZOPTION/LIVE_DDIF_FIELDINFO                         *
    '* Author  : Holger Köhn                                                  *
    '* Created : 23.08.2014                                                   *
    '* Changed :                                                              *
    '* create RFC-Connection                                                  *
    Set sapConn = CreateObject("SAP.Functions")
    sapConn.Connection.RfcWithDialog = True
    If sapConn.Connection.LogOn(1, False) <> True Then
        MsgBox "Cannot Logon to SAP"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    '* run FM /ZOPTION/LIVE_DDIF_FIELDINFO                                    *
    Set Func = sapConn.Add("/ZOPTION/LIVE_DDIF_FIELDINFO")
    Func.Exports("TABNAME") = "AUFK"
    Set tblFIELDTAB = Func.Tables("FIELDTAB")
    If Func.Call = False Then
         MsgBox Func.Exception
         Exit Sub
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            For intCol = 1 To tblFIELDTAB.ColumnCount
                ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TEST").Cells(1, intCol).Value = tblFIELDTAB.ColumnName(intCol)
            If tblFIELDTAB.RowCount > 0 Then
                For intRow = 1 To tblFIELDTAB.RowCount
                    For intCol = 1 To tblFIELDTAB.ColumnCount
                        ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TEST").Cells((intRow + 1), intCol).Value = tblFIELDTAB(intRow, intCol)
            End If
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End If
    '* clear tblFIELDTAB                                                      *
    Do Until tblFIELDTAB.RowCount = 0
         Call tblFIELDTAB.Rows.Remove(1)
    Set sapConn = Nothing
    Set Func = Nothing
    Set tblFIELDTAB = Nothing
    End Sub

  • URGENT - RFC Call from EP6.0

    Hi folks,
    We are creating a custom iView for creating and editing employee competency appraisals.  While creating a new appraisal, we call an RFC to validate whether an appraisal should be allowed to be created for that particular employee, based on the employee's Job Competency Profile.
    When we log onto R/3 and test the function we get RETURNCODE (of type SY-SUBRC) = 1.  This is the expected result, meaning that the appraisal can not be created because the competency is not in the employee's profile.
    However, when we log onto the portal with the same user, and submit the exact same parameters to the RFC call, we get a RETURNCODE=0, and the appraisal is created.
    Has any of you experts out there ever run into a similar problem?  Any assistance you can provide would be most appreciated.
    Thank you,

    Hi Dan,
    Sorry for the late reply!
    do u got solution for that?
    Otherwise, try with this!
    Just intialize the variable in java with 0 or 1,
    otherwise define 2 constants one is for having the value 0 and one is for having 1 and then check with the ouput value u r getting from r/3 to java.
    Generally, whatever the value u will get to the export parameter will be passed to the variable on java side.
    Just check it and let me know the status.

  • Locking objects across RFC calls

    Hi All,
    I am developing a business application using SAP UI5 and the NetWeaver Service Gateway in an embedded scenario. I have RFCs build for the backend interaction. As per my knowledge, each RFC is considered as a separate transaction and the user is logged on and off as the RFC is processed. This removes the lock on the object that I need to be sustained till the next RFC call. Unlocking the object exposes it to possible editing by other users which is not desirable.
    From what I have studied from this community, there are, by and large, two solutions
    1. Custom Lock Table
    2. Checking if the status of the object  is the same during the second RFC call, and going ahead only if it was unchanged.
    However, I am looking for more credible solution to this problem and would like to know how someone who experienced this issue have handled it.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Jacob
    S_RFC and S_SERVICE This two authorization is nedded while calling RFC module from R3.
    first of all test the module in R3. create a role using PFCG assign the tcode. su53 (authorization check) and also assign the S_RFC and S_SERVICE to role.
    now test the RFC function module with this role in R3.
    if u give any warning/error due to authorization. imediate run tcode su53 in same session or new session
    i.e /nsu53 or /osu53.
    look which authorization is missing for a object.
    assign the relevant object and authorization to role.
    any query revert back.

  • LUW implementation between RFC calls

    Hi Experts,
                    I have a quick requirement in which i have to implement LUW explicitly during RFC call.My requirement is as below
    I have 3 Rfc for a  Ztable these are 1. Zcreate_entry , 2.Zupdate_entry and
    3. Zdelete_entry. Now i want to create a explicit session for all the operation done by these Rfcs so that at the end of the session i can commit all the  operations.
    User will call 1 RFC for leting me know that now start a new session.now user will insert 5 entry in Ztable by calling Zcreate_entry(Actually this data should not be saved in ZTable) , Update 4 Entry in Ztable by calling Zupdate_entry(Actually this data should not be updated in ZTable) , delete few entry same way.
    Now user will call 1 Rfc for ending this session(for letting me know only that end this session) , At this point only all the data changes (inserted , updated and deleted ) should be actually reflected in database.
    Edited by: ABHISHEK BAJPAI on Jan 20, 2009 12:43 PM
    Edited by: ABHISHEK BAJPAI on Jan 20, 2009 12:43 PM

    Hi All,
            If you have not got the problem , let me explain complete scenario.
    There are three RFcs for creating , updating and deleting in database table(Ztable).
    Now these Rfcs will be called from web dynpro, In WD screen user may call Create RFC 5 times for creating entry in Ztable ,then he can call Update RFC for updating in Ztable.
    After doing all these operations in single session now he wants to end the session, so before closing the session WD notifies to backend that now at this point only save all the changes to the backend thus for all the operations commit will happen now only.
    *Another requirement is * that  from WD screen if user1 has created 5 records but he has not commited these changes to database now if User1 searches for just inserted recorded(which is not commited yet) , how to provide these records to the User1 because these records are not in Ztable at that point of time.

  • Program making a RFC call to Function Module not working in background

    Hi All,
    I have an ABAP Program which is used to do a reconciliation check between the R/3 and BI system for Invoice Data. Please find below the details of the program flow:
    1.     Program counts the number of records in the DSO table and aggregates the Net_Value based on the date range (passed as parameters)
    2.     Program calls a Function Module (RFC Call) which counts the number of records in the R/3 table and aggregates the Net_Value for the same date range
    3.     Function Module Passes back the count values and aggregated Net_Value to the program
    4.     Program compares the count and aggregated Net_Value from EDWH and MSP systems and sends an email mentioning whether the counts match or not
    However we are facing an issue.
    Whenever, we execute the program in dialog mode, it works fine and fetches results within 5-6 minutes. However if we schedule the program to run in background (parameters through a variant), it gives no results even after running for over 3-4 hours. We tried figuring it out yesterday but could not come to any conclusion. Since there is a RFC call being to the function module, we were wondering if we need to specify some other parameter as well.
    Thanks & Regards

    RFC Call is a procedure for executing remote enables function modules. It is done via the 'Remote Enabled' radio button on the function module's attribute screen.

  • How to pass table in RFC and use that table to populate fields in Mapping?

    I have a requirement FIle to CSV, the file consists of thousand lines...
    What I did first is to put RFC look up per line. It is taking too long to process the message.
    One work around that I could think of is to pass all the values to a table then pass the table to RFC then RFC returns another table, so only one RFC call is required.
    How am I going to use the table returned by the RFC? Please advise how to achieve this scenario.

    I use an ABAP RFC function, which has a parameter that contains many rows.
    In ABAP, I create a two types. First is a ROW - contains some fields, for example, param1, param2, etc.
    Second is a TABLE - contains multiple count of ROW.
    Then I create a Remotecallable Function that has this TABLE-type as parameter (you can make this parameter as INPUT and OUTPUT). So in my mapping program after import RFC Function, I see a message looks like this:
    MY_TABLE_PARAM (Occurences: 1)
    item (Occureces: 0..unbounded)
    param1 (Occureces: 1)
    param2 (Occureces: 1)
    etc (Occureces: 1)

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