Editing colors in artwork

using edit>edit colors>recolor artwork
1. I have three shapes with three different colors and I drag around in the color wheel to change their colors. How does this feature determine which shapes on the artboard get which colors from the Recolor Artwork window?

It's not object based, but color based. So what you define is: color xyz will be changed to color abc. No matter what object(s) this color is applied to.

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    From the Presets menu choose 1 color job, in the dialog window that opens click the little grid icon and choose the desired Pantone library for example, Pantone Solid Coated and press OK
    in the Recolor Artwork window double click on the color in the New column. Select the desired Pantone color. Type quickly the pantone number to find it, you may type first space bar to get the numbers under 1000

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    OK, so Trial Period isn't the problem? Thanks for that info.
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    Illy refuses to convert RGB to CMYK and CMYK to RGB, therefore the opposite is greyed out.
    So you are in RGB mode.
    Is there any RGB vector artwork that is non grayscale?
    If there is, it may be time for the list.
    The following is a general list of things you may try when the issue is not in a specific file, and when it is not caused by issues with opening a file from external media. You may have tried/done some of them already; 1) and 2) are the easy ones for temporary strangenesses, and 3) and 4) are specifically aimed at possibly corrupt preferences); 5) is a list in itself, and 6) is the last resort.
    If possible/applicable, you should save current artwork first, of course.
    1) Close down Illy and open again;
    2) Restart the computer (you may do that up to at least 5 times);
    3) Close down Illy and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift/Cmd+Option+Shift during startup (easy but irreversible);
    4) Move the folder (follow the link with that name) with Illy closed (more tedious but also more thorough and reversible), for CS3 - CC you may find the folder here:
    5) Look through and try out the relevant among the Other options (follow the link with that name, Item 7) is a list of usual suspects among other applications that may disturb and confuse Illy, Item 15) applies to CC, CS6, and maybe CS5);
    Even more seriously, you may:
    6) Uninstall (ticking the box to delete the preferences), run the Cleaner Tool (if you have CS3/CS4/CS5/CS6/CC), and reinstall.

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    You're not going to get anywhere beyond 10-bit. That's it.
    Try encoding to 10-bit LOG dpx if you need upscale RGB.

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    you must completely fill in the background in a non-opaque color.
    I doubt the 'non-opaque color' part might be a typoI think it is a typo, otherwise, like you, I don't know what they are trying to say.
    Just using setOpaque(true), does NOT make a component opaque. It simply tells the the RepaintManger not to search the ancestor tree to find an opaque component. This makes painting more efficient if it doesn't need to search all the way up to the content pane of the window. By setting the opaque property you are guaranteeing that the component will paint its own background in an opaque color.
    For example a JPanel is opaque and its paintComponent() method will invoke the fillRect(...) method to paint the background whatever color is specified by the setBackground() method.
    So if you do panel.setBackground(Color,RED) this is valid.
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    Edited by: camickr on Jul 8, 2008 11:18 AM
    Fixed an incorrect reference from "non-opaque" to "opaque".

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    Right, I tried this method already but it does not show the dialog box in Adobe Illustrator CC v18. only previous versions.
    Our group all use different versions.  I may just switch to an installer script thats adds the action to Illustrators "Default_Actions.aia"  file since its text based.
    Heres what I'm using now which  is working but I don't like all the hoops it has to jump.
    The action simply writes a new doc to a dummy file on a server & the when script doesn't see then dummy file, it writes, loads the action & deletes the dummy file.
    Then on the next run, the action will write the dummy file for the script to see & skip the loading of a duplicate action. 
    And if I change the action, I simply change the name of the action file & dummy file.
    property ACTSET : "Set 1"
    property actbname : "Action 1" --- writes teh PTDF file, then run rest of action
    property PTDF : POSIX file "/Volumes/artserver/1_ASI/spotcheck.ai" as string
    property the_file : PTDF & ACTSET & ".aia" as string
    property the_file2 : POSIX path of PTDF & ACTSET & ".aia" as string
    property spotcheck : {}
    tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
      set spotcheck to ""
      do javascript "app.doScript ('" & actbname & "', '" & ACTSET & "');"
      tell application "Finder" to set spotcheck to file PTDF as string
      end try
      if spotcheck = {} then
      my addaction() --- saves action text to temporary items for the load
      do javascript "app.loadAction (new File('" & the_file2 & "'));"
      do javascript "app.doScript ('" & actbname & "', '" & ACTSET & "');"
      tell application "Finder" to move file the_file to trash
      end if
      tell application "Finder" to move file PTDF to trash
    end tell

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    Did you change the workspace layout or edit the keyboard shortcuts? This might somehow affect your menu entries. Anyway, when in doubt --> delete the prefs to reset to factory defaults.

  • Illustrator CC: Changing Document Color Mode + Edit Colors

    Let's say I'm going to export a PNG.
    If I switch the Document Color Mode from CMYK to RGB, IS IT THEN NECESSARY to also Edit/Edit Colors/Convert to RGB, if I'm just going to select each element and assign specific RGB values anyway?
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    Color management needs to be set up in a way that it works as you want it to. Don't turn it off.
    BTW: actually you can't turn it off. It is so deeply integrated in modern software that it will always work somehow.
    Have all the numbers you set up in your colors be transferred correctly into the PNGs? Then don't worry.
    When converting your document from CMYK to RGB all color values get converted: object colors as well as swatches. No need to use the Edit colors function.
    When using File > convert to RGB resp CMYK document color mode, Illustrator applies the rules you have set up in Edit > color settings. That is: the profiles, the conversion engine, the intent.
    Change one of the settings and you get different colors.
    If you need to use specific RGB values, first convert the document color mode, then set up the color swatches and apply them to the objects.

  • Bug: Edit color by Hexa in Custom Rule...

    Edit color by Hexa in Custom Rule the color has changed when
    change focus...
    The correctly is lock color when entry hexa code to do more
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    I fear you are experiencing the same problem as these users:
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?forumid=72&catid=622&threadid =1236424&enterthread=y
    What is your OS and browser? Please reply on the above thread
    so we can consolidate information.
    Thank you,

  • Edit Color settings (Bridge/InDesign)

    Hi all, today in office we have a discussion about Edit > Color settings (we use this setting from Bridge for syncro).
    The question is: if i change Color settings (es. i change the rgb or cmyk working space) from InDesign i change only the swatches color? Is this correct? Because the graphic imported can (or not) maintain their color profile. What is wrong?
    Many thanks!

    Edit > Color settings (we use this setting from Bridge for syncro).
    Color Settings is an application preference—you are setting the color preferences for new documents. So changing the Working Spaces in Color Settings will only affect existing documents if they have no color profile assigned (i.e., the Color Management Policies were set to Off when the document was created). If you want to change a document's profile you have to do it via Edit > Assign or Convert to Profile...
    1) if i draw a frame filled cyan swatch, this color have the profile color that i set in the color settings?
    All native colors are assigned the document's profile (see Edit > Assign profiles...). The assigned profile isn't necessarily the same as the current Color Setting's working space
    2) if i import graphic with or without icc profile the assignment will be only when i export pdf, is it correct?
    If an imported CMYK graphic has no profile embedded, or the document's CMYK policy is Off or Preserve Numbers (Ignore Linked Profiles), it will be assigned the document's profile.
    When you export a PDF, the Output settings tab determines whether colors will be converted or profiles will be included.

  • Conserving black limit on output with Edit Colors

    Hi there,
    I'd like to try and solve a problem I often face when I come to ouput my illustrations..
    Normally, what will do is go into inDesign and look check the black seperations at 300% and if there is too much black present I create a selective colours layer in photoshop and reduce the blacks levels.. but using this technique I find that a lot of the image detail is lost (the blacks become grey and the whole contrast of the image is flattened)
    After searching around I've seen in Photoshop that it's possible to change the colour profile preferences (Edit > Colour) then the drop down next to the CMYK profile and then personalise (I hope this is the correct translation but something to that effect)
    Once I enter the CMYK personalise settings I'm presented with the curves showing the ink limits (the default total ink value is 300%)
    The problem is that once I apply the profile to my saved TIFF and re-import it into inDesign there are still black areas at over 300%.
    Is there a way to limit the black density to 300% using this or another technique ?
    Thanks in advance

    I’m afraid you might be misunderstand some things.
    If by »Edit > Colour« you mean »Edit > Color Settings« that will refer to a subsequent change of Color Mode, for example when changing an RGB-image to CMYK with Image > Mode > CMYK Color.
    If you want to change an image’s profile you should instead use Edit > Convert to Profile.
    But those custom profiles are usually pretty unsatisfactory.
    It would be better to use a decent proper ICC-profile; for the FOGRA standard (relevant in Europe) for example there are versions available with 300% Total Area Coverage.
    But if you work on CMYK files you always risk exceeding the TAC with Blend Modes, Adjustments etc.
    So you might want to consider working in a proper RGB-file and separating a copy at the end or even placing the RGB-image and separating on pdf-Export in Indesign.
    Could you post a sample image?

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    Time to trash the prefs.... See Replace Your Preferences

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