Effects:  Freezing v. sends

I've tried using creating a bus for Full Reverb and a bus for Tube Compression and using sends from audio tracks to the busses.
It still has to process mixing changes (volume and pan, etc.)   BTW, I have 2 vocal tracks going to a vocal bus w/ sends to effects.  Same with guitar.
I then tried putting Full Reverb and Tube Compression on each audion track and Freezing them.  It uses less processing power and allows for real time mixing volume and pan, etc.
I'm wonder what it the best method?  Thanks in advance for your input!
Steve Hart

Freezing your tracks is something you do to alleviate the strain on your cpu - it works but is a real PITA when you need to change settings - you have to unfreeze, refreeze etc.
But if your CPU can't handle things then that is the only way to do it.
BTW a warning comes with Full Reverb that it is CPU intensive.
I can run 24 tracks with 6 to10 fx on each track no problem but one track of Full Reverb can cause problems.
Why you would even need Full Reverb is beyond me but each to his own - freezing is really your only viable option here.

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  • I cant reboot. Shutdown freezes at sending SIGTERM to processes

    I could use some advice. For the past 4 months or so I have not been able to do a full shutdown or reboot. When I run the shutdown -r now or reboot commands the process starts but freezes at Sending SIGTERM to processes. At this point I can switch to diffrent terminals with Ctrl+Alt+F? but I cant type.The only thing I can do is hold my power button down to shut off. I have been searching online  fore awhile and restored my rc.shutdown script to the original backup I have from months ago but I am still having the same issues. Ill attach my local and shutdown scripts
    Thanks for taking a look.
    # /etc/rc.local: Local multi-user startup script.
    #/bin/plymouth quit --retain-splash
    alsactl -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state restore
    #rm /tmp/.X25-lock
    mount LABEL=Backup /home/ahron/Dropbox/Backup
    mount LABEL=FatBackup '/home/ahron/Backup Images'
    #su ahron -c "vncserver -geometry 800x600 -alwaysshared -localhost -dpi 96 :25"
    # /etc/rc.shutdown
    . /etc/rc.conf
    . /etc/rc.d/functions
    # avoid staircase effect
    stty onlcr
    echo " "
    printhl "Initiating Shutdown..."
    echo " "
    run_hook shutdown_start
    [[ -x /etc/rc.local.shutdown ]] && /etc/rc.local.shutdown
    run_hook shutdown_prekillall
    run_hook shutdown_postkillall
    stat_busy "Saving Random Seed"
    install -TDm 0600 <(:) $RANDOM_SEED
    if [[ -r $POOL_FILE ]]; then
    dd if=/dev/urandom of=$RANDOM_SEED count=1 bs=$POOL_SIZE &>/dev/null
    [[ $TIMEZONE ]] &&
    status "Saving Time Zone" \
    cp --remove-destination "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$TIMEZONE" /etc/localtime
    # Write to wtmp file before unmounting
    halt -w
    status "Deactivating Swap" swapoff -a
    # stop monitoring of lvm2 groups before unmounting filesystems
    [[ $USELVM = [Yy][Ee][Ss] && -x $(type -P lvm) && -d /sys/block ]] &&
    status "Deactivating monitoring of LVM2 groups" \
    vgchange --monitor n &>/dev/null
    # if we don't have devtmpfs support, /dev is mounted as tmpfs, so don't unmount it
    status "Unmounting Filesystems" \
    umount -a -r -t nodevtmpfs,notmpfs,nosysfs,noproc,nodevpts -O no_netdev
    run_hook shutdown_postumount
    # Kill non-root encrypted partition mappings
    if [[ -f /etc/crypttab && $CS ]] && grep -q ^[^#] /etc/crypttab; then
    stat_busy "Deactivating encrypted volumes:"
    # Maybe someone has LVM on an encrypted block device
    # executing an extra vgchange is errorless
    [[ $USELVM = [Yy][Ee][Ss] ]] && vgchange --sysinit -a n &>/dev/null
    do_lock() {
    stat_append "${1}.."
    if $CS remove "$1" &>/dev/null; then
    stat_append "ok "
    stat_append "failed "
    read_crypttab do_lock
    [[ $USELVM = [Yy][Ee][Ss] && -x $(type -P lvm) && -d /sys/block ]] &&
    status "Deactivating LVM2 groups" vgchange --sysinit -a n &>/dev/null
    status "Remounting Root Filesystem Read-only" \
    lsof /
    mount -n -t ext4 --verbose -o remount,ro /dev/sda3 /
    reboot -d -f -i
    run_hook shutdown_poweroff
    # Power off or reboot
    if [[ $RUNLEVEL = 0 ]]; then
    printhl "${C_H2}POWER OFF"
    poweroff -d -f -h -i
    printhl "${C_H2}REBOOTING"
    # if kexec is installed and a kernel is loaded, use it
    [[ -x $(type -P kexec) ]] && kexec -e &>/dev/null
    # End of file
    # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet:
    Last edited by ahronzombi (2011-11-12 17:10:43)

    So installing the testing initscripts seems to fix the reboot command, but still the most commonly used command shutdown -r now still wont do a full reboot.
    # /etc/rc.local.shutdown: Local shutdown script.
    #killall dropbox
    #umount /home/ahron/Dropbox/Backup
    #killall Xvnc
    #fuser -vm /
    # Check local filesystems
    fsck_all() {
    fsck -A -T -C"$FSCK_FD" -a -t "no${NETFS//,/,no},noopts=_netdev" $FORCEFSCK
    # Single-user login and/or automatic reboot after fsck (if needed)
    fsck_reboot() {
    # $1 = exit code returned by fsck
    # Ignore conditions 'FS errors corrected' and 'Cancelled by the user'
    (( ($1 | 33) == 33 )) && return 0
    if (( $1 & 2 )); then
    echo "********************** REBOOT REQUIRED *********************"
    echo "* *"
    echo "* The system will be rebooted automatically in 15 seconds. *"
    echo "* *"
    echo "************************************************************"
    sleep 15
    echo "***************** FILESYSTEM CHECK FAILED ****************"
    echo "* *"
    echo "* Please repair manually and reboot. Note that the root *"
    echo "* file system is currently mounted read-only. To remount *"
    echo "* it read-write type: mount -n -o remount,rw / *"
    echo "* When you exit the maintenance shell the system will *"
    echo "* reboot automatically. *"
    echo "* *"
    echo "************************************************************"
    sulogin -p
    echo "Automatic reboot in progress..."
    umount -a
    mount -n -o remount,ro /
    reboot -f
    exit 0
    mount_all() {
    mount -a -t "nosysfs,no${NETFS//,/,no}" -O no_netdev
    umount_all() {
    # $1: restrict to fstype
    local mounts
    while read -r target fstype options; do
    # match only targetted fstypes
    if [[ $1 && $1 != "$fstype" ]]; then
    # don't unmount API filesystems
    if [[ $target = /@(proc|sys|run|dev|dev/pts) ]]; then
    # avoid networked devices
    IFS=, read -ra opts <<< "$options"
    if in_array _netdev "${opts[@]}"; then
    done < <(findmnt -runRo TARGET,FSTYPE,OPTIONS / | tac)
    umount -r "${mounts[@]}"
    remove_leftover() {
    stat_busy "Removing Leftover Files"
    # handle this separately until we declare the non-symlinks obsoleted
    [[ ! -L /var/lock ]] && rm -rf /var/lock/*
    if [[ ! -L /var/run && -d /var/run ]]; then
    find /var/run/ \! -type d -delete
    ln -s /run/daemons /var/run/daemons
    /usr/lib/initscripts/arch-tmpfiles --create --remove && stat_done || stat_fail
    bootlogd_stop() {
    [[ -f /run/bootlogd.pid ]] || return 0
    touch /var/log/boot
    kill $(< /run/bootlogd.pid)
    rm -f /run/bootlogd.pid
    sed -i -r -e 's/\^\[\[[0-9]?;?[0-9]?[0-9]?;?[0-9]?[0-9]?[ms]//g' \
    -e 's/\^\[(\[1?[0-9][0-9]|%)G//g' -e 's/\^\[\[0;1//g' /var/log/boot
    # Custom hooks in initscripts #
    # Hooks can be used to include custom code in various places in the rc.* scripts
    # Define a hook function in a functions.d file using:
    # function_name() {
    # add_hook hook_name function_name
    # It is allowed to register several hook functions for the same hook
    # Is is also allowed to register the same hook function for several hooks
    # Currently, the following hooks exist:
    # sysinit_start: at the beginning of rc.sysinit
    # multi_start: at the beginning of rc.multi
    # single_start: at the beginning of rc.single
    # shutdown_start: at the beginning of rc.shutdown
    # sysinit_end: at the end of rc.sysinit
    # multi_end: at the end of rc.multi
    # single_end: at the end of rc.single
    # sysinit_udevlaunched: after udev has been launched in rc.sysinit
    # single_udevlaunched: after udev has been launched in rc.single
    # sysinit_udevsettled: after uevents have settled in rc.sysinit
    # single_udevsettled: after uevents have settled in rc.single
    # sysinit_premount: before local filesystems are mounted, but after root is mounted read-write in rc.sysinit
    # sysinit_postmount: after local filesystems are mounted
    # shutdown_prekillall: before all processes are being killed in rc.shutdown
    # single_prekillall: before all processes are being killed in rc.single
    # shutdown_postkillall: after all processes have been killed in rc.shutdown
    # single_postkillall: after all processes have been killed in rc.single
    # shutdown_postumount: after filesystems are unmounted
    # shutdown_poweroff: directly before powering off in rc.shutdown
    # Declare add_hook and run_hook as read-only to prevent overwriting them.
    # Too bad we cannot do the same thing with hook_funcs
    if (( RC_FUNCTIONS_HOOK_FUNCS_DEFINED != 1 )); then
    declare -A hook_funcs
    add_hook() {
    [[ $1 && $2 ]] || return 1
    hook_funcs[$1]+=" $2"
    run_hook() {
    [[ $1 ]] || return 1
    local func
    for func in ${hook_funcs["$1"]}; do
    declare -fr add_hook run_hook
    # Function for setting console font if required
    set_consolefont() {
    [[ $CONSOLEFONT ]] || return 0
    stat_busy "Loading Console Font: $CONSOLEFONT"
    #CONSOLEMAP in UTF-8 shouldn't be used
    [[ $CONSOLEMAP && ${LOCALE,,} =~ utf ]] && CONSOLEMAP=""
    local i
    for i in /dev/tty[0-9]*; do
    setfont ${CONSOLEMAP:+-m "${CONSOLEMAP}"} \
    "$CONSOLEFONT" -C ${i} &>/dev/null
    if (( $? )); then
    elif [[ $CONSOLEMAP ]]; then
    cat <<"EOF" >>/etc/profile.d/locale.sh
    if [ "$CONSOLE" = "" -a "$TERM" = "linux" -a -t 1 ]; then printf "\033(K"; fi
    if [[ $DAEMON_LOCALE = [yY][eE][sS] ]]; then
    if [[ -r /etc/locale.conf ]]; then
    parse_envfile /etc/locale.conf "${localevars[@]}"
    export LANG=C
    # set colors
    if [[ $USECOLOR = [yY][eE][sS] ]]; then
    if tput setaf 0 &>/dev/null; then
    C_CLEAR=$(tput sgr0) # clear text
    C_MAIN=${C_CLEAR}$(tput bold) # main text
    C_OTHER=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 4) # prefix & brackets
    C_SEPARATOR=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 0) # separator
    C_BUSY=${C_CLEAR}$(tput setaf 6) # busy
    C_FAIL=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 1) # failed
    C_DONE=${C_MAIN} # completed
    C_BKGD=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 5) # backgrounded
    C_H1=${C_MAIN} # highlight text 1
    C_H2=${C_MAIN}$(tput setaf 6) # highlight text 2
    C_CLEAR="\e[m" # clear text
    C_MAIN="\e[;1m" # main text
    C_OTHER="\e[1;34m" # prefix & brackets
    C_SEPARATOR="\e[1;30m" # separator
    C_BUSY="\e[;36m" # busy
    C_FAIL="\e[1;31m" # failed
    C_DONE=${C_MAIN} # completed
    C_BKGD="\e[1;35m" # backgrounded
    C_H1=${C_MAIN} # highlight text 1
    C_H2="\e[1;36m" # highlight text 2
    # prefixes:
    PREFIX_HL=" >"
    # Source additional functions at the end to allow overrides
    for f in /etc/rc.d/functions.d/*; do
    [[ -e $f ]] && . "$f"
    # Exit current shell if user is not root
    need_root() {
    (( EUID )) && printf 'You need to be root.\n' && exit 1
    # Quit script if it's not running by root
    # This can be disabled in scripts sourcing functions by setting NEED_ROOT=0
    # A local call to need_root can be done to ensure part of script need root privilege
    (( ${NEED_ROOT:-0} == 1 )) && need_root
    # End of file
    # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet:

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  • After Effects freezes when working with footage which is just being rendered

    After Effects freezes when working with footage which is just being rendered... this is a bug which was introduced with CS6 and I wonder if this is really so hard to fix. When you are working with footage from a 3d application which is just being rendered (in my case on a small farm via deadline) it has become impossible to work with After Effects. AE freezes for several minutes and only eventually returns to work. I suspect After Effects is reloading newly rendered frames in the background although I have disabled that in the preferences. With CS5 i can work on the frames already rendered without any problems. I filed a bug report about a year ago.

    If you don't have Service Pack 1 for Windows, you should get it.  No guarantees, but it may help.  For the moment, I'd just wait until the 3D renders are complete before importing... there isn't much else you can do at the moment, anyway.
    There's only one application I've seen that can reliably, "works-every-time", read media files as they're recorded: Avid Newscutter...but then, it was created to do precisely that.  AE wasn't.

  • N73 freezes when sending a message

    Hi , my Nokia N73 Phone freezes when sending a message. Other unctions are working fine.
    The phone software is updated with latest version.
    Need help guys!!!

    update you stuff and try code number two, you will lose all phone data but it might help your issue
    *#7780# - Restore factory settings - resets all the settings to the default ( you will not lose any data)
    Make sure you back up your data as you will lose all of it when you perform option 2 or 3 on this list.
    *#7370# - Reformat your phone
    This you perform as a last resort. Nothing else is working. Turn off your phone, hold the following buttons while pressing the power button. (the default code is 12345)
    re-flash - hold the following buttons *, 3 (number button) and talk/green key. turn on the phone and do not release those buttons until you see the Nokia boot up screen.
    If these codes are not working the only thing for you to do is contact your Nokia Care Center/Service.
    You know what I love about you the most, the fact that you are not me ! In love with technology and all that it can offer. Join me in discovery....

  • What is the effective way to Send an Email using SmtpClient Class?

    Hi Everyone
    What is the effective way to Send an Email using SmtpClient Class.

    Hi Shaheena
    The SmtpClient class is used to send e-mail to an SMTP server for delivery.
    This is sample code for sending an email through SMTP
    void sendEmail(string strFrom
    , string strTo
    , string strSubject
    , string strBody)
    /// Author, Md. Marufuzzaman
    /// Created,
    /// Local dependency, Microsoft .Net framework
    /// Description, Send an email using (SMTP).
    MailMessage objMailMessage = new MailMessage();
    System.Net.NetworkCredential objSMTPUserInfo =
    new System.Net.NetworkCredential();
    SmtpClient objSmtpClient = new SmtpClient();
    objMailMessage.From = new MailAddress(strFrom);
    objMailMessage.To.Add(new MailAddress(strTo));
    objMailMessage.Subject = strSubject;
    objMailMessage.Body = strBody;
    objSmtpClient = new SmtpClient(""); /// Server IP
    objSMTPUserInfo = new System.Net.NetworkCredential
    ("User name", "Password","Domain");
    objSmtpClient.Credentials = objSMTPUserInfo;
    objSmtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
    objSmtpClient.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
    catch (Exception ex)
    { throw ex; }
    objMailMessage = null;
    objSMTPUserInfo = null;
    objSmtpClient = null;
    Indul Hassan
    Microsoft Community Contributor
    You Snooze.. You Lose !!

  • "Water Pane" effect freezes mid-animation

    The "water pane" effect freezes mid-animation, but video continues to play as normal behind it.  how can i rest my effects/plugins to default values, or get this effect working again?

    The Effects > Distortion > Water Pane effect is broken. There is a looping clip that's 3 seconds 24 frames long. Looping is set in the timing pane, but the clip wasn't stretched out to the whole length of the effect/project.
    I fixed this problem.
    You can download the replacement here:
    Unzip and install entire "Water Pane Fixed" folder in:
    Macintosh HD > UserFolder > Movies > Motion Templates > Effects > Distortion
    If any part of that path is missing (your Effects folder may be empty if you haven't installed any other 3rd party effects and/or you don't have Motion 5) create the folders required.

  • Two things, One freezing after sending files, two ...

    So yea, the first one i'm sure i'm not the first to wonder why it's doing that for and i did try some of the things that were told to be done like; Renaming skype in the %appdata% and then deleting that other skype folder in that other place but, it just re-freezes after sending anything again anyway, and secondly, for some reason the ads keeps flickering whenever i type something it's not really all that big of a deal on this one but, it's annoying anyway.
    So, in short, why does it keep freezing after sending something and how do i make it stop freezing.
    And on a side note, i'm very terrible with forums so, please don't be hating me if i posted this in the wrong place.

    What version of Windows are you on (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 )? Is it 32-bit or 64-bit?
    What is the version of Internet Explorer installed on your computer?
    In Internet Explorer go to Help -> About Internet Explorer.
    P.S. Please, don’t say that you are not using Internet Explorer. This is irrelevant. Skype depends on Internet Explorer.

  • Effective Permissions to send email to distribution group having "only senders in the following list"

    Our environment is a mixed Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010 server environment, still in transition (after 4 years). Users have Exchange 2007 mailboxes. A recent problem has been reported in a distribution group access model that has been working without
    complaint for several years.
    [email protected] has member John Doe ([email protected]), Jane Doe ([email protected]), "only senders in the following list" is set to GroupA
    [email protected] has member Rob Smith ([email protected]), Diane Smith ([email protected]), "only senders in the following list" is set to GroupB
    [email protected] has members GroupA, GroupB, "only senders in the following list" is set to GroupC
    When designed, we thought that when [email protected] sends an email to [email protected] it would be resolved to the user members of GroupC and delivered to everyone ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]). (While
    it seems unlikely, that this model has functioned for several years without experiencing this problem, it is conceivable that until recently [email protected] and [email protected] have with few exceptions always had the same membership. Recent changes in
    our organizational model have caused this to have some exceptions, and may be the root cause of this problem.)
    What we are experiencing is that users [email protected] and [email protected] receive the original email. Users [email protected], [email protected] do not receive the email. [email protected] receives an email "Undeliverable: test
    Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists:
    [email protected]
    Your message wasn't delivered because of security policies. Microsoft will not try to redeliver this message for you. Please provide the following diagnostic text to your system administrator. Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.
    Diagnostic information for administrators
    Generating server: mail3.domain.com
    [email protected]
    #550 5.7.1 RESOLVER.RST.NotAuthorized; not authorized ##
    Original message headers:
    Received: from MAIL7.domain.com ([::1]) by mail3.domain.com ([::1]) with
    mapi; Mon 9 Mar 2015 07:00:30 -500
    Content-Type: application/ms-tnef;name="winmail.dat"
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
    From: Jane Doe <[email protected]>
    To: GroupC <[email protected]>
    Date: Mon 9 Mar 2015 07:00:29 -500
    Subject: test
    What is the expected behavior?
    Does Exchange resolve the "To" distribution group to member mailboxes for delivery purposes, or does it walk the subordinate child groups and check security at each level?
    Is this a configurable behavior that may have recently changed as we have a "new" Exchange Admin poking around?
    Might this be related to the mixed Exchange 2007 / 2010 environment?
    Is there a way to obtain "effective permissions" for delivery restrictions?

    From your description, I would like to verify if you have done some changes for GroupB distribution group. Ensure that "[email protected]" is added to the "accept list" in GroupB's message delivery
    What's more, are GroupA GroupB and GroupC Exchange 2010 distribution groups?
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Premiere freezes when sending to Media Encoder Queue

    Hey guys,
    This issue is on all of our computers (Mac Pros and 27" iMacs) and happens on 40% of attempted exports through Media Encoder.
    Here's our new workflow:
    - Export TImeline (Command + M)
    - Send to Media Encoder (Queue button)
    - Media Encoder Opens and Premiere gets hung on "Preparing Data for Export" dialogue
    - Force Quit Premiere and get a dialogue that "There has been a serious error and Premiere needs to close"
    - Reopen Premiere and try again – usually get a clean export (or two on a good day) before it craps out again
    We've sort of gotten used to it but I'm wondering – anyone else having this issue? It's getting annoying (and embarrassing when you're in a client session).
    Doesn't matter what timeline setting or what's on the timeline. Also doesn't matter what version of either program.

    I am having the same problem (see Premiere now freezes on Media Encoder Queue)
    I am on 2014.1 of both programs (8.1.0 on premiere, of AME).  I know an update just came out today, but it seems to be just a RAW photo update.
    Mine hangs when premiere is "Preparing Media for Export..."  It launches AME and AME boots up fine... so from where I sit, it looks like a Premiere problem as it's compiling the project file to export.
    Neither "import natively / non natively" or GPU acceleration help.  However, I wouldn't expect them to, given this seems to be a premiere problem, not an AME problem.
    That thread does not apply re: nView.

  • Reader 9.5.0 win7: using the Attach to Email... command causes outlook 2003 to freeze when sending

    Clicking the envelope icon or choosing the menu option works as usual, but when I try to send the email in outlook 2003 I get an error message that says "The email failed, try again."  Then Outlook freezes and you have to end its task in order to continue.  I've had this issue on two seperate machines.  Any ideas, aside from attaching the email from outlook manually?

    Does this happen for all the files or only files greater than a certain size?

  • Changes to desktop effects freezes the screen

    Recently I installed Arch linux and Kde for the WM.
    I am currently using "KDE Platform Version 4.5.1 (KDE 4.5.1)"
    The desktop effects "composting" works but everytime I make a small change to any of the settings the screen freezes for an idefinite amount of time! and when this happens I have to do ctrl+alt+F1 and go to the command line and kill X and then re-enable composting !
    Can anyone tell me why this is happening? what should I do to rectify this?
    I am having an Intel onboard G41 chipset.
    I installed "xf86-video-intel" driver.

    bashphoenux wrote:what does "this" refer to ???
    I was referring to the problem you reported "the screen freezes for an idefinite amount".
    I thought it sounded like this:
    Look at the mail mesage in the link in the 4th post.
    Last edited by loafer (2010-09-07 15:15:27)

  • 3-D Effect freezing when clicking the preview box

    i am trying to do my online assignment for Adobe Illustrator.  I am using the 3-D effect and everytime I click on the preview check box, it freezes up.  Which is very frustrating, because that effect is used alot in this chapter.  How do I fix this?  If it is a computer memory problem, how do I fix that?

    The effect uses eitehr too many blend steps or the sahpe is too complicated. Since you haven't botehred to provide any of that info or screenshots, nobody can tell you anything beyond these generic, commonly known potential causes. Yes, memory also matters, but you haven't provided any system info or told us what version of AI even, so nobody can answer that, either.

  • Nokia n80 freezes when sending txts help!!!!

    I have a nokia n80 it freezes every time i try to send a message, it comes up message failed. Anyone else with same problem?Message Edited by cariad on 24-Mar-200705:29 PM

    Have you downloaded the Free Sms Accelerator application from Nokia?
    I think this will definetly solve your problem.
    Nokia N95
    V 20.0.015

  • E70 Freezing after sending Texts

    after I write my text, add in the contact name for the recipient, then press send, the "sending now bar" appears and seems to load fully. Then it goes back to the text message general menu and the phone freezes.
    This happens every time I send a text and I have no idea why.
    Any ideas/help??

    this probably is a case of a bug in ur device so what u can try are: plz make a back up
    take out your sim card and put in *#7780# to restore factory settings. you should not lose any data, but all settings will go into default. try that first.
    the second option is a reset *#7370# this one will erase all of your data, 'wipe the phone clean' and restore to factory settings. see if any of these options work and if you are able to use your phone as you like/need to.
    the third option U can go in for a hard reset which will turn ur device as it left the factory totally new
    U can also update/reinstall ur firmware and see the result...
    Also use ur device without the memory card and see
    in case of ur memory card there are different options available to you to get rid of the corrupt/unwanted data in your card.
    menu--tools--memory---options---format memory card......
    remember everything including ur factory installed apps will be deleted......... but u can always download them later either from nokia or google them...
    or insert ur card in any reader or laptop and check for virus and also the hidden folders.......
    Articles posted courtesy engadget
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