Elements 3 und Casio Exilim Z750

Hallo Forum
Ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir helfen:
Meine Exilim Z750 macht hervorragende Bilder - bei der Kontrolle auf den Display sind die Farben leuchtend, das Bild meserscharf und alles ist im grünen Bereich. Wenn ich nun die Bilder mit Fotoshop Elements 3 auf den PC übertrage sind die Bilder plötzlich verhältnismässig dunkel und wenn ich versuche, sie in der Schnellkorrektur zu bearbeiten, hat das Ergebnis nichts mehr mit einem vernünftigen Bild zu tun. Wo kann der Hacken liegen????
Gruss Helmut

Hallo Helmut!
Ist es Deine erste Anwendung in diesem Metier überhaupt? Oder hattest Du vorher schon andere Fotoapparate und das Ergebnis war da besser als jetzt bei Deiner Z750?
So recht helfen kann ich Dir leider nicht. Nur soviel: Du solltest Dich in der PSE Hilfe intensiv mit den Themen "Farmanagement" und ggfs. "Monitorkalibrierung" befassen. Vermutlich liegt da der "Hase im Pfeffer". Das sind ganz wesentliche Themen, mit denen schon jedes bloße Betrachten von Fotos steht und fällt. Ich glaube kaum, daß es an Deiner Z750 liegt, zumal die Kamera ja ausschließlich "nur" "JPEG's" liefert. Selbst der Lichteinfall auf den Monitor (Deines PC's) sowie die ihn umgebenden Farben spielen keine unwesentliche Rolle hinsichtlich der Farbwiedergabe auf dem Monitor. Den Monitor Deiner Camera solltest Du nicht unbedingt als Maßstab nehmen.
Deine Frage ist sehr interessant, weil sie so ziemlich jeden Anfänger auf dem Gebiet der Digitalfotografie und Anwender von PSE betrifft.
Aber nochmal: Um das Farbmanagement kommst Du nicht herum; Du wirst Dich darum kümmern müssen! Schließlich ist PSE, obwohl nur der "kleine" Bruder von PS CS (2), doch ein recht erwachsenes Programm im Vergleich zu all den anderen "preiswert, umsonst und draußen" Programmen, die man sich an jeder Ecke des weltweiten... "fischen" kann. Vielleicht berichtest Du ja nochmal von Deinen sich hoffentlich recht bald einstellenden Erfolgen!
Klaus W. aus H.

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    The MPEG-4 .avi format that comes out of the camera can't be viewed by a Mac without some help.
    Download the component. It (or something similar) is also available from Casio:

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    Hi Jesse,
    Great Camera isn't it ?
    Unfortunately I can't help with the Mac connection, as I'm with the 'dark side' i.e. using a PC - lol, however I can point you to some places that I found very helpful for all things EX-Z750 related.
    Firstly after charging your camera fully, you should perform a Firmare update from Version 1.00 to 1.01. This corrects over-saturation in colour, a whining noise on HQ movies and the odd focus problem. Follow this Link to Casio's site, enter the Serial number under the camera (but don't include the letter at the end or it'll never download - took me hrs to work that one out)
    Secondly, head over to Digital Photographer Review:
    and head into the Casio Forums, the answers to everything about your new camera will be in there, use the search for easier access.
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    Are you able to play the videos even though the thumbnail is black? You might try rebuilding the library as follows: launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys depressed and follow the instructions to rebuild the library. Select the first three options.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
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    These forums are dedicated to Residential products and services offered by Verizon.
    For help on Verizon Wireless issues, please post your topic on the Verizon Wireless community.
    Thank you
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer that solved your issue as the accepted solution.

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    The inventors and creators of the AVI "container" (Micro$oft) abandoned the file format many years ago. They have moved on to WMP formats and no longer support AVI. They must know something!
    You may be better served by exporting them to QuickTime file formats using QuickTime Pro or other third party conversion software.
    Personally I wish AVI would just die (as intended by the owners) and disappear as a file container.

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    moved to a new post

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    Thanks in advance.
    G5 2.3 Dual - MacMini 1.42 - iBook G4 1.33 - PowerMac G4 500   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    I have the same camera. It has a USB-1 interface. The Casio "FAQs" indicate that it's "compatible" with USB-2 ports but that's pretty much a meaningless statement. The spec REQUIRES that USB-1 and USB-2 devices communicate with each other. Obviously, such an interconnection must run at the slower USB-1 data rate.
    BTW, you'll find that it has the world's worst user manual. However, once I figured out how to get it to do what I want, I'm really pleased with it (except, of course, for the USB issue).

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    Exilim F1 camera. Right now I get a green screen when importing it(MOV format, H.264/AVC, IMA-ADPCM (stereo)).
    Anders Laursen

    I have the same problem. Video exported from FCE in 1080 .mov is very very poor quality. I have tried every export setting combination with no success. The property inspector says that it is 1080 resolution.
    I can very easily export excellent quality 1080 .mov files, using the same source video, with iMovie. The two applications use the same export GUI.
    The video was shot on a Canon 7D, H.264, 1920 x 1080, Millions Linear PCM, 16 bit little-endian signed integer, 2 channels, 48000 Hz.

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    sjun85 wrote:
    If I buy a new phone from ebay which is also being sold on verizon.com, does verizon cover the 1yr warranty on that phone?
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    If the seller selling the phone states that it is under warranty then it is still under warranty. You should ask seller if warranty comes with it. If for any reason the person says no, then no you will not have warranty on the device.

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