Elements 7& Nikon D5000

Can someone please help? I'm having trouble opening raw files from D5000 in Elements 7. it would seem they are the wrong type of file. I've downloaded & installed v5.6 but this has made no difference. Any suggestions will be greatfully received. Many thanks. Chalkie48

Thanks for your advice John. I did make a mistake but not the one you mention. I followed the wrong link and downloaded the upgrade for photoshop cs instead element7, Doh!. Once I downloaded the right upgrade everything works fine.
Thanks again for your input.
Kind regards.

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    You download and installed the camera raw 5.6 plugin, by following install directions on the following page?
    Adobe - Photoshop Elements : For Windows : Camera Raw 5.6 update
    If you have a windows 7 64 bit system, then the Camera Raw.8bi plugin goes in
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    Wilf Weidmark
    < personal info removed by forum host >

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    Lisa, attach the camera to your Mac, and then launch Image Capture. See what is set as the default whe this particular camera is connected.

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    Camera RAW support is only added to whatever version of Photoshop is current at the time the camera is released which would have been CS4 for your newish camera.
    CS5 is just around the corner (next 2-3 months) as is Lightroom 3, which will both have the ACR 6 color engine so if you can wait, that would be the version to upgrade to. 
    In the mean time, you can use the DNG Converter 5.6 to convert your RAWs to DNG (saving the original RAW somewhere in case something happens) and use whatever version of ACR you want.   The DNG Converter will give you a choice of what version of ACR to be backwards compatible with.

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    Thanks a lot in advance.
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    EJ and Jim
    Thank You very much for your useful feedback.
    I realize, that as a neophit I am an exot among the community of photo-experts and photo-professionals addressed by LR.  Therefore the wish that I will now express is perhaps inadequate. But since it is gently, that i express this wish, I am probably allowed to do so......
    My wish for a future version of LR, is that LR comes out of the box with a "reasonable" interpretation of the RAW images of most important/widespread modern cameras....without requiring that non-experts like me gets confronted from the very beginning with the need to develop their own default settings.
    For this wish, I will formulate a Feature Request.
    You might wonder, why a non-expert like me is interested in LR instead of  using those Photo-Editing Software (e.g. PSE) that are supposed to address the need of non-experts. Well..... I am coming from the PSE world. I am reasolnably happy with the PSE Organizer....but  I hate the complex, inefficient, unfriendli "user-interface" (experts will probably tell: workflow-interface?) of the PSE Editor. Its really a last-century Software. LR is so much more friendly, even for non-experts...within the Library Module, i do not need to switch back and forth between one dialogue-window for each type of change.... nearly all what i need is in that one right-hand pane of the Library module.
    I honestly believe, that Adobe should take a serious look at promoting/marketing  LR also to the audience of non-experts. That would be a good and attractive additional marketing opportunity for LR.

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    Hi Tom,
    An update is on the way. Sorry can't give a date. No sample files needed,
    but thanks for offering.
    The current version of Camera Raw (5.3) does not support the Nikon D5000 NEF
    format. When can I expect support for this camera to be released? If you need
    a few NEF files to help in getting this done, let me know and I'll be happy to
    send you a few.
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    all set with adobe raw 5.4, i grabbed the converter because the plugin is a p.i.t.a. and the installer isn't very friendly if you delete the plugin and try to start over. available from the labs at: http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/CameraRaw5.4
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    salve a tutti,
    qualcuno sa dirmi se esisite una versione della camera raw di phiotoshop CS3 compatibile con i file .nef della nikon D5000 ???

    The D5000 needs Adobe Camera Raw 5.4 which will not work in CS3.
    You must upgrade to Photoshop CS4 or use the DNG converter to make the files available to Photoshop/Bridge.
    The Windows version is here:
    ...and the Mac version:

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    I use windows 7 pro 64bit.
    The lenses are:
    DX 18-55
    DX 55-200
    CAmera is Nikon d5000
    I use Photoshop CC.
    Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 12:02:39 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Need profile for Nikon D5000
        Re: Need profile for Nikon D5000
        created by R_Kelly in Photoshop for Beginners - View the full discussion
    What version of photoshop and operating system are you using?
    Which lenses are they?
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