Email enters only 1 line

Hi Gurus,
I am using the SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 function module.
When I used an attachment, if I have 10 records, it is making a txt file that uses only the first line and separated with many spaces.
Is there a FM that will make the txt file 10 rows ( one row for each record ).
Thanks in advance.

Hi Vijay/Anyone,
Here is the code I am using.
Is this correct?
IT_OBJBIN is solisti1
IT_OBJBIN is also solisti1
    text            = lv_record
      ftext_tab       = it_objbin
*break calauadc.
      input_length          = lv_size
      ftext_tab             = it_objbin
      binary_tab            = it_objbin2
   FAILED                = 1
   OTHERS                = 2
Thanks in advance.

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    Kind regard

    Hi JoJo ,
    The below report will return you BP GUID from emails that is stored in a single column .xls file and assign the BP to a target group.
    REPORT  zexcel.
    * G L O B A L D A T A D E C L A R A T I O N
    TYPE-POOLS : ole2.
    TYPES : BEGIN OF typ_xl_line,
    email TYPE ad_smtpadr,
    END OF typ_xl_line.
    TYPES : typ_xl_tab TYPE TABLE OF typ_xl_line.
    DATA : t_data TYPE typ_xl_tab,
           lt_bu_guid TYPE TABLE OF bu_partner_guid,
           ls_bu_guid TYPE  bu_partner_guid,
           lt_guids TYPE TABLE OF bapi1185_bp,
           ls_guids TYPE  bapi1185_bp,
           lt_return TYPE bapiret2_t.
    * S E L E C T I O N S C R E E N L A Y O U T
    PARAMETERS : p_xfile TYPE localfile,
                  p_tgguid TYPE bapi1185_key .
    * E V E N T - A T S E L E C T I O N S C R E E N
           filename         = p_xfile
           inv_winsys       = 1
           no_batch         = 2
           selection_cancel = 3
           selection_error  = 4
           OTHERS           = 5.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         CLEAR p_xfile.
    * E V E N T - S T A R T O F S E L E C T I O N
    * Get data from Excel File
       PERFORM sub_import_from_excel USING p_xfile
       CHANGING t_data.
       SELECT but000~partner_guid FROM but000 INNER JOIN but020 ON
    but000~partner =
         INNER JOIN adr6 ON but020~addrnumber = adr6~addrnumber INTO TABLE
    lt_bu_guid FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_data WHERE adr6~smtp_addr =
       CLEAR: lt_guids,ls_guids.
       LOOP AT lt_bu_guid INTO ls_bu_guid.
         ls_guids-bupartnerguid = ls_bu_guid.
         APPEND ls_guids TO lt_guids.
           targetgroupguid = p_tgguid
           return          = lt_return
           businesspartner = lt_guids.
    *&      Form  SUB_IMPORT_FROM_EXCEL
    *       text
    *      -->U_FILE     text
    *      -->C_DATA     text
    FORM sub_import_from_excel USING u_file TYPE localfile
    CHANGING c_data TYPE typ_xl_tab.
       CONSTANTS : const_max_row TYPE sy-index VALUE '65536'.
       DATA : l_dummy TYPE typ_xl_line,
              cnt_cols TYPE i.
       DATA : h_excel TYPE ole2_object,
              h_wrkbk TYPE ole2_object,
              h_cell TYPE ole2_object.
       DATA : l_row TYPE sy-index,
              l_col TYPE sy-index,
              l_value TYPE string.
       FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_dummy> TYPE ANY.
    * Count the number of columns in the internal table.
         ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE l_dummy TO <fs_dummy>.
         IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
           cnt_cols = sy-index.
    * Create Excel Application.
       CREATE OBJECT h_excel 'Excel.Application'.
       CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * Get the Workbook object.
       CALL METHOD OF h_excel 'Workbooks' = h_wrkbk.
       CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * Open the Workbook specified in the filepath.
       CALL METHOD OF h_wrkbk 'Open' EXPORTING #1 = u_file.
       CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * For all the rows - Max upto 65536.
       DO const_max_row TIMES.
         CLEAR l_dummy.
         l_row = l_row + 1.
    * For all columns in the Internal table.
         CLEAR l_col.
         DO cnt_cols TIMES.
           l_col = l_col + 1.
    * Get the corresponding Cell Object.
           CALL METHOD OF h_excel 'Cells' = h_cell
             EXPORTING #1 = l_row
             #2 = l_col.
           CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * Get the value of the Cell.
           CLEAR l_value.
           GET PROPERTY OF h_cell 'Value' = l_value.
           CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * Value Assigned ? pass to internal table.
           CHECK NOT l_value IS INITIAL.
           ASSIGN COMPONENT l_col OF STRUCTURE l_dummy TO <fs_dummy>.
           <fs_dummy> = l_value.
    * Check if we have the Work Area populated.
         IF NOT l_dummy IS INITIAL.
           APPEND l_dummy TO c_data.
    * Now Free all handles.
       FREE OBJECT h_cell.
       FREE OBJECT h_wrkbk.
       FREE OBJECT h_excel.
    Just copy paste the code and run the report select any local xls file with emails and pass the target group guid.
    snap shot of excel file:
    Let me know if it was useful.

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    Howdy shark byte,
    This first article details how to set up an additional iCloud account as just an e-mail account on your iOS device.
    iOS: Setting up an email account

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    We have a PO that can not be transferred to P1 because of the error message:
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    - a deleted item was set back
    - WBS Element was changed
    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards

    Hello Evgeny,
    Whenever you create a  PO in SRM irrespective of number of the
    line items chosen, in the backend system this PO will contain
    a single line item in the Item section.
    If you delete all the line items in the PO and
    attempt to undelete them the undeletion will not work since the PO is already
    considered to be deleted in the backend.
    Please try delete and undelete a individual line item
    in a PO provided there is at least one item which is not deleted.
    hope this helps

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    Sub multilineToIllustrator()
        Dim iapp As New Illustrator.Application
        Dim idoc As Illustrator.Document
        Dim iframe As Illustrator.TextFrame
        Set idoc = iapp.ActiveDocument
        Set iframe = idoc.TextFrames.Add
        For a = 1 To 2
            iframe.Paragraphs.Add "line " & a
        Set iframe = Nothing
        Set idoc = Nothing
        Set iapp = Nothing
    End Sub

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    For example,
    i have an input field in that i would like to enter
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    reply ASAP

    Hi Venuthurupalli,
    As valery has said once you select the value to be of type integer,once you perform an action it will be validated and error message that non numeric characters are there will be shown. If you want to set additional constraints like max value, min value etc you can use simple types for it.
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    ORA-04031: unable to allocate 84832 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool", "QP_PREQ_GRP", "PL/SQL
    MPCODE","BAMIMA: Bam Buffer")
    ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.QP_ATTR_MAPPING_PUB",line 3493
    -- Steps To Reproduce:
    1. OM Superuser > Enter Orders
    2. Enter header details , Click on 'Line Items'
    I reffered OEXOEORD-Enter Orders-Line Items-Ora-04031: ....Bamima:Bam Buffer...' [ID 732649.1]..
    All parameters are correct...
    Plz help me,,,

    What is your Db version?what are those values Shared Pool memory and SGA?
    Pelase check :
    Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications Release 11i [ID 216205.1]
    Please check below notes which could be helpful for your issue:
    Error Navigating To Lines: ORA-04031: Unable To Allocate 76488 Bytes Of Shared Memory [ID 330305.1]

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    Hang on...
    You can only authorise the songs you purchase from the iTunes Store to play on five computers.
    You can download and install iTunes (the iTunes programme) onto as many computers as you wish.
    Two different things.
    Assuming therefore, that your problem is that you have authorised five computers, but now no longer have some of them, you need to de-authorise all your computers and then re-authorise the computers you still have.
    To de-authorise your computers, go to your account in the iTunes Store and look for the Deauthorise All button.

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