Email stuck in the outgoing queue on Mail Server 10.3

I keep getting the following message in my mail SMTP log...
Feb 9 02:39:04 kaltenbaeck postfix/qmgr[4265]: 1591A2681DC: to=<[email protected]>, orig_to=<[email protected]>, relay=none, delay=238986, status=deferred (connect to[]: server refused mail service)
It look like my server keep trying to sent this message over and over. How can you erase all outgoing mail in Queue on OSX Mail Server 10.3.9? The instructions on Apples site are for 10.4. I don't have a maint. button, (at least I can't find one).

postqueue -p
6B94E3DB5E6 961 Mon Feb 12 13:57:23 [email protected]
(connect to[]: Connection refused)
[email protected]
smtp:~ root# postsuper -d EECBE3D8A0A
postsuper: EECBE3D8A0A: removed
postsuper: Deleted: 1 message

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    Implement SAP note 758677 for this. This exactly deals with your issue.
    This Basically speaks about scheduling 'RSQIWKEX' for inbound and 'RSQOWKEX' for outbound queues.
    Also, you need to set the parameter 'QRFC_Restart_ALLOWED' to '1' in the transaction 'SXMB_ADM' -> Integration engine. Its in the runtime dropdown menu.
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    Hello mackice,
    Try these steps below to clear the print queue. The steps are listed for Vista and Windows 7 and would be slightly different for XP. If you are using a Mac then the steps below would not work. Please advise what OS you are using.
    Option 1)
    1. Click on start orb
    2. Type in search window: "services.msc" (without the quotes)
    3. click ok
    4. Scroll down to Printer spooler service and click on it in the right side window.
    5. On the left side click stop the service and wait forthe process to stop
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    Option 2)
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    Go into windows explorer
    (Print job data is collected and stored in a spool file in the spooler
    It is located in:
    Your print job will show 2 files there Example below:
    Delete the files located in there. There may be several of them
    depending apon how many print jobs you submitted. You will have to
    resubmit your print jobs all over again.
    Next go back to services window and restart the spooler service
    If I have helped you in any way click the Kudos button to say Thanks.
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    Or Quit the mail app.
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    Try to force close the mail app. Double tap the home button. You'll see the app icons and previews line up on the screen. Scroll sideways if needed to get to the mail preview. Flick that preview up and off the screen then single tap the home button to exit that mode. See if your mail will send.

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    Hi Happy,
    I try with IIS6 SMTP server with Anonymous Access.
    From DPM side, settings for "Authentificated SMTP Server: Username/password" :
    1- Leave blank =>ID 2013 : logon failure : unknow user name or bad password.
    2- DPMServerName\UserAccount => Works :)
    Network trace with Wireshark :
    1- Nothing => Most likely blocked by DPM console : Authentificated SMTP Server must be fill.
    2- See full SMTP connection, mail send.
    Could you do network trace to see what's happen ?
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you. This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties. knowledge is valid only if it is shared by All.
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