Emails received on the q10

Hi.  compared to my BB Bold, i am received a ton of junk./spam emails on my new there a way to filter out the junk??????  thanks,

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  • Auto saving email attachments using date email received as the name of the attachment file

    I would like to be able to batch save hundreds of email attachments in my inbox to a specified folder and use the date and time email was received as the name of the file.  i found sample script that would give it timestamp but would prefer date and time of receipt.  any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I found the below script online but it does not seem to be naming correctly.  it appears that the month always defaults to 12.  perhaps somehow could suggest a fix?
    set theAttachmentPath to (path to desktop) as text
    tell application "Mail"
              set a to selection
    end tell
    repeat with s in a
              tell application "Mail"
                        set current_date to date received of s
                        set CurrentSender to sender of s
              end tell
              set current_date to AppleScriptDateToString(current_date)
              tell application "Mail" to set Attached to mail attachments of s
              repeat with ThisAttach in Attached
                        tell application "Mail" to set FileName to name of ThisAttach
                        if FileName ends with ".pdf" then
                                  set FileName to current_date & " from " & CurrentSender & ".pdf" as text
                                  set FileName to checknamewith_pdfsuffix(FileName, theAttachmentPath, false)
                                  tell application "Mail" to save ThisAttach in theAttachmentPath & (FileName)
                        end if
              end repeat
    end repeat
    on AppleScriptDateToString(a)
              set b to current date
              set monthnames to {}
              repeat with i from 1 to 12
                        set month of b to i
                        set monthnames to monthnames & {(month of b) as text}
              end repeat
              set Y to (year of b)
              set M to 0
              repeat with t in monthnames
                        set M to M + 1
                        if t as text = (month of b) as text then
                                  exit repeat
                        end if
              end repeat
              set M to Twodigits(M)
              set D to Twodigits(day of b)
              set hh to Twodigits(hours of b)
              set mm to (minutes of b)
              set ss to Twodigits(seconds of b)
              return Y & "-" & M & "-" & D as text
    end AppleScriptDateToString
    on Twodigits(a)
              return (characters -2 through -1 of (("0" & a) as text)) as text
    end Twodigits
    on checknamewith_pdfsuffix(n, D, looped)
              tell application "Finder"
                        set thefiles to name of every item of (D as alias)
              end tell
              if thefiles contains n then
                        if looped = false then
                                  set n to ((characters 1 through -5 of n) & " 1" & (characters -4 through -1 of n)) as text
      checknamewith_pdfsuffix(n, D, true)
                                  set tmp to (last word of ((characters 1 through -5 of n) as text) as integer)
                                  set tmpcount to (count of characters of (tmp as text)) + 5
                                  set tmp to tmp + 1
                                  set n to ((characters 1 through (-1 * tmpcount) of n) & tmp & (characters -4 through -1 of n)) as text
      checknamewith_pdfsuffix(n, D, true)
                        end if
                        return n
              end if
    end checknamewith_pdfsuffix

  • How to set up a visual "alert" for new emails received on the Iphone 4s

    Finally converted from a blackberry to iphone 4s.  i have numerous email addresses.  On my old B berry, a red star would appear on each of my email addresses.  This notified me that there was a new message in my inbox for each particular address.  This was helpful since I didn't have to waste time opening each inbox to see if there were any new messages.
    I have checked everywhere in the settings on the Iphone (even my kids can't find it).  When i'm in the Mailbox screen and looking at about 10 email addresses, it would help to have a check mark, bold lettering or something to indicate when a new email is received to a particular address.  If the BB had it, the Iphone should have it.  Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.

    I'm not sure exactly what you are saying here. Are you saying you do not like checking the All Inboxes? Once you go to the Mail app, you get a list of each one of the individual account mailboxes with included numbers for the amount of new mail you have for each account, unless you have something not set up correctly. Each time mail comes in for an individual account you get notified, it is just that the badge will not say 1 for this account, 3 for that account for example. If you received the mail I use for the example, you get a 4 in the All Inboxes, and then the individual numbers for each accounts inbox. Does that answer your question/concern?


    used the site lots in the past but it now says its insecure site
    and wont connect me

    Hi Ken,
    Wow, I've logged into adobe and never seen your response until now.
    I need to make the forums more of a daily stop I guess.
    Thank you for your response, When I go to the Archives, it states I have none. In addition, previously when I'd tried to move items to the archive, they just disappeared  
    Currently my desktop is not connecting at all, Everytime I connect, it's states "We have now logged you out" and requests I login again.
    I have of course rebooted,
    Gone into taskmanager, killed all the relevant threads,  tried again to login through the desktop, no luck, I'll have to uninstall it, make sure the threads are killed, then reboot it and then reinstall it, but I've not had the time to do that.
    On another note, and just as a point of reference, myself, personally, I hate these "cloud" file repositories (not to be confused with adobe cloud services which I love) but the file repositories themselves imho, are a blackhole of resource usage when one doesn't/isn't using them,
    Is there a way we can use it more of a "ftp" sort of thing, when I want to I can  put files there?  There is no way to "Download" the repository, no way to download the folders.. only individual files and then it takes I think three different steps before the download starts.. I find this very inhibiting.  Just an fyi. for what it's worth.
    Please, feel free to contact me,
    I'm on g+ chat [email protected]

  • Why can't TB just show each and every email received seperately in the inbox?

    I keep on missing new messages that are received. In addition they are a total nuisance. Surely if they're necessary in certain applications then users should be able to choose whether they want the feature or not?

    I'm talking about emails received in the inbox.
    Before threads every email received was displayed in bold in the inbox irrespective of whether it was the 20th from the same person or not. One could see clearly that there was an unread email. With the thread function it isn't easy to see whether one has received another email from the same person any more.

  • How to change the sender's name/email-id in the scheduled report

    We have SCOM 2007 R2. In the Reporting tab (SCOM Console), we have some scheduled reports. I need to change the sender's name/email-id in a scheduled report. When we receive the report through email, receiving with the person's name who moved out of the
    I tried to change but could not find the option to change while editing the properties in SCOM Console under Reporting -> Scheduled Reports.
    When we are receiving mail from that scheduled report, instead of an individual name, would like to provide a generic name. Please help me out. Let me know, if you need more information.
    Thanks & regards, Naren.

    the SCOM scheduled reports feature rely on SQL Reporting Services. So, if you would like to change the SMTP configuration, you should go in SQL Reporting Services Configuration Manager:
    Open in the Start Menu, Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
    In the connection window, click OK.
    Click on the tab E-mail settings.
    Change the Sender Address.
    Click Apply.
    Alternatively, you could also change in the Scheduled report properties the field
    Reply to. I think it should customize the reply address for each scheduled reports, but I have never used it. Anyway, doing it with Reporting Services Configuration Manager is more interesting in the long-run.

  • Email Receiver QPAC - On timeout property

    Can anyone give a better explanation of what options for "On timeout" under the Retry tab of the Email Receiver QPAC. The documentation doesn't really explain what these happens. The options are Stall and Continue with Error.
    I assume the stall does just stall the entire Workflow, but what about Continue with Error option. Does this attempt to continue to the next step in the work flow without receiving the email or does if an error occurs, does the workflow just stay at the Email Receiver?
    The problem I am having is Connection timeouts. So, when I set On timeout to stall, of course my workflow would stall. When set On timeout to the Continue with Error option, the workflow did appear to stay at the Email Receiver QPAC, but it seemed to stop polling for emails.
    I am trying to review the JBoss server.log file now to try and figure out what is going on (I set up the DEBUG per Howard's post on my other post), but it just looks like the Email Receiver stops polling for messages and I don't see any error upon a quick glance.
    Thank you for any input.

    Hi Jennifer
    "Stall" means that the QPAC will throw an exception, which will cause the workflow to stall. It will then show up on the "Stalled Actions" in the adminui. The only option you have is to retry the action, which will cause it to "start again from the beginning".
    "Continue with Error" is perhaps a little poorly named. It really should just say "Continue". This means that if the timeout period is reached, the QPAC will just complete, which means that the workflow will continue on to the next action. (If there are multiple routes coming out of the QPAC, the first one that evaluates to true will be followed, as normal.)
    The "Continue With Error" option is useful if you want the Workflow designer to be able to handle the error, rather than causing the workflow to stall. For example, if you were waiting for a customer to send a response to your outbound email, you might design the workflow to do something like the following:
    - Wait for 2 days for a response email.
    - If the two days elapse without receiving the response, send another email, then wait for another 2 days for a response email.
    - If the additional 2 days elapse without receiving the response, assign a task to a customer support rep to call the customer to get the required information.
    In short, Continue with error allows you to set a "soft" error - it's not an error that a System administrator needs to correct, it's just something that needs to be accomodated for in the workflow. A stall, on the other hand, is a "hard" error, that can only be rectified by a system administrator fixing the underlying problem and retrying.
    I hope this explanation helps.
    PS Technically, the "Continue with error" option does actually return an error code to the workflow engine, indicating exactly what the error is. However, the workflow engine does not expose this error code to the workflow design. This would be a useful feature which we hope may arrive in the next version.

  • C3 - automatic email receiving does not run with G...

    Basically my C3 runs well, but the automatic email receiving, with the internal nokia-mailclient, runs well with WLAN, but not with GPRS!? If I start the client manually, then it works well, but not with the automatic function. When I am on the way, I do not get an information, that I received an email.
    Go to Solution.

    I'm having the same problem, mi phone is not automatically getting the e-mails, I have checked the "when roaming" setting and it is set to "Follow my account setting" so I checked my account setting and the setting for "Update my Inbox" is set to "Very Fast" and the "Alert me only during:" is set from 5.00am to 12.00pm
    Even with all this I can't get the phone to automatically receive the e-mails. If some one could help my all appreciate it.

  • We use Thdbrd email , each mail use Coy's logo, its to heavy, pls advis to set automatic delete of logo, than only last email use logo, the other deleted.

    Dear Sirs,
    We use Thunderbird email, each email attached with coy's logo ( .jpg), during email discussion each logo will carry forwards on every email received, therefore the file become big (many logos attached).
    Pls advise whether any setting to minimize the attached logo, let say only last 2 sender's logo appeared the other automatically deleted (logo can be more than 10 logos subject to the participants), which slow down the email due to heavy attachment.
    Thanks you for assistance.

    Maybe it will be tidier if you go to
    '''[,_Linux,_and_Mac Tools|Account Settings]|<select account>|'''Composition & Addressing
    and clear the checkboxes ''Include signature for replies'' and ''Include signature for forwards''.
    That will stop adding new copies of the signature. I don't know of any tools to automatically edit out previous signatures or images; in theory this can work in newsgroups where the "-- " separator is used, but I've never seen this sort of tidying up in email. (And this only works properly when ''all ''contributors to the conversation use bottom-posting.)
    In the general case, it would be quite hard to automatically identify and locate exactly which content should be removed, since most signatures are a blend of text, URLs and images. In a special case where the signature is an image file (is a jpeg really a good choice for this?) then it might appear to be quite easy.
    Those of us who advocate and prefer bottom-posting or interleaved posting would argue that it's ''your ''responsibility to trim the older material to suit, anyway. ;-)

  • I cannot receive email properly now. When I open mail, it says that is downloading about 1,700 emails. At the very end, it gives me my newest ones. But this takes a long time. I've contacted the Internet service provider and verified all the right setting

    I cannot receive email properly on either my IPad or my IPhone. I have had them for over a year and they have always worked fine. Until three days ago, when they both started acting up. On the IPad, when I open mail, it says it is downloading about 1,700 emails. At the very end, which takes quite a while to get to, I finally get the most recent ones. The IPad is sending emails just fine.
    On my IPhone, when I open mail, it says it is downloading 100 emails, but it doesn't do that. And it gives me no new emails at all. The IPhone is sending email just fine.
    I have already deleted the email accounts on both devices and reinstalled them. I've contacted the Internet service provider and verified all the right settings. The Outlook email on my desktop is working perfectly.

    WMV is a heavily-compressed format/CODEC, and the processing time will depend on several factors:
    Your CPU, which is not that powerful in your case
    Your I/O sub-system, which is likely a single HDD on your laptop
    The source footage. What is your source footage?
    Any Effects added to that footage. Do you have any Effects?
    Each of those will have an impact on the time required.
    The trial has only one main limitation - the watermark. Now, there are some components, that have to be activated, but are not with the trial, but they would be evident with Import of your source footage, if it's an issue.
    Good luck,

  • Hi, i am having trouble with my mac mail account, i cannot send or receive any emails because of the server connection problems. Message says it could not be connected to SMTP server. Thanks in advance for your help.

    Hi, i am having trouble with my mac mail account, i cannot send or receive any emails because of the server connection problems. Message says it could not be connected to SMTP server. Thanks in advance for your help.

    Hello Sue,
    I have an iPad 3, iPad Mini and iPhone 5S and they are all sluggish on capitalisation using shift keys. I hope that Apple will solve the problem because it is driving me crazy.
    I find using a Microsoft Surface and Windows 8 phone, which I also have, work as well as all the ios devices before the ios 7 upgrade.
    It has something to do with the length of time that you need to hold the shift key down. The shift key needs to be held longer than the letter key for the capitalisation to work. For some reason, this is a major change in the way we have learnt to touch type on computers. I am having to relearn how to type!

  • Adobe Creative Cloud Muse: Why I don't receive anymore the email from the forms I created in several websites?

    Adobe Creative Cloud Muse: Why I don't receive anymore the email from the forms I created in several websites?

    Hello Sanjit,
    thank you for replying.
    I had the problem on this website, I have two forms, one simple and the other more sofisticated:
    (at the bottom I have a simple contact form) and
    I created also a form on
    but i didn't receive any reply so
    I put the form on my website ( in a hidden form:
    and here I receive the OESO New Membership Form Submission reply.
    Thank you for your help.
    Best regards,
    2014-09-09 11:17 GMT+02:00 Sanjit_Das <[email protected]>:
    Adobe Creative Cloud Muse: Why I don't receive anymore the email from the forms I created in several websites?
    created by Sanjit_Das in Help with using Adobe Muse CC - View the full discussion
    Please provide the site url in question , also have you hosted the site on Business Catalyst ?
    Emails can land to spam/junk folders so you should also check the folders.
    Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at
    Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at . In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in Help with using Adobe Muse CC by email or at Adobe Community
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

  • I am trying to read my iMessages from my iPhone 4S on my iPad 2, but the messages do not show up on my iPad 2. I made sure that the receiving email address is the same on both devices and both are signed into my single Apple account.

    I am trying to read my iMessages from my iPhone 4S on my iPad 2, but the messages do not show up on my iPad 2. I made sure that the receiving email address is the same on both devices and both are signed into my single Apple account.

    Is it possible that the person who sent the message to your phone sent it to your phone # instead?  Try sending a message to your phone via the email address and see if it shows up on the iPad.

  • HT3228 Please let me know how to avoid receiving the spam into my email accounts on the iPad.  It is very annoying! My server puts it in the spam folder...why do I get it on the iPad?    Is it avoidable and how?

    Please let me know how to avoid receiving the spam (from the spam folder on the server) into my email accounts on the iPad.  It is very annoying!
    My server puts it in a spam folder and I do not receive it in the Ms Outlook on my desk computer...why do I get it on the iPad?    Is it avoidable and how?b

    You actually cannot do anything to your ipad when its locked but look at pictures the time and date, you need to restore it, and if it dosent let you restore, good luck chuck Heres how to restore it: Okay, i only know the itunes way soz, lol. Try to connect your ipad to itunes, if it does let you then you should be able to select the device you have in the corner somewhere, once you do that you should see a screen that looks sort of like your ipads setting, you should have a button that says "Restore" click that and your ipad should be restored. If that dosent work you should try going to your regular office depot or something. Good Luck!

  • I just upgraded to iOS5.  I did not receive the info in my email to activate the icloud account.  My email adress is not the same as my Apple id, but my correct email adress is indicated in my account and in the msg indicating to check...

    i just upgraded to iOS5.  I did not receive the info in my email to activate the icloud account. My email adress is not the same as my Apple id, but my correct email adress is indicated in my account and in the msg indicating to check...

    Start here, change your country if necessary and go to manage your account and request another email.

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