Embed QT in webpage without preload

I would like to put a QT movie on a webpage using the <embed> tag. How can I tell the movie not to preload before the user press "play" on the control panel?
It's to prevent my server getting too busy.

You could use the autoplay="false" tag but it will still allow the file to download in the background. No server savings in that method.
Better method: Use a "Poster movie".
The link to your source movie will not begin downloading until a visitor clicks on the poster.mov file.
One of my pages as an example:
A different issue has come up in the last few weeks that involves the page code tags for PC users running Internet Explorer and the new M$ security update:
The embed tag is dead (by itself) as it doesn't even allow PC IE users to view QT content. The "better" object and embed (nested) still will work but, again, PC visitors using IE (about 80% of browser use) may see a pop-up message alerting them to ActiveX content in your page. Nothing makes them flee from your site quicker than an alert they don't understand.

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    Hi rrtlatyd and welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums!
    When you saved the bookmark, did you check the Available Offline box?
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
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    You could use the autoplay="false" tag but it will still allow the file to download in the background. No server savings in that method.
    Better method: Use a "Poster movie".
    The link to your source movie will not begin downloading until a visitor clicks on the poster.mov file.
    One of my pages as an example:
    A different issue has come up in the last few weeks that involves the page code tags for PC users running Internet Explorer and the new M$ security update:
    The embed tag is dead (by itself) as it doesn't even allow PC IE users to view QT content. The "better" object and embed (nested) still will work but, again, PC visitors using IE (about 80% of browser use) may see a pop-up message alerting them to ActiveX content in your page. Nothing makes them flee from your site quicker than an alert they don't understand.

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    Hi Tablix,
    Based on my research, this feature is not supported in current release of Reporting Services. If you have any concern about this, please submit a feedback at
    https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/Feedback. Connect site is a connection point between you and Microsoft, and ultimately the larger community. Your feedback enables Microsoft to make software
    and services the best that they can be, and you can learn about and contribute to exciting projects.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    It could be some type of font incompatability between your PC and your Mac.  Most OTF's ( Open Type Fonts ) are compatable with both the PC and the Mac, but it may be a good idea to find out which font is suspect and replace it with a new, Mac version ( license ).  And, yes, for some reason, a font or two may not have been activated when you copied it over to your Mac.  I would think Distiller would be blind to font issues and RIP your file anyway, but again, if the font was never copied over or activated because of a license issue, then Distiller may just substitute the font(s).  It may be a good idea to match all of your previous PC fonts with new Mac versions.  And no, Distiller is not involved when you save-to-PDF in Ai.  The last time I checked, Distiller is / was a stand-alone application for creating PDF's.  Why not try using Distiller to see what happens?  You also have the option to Print > Save as PDF in Illustrator.  That's three ways to create a PDF: 1.) Use Acrobat's Distiller, 2.) Illustrator > Save As > Adobe PDF, 3. ) Illustrator > Print > Save as PDF.  Also, PC TTF's are not compatable on a Mac ( at least, that's the way I see it ).  Have you tried to print a desktop version of the Ai file to see if the font loads in your print driver?  If the printer skews the text that carries your font, then you know the font is definitely the problem.

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    Based on your description, this can be accomplished in simple, lightweight HTML alone. It could be accomplished more efficiently using PHP and a database, if you have a lot of material to include. Some people would add javascript to the task. Some people would use big fat Flash to to this. But why would you even want to do this with PDF?
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    Code below
    <embed type="audio/x-wav" src="http://www.thesecretsgr.net/music/cd1.mp3" autoplay="false" autostart="false" width="300" height="50"></embed>
    Other details:
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    What you need to use is known as a "Poster Movie".
    A poster movie is a simple image file saved as a .mov file. It acts as a placeholder for the source file and the source isn't downloaded until the poster movie is clicked.
    Since your source is an audio file you would want to create a poster sized at 200X16 pixels. The 16 pixel height is the height of the QuickTime controller. The width could be shorter but no less than 16 pixels to show the on/off controls of the controller.
    Your example code uses the ancient embed tag and is very out of date for modern browsers. More modern methods now use javascript and you can learn more at this link:
    Some sample code for poster movies can be found at this link:
    http://digitalmedia.oreilly.com/pub/a/oreilly/digitalmedia/2006/09/29/two-slick- quicktime-tricks.html?page=2
    One of my pages that shows the poster movie trick and also targets the QuickTime Player instead of using the browser plug-in:

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    - Alex

    Hi Ismael,
    Thanks for the explanation.
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    Best regards,

    Acrobat doesnu2019t cause postbacks when paging because the acrobat reader installed locally, so its viewing is in a client-side control.  I imagine the same thing is the case for ActiveReports (some sort of client-side activex control installed). 
    If the winform viewer was used on in your web page, then you wouldnu2019t get postbacks either, but then you'd need Crystal Reports runtime on the client to view in that control. And placing a winviewer in a web page give me shivers...
    So, to avoid  using session, recreate the reportdocument and re-load the report on postbacks.
    As Surabh mentioned, you can serialize the report but you will have to use teh InProc RAS. There is an issue thought; you start to get load errors and otehr errors after viewing 3 reports. I belive this has been reported to R&D for a fix  comment, but I do not have and ETA at this time. The code for the InProc RAS SDK would be as follows:
               If Not IsPostBack Then
                Dim rpt As New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
                Dim boReportClientDocument As CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc.ISCDReportClientDocument
                '           rpt.ReportAppServer = "Inproc:multithreaded"
                rpt.Load("c:inetpubwwwroot     estSerializeInprocRASEmployee Profile.rpt",
                boReportClientDocument = rpt.ReportClientDocument
                Dim x As String = boReportClientDocument.DataDefController.Database.Tables(0).Name
                '     boReportClientDocument.DatabaseController.logon("sa", "admin")
                Dim convertUtil As New CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Utilities.Conversion()
                Dim serializedDoc As String
                serializedDoc = convertUtil.ToString(rpt.ReportClientDocument)
                Session.Add("SerializedDoc", serializedDoc)
                'ViewState.Add("SerializedDoc", serializedDoc)
                Response.Write("The document has been serialized.")
                CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = boReportClientDocument.ReportSource
                Label1.Visible = False
                Button1.Visible = False
                Dim x As String
                x = ViewState("SerializedDoc").ToString()
                Dim deSerializedDoc As ISCDReportClientDocument
                Dim convertUtil As New Conversion
                deSerializedDoc = convertUtil.ToReportClientDocument(Session("SerializedDoc").ToString())
                'deSerializedDoc = convertUtil.ToReportClientDocument(ViewState("SerializedDoc").ToString())
                CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = deSerializedDoc
                Response.Write("You are viewing a de-Serialized report" & "<BR>")
            End If
    [1542991 - How to serialize the ReportClientDocument using the RAS .NET SDK?|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/com.sap.km.cm.docs/oss_notes_boj/sdn_oss_boj_bi/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/scn_bosap/notes%7B6163636573733d36393736354636443646363436353344333933393338323636393736354637333631373036453646373436353733354636453735364436323635373233443330333033303331333533343332333933393331%7D.do]
    - Ludek
    Edited by: Ludek Uher on Dec 9, 2011 11:16 AM

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    Sounds to me as if you might like to have a look at Wordpress.
    Find a theme, add your modifications and then show the owner how to use Wordpress.

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    Hi sunflower2772,
    if you want to use the NI function of webserver, then you have to install the runtime engine (there is also a smaller one), the same as using some JAVA code.
    If you don't want to do this, then you have to write your own webserver.

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    Has anyone had any success doing that?
    It seems to have mulitiple issues acrosss the different browsers.
    Any sugguestions would be appreciated.
    Thanks, Wm

    Hi Wm,
    look at the redesigned page.
    I took the opened pdf file in Adobe Acrobat (from here translated from German to English): There  ---> Edit ---> Copy to clipboard (pdf.jpg) ---> DW ---> Paste --- pdf.jpg> image.

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    In older Firefox browsers this was NEVER a problem. Is it because the latest Firefox doesn't like Windows XP? Please give me a good and final fix for this. Like I said, I've tried to reconfigure the names of the tabs, but the names don't stick.

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