Embed superscript style in text

Hi, I am currently working on a project using InDesign CS2 and the plugin InCatalog to pull in text from a database into our InDesign book. All the copy being brough in is just plain text, so formatting is done after it is brought into InDesign. There are certain characters in the text we are pulling in (specifically the registered trademark symbol) that we would like styled with superscript. Right now everytime we sync the document with the database, we have to do a replace to find all of those trademark symbols and apply the superscript.
Are there any special strings or codes we can store in the database text that InDesign would know to convert to superscript? For example I noticed when copying the registered symbol into the replace box, it shows up as ^r. Was just hoping there was some way for us to avoid the step of search/replace every time we sync.
Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated,

I think you might be able to do this with a nested paragraph style.
Create your superscript character style, then for the paragraph style that you use for your text add a nested style like this:
none up to 1 (insert the symbols you want to superscript as a string)
superscript through 1 (insert the symbols you want to superscript as a string)
In CS2 you'll have to repeat that sequence at least as many times as you will ever have the symbols in a paragraph. CS3 is a bit more sophisticated in its repeat ability.
The trick is the string of symbols. Don't use spaces between them, and the string cannot contain any character that you would ever not want to superscript. You might have to copy and paste them into the field. InDesign uses strings in this case in a non-intuitive way. Rather than matching the entire string, InDesign will use the first instance it sees of any single character in the string as the trigger.
If you are careful, and you can limit the characters, you should do fine, but do some tests on a sample paragraph. If you see whole words or parts of words superscripted you have a problem. Note that since this is triggered by single characters you can't use it for superscripting things like ordinals or multi-digit exponents, but I can't think of a case off the top of my head where a multi-character superscript wouldn't involve characters that shouldn't be superscripted most of the time.

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    No such thing. Those are CSS styles
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    Again, there is no such thing as a style that is not a CSS
    It looks like you have not taken time to understand CSS.
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    "Jen_26059" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    >I have links to the web pages I'm working on at the
    bottom. I am trying to
    > the text and color consistent on two pages on the
    website I am working on.
    > One
    > page is a printer friendly version of the other. [I have
    looked and looked
    > under Dreamweaver Help but I can't figure this out.]
    > I have somehow created a CSS style called "rental blue
    arial" and I've
    > linked
    > it to the first page and applied the style to text. I
    can't for the life
    > of me
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    > properties and links are grayed out. On the printer
    friendly page I don't
    > see
    > "rental blue arial" in the list of styles. I always
    select the whole table
    > on
    > the regular non-print page and copy it to the printer
    friendly page but
    > when I
    > do all the text formatting is lost and the text appears
    different colors.
    > What can I do or can someone fill me in? I know it's
    basic, but I can't
    > figure this out. Also, I notice that the person who
    created the website
    > has
    > 10-12 styles associated with each page but they're not
    CSS styles and I
    > don't
    > know how he created them; I can't figure out a way to
    create just a style,
    > not
    > a CSS style. So here are links to the web pages I'm
    talking about:
    > regular page:
    > printer friendly page with messed up colors:

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    9:36 PM      Monday; January 28, 2013
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      Unfortunately, You will not be able to view the graphics within the Long text editor screen.Only Limited word functionality is available on these editors.
      You will have to store these pictures separately as an attachment, through generic object services and then view them through that.

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    'OperateIT' (Word)
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    Thanks in advance

    Hi Lee,
    In the example, you're trying to apply InDesign formatting to a JavaScript string (from an InDesign dialog box text field). That won't work, because the JavaScript string doesn't know anything about InDesign text objects.
    I'm assuming, however, that what you want is to change the formatting of the text on your page. To do that, you can use the findText method on the text, story, or document. Here's an example (the relevant part is the "mySnippet" function--the rest is just setting up an example):
    function main(){
    function mySnippet(){
    //Clear find text preferences.
    app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = "®";
    app.changeTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = app.documents.item(0).characterStyles.item("superscript");
    //Reset find/change text preferences.
    app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    //Reset find/change GREP preferences.
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    //There's probably a way to do this in a single pass, but I'm short on time...
    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "\\l(?<=)IT";
    app.changeGrepPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = app.documents.item(0).characterStyles.item("superscript");
    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "\\l";
    app.findGrepPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = app.documents.item(0).characterStyles.item("superscript");
    app.changeGrepPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = app.documents.item(0).characterStyles.item("[None]");
    app.changeGrepPreferences.position = Position.normal;
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    //mySetup simply takes care of setting up the example document.
    function mySetup(){
    var myDocument = app.documents.add();
        var myPage = app.activeWindow.activePage;
    //Create a text frame on page 1.
    var myTextFrame = myPage.textFrames.add();
    //Set the bounds of the text frame.
    myTextFrame.geometricBounds = myGetBounds(myDocument, myPage);
    //Fill the text frame with placeholder text.
    myTextFrame.contents = TextFrameContents.placeholderText;
    myTextFrame.insertionPoints.item(0).contents = "OperateIT®\r";
    myTextFrame.paragraphs.item(-1).insertionPoints.item(0).contents  = "OperateIT®\r";
    var myHeadingStyle = myDocument.paragraphStyles.add({name:"heading"});
    var mySuperscriptStyle = myDocument.characterStyles.add({name:"superscript", position:Position.superscript});
    function myGetBounds(myDocument, myPage){
    var myPageWidth = myDocument.documentPreferences.pageWidth;
    var myPageHeight = myDocument.documentPreferences.pageHeight
    if(myPage.side == PageSideOptions.leftHand){
      var myX2 = myPage.marginPreferences.left;
      var myX1 = myPage.marginPreferences.right;
      var myX1 = myPage.marginPreferences.left;
      var myX2 = myPage.marginPreferences.right;
    var myY1 = myPage.marginPreferences.top;
    var myX2 = myPageWidth - myX2;
    var myY2 = myPageHeight - myPage.marginPreferences.bottom;
    return [myY1, myX1, myY2, myX2];

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    var str2 = "19";
    var st3 = "95";
    The result I wish to see in the text "frame1" (if written in html) is <sup>$</sup>19<sup>95</sup> All on the one line
    I found this post http://forums.adobe.com/message/4547401 Solution 2 maybe how to do it,
    myTextFrame = app.selection[0]; // is this necessary? can i use textFrames.itemByName(name)?
    firstInsertionPoint = myTextFrame.insertionPoints[-1].index;
    myTextFrame.contents += "New Text";
    myAddedText = myTextFrame.characters.itemByRange(myTextFrame.insertionPoints[firstInsertionPoint],
    // i assume i would apply position.superscript here
    myAddedText.appliedFont = app.fonts.itemByName("Trajan Pro"); // etc.
    but I do not understand exactly what it's doing especially with the insertion points.  I have coded Visual Studio Projects for Office Word and the syntax looks kind of familiar but I find indesign documentation too spartan to help me. Grant Gamble's book was very helpful until I wanted to go down this weird path.
    I am using indesign 5.5 and ESTK
    Thank you in advance
    Hi again,
    I tried playing with the above source post solution 1, the move method of the paragraph collection has it's parameter list around the wrong way at least according to indesign 5.5. Has there been a change between versions? Is this the right way of going about this?
    thanks again

    Hi Peter,
    Thanks for the head up on
       found[i].characters[-2].position = Position.superscript;
       found[i].characters[-1].position = Position.superscript;
    i didn't know you could do such things
    As I said, the price is coming in  (web service) as two variables. There is a reason for this. There is some type setting done on the two variables before they are added to the service. For example, size of font. I can calculate the length of the dollar component IF there is one. It maybe zero eg 99 cents. Knowing the length of dollars it can loop appending "\d" 's at the end of each iteration and use this regex in the grep. Works perfectly. Though with above code frag you provided i can do it another way. It's good to have choices!
    In a all I have written a web app that acts as a front end for indesign "documents/objects/templates/empty square holes i can poke round pegs into" This app acts to constrain data input to fit particular document characteristics such as length of text centered at a particular size to fit nicely in a bounding box within an A4 portrait document. Or A3 or A5 or A6 or landscape. The up shot of this is that the graphics designer stops being a data entry clerk and editor when he recieves a CSV of items to be printed off. He would need to wander thru thousands of these items making sure text didnt spill over background objects or flow outside of document. He would need to manually adjust and call owner of data to re-edit text so it would fit. We calculated he was spending 22-32(time of year) hours a month on this labour that was costing my employer and detracting from what he was employed to do by his company. He hates it. The onus of compisition and constraint was put on the consumer of the printed output. If constraints are violated they cant be submitted.
    The data for each template consists of one html fragment representing the text areas (divs and clever usage of "data-" attribute prefix), one style sheet for preview as you type, one background image, and one xslt sheet to transform the web service into something indesign script can parse easily and i dont need to shoot myself. I wrote the indesign client using "extendables" http() which gets a list of published batches and he can punch the XML straight into indesin(he can now thanks to you)
    The app itself is an engine which runs these sheets and creates data input fields, data verification, store to mssql 10 and retrieve for editing and a searchable (searching XML types in tuples BTW )library keyed in on the document type context. There 8 of these contexts so far representing portrait and landscape for A4 A5 A6 and a big A3 6x3 items per page. There is a security layer in asp.net membership and roles which i have tweaked a little
    It's all done! I need to sit with the GD so we can put the existing document templates into library objects so the script can retrieve them and perform the type of work we have been discussing. The two parties are gobsmacked by the look and consistancy of data styling. The user interface needs some work since  c# puts it together, but i'm not really a designer. Sorry for rabbiting on, I wanted to tell someone who might be the slightest bit interested in what or how i did.
    Thanks again

  • How to keep superscript in header text xref? It is OK in TOC.

    I am updating this generated book:http://www.crystalfontz.com/products/533/datasheets/1704/CFA533-YYH-KC_v1.0.pdf using FM 9, unstructured.
    As you can see on the title page, the product name has a superscript "2" in it. Unlike this post http://forums.adobe.com/message/1240012#1240012, I have no problem with keeping the superscript in the TOC.But I have a problem keeping the superscript "2" in the header text
    I set up the header text as a separate file.
    The "2" correctly appears as superscript in this header text file.
    In this header text file, the phrase of text with the superscript "2" is set up as a cross-reference with the cross-reference format definition as "<$paratext>".
    On the Master page for each file in the book where I want the header text to appear (for example, in the TOC, Body, Appendix files.), I have a marker for the cross-reference. I can change characters before or after the superscript "2" in the header text file, Update the book, and the header text cross-referenced  in the TOC, Body, Appendix files show the update.
    I have the superscript character tag in in the catalog of all the files.I am not using "As Is".
    Is this enough information to figure out what the problem is?
    If there is a dumb way to set up header text, please let me know. I've been using it this way successfuly for years but can change it, if needed.
    Thank you,
    Sylvia in Spokane,.WA

    If you need a superscript 2, why do you not just enter exactly that character and don’t both with extra character formats? With Western Windows you would enter the character using Alt+0178.
    ¹ = Alt+0185
    ² = Alt+0178
    ³ = Alt+0179
    Other fonts may have all digits available as super- and subscript characters, check with the Character Map utility.
    - Michael

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    Yes it is possible but as you have failed to provide a valid link to your site, I will tell you in general Terms:
    1) First create a class or an ID to to your Nav bar;
    2) Now style your navbar in such a way that these styles will only apply to your nav bar.  To do this, you start your style by doing something like this:
    ul#vavigation {.........}
    ul#navigation a {.........}
    ul#navigation a:hover {.........}
    ul#navigation li {.........}
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    <ul id="navigation">
         <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
         etc etc .........................

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    Much obliged,

    Use CSS to format fonts. Look here for info.

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    Does the end user of an interactive pdf form able to change the font style, i.e.: make something bold or underline a word in a text field?
    I am making a form with text fields and the end user would like the ability to make something bold or underline it.. I do not see anywhere in acrobat that allows styles to be changed.
    I have created the form in Indesign > saved it as an interactive pdf and brought it into Acrobat.

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    I just switched from a PC to a brand new MacBook Pro (OSX Lion 10.7), and I bought InDesign CS5.5. I have been using CS4 on a PC for a couple of years and had no issues. For some reason, I cannot apply Paragraph Styles by placing my cursor in the text and clicking the Paragraph style. It highlights the clicked style for a moment, and then de-highlights all the styles, but does not apply any changes. The only way I can apply a Paragraph Style right now is by right clicking the style and selecting "Apply..." from the drop down menu. It's very puzzling. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this. I also have Microsoft Office: Mac 2011 installed on the laptop if that makes a difference to anyone. Any help would be greatly appreciated, since I typeset and edit for my living, and this problem is slowing me down a bit.

    Neither. Let's say I click into a paragraph. The current style will be highlighted. If I click on another style (or even attempt to re-apply the same style by clicking on it in the styles pane), it momentarily highlights the new style, then flashes a little bar underneath (like the one that shows up if I were to try to re-organize the styles list by dragging a style to a different pace in the styles list), then all the styles become unselected, but no changes have been applied to the paragraph in question. Very definitely not normal. It is almost as if the pane assumes that I am attempting to drag the style even when I am merely clicking on it. Very weird.

Maybe you are looking for

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