Embed video... question..

Ok, so I can't stand YouTube and I've found many other video
'hosting' places where random ads would be shown after my video on
my website.
I want to be able to embed the video on my page, and I was
told about this link with the code to do it. It worked GREAT in
Internet Explorer, I was able to figure out how to change the file
names, etc....
But it did not work AT ALL in Fireworks.. The buttons below
the picture didn't even show up..
I have heard about Firefox Extensions, but I don't want to
add something onto my firefox, because I am not worried about ME
viewing it, I want to make sure people who visit my page (using
Firefox) can see the video.
Do I need to put some type of coding on my page so that it
will be compatible with firefox??? I am so lost.
I noticed at the bottom page of the site it says
"For maximum browser compatibility this method uses two tags:
* <object> For Internet Explorer.
* <embed> For Firefox etc."
What does this mean?? I don't understand at all how to make
it work in firefox.

Convert your native video file to FLV. Just about every new
computer has
Flash Player plug-in installed so you'll reach the widest
audience with this
file type. To embed Flash Video in your web page, you'll link
to an SWF
file which contains the player info and skin.
Embedded Flash Video Code:
b#version=6,0,29,0" width="400" height="400" >
<param name="movie" value="videoplayer.swf">
<param name="quality" value="high" >
<param name="LOOP" value="false">
<embed src="videoplayer.swf" width="400" height="400"
quality="high" pluginspage="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></ embed >
</ object >
Note: For maximum browser compatibility this method uses two
tags: <object>
and <embed>. You will need to set the file name and
other attributes for
both tags.
--Nancy O.
Alt-Web Design & Publishing
"Miss_Angela" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:fdq0pb$dtm$[email protected]..
> Ok, so I can't stand YouTube and I've found many other
video 'hosting'
> where random ads would be shown after my video on my
> I want to be able to embed the video on my page, and I
was told about
> link with the code to do it. It worked GREAT in Internet
Explorer, I was
> to figure out how to change the file names, etc....
> But it did not work AT ALL in Fireworks.. The buttons
below the picture
> even show up..
> I have heard about Firefox Extensions, but I don't want
to add something
> my firefox, because I am not worried about ME viewing
it, I want to make
> people who visit my page (using Firefox) can see the
> Do I need to put some type of coding on my page so that
it will be
> with firefox??? I am so lost.
> Thanks

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    The tools are in Adobe Acrobat.
    Is Pro better than Extended?
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    Is the Embed Video option availbale in Word
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    Yes, with Acrobat 9 Pro Extended.

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    CS as a marketing practice, its best to upload the videos to a secure website and embed links to the videos in the email.
    If however embedding the video is the only way, attaching them to mail is perhaps the way you want to do it. Let me know if this helps.
    - Hashim

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    Patty Ayers | www.WebDevBiz.com
    Free Articles on the Business of Web Development
    Web Design Contract, Estimate Request Form, Estimate

    I just looked at a tutorial on how to embed video in 2.7 and
    they instruct
    to SAVE DRAFT, VIEW, then PUBLISH. So it might need to be
    that way!
    Most important....if it works, keep the procedure!
    P@tty Ayers ~ACE wrote:
    > It's 2.7. If/when I test it out again, I'll let you know
    whether I can
    > duplicate both results.
    > --
    > Patty Ayers | www.WebDevBiz.com
    > Free Articles on the Business of Web Development
    > Web Design Contract, Estimate Request Form, Estimate
    > "Mad Dog" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> That's strange, but hey, I wouldn't be surprised if
    you might have
    >> to do that. WP, like most things computer-related,
    can be wacky.
    >> What version of WP are you using?
    >> MD
    >> P@tty Ayers ~ACE wrote:
    >>> Hi MD - Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing, what
    you recommend. The
    >>> first 8 or 10 times I tried it, it stripped the
    code right out
    >>> before it posted.
    >>> I've had a minor breakthrough, though. If I Save
    Draft first, and
    >>> Preview, the videos embed just fine in the
    Preview page. I'm about
    >>> to see what happens when I publish.
    >>> It worked! How weird. I might test it again just
    to satisfy myself
    >>> that it really does do that, although I tried so
    many times
    >>> (Publishing directly without Saving first) that
    I'm 99% certain.
    >>> --
    >>> Patty Ayers | www.WebDevBiz.com
    >>> Free Articles on the Business of Web Development
    >>> Web Design Contract, Estimate Request Form,
    Estimate Worksheet
    >>> "Mad Dog"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>> news:[email protected]...
    >>>> Patty--
    >>>> How are you trying to do this? You should be
    able to go to the Add
    >>>> Post screen, switch to HTML code view, and
    add the embed code. What
    >>>> you DON'T want to do is use "Add
    Media/Video" and put embed code
    >>>> into that....it won't work.
    >>>> MD
    >>>> P@tty Ayers ~ACE wrote:
    >>>>> Can anyone tell me:
    >>>>> 1. Why won't WordPress (installed on my
    own servers, not
    >>>>> WordPress.com) allow me to put video
    embed code from YouTube,
    >>>>> Flickr or Vimeo into a post? It just
    strips the code out, and I
    >>>>> don't understand why.
    >>>>> 2. From hours of searching the codex,
    I'm slowly gathering that
    >>>>> there are lots of plug-ins for embedding
    video. I'm working on
    >>>>> installing one, but I'm still confused
    about why it's needed, when
    >>>>> it should be so simple to just paste in
    the embed code.
    >>>>> Any clues will be much appreciated. I
    love WordPress, but getting
    >>>>> answers to simple questions from the
    documentation or forums is
    >>>>> pretty difficult.
    >>>>> --
    >>>>> Patty Ayers | www.WebDevBiz.com
    >>>>> Free Articles on the Business of Web
    >>>>> Web Design Contract, Estimate Request
    Form, Estimate Worksheet

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    The current wiki relies on html 4:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
    Embed tag is not a standard part of html 4 and is new in html 5. html 4 allows the object tag or the iframe tag to perform the external link function. Both object and iframe need to be added to the wiki whitelist for inclusion in the page html.
    iframe creates a separate window that allows you to show the page with the video or rss link that you want to include on the wiki page.
    object would show up as an separate window as well but has different issues depending on brower.
    I have used iframe with good results as an alternative to uploading data to the wiki page.

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    A good place to ask advice about web development is at the mozillaZine Web Development/Standards Evangelism forum.<br />
    The helpers at that forum are more knowledgeable about web development issues.<br />
    You need to register at the mozillaZine forum site in order to post at that forum.<br />
    <br />
    See http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewforum.php?f=25

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    [Search this forum|http://discussions.apple.com/search.jspa?threadID=&q=embed+video&objID=f1 108&dateRange=last90days&userID=&numResults=15&rankBy=10001]
    With iWeb '08 you can embed video with the HTML Snippet. [Look here|http://web.mac.com/wyodor/Embed_Media> and then [here|http://web.mac.com/wyodor/iFrame>.

  • How to embed video files

    Hello  there,
    I want to embed video files to my web page.I am having .mts, .mov and .mpg files.
    Please help me....How can i embed all these files.
    Thanks in advance.

    Copy & paste this code into a new, blank document.  Save and upload to your remote server.
    <!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>HTML5 with Video</title>
    <!--help for older IE browsers-->
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src="http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>
    video {
        margin:0 auto;
    <h2>Use 3 File Types to support all browsers:  MP4, WEBM and OGV.</h2>
    <h3>Online Video Converter
    <!--begin video-->
    <video controls poster="Your_poster_image.jpg">
    <!--these are 6 sec sample videos for testing purposes. Replace sample-videos with your own files-->
    <source src="http://techslides.com/demos/sample-videos/small.webm" type="video/webm">
    <source src="http://techslides.com/demos/sample-videos/small.ogv" type="video/ogg">
    <source src="http://techslides.com/demos/sample-videos/small.mp4" type="video/mp4">
    If you're seeing this, you're using an
    outdated browser that doesn't support
    the video tag. </video>
    <!--end video-->
    If it fails to play, your server probably lacks the proper MIME file types. You'll have to add them to an .htaccess file or contact your web host.
    Nancy O.

  • Embed video youtube in LiveCycle Designer ES

    ich habe versucht embed video youtube in Designer ES einzubinden. Leider gibt es da nicht. Ich habe es mir überlegt, HTML-Datei in Designer ES zu importieren. Die Fehlermeldung zeigt an. Vielleicht kann einer von euch helfen das zu lösen.

    Was du vorhast ist bislang nicht möglich.
    Acrobat / Reader X unterstützen zwar schon XFA 3.3, das es ermöglicht Flash-Dateien in XFA-Formulare einzubetten, aber bislang gibt es noch keine Version des LiveCycle Designer, die diese Funktion unterstützt.
    Du wirst auf die nächste Version warten müssen, wann immer die auch veröffentlicht wird.
    Youtube-Videos müsstest du dann aber auch immer erst in Flash umwandeln.

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    Is there any way to embed video into my iWeb page without making an external HTML file?

    QuickTime Media Link format. One of mine as an example:
    They are text based files that download when clicked so there is no need for any addition html code to open a new page.

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    Does anyone know how I can do this?

    You cant embed video in Emails, only attach
    embedding means that the email file and the video file becomes a single file
    and thats not possible
    just send the video as an attatchment

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    This state of affairs is indeed disappointing! It seems that we are back in the days of external players that could be incompatible, even if all are produced by Adobe.
    On a MacBook (10.5.8), where I can view the all PDFs and their integrated videos successfully with Adobe Reader 9.4.
    With Adobe Reader 10.1.4 on the same Mac, some videos display successfully; other videos are displayed initially, then stop unexpectedly.
    If I update Reader to 10.1.7 (latest version available for Mac OS10.5.8), none of the videos display, and I get a message that I need to install Flash.
    Installing Flash with the link provided in the special yellow bar at the top area of Reader fails consistently, probably because the Flash player pointed to is not compatible with Mac OS 10.5.8.
    Native/smooth support for media in Reader, anyone?

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    i was wondering if it's possible to somehow embed video/audio files in a captivate slideshow so that no sidecar files are required?
    or will i always need to keep seperate linked mp3 and flv files along side the captivate file?

    okay thanks shekhar for you reply : ) i don't have much experience with captivate, only flash.
    i think i've figured out that when inserting an audio file (e.g. .wav) the file is actually embedded in the cptx file, meaning you don't need the .wav file as a seperate file (like for example the way linked files in indesign work).
    however, for video files, i still don't know if it works the same way. are the files embedded? or linked?
    let me put it this way: if i have a captivate file that has video and audio in it and i want to move the project to a different computer - do i need to take only the cptx file? or do i need to also move some media files as well?

Maybe you are looking for