Embedded resource...

I am trying to add an .xml file to my current project as an embedded resource, but am unsure how this is done.
I am using NetBeans 5.5.1.
Also, what path would I then use? Currently I have it in a folder named "Resource" within the "src" folder. I specify the path like so:
and I also tried:
But the file is never found.
I am very inexperienced with Java, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have no idea of Netbeans but it usually helps to put the concerned folder under the project classpath.

Similar Messages

  • Writing to embedded resource file

    I have an application that needs access to an embedded file. For example, the file is Preferences.cfg and contains application settings. I have no problem getting the file and reading its contents, but I can't seem to find a way to write with an OutputStream to the embedded resource.
    When I try using a URLConnection to establish the stream, an Exception is thrown claiming the URL protocol does not support output streams.
    Any help greatly appreciated.

    I have an application that needs access to an
    embedded file. For example, the file is
    Preferences.cfg and contains application settings. I
    have no problem getting the file and reading its
    contents, but I can't seem to find a way to write
    with an OutputStream to the embedded resource.
    When I try using a URLConnection to establish the
    stream, an Exception is thrown claiming the URL
    protocol does not support output streams.
    Any help greatly appreciated.What do you mean by embedded? Is it within a jar? There's no easy way to update it in that case. Why do you have the configuration in the jar? Use the preferences API instead to store application configuration.

  • Unable to find the report in the manifest resources

    <p>Hi!</p><p>I have problem using Crystal Report documents created in Visual Studio 2005 using the build-in version of Crystal Reports. If I create a project from scratch with one report and then some code to initialize and export the report to disk I get the following error message:</p><p>"Unhandled Exception: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LoadSaveReportException: Unable to find the report in the manifest resources. Please build the project, and try again."</p><p>I have tried using both the "Embedded resource" and the "Content" options during build, but with no luck at all. When using the Content option I explicitly load the rpt-file but no luck at all. Do anyone have a clue to what the problem is? I have absolutely no idea. The things worked in Visual Studio 2003 but not in 2005. What is the manifest resource?</p><p>Would really appreciate some help, thanks in advance!</p><p>My source code is below.</p><p>Best regards<br />Lars</p>class Program {<br /><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">   public</font> <font color="#0000ff">static</font> <font color="#008080">TableLogOnInfo</font> CreateConnectionInfo(<font color="#0000ff">string</font> userID, <font color="#0000ff">string</font> password, <font color="#0000ff">string</font> serverName, <font color="#0000ff">string</font> databaseName) {<br />         <font color="#008080">TableLogOnInfo</font> conInfo = <font color="#0000ff">new</font> <font color="#008080">TableLogOnInfo</font>();<br />         conInfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = userID;<br />         conInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = password;<br />         conInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = serverName;<br />         conInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = databaseName;<br /><font color="#0000ff">         return</font> conInfo;<br />   }<br /><br /></font><font color="#0000ff"><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">   public</font> <font color="#0000ff">static</font> <font color="#008080">ReportClass</font> CreatePersonalWillReport(<font color="#008080">TableLogOnInfo</font> conInfo, </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">string</font> personID) {<br />           </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">ReportClass</font> doc = <font color="#0000ff">new</font> <font color="#008080">ReportClass</font>();<br />           </font><font size="1">doc.Load(<font color="#800000">@"C:\Utveckling\reports\main\ClassLibrary1\bin\Debug\CrystalReport1.rpt"</font>);<br />           </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">List</font><<font color="#008080">ReportParameter</font>> parameters = <font color="#0000ff">new</font> <font color="#008080">List</font><<font color="#008080">ReportParameter</font>>();<br />           </font><font size="1">parameters.Add(<font color="#0000ff">new</font> <font color="#008080">ReportParameter</font>(<font color="#800000">"@personID"</font>, personID));<br />           </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">return</font> ApplyReportParameters(doc, parameters, conInfo);<br />   }</font></font><font color="#0000ff"> <p>&#160;</p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">   public</font> <font color="#0000ff">static</font> <font color="#0000ff">void</font> ExportReportToDisk(<font color="#0000ff">string</font> fileName, </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">ReportClass</font> report, </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">ExportFormatType</font> formatType) {<br />           </font><font size="1">report.ExportToDisk(formatType, fileName);<br />   </font><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">   protected</font> <font color="#0000ff">static</font> <font color="#008080">ReportClass</font> ApplyReportParameters(<font color="#008080">ReportClass</font> report, <font color="#008080">List</font><<font color="#008080">ReportParameter</font>> paramList, </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">TableLogOnInfo</font> conInfo) {<br />           </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">foreach</font> (<font color="#008080">Table</font> t <font color="#0000ff">in</font> report.Database.Tables) {<br />               </font><font size="1">t.ApplyLogOnInfo(conInfo);<br />           </font><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1">           <font color="#0000ff">foreach</font> (<font color="#008080">Section</font> s <font color="#0000ff">in</font> report.ReportDefinition.Sections) {<br />                  </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">foreach</font> (<font color="#008080">ReportObject</font> ro <font color="#0000ff">in</font> s.ReportObjects) {<br />                        </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">if</font> (ro.Kind == CrystalDecisions.Shared.<font color="#008080">ReportObjectKind</font>.SubreportObject) { <br /></font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">                             SubreportObject</font> sro = (<font color="#008080">SubreportObject</font>)ro;<br />                             </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">ReportDocument</font> doc = sro.OpenSubreport(sro.SubreportName);</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">                             foreach</font> (<font color="#008080">Table</font> t <font color="#0000ff">in</font> doc.Database.Tables) {<br />                                  </font><font size="1">t.ApplyLogOnInfo(conInfo);</font></p><p><font size="1">                             }<br />                        </font><font size="1">}<br />                  </font><font size="1">}<br />           </font><font size="1">}<br /><br />           </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">foreach</font> (<font color="#008080">ParameterFieldDefinition</font> paramField <font color="#0000ff">in</font> report.DataDefinition.ParameterFields)  {<br />                </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">foreach</font> (<font color="#008080">ReportParameter</font> rp <font color="#0000ff">in</font> paramList) {<br />                     </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">if</font> (paramField.Name == rp.Name) {<br />                         </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">ParameterValues</font> pv = paramField.CurrentValues;<br />                         </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">string</font> s = (<font color="#0000ff">string</font>)rp.Value.Value;<br />                         </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">ParameterDiscreteValue</font> pdv = <font color="#0000ff">new</font> <font color="#008080">ParameterDiscreteValue</font>();<br />                         </font><font size="1">pdv.Value = s;<br />                         </font><font size="1">pv.Add(pdv);<br />                         </font><font size="1">paramField.ApplyCurrentValues(pv);<br />                     </font><font size="1">}<br />                </font><font size="1">}<br />            </font><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">           return</font> report;</font></p><p><font size="1">       }</font></p><p>&#160;</p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">          static</font> <font color="#0000ff">void</font> Main(<font color="#0000ff">string</font>[] args) {<br />               </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">TableLogOnInfo</font> conInfo = CreateConnectionInfo(<font color="#800000">"username"</font>, <font color="#800000">"password"</font>,<br />                                                                                </font><font size="1"><font color="#800000">"server"</font>, <font color="#800000">"database"</font>);<br />               </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">ReportClass</font> report = CreatePersonalWillReport(conInfo, <font color="#800000">"-1291000956"</font>);<br />               </font><font size="1">ExportReportToDisk(<font color="#800000">"C:\temp\report.pdf"</font>, report, <font color="#008080">ExportFormatType</font>.PortableDocFormat);<br />           </font><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> Helper class that contains parameter key/value pairs.</font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"></summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">protected</font> <font color="#0000ff">class</font> <font color="#008080">ReportParameter</font> {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> The parameter name.</font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"></summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">private</font> <font color="#0000ff">string</font> name = <font color="#0000ff">null</font>;</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> The parameter value.</font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"></summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">private</font> <font color="#008080">ParameterDiscreteValue</font> value = <font color="#0000ff">new</font> <font color="#008080">ParameterDiscreteValue</font>();</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> The parameter name.</font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"></summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">public</font> <font color="#0000ff">string</font> Name {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font
    color="#0000ff">get</font> {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">return</font> <font color="#0000ff">this</font>.name;</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">set</font> {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">this</font>.name = <font color="#0000ff">value</font>;</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> The parameter value.</font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"></summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">public</font> <font color="#008080">ParameterDiscreteValue</font> Value {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">get</font> {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">return</font> <font color="#0000ff">this</font>.value;</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">set</font> {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">this</font>.value = <font color="#0000ff">value</font>;</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> The constructor.</font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"></summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><param name="name"></font><font color="#008000">the parameter name</font><font color="#808080"></param></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><param name="value"></font><font color="#008000">the parameter value</font><font color="#808080"></param></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">public</font> ReportParameter(<font color="#0000ff">string</font> name, <font color="#0000ff">object</font> value) {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">this</font>.name = name;</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">this</font>.value.Value = value;</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p></font>

    Â Have you read the CRnet_deployment.doc if not it may help fix your problem (It didnt mine but hey you may be lucky) See http://support.businessobjects.com/communitycs/technicalpapers/crnet_deployment.pdf
    I have a similar issue but in 2003.net using the bundled CR package. I'm trying to use CR in a Web Service called from a Compact Framework device. I've confirmed I'm using the correct Merge Modules & my Build Actions are all set as stated in the CR Application Deployment document but it still spits out Unable to find the report in the manifest resources
    I've looked extensively on the net and while others have had this problem the only advice I've seen revolves around embedded build actions and using the correct merge modules. There must be something else causing this problem and some one who has found a way round it?!?
    If your that someone please take 5 minutes out and help a couple of guys in distress?
    Thanks in advance,

  • Unable to find the report in the manifest resources. Please build the project, and try again.

    The error is received when i transfer the .exe file, bin\Debug folder to another machine:
    Unable to find the report in the manifest resources. Please build the project, and try again.
    The error is issued when i try to open the form that contain the Crystal report viewer, I already checked the properties of the report file and it says "Embed Resource" in the "Build Action"
    This error is not visible on my development machine where visual studio is installed, anybody know what i should install on the other machine for this to run.
    I'm using C#, WinForms, .net 2.0, VS 2005.

    Fronde Systems Group: 
    Setting the build action to Embedded resource  is working
    in my local machine which has Visual studio 2003 installed. But when i deploy the same on Server
    (server has no .net framework installed on it), it keeps failing. I get the the following error:
    "ERROR Thrown from Crystal Reports ===> An undocumented error occured" which is triggered when it is Unable
    to find the report in the manifest resources.
    Please suggest me guys.... 
    [email protected]

  • How can resources be emebedded in pdf file?

    in the Acro3DJS.pdf, exist 2 information
    1) "Resource Objects Some objects, such as Image, are driven by content that is streamed from a file or over a network. To create an Image, load a .png, jpg, or .gif file as a Resource, which you may subsequently use to create a new Image object,as shown in the following example:
    faceRes = new Resource("pdf://picture.jpg");
    faceImage = new Image( faceRes );
    aMaterial = scene.meshes.getByIndex(0).material;
    aMaterial.diffuseTexture.setImage( faceImage );
    2) "pathname(property of resource object)
    A string representing the pathname of the file or stream.
    Can currently only load embedded resources from within the PDF file.
    the pathname string must start with pdf://"
    but i can't embed jpg files in the pdf file.
    i want ask :
    how can resources(jpg image) be emebedded in pdf file?

    Does anybody know the answer to this query?
    In addition to images I'd also like to embed u3d models then use the addModel method of the scene to add the model.
    This, of course, leads to the bigger question: Can javascript running in the 3D javascript engine associated with a specific Annot3D access streams embedded in the overall pdf? In the past I found that I couldn't access variables in Acrobat's javascript engine from a 3D javascript engine (though the opposite was possible).

  • Short hint regarding resources in AIR app

    just a short note, that Flex copies all resources from your
    AIR project into the OS X package of the compiled app. Thus, OS X
    users can easily find/replace/use all embedded resources, since
    Flex doesn't create a somehow stuffed app.
    In case you need to protect your assets somehow, you better
    prepare some kind of archive and embed this instead.

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  • Is it possible to dynamically load an image/resources embed in a SWF?

    Hi all,
       i have created a flex library project, just containing images (.GIF)...etc.
       And i create another flex application project that merge the .GIF files into the final SWF application.
      based on the current time, i want to display different pictures (e.g. sun.GIF, moon.GIF, star.GIF...etc..there are many images) in the application right-top corner.
      as, i know, <mx:image/> just work with static image reference for embedded resource.
    (<mx:image source="@Embed('sun.GIF'))"/>).
      i search by google, it seems that, for embedded image or resource, you can't load it dynamically.
      the following code don't work.
      e.g. var mmm:Image = new Image();
                   mmm.source = fileName;
      anybody find the solution???
      thank you.
    ppk luk

      i have tried this method before, but, again, it don't work for embedded resource. IO error will be thrown, with error message.
    IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2036: Load Never Completed. URL: file:///E:/Flex/TmpAssetApp/bin-debug/@Embed(source='images/sun.GIF')"]
    (the GIF is in a folder called images)
    SWFLoader/Loader can only load file dynamically from URL, but not embedded resource?? (by syntax @Embed(source='xxx'))??
    my sample code:
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                private var fileName:String = "@Embed(source='images/last.GIF')";
                 * Show the image
                private function showImage(event:flash.events.MouseEvent):void{
                    fileName = fileTxt.text;
                    dynaLoader.source = "@Embed(source='" + fileName + "')";
                    //dynaLoader.addEventListener(flash.events.Event.COMPLETE, ss);
                    //dynaLoader.addEventListener(flash.events.IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ff); 
                private function ss(event:flash.events.Event):void{
                        mx.controls.Alert.show("result1\n" + event);
                private function ff(event:flash.events.IOErrorEvent):void{
                        mx.controls.Alert.show("result2\n" + event);
        <mx:SWFLoader height="305" left="10" right="10" bottom="10" id="dynaLoader" autoLoad="true" source="{fileName}" ioError="ff(event)" complete="ss(event)"/>
       Do you know any other solution?
      thank you.
    ppk luk

  • Resource files falsely enumerated as part of project

    We have a localized WinForms application.
    When we get translations from 3rd party, new *.<language>.resx files appear in the project folders and need to be added to the projects.
    For common resource files, e.g. Properties\Resources.de.resx, nothing changes when new files are present, but for the WinForms controls the new files, e.g. AboutBox.de.resx, appear in the solution explorer with a gray dotted icon, even if "Show All
    Files" is not checked.
    To add these new files to the project we use a Visual Studio Extension; it's using EnvDTE model to enumerate all EnvDTE.ProjectItem of all projects, and checks if additional resource files are in the folder but not yet in the project.
    Now for the WinForms resources the new files are already enumerated as part of the project (like they are shown in solution explorer) and we can't find a way to distinguish if the item is a real project member or a fake one.
    Is there a way to switch of the "feature" of enumerating fake project items for WinForms resources, or any other means to detect these fake items and add them as real items?

    This is a screen shot of the Solution Explorer:
    AboutForm.zh-CN.resx is in the folder and it's enumerated as a ProjectItem, but when you build, there is no Chinese translation.
    To confirm whether it has been added to that project, we could open the projectName.cropj file, and check whether there is the line for that file.
    <EmbeddedResource Include="Form1.af.resx">
    If not, then we could consider adding that item with MSBuild like this thread below.
    How to dynamically add Embedded Resources
    to a VS 2010 csproj - Project before compilation?
    And if you get any concern about MSBuild, you could post them in
    Visual Studio Development >
    MSBuild  forum.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Resource Files in SandBoxed Solutions SharePoint 2013

    I want to create Resource files MyResource_en.resx and MyResource_ar.resx in the sandboxed solutions,how can i do that because as per my understandings we cannot access resource files from the App_GlobalResources folder in our virtual directory when working
    on sand boxed solutions.
    Can anyone suggest me the work around to use resource files in sand boxed solutions.

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to create Resource files in the sandboxed solutions.
    There is an article for your reference, although it is about the SharePoint 2010, it is similar to SharePoint 2013.
    Embedding Resources in Sandbox Solutions
    Per my knowledage, SharePoint sandboxed solutions are deprecated in SharePoint 2013 Preview in favor of developing apps for SharePoint. 
    I recommend to create App to achive what you want.
    More information:
    SharePoint 2013: Sandboxed Solutions are deprecated
    SharePoint 2013: What to Do? Farm Solution vs Sandbox vs App
    Build apps for SharePoint
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • C# Winforms Embed Video as Resource

       The company I work for has some training video's which require protection. I wish to create a WinForms app where the video is embedded in the EXE so users can not copy the video file. The WinForms app will require a license to run so just copying
    the EXE wont be an option. What is the best way to achieve this?
    Paul Wainwright

       The company I work for has some training video's which require protection. I wish to create a WinForms app where the video is embedded in the EXE so users can not copy the video file. The WinForms app will require a license to run so just copying
    the EXE wont be an option. What is the best way to achieve this?
    Paul Wainwright
    To embed file to exe as resource, we could use the following way.
    1. Copy that file to project
    2. Right click on that file and select properties.
    3. Set its "Build Action" to "Embedded Resource"
    Then we could use it with the following way.
    var _assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();//var _stream =
    var _stream = _assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("YourAssemblyName.TheFileName");
    But to play video from stream would be difficult that needs us to look for the other control or create custom player by ourselves using DirectShow.
    I would recommend you consdier using the way shared in
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Visual Studio 2010 Upgrade - Unable to view some reports

    I converted an application that had been developed in VS2005 so that it would run in VS2010.  The application contains several Crystal Reports.  Now when I debug the application I can only view some of the reports.  With the others I get an exception with the message "Unable to find the report in the manifest resources.  Please build the project and try again." 
    The ones that work and the ones that don't all have the Build Action set to Embedded Resource.  I have tried removing a report from the project and then adding it back, but that made no difference.  A new report displayed fine. 
    Does anyone have any ideas about what could cause some of the reports to throw this exception?

    OK, here is the link to the thread I am replying to Visual Studio 2010 Upgrade - Unable to view some reports
    And here is what I posted to start the thread that I am replying to:
    I converted an application that had been developed in VS2005 so that it would run in VS2010. The application contains several Crystal Reports. Now when I debug the application I can only view some of the reports. With the others I get an exception with the message "Unable to find the report in the manifest resources. Please build the project and try again."
    The ones that work and the ones that don't all have the Build Action set to Embedded Resource. I have tried removing a report from the project and then adding it back, but that made no difference. A new report displayed fine.
    Does anyone have any ideas about what could cause some of the reports to throw this exception?
    As you can see, I have described the exception that occurs when I try to view some, but not all, or the reports while debugging.  I have also tried deleting a report and adding it back in but it made no difference.
    Is this enough information?

  • Error copying application.xml icons: .../bin-release/assets/icons' does not exist

    Whenever I try to export the release build I get error from COmpiler during the process that "Error copying application.xml icons: Resource '/Project_Name/bin-release/assets/icons' does not exist."  I have specified 4 icons in the -app.xml file of sizes 16,32,48,128 which exist in the path specified and files are not corrupt. I have checked and unchecked the compiler directive "Copy non-embedded resources in the Output file" but that has not helped too.
    Can somebody please advise what do I do in this situation?
    We are using
    FB4 with Flex Hero(4.5) SDK and java heap space specified in .ini files is 1224m
    This is somewhat urgent guys...

    Thank you for your answer. I had not checked (will do so tonight).
    I had considered it adequate to wipe out the entire system directory (thereby wiping out the integrated weblogic server), but perhaps it was not adequate? I did not specify that this is on the integrated server, but that is the case....

  • While Printing using Print Button on Crysal Report Loses focus.

    Hi all,
    I am using CR XI along with VS2003 for developing my application.
    My application uses a Treeview to list all the available reports, once user select one of the report. I am using another dll, which contain all the rpt files as Embedded Resource, for showing the report in Crystal report viewer.
    Once report get loaded, I am using Print Button from Crystal report viewer to print the report.
    report get printed properly..
    However a strange behavior occurring, Form with Crystal report viewer control placed loses focus and immediate below window coming into focus (some other opened window get activated and bring to front and hiding my application).
    Any suggestion would be appreciated.
    Thank you
    Riju K K

    Hi Brian,
    Thanks for you are reply.
    I think I am not creating a separate process,
    From my application, I am creating an instance of form (which is in another DLL) which is hosting Crystal report viewer.
    If click "Print" button on the Crystal report viewer, I am getting a Printer selection form.
    If I cancel from there ,my Crystal report viewer form get focus back.
    If select a printer and click "OK". my Crystal report viewer form lost focus and some of the other window opened (word, ie, etc) before get focus.
    My assumption is Crystal Report viewer's "Print" button may be using a separate thread for Printing.
    that may creating this focus issue.
    what you think?

  • How to share dependant jars across rars & ears / avoid classcast exceptions

    <b>How can one share dependant jars between a ear application and a resource adapter and avoid getting a ClassCastException? </b>
    In some appservers(such as Oracle) the resource adapter is the parent of your ear classloader, so a single instance multiple classloader problem doesn't occur. But in some appservers such as BEA Weblogic this isn't the case. Not sure why BEA decided to make resource adapter class loader seperate and not the parent of ear loader...
    If I bundle the resource adapter specific classes in the corresponding module archive file, I will get a class cast exception, becos I will have a <i>single instance and multiple class loader situation</i> (assuming resource adapters uses its own classloader).
    Second question related to the above: Web logic documentation recommends that we bundle the common files in APP-INF direcotory for embedded resource adapter apps. If I start bundling the resource adapter in an ear file, for every ear app we will have a rar bundled. What about the JNDI names? won't you have to rename the resource adapter differently for each ear so that there is no jndi name clash? Doesn't this defeat the purpose of having one common connector for all apps?
    Here is a detailed description of what I want:
    Let say you have a ear file. Let's say there is a common.jar shared between your ear application (say the ejb module uses it), and your resource adapter.
    In the case of Oracle's OC4J I can see there won't be any problem of having this common.jar part of the resource adapter(RA). When the RA class loader loads the rar, it makes sure the common.jar files are accessible in the chain of all class loaders it is a parent of. So, the ear loader, ejb loader etc...will have visibility -> hence no class cast exception.
    But what do clients do when they want to have their ear deployable across multiple appservers not just oc4j. BEA recently changed their class loader structure...their resource loader is no longer parent of the ear, so the ejb app in the ear doesn't have visibility into common.jar packaged with rar. So, the only solution was to bundle the common.jar file with the ear. But this causes problems, because we can have a situation where certain object instances (that are not serialized or copied) can be shared across class loaders. This ends up in the single instance multiple class loader situation->hence classcastexception.
    The only solution I found was to make the common.jar file a shared library. That way only one copy of the class files are there for both the rar and the ear and its visibility is there not only for rar but for ear since it is loaded by the system class loader or shared library class loader (if ther eis one such).
    Please convey best practise recommendation.

    Pete <[email protected]> wrote:
    Is there a way to have a non-EJB jar at the EJB classloader level ? Sure, just add it to the Class-Path: manifest entry in your ejb.jar.

  • How do I select the Poster Frame when exporting to video?

    PP CS6
    I cannot find how to select the frame that I want to appear as the Poster Frame in the exported video.
    I can select it I can change one by right clicking an imported video OK but not the sequence!
    I've been through every menu I can find & even Lynda.com training!
    I'm sure that there must be a way but I'm blowed if I can find it!!

    There are two common meanings for the phrase "poster frame":
    A standalone image on disk (JPG etc) which is displayed by a player before the video is loaded - commonly used by video player apps on websites (YouTube etc), InDesign and PDF files, etc. so the video asset doesn't have to be opened in order for the viewer to see what they're about to watch - although the image is normally captured from the video it doesn't have to be.
    An image resource embedded into the XMP/ID3 data of a video or audio file which can sometimes be shown in the player, but is normally set because it  appears as the thumbnail image when viewing the files in Finder or Windows Explorer. It's not part of the content stream, it's in the file header. In MP3 files it's used to store album artwork.
    You can create standalone JPEG images from PP using the camera icon below the monitor and can semi-automate the export of a still image alongside your video using presets in Adobe Media Encoder, but there's no option in PP (or via Adobe Media Encoder) to specify the embedded poster image in a rendered media file. Several third-party apps can do it, either during render (Compressor / Squeeze) or after the fact (Quicktime Pro), but support for these embedded resources depends on the wrapper for the video file.
    The ability to set a 'poster frame' in the clip bins in PP is solely there to help you organize your project assets visually - for example if the imported footage starts from black, or if you want to choose a frame where the slate is visible - but your choice has no effect on the sequences at export and isn't written back into the original footage.

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