Embedding product discriptors in image metadata?

I'm working with a third-party vendor to help my company develop a digital asset management system. At this stage of the project I'm trying to find a way to embed product description information (which is currently contained in a FileMaker db) into individual images.
The idea being that--using cars as an example--you'd be able to search for images based on make and model, but also by things like "show me blue cars with all-wheel drive that get at least 30mpg."
The correlation part of the problem should be easy as each record in the db already contains the name of the corresponding image. The thing I can't figure out is the most efficient way to embed the db info into the corresponding images. It seems like there should be a fairly easy way to take an .xml export from FileMaker and apply it to the images, no?
I should mention that I'm not a programmer, I know less than nothing about coding, and I work on Mac platforms. So my preference would be to find an existing app that can do the above.
Thanks very much,

Super Mario:
You were correct. Adding album artwork through iTunes "Get Info>Art Work" tab and then exporting my video podcast file back out to my server did the trick. I tested subscribing to it and this time my video podcasts had the album artwork that I selected attached to them.
Also, thank you for the compliment on my sci-fi video podcasts. I'm currently working on a major overhaul of the website which will serve the fans of the series (if any). You can check it out in about two days at http://www.sayremedia.com.

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  • I cannot remove embedded barcode from the image. Due to saving compression.

    Hi guys,
    I recreate a thread to prevent confusing on my previous one. Please only reply to this thread thanks.
    Ok, for a start I will give some general description about the application I made.
    I had some problem with the image being compressed while it is saved.
    Because saving an image will cause it to compress and had its pixel valued changed, I could not successfully remove the bardcode that is embedded inside a image(although some of the pixel value will be returned to original normally). I had placed my code below and will accept any opinion that will help me solve the removal of barcode problem.
    What my application does is actually very simple. It will take the pixel value of the area inside the image that will be embed with the barcode first, then it will take the pixel value of the barcode and use the formula (1-alpha * Image pixel value) + (alpha * barcode pixel value) = new pixel value which will contain the barcode that had been embedded inside. The formula works great but when I saved the image the pixel value will change due to compression. On the removal of barcode my application will read every pixel value from the image embedded with barcode (only the area with barcode embedded), then it will go on to read every pixel value of the barcode used for embedding and then use the formula (Embedded image pixel value - (alpha * Barcode pixel value) - (1 - alpha) = original pixel value. But due to the reason that compression will change some of the pixel inside the saved image to drop in its value, the result from the removal formula will be negative and hence caused my result image to become wierd as it will red colors instead of original color on some of its pixel. I tried saving under PNG format which people said to be lossless compression but the result is still the same.
    So I need to ask you guys for opinion or help me find the part where I actually did wrongly and caused the image pixel value to change.
    Thanks. Please proceed and read below for the codes that I used. It is messy and I will sort it out later.
    When alpha is set as 1 the barcode will appear to be overwrite onto the image. But when alpha is set as 0.1 the barcode will appear to be transparent and almost seems to be not there on the image when embedded.
    This is the code I used to retrieve image pixel when embedding:
    public static int[] getImagePixelValue(BufferedImage image, int x, int y){
              //Create an array to store image RGB value
              int[] imageRGB = new int[3];
              //Get height and width from input image
              int imageWidth = image.getWidth();
              int imageHeight = image.getHeight();
              //Get raw RGB value from image
              int imageValue = image.getRGB(x, y);
              //Convert image raw RGB value
              int imageRed = ((image.getRGB(x, y) >> 16) & 0xff);
              int imageGreen = ((image.getRGB(x, y) >> 8) & 0xff);
              int imageBlue = image.getRGB(x, y) & 0xff;
              //Input the converted RGB value into the array
              imageRGB[0] = imageRed;
              imageRGB[1] = imageGreen;
              imageRGB[2] = imageBlue;
              /*//Print out the pixel value to check
              System.out.println("Image red pixel: "+imageRGB[0]);
              System.out.println("Image green pixel: "+imageRGB[1]);
              System.out.println("Image blue pixel: "+imageRGB[2]);*/
              //Return image RGB value
              return imageRGB;
    }This is the code I used to retrieve barcode pixel for embedding:
    public static int[] getWatermarkPixelValue(BufferedImage watermark, int x, int y){
              //Create an array to store watermark RGB value
              int[] watermarkRGB = new int[3];
              //Get height and width from input watermark
              int watermarkWidth = watermark.getWidth();
              int watermarkHeight = watermark.getHeight();
              int watermarkValue = watermark.getRGB(x, y);
              //Convert watermark raw RGB value
              int watermarkRed = ((watermark.getRGB(x, y) >> 16) & 0xff);
              int watermarkGreen = ((watermark.getRGB(x, y) >> 8) & 0xff);
              int watermarkBlue = watermark.getRGB(x, y) & 0xff;
              //Input the converted RGB value into the array
              watermarkRGB[0] = watermarkRed;
              watermarkRGB[1] = watermarkGreen;
              watermarkRGB[2] = watermarkBlue;
              /*//Print out the pixel value to check
              System.out.println("Watermark red pixel: "+watermarkRGB[0]);
              System.out.println("Watermark green pixel: "+watermarkRGB[1]);
              System.out.println("Watermark blue pixel: "+watermarkRGB[2]);*/
              //Return watermark RGB value
              return watermarkRGB;
         }This is the code I used for merging the image pixel and barcode pixel to get the embedded pixel value:
    public static int[] getEmbeddedPixelValue(int[] imagePixelValue, int[] watermarkPixelValue, double alpha){
              //Create a object to hold embedded pixel value
              int[] embeddedRGBValue = new int[3];
              //Change image pixel value into double calculating equation
              double imgRedValue = (double) imagePixelValue[0];
              double imgGreenValue = (double) imagePixelValue[1];
              double imgBlueValue = (double) imagePixelValue[2];
              //Change watermark pixel value into double calculating equation
              double wmRedValue = (double) watermarkPixelValue[0];
              double wmGreenValue = (double) watermarkPixelValue[1];
              double wmBlueValue = (double) watermarkPixelValue[2];
              //Equation for embedding image and watermark together
              double embeddedRed = ((1.0 - alpha) * imgRedValue) + (alpha * wmRedValue);
              double embeddedGreen = ((1.0 - alpha) * imgGreenValue) + (alpha * wmGreenValue);
              double embeddedBlue = ((1.0 - alpha) * imgBlueValue) + (alpha * wmBlueValue);
              //Changing embedded value from double to int
              int embeddedRedValue = (int) embeddedRed;
              int embeddedGreenValue = (int) embeddedGreen;
              int embeddedBlueValue = (int) embeddedBlue;
              //input the embedded RGB value into the array
              embeddedRGBValue[0] = embeddedRedValue;
              embeddedRGBValue[1] = embeddedGreenValue;
              embeddedRGBValue[2] = embeddedBlueValue;
              //Return embedded pixel value
              return embeddedRGBValue;
         }This is the code where I used for the embedding process:
    else if(target == embedButton){
                   String xCoordinate = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(embedButton, "Enter coordinate X", "When you want to embed the watermark?", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
                   String yCoordinate = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(embedButton, "Enter coordinate Y", "When you want to embed the watermark?", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
                   int xValue = Integer.parseInt(xCoordinate);
                   int yValue = Integer.parseInt(yCoordinate);
                   int wCounter = 0;
                   int hCounter = 0;
                   //Create file object to be used in embedding and removing watermark
                   File inputImage = new File(imagePath);
                   File inputWatermark = new File(watermarkPath);
                   //Convert string into double for calculation of embedded pixel value
                   try {
                        alphaDouble = Double.valueOf(alphaValue).doubleValue();
                   catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                        System.out.println("NumberFormatException: " + nfe.getMessage());
                        //Define selected image as testPic and make java read the file selected
                        BufferedImage image= ImageIO.read(inputImage);
                        BufferedImage watermark= ImageIO.read(inputWatermark);
                        BufferedImage testing;
                        //Get height and width value from the selected image
                        int imageWidth = image.getWidth();
                        int imageHeight = image.getHeight();
                        //Get height and width value from the selected barcode
                        int watermarkWidth = watermark.getWidth();
                        int watermarkHeight = watermark.getHeight();
                        int totalWidth = watermarkWidth + xValue;
                        int totalHeight = watermarkHeight + yValue;
                        //Use nested for loop to get RGB value from every pixel that the barcode will be embedded in the selected image
                        if(totalWidth <= imageWidth && totalHeight <= imageHeight){
                             for (int h = yValue ; h < totalHeight; h++){
                                  for (int w = xValue; w < totalWidth; w++){
                                       int[] imagePixelValue = getImagePixelValue(image, w, h);
                                       int[] watermarkPixelValue = getWatermarkPixelValue(watermark, wCounter, hCounter);
                                       int[] embeddedPixelRGBValue = getEmbeddedPixelValue(imagePixelValue, watermarkPixelValue, alphaDouble);
                                       setRed(image, w, h, embeddedPixelRGBValue[0]);
                                       setGreen(image, w, h, embeddedPixelRGBValue[1]);
                                       setBlue(image, w, h, embeddedPixelRGBValue[2]);
                                       if(wCounter == watermarkWidth){
                                            wCounter = 0;
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(embedButton, "The watermark cannot be embedded at the coordinates.");
                        tempImage = image;
                        imageIcon = new ImageIcon(tempImage);
                        container.add(imagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                        System.out.println("Embedding completed");
                   catch(Exception errorEmbedding){
                        //If there is any error, the try and catch function will tell you the error
                        System.out.println("The following error occured: "+errorEmbedding);
              }This is the code I use to save the image that had been embedded with the barcode:
    else if(target == saveAction){
                   JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
                   FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter("JPG & GIF Images", "jpg", "gif");
                   chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File("."));
                   int returnVal = chooser.showSaveDialog(getParent());
                   if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                        String name = chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
                        //Create a string instant to hold outputImage path name
                        String saveFile = chooser.getSelectedFile().getName()+"."+fileType;
                        //Create file output to decide what name will be used to save the file
                        File outputImage = new File(saveFile);
                             //Save the file with the name used
                             ImageIO.write((RenderedImage) tempImage,fileType,outputImage);
                        catch(Exception errorSaving){
                             //If there is any error, the try and catch function will tell you the error
                             System.out.println("The following error occured: "+errorSaving);
              }This is the code I used for removal process of barcode:
    else if(target == removeButton){
                   //Create file object to be used in embedding and removing watermark
                   File inputImage = new File("removalTesting.jpg");
                   //File inputWatermark = new File(watermarkPath);
                   //Used a defined barcode for testing of removing barcode from embedded image
                   File inputWatermark = new File("barcode.jpg");
                   /*//Convert string into double for calculation of embedded pixel value
                   try {
                        alphaDouble = Double.valueOf(alphaValue).doubleValue();
                   catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                        System.out.println("NumberFormatException: " + nfe.getMessage());
                   //Used a defined alpha value for testing of removing barcode from embedded image
                   //alphaDouble = 0.5;
                   //Create x and y value for the starting coordinates of barcode embedded in the embedded image
                   int xValue = 0;
                   int yValue = 0;
                   int wCounter = 0;
                   int hCounter = 0;
                        //Define selected image as testPic and make java read the file selected
                        BufferedImage image= ImageIO.read(inputImage);
                        BufferedImage watermark= ImageIO.read(inputWatermark);
                        //Get height and width value from the selected image
                        int imageWidth = image.getWidth();
                        int imageHeight = image.getHeight();
                        //Get height and width value from the selected barcode
                        int watermarkWidth = watermark.getWidth();
                        int watermarkHeight = watermark.getHeight();
                        int totalWidth = watermarkWidth + xValue;
                        int totalHeight = watermarkHeight + yValue;
                        //Use nested for loop to get RGB value from every pixel that the barcode had been embedded in the embedded image
                        if(totalWidth <= imageWidth && totalHeight <= imageHeight){
                             for (int h = yValue ; h < totalHeight; h++){
                                  for (int w = xValue; w < totalWidth; w++){
                                       int[] imagePixelValue = getImagePixelValue(image, w, h);
                                       int[] watermarkPixelValue = getWatermarkPixelValue(watermark, wCounter, hCounter);
                                       int[] removedPixelRGBValue = getOriginalImagePixelValue(imagePixelValue, watermarkPixelValue, alphaDouble);
                                       setRed(image, w, h, removedPixelRGBValue[0]);
                                       setGreen(image, w, h, removedPixelRGBValue[1]);
                                       setBlue(image, w, h, removedPixelRGBValue[2]);
                                       if(wCounter == watermarkWidth){
                                            wCounter = 0;
                        tempImage = image;
                        imageIcon = new ImageIcon(tempImage);
                        container.add(imagePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                        System.out.println("Embedding completed");
                   catch(Exception errorEmbedding){
                        //If there is any error, the try and catch function will tell you the error
                        System.out.println("The following error occured: "+errorEmbedding);
              }Sorry if the codes are in a mess, I did not had the time to sort it out yet but most likely do it when I got the removal of barcode done.
    Follow this link to have a look of the result I see in my application when I got the barcode embedded into the image I selected:
    Follow this link to have a look of the result I see in my application after I got the barcode removed:
    As you can see from the link, after I remove the barcode from the image. Some of the pixel actually went back to normal in the barcode area when the the barcode is embedded into the image. But some pixel in the barcode area had its value changed due to compression when I save the image file I think.
    Anyone can help me find out the problem?

    KamenRider wrote:
    I suspect the problem lies in the code when I save the image. Because people said that PNG was loseless compression but when I saved in PNG some of the pixel went back to normal while some did not. This is obviously the cause from changing of pixel value when I saved the image.You are almost certainly wrong. This is trivially easy to check. Print out the color of a certain pixel immediately before you save it. Open the saved PNG in your favorite image manipulation program and check the saved value of that same pixel. When you re-load the saved PNG, print out the color again. It should be unchanged.
    Thanks you for trying to help me spot the problem but the formula is correct. The alpha value i used in my application is used to set the transparency of the barcode that will be embedded in the image. Hence, when alpha = 1 the new pixel value should be the barcode value. ^^The formula isn't wrong, it's just not doing what you think it's doing. Remember that you're working with ints here, not floating point numbers, so they have finite precision. When you case from double to int, fractions are dropped. As morgalr pointed out, your formula is:
    (1-alpha * Image pixel value) + (alpha * barcode pixel value) = new pixel value You didn't show us the code for getOriginalImagePixelValue but I imagine it's:
    original pixel value = (new pixel value - alpha * barcode pixel value) / (1 - alpha)On a piece of paper, take alpha = 0.9, image pixel = 17 and barcode pixel = 100. Calculate out what you should get for new pixel value and then calculate what you should get for original pixel value. You will find they don't match.

  • Update image metadata programatically

    I developed a plugin, which changes exif information of the image (using a third party program). Is there a way to inform Lightroom programatically to refresh image metadata? Right now I have to right-click on the folder and choose "Synchronize Folder...".

    There's at least one ODBC driver for SQLLite http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/, and maybe command line access to the database too
    But there's nothing directly through Lightroom, and you won't be able to code Lightroom to refresh EXIF data. There is no coding mechanism to write to EXIF fields or to refresh the image (ie sadly you can't automate Metadata > Read Metadata).
    If you write directly to the SQL while LR is open, the best you can expect is that the EXIF will use updated data from the database when you next click on that image in Library. However, you are likely to encounter database locking problems  and stand a good chance of corrupting the database. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here?

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    When will Muse be able to import image metadata and perform global caption styling with accurate positioning for lightboxes and slideshows?

    I've done some testing.
    if images are uploaded to the Facebook Wall, the Comments field that Aperture presents before uploading the image becomes the Description field on Facebook.
    however, if the images are uploaded to a known Facebook Album, the Version Name becomes the Description.
    both of these situations are not logical. in the case of uploading to the Wall, 'Comments' should probably be 'Description'. I'll report them to Apple's bugreport.
    images seem to be scaled down to fit within 2048x2048 pixels.

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    The code for doing this in PHP looks like....
    $exif = exif_read_data($full_file_path, 0, true);
    foreach ($exif as $key => $section)
                                            foreach ($section as $name => $val)
    echo $section['Comments'];
    echo $section['Author'];
    How can I achieve this in java i.e. how can I read author and comment metadata fields using java....
    Thanks & Regards


  • Retreiving image metadata

    Can anyone point me on how to retreive image metadata from an image... I was looking into the possibility of using JAI but could not find a clear answer.... If some one could post a link or point me in the correct direction...
    Thanks in advance....
    Sharad R.

    What type of meta data, what type of files?
    You might want to look at:
    - K

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    How is this corrected

    Can someone at Adobe please confirm that there is no reading of the image metadata.  I thought it was limiting that it was only the caption field available.  I am stunned if this is the case that no metadata is being read.  I am working on a photo web site and got to the point of importing photos with the 'captions' checked.  Huge surprise.  It is hard to believe that something as fundamental as basic metadata fields (caption, title, filename, copyright) isn't pulled with the image and available as needed.  C'mon, you are the company that has Photoshop and Lightroom.  Do you guys talk to the other teams?
    I was looking at Muse galleries as an alternative to the LR web module for 2 reasons:  one is flexibility in layout, and the other is speed, since the LR gallery export cranks along at a glacial pace to the point of being almost unusable.  And this is the LR4 upgrade; much slower than LR3.  See the LR threads on this if you're interested.  Still waiting for that fix.
    The thought of manually entering caption info to a dozen galleries, each with 20 or 30 images, is nonsense.  This makes Muse a non-starter for photo galleries.  This is basic capability.  Adobe should be embarrassed that LR4 doesn't do what it should in this regard, and that the feature needed don't even exist in Muse.  Everyone expects a few bugs in the early days of a new software, but not missing essential, fundamental features to make web galleries useful. 
    Rant now over and I will happily apologize if the metada fields are, indeed, available.  Please explain how.  Thanks.

  • Image Metadata Editor

    I have been looking for inserting descriptions into my pictures. Unfortunately, there isn't any option to edit Metadata in File Explorers (I tried Thunar and Nautilus). I wouldn't like to have a photo gallery software just to do that, and, by the way, I couldn't find any of those that allows me to edit metadata in a straight-forward way. I have to navigate through a lot of menus in order to do that.
    Basically, I was looking for a plugin or other software that enhanced the "Image" tab on Thunar, so I could see and edit all file metadata there. Honestly, I don't know how do you guys keep your photo albums organized without this feature.

    I've found Shotwell pretty straightforward to edit tags. However, I personally also use feh + dmenu + a script I found somewhere to view and edit metadata. The latter method I find quite speedy when I've imported a bunch of photos. The script is
    if [ $# -lt 2 ]
    echo -e usage: "$0 <action> <filename>\n actions: edit-comment, edit-tags"
    exit -1
    if [ "$action" == "edit-comment" ]
    commentText=$(echo | dmenu -t "$(exiv2 -Pt -g Exif.Photo.UserComment $file)")
    if [ $? -ne 1 ] # not aborted
    if [ -z "$commentText" ]
    exiv2 -M"del Exif.Photo.UserComment" $file
    exiv2 -M"set Exif.Photo.UserComment $commentText" $file
    if [ "$action" == "edit-tags" ]
    exiv2 -Pt -g Iptc.Application2.Keywords $file > /tmp/._image_keywords.txt
    selection=$(exiv2 -Pt -g Iptc.Application2.Keywords $file | dmenu -sb "#000" -nf "#aaa" -nb "#222" -sf "#509ba6" -fn 'Deja Vu Sans Mono-14:bold' -l 10)
    if [ -n "$selection" ]
    exiv2 -M "del Iptc.Application2.Keywords" $file
    while read keyword
    if [ "$selection" != "$keyword" ]
    exiv2 -M "add Iptc.Application2.Keywords String $keyword" $file
    done < /tmp/._image_keywords.txt
    if [ -z $deleted ]
    exiv2 -M "add Iptc.Application2.Keywords String $selection" $file
    rm /tmp/._image_keywords.txt
    if [ "$action" == "show" ]
    comment=$(exiv2 -Pt -g Exif.Photo.UserComment $file)
    exiv2 -Pt -g Iptc.Application2.Keywords $file > /tmp/._image_keywords.txt
    echo -n Comment: $comment, "Keywords: "
    while read keyword
    if [ $first == "false" ]
    echo -n ", "
    echo -n $keyword
    done < /tmp/._image_keywords.txt
    rm /tmp/._image_keywords.txt
    It requires exiv2, iptc, and dmenu. (Also ttf-dejavu, but you can edit out that font choice ) The script is not mine; unfortunately, I cannot remember where I found it.
    Then in .config/feh/themes, put
    tag --action2 ";/path/to/image-metadata.sh edit-comment %f" --action1 ";/path/to/image-metadata.sh edit-tags %f" --info "/path/to/image-metadata.sh show %f"
    Browse pictures with "feh -Ttag *.jpg" for instance, then press 1 to edit tags, press 2 to edit comments.

  • How do I edit image metadata?

    What I would like to be able to do is something like:
      tell application "Image Events"
      tell pic
        make new metadata tag with properties {name:"creation", value:cr}
      end tell
      end tell
    Only, sips/Image Events doesn't support setting most image metadata. Any suggestions as to how to approach this problem?

    Thanks. Lightroom 2.4, unfortunately, isn't very scriptable. This is ironic, since the program itself relies on Lua for its interface functionality. I will probably, eventually, manage to compile Exempi and the Python XMP Toolkit and do the job that way.
      [Python XMP Toolkit|http://www.spacetelescope.org/projects/python-xmp-toolkit/docs/index.ht ml]

  • Thinkpad Yoga - Clean install with Win 8.1 disc and embedded product key

    Hello everyone,
    I purchased a Thinkpad Yoga that comes along with Win 8.1 and embedded product key.
    Will it be possible to plug-in an external drive and install Win 8.1 from a Win 8.1-disc? BUT I don’t want to use the key that comes with the disc, but the key embedded in the bios.
    This is my girlfriends Windows 8.1 disc and license. Nevertheless I could use it for the clean install.
    But I'm not sure, if the original key from my Yoga will work then.

    I guy on Youtube made a rough tutorial.
    Englisch subtitles available
    In the comments he suggests, to download the Iso with anouther win-8.1-key - no matter which one - and to install the system clean. In his opinion the system will get the key from the hardware. He is writing, that there is just a universal iso. So it's no problem to download an iso with another key, even if your system is a Home-Edition and you download it with a Pro-Key.
    I will try this.

  • Page-embedded Javascript and uploaded images are not cached.

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    I was reading in Wiki APEX and I found this line mentioned as cons: "Page-embedded Javascript and uploaded images are not cached".
    The question that I have posted many questions here how to enable the cache for Images and Javascripts but didn't get it right, is the wiki info right about the cache for images and JS?

    Look at the bottom of this page as well [http://carlback.blogspot.com/2007/12/apex-and-3rd-party-js-libraries.html]
    Patrick Wolf
    the only drawback with #WORKSPACE_IMAGES# and #APP_IMAGES# is that it doesn't get cached by the browser. So each page request will transmit the hole file again. A caching option for the "Static Files" in the Shared Components would be nice :-)
    About lazy loading with the #WORKSPACE_IMAGES#. I could think about a mod_rewrite rule which translates the additional file request of the JS library into a valid request for APEX.
    Carl Backstrom
    In 3.1 we emit a last modified header now for uploaded files so that should help with browser caching.
    I wonder if anything's changed since then.

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    Has anyone ever experienced this, or have any ideas of how to troubleshoot?
    Thank you!

    Hi motenoob,
    What system edition and MDT edition you are capturing? If it is Windows8 or 8.1, it seems is the know issue, you can refer the following KB:
    Sysprep and Capture task sequence fails when it tries to capture Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 images
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • How can I view only UNSAVED images/metadata?

    I rotate photos in bridge, but these metadata changes are not saved to the actual image until saved in Photoshop. If I missed saving a few photos during my initial steps, how will I know which photos still need to be saved if i can only see the modified files? I need to give final images to client and if the changes aren't saved, all the photos will be oriented wronged. is the only way to resave the entire folder with image processor? is there a way to view only unsaved files so only those need to be processed? i don't want to resave files unnecessarily - both for time's sake and for quality sake.  In Lightroom there's an option to save metadata changes to file automatically. And even in Google Picasa, you can just hit save to save all modified files.
    It seems there's no save button in Bridge and no way to know which files need to be saved. Can somebody help me out with this please?

    and i will add that i think it's a huge flaw to not have an option to save/export files properly. sure, professionals prefer metadata because it does not affect the original. but software developers have to remember that professionals have clients. and clients need their things to work out of the box. i don't want to field technical support calls for avoidable circumstances.
    (stationtwo - i feel you didn't read the orignal post; i'm really not sure where i'm losing you. do you not understand that professionals have NON-professional clients? we scan and edit family photos using Bridge and Ps to create a final product given to home users.that final product (a DVD filled with their edited family photos) needs to be compatible with all platforms OUT OF THE BOX! it's like giving someone their movie on a DVD+R which won't work in an older DVD-R player. DVD-Rs are more compatible. It's stupid to tell a client they need to buy a new DVD player. It's the professionals' job to make sure that their clients don't run into these issues. and it's the software developers' job to have the foresight to prevent compatibility issues in the first place. )

  • Windows 8 not picking up embedded product key when installed with WDS

    Ok so here is my setup.
    Server 2008 R2, running WDS and serving various images.
    the Windows 8 image is a vanilla boot.wim and install.wim imported from a system builder iso.
    If I burn the ISO or extract it onto a USB drive, then the install process picks up the embedded Windows product keys no problem.
    If I deploy the same thing via WDS, the setup wizard asks for the keys, ergo, is not picking them up from the UEFI firmware. Is this an inherent limitation of WDS or am I doing something wrong?

    As it has been a while since you post the question, whether the issue still exists? Have you tried to entered the product key in unattended file? If issue still exists could you share the unattended file with us?
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forum a great place.

  • Export as PDF with embedded profiles for Grayscale images

    Does InDesign CS6 export pages with Grayscale images as PDF with embedded profiles?
    Possible profiles, for instance:
    – Gamma 2.2
    – Dot gain 20%
    – Black Ink ISO Coated v2 (ECI)
    Export mode:
    – Acrobat 5 or higher
    – No color conversion
    – Embed all profiles
    Test by Acrobat Pro
    Advanced > Print production > Preflight > PDF analysis > List objects using ICC/Lab/Calibrated Color
    [The question is not about the export of Color images as Grayscales]
    Best regards --Gernot Hoffmann

    I wouldn't ever use different RGB profiles and different CMYK profiles and
    different Gray profiles in one doc – it's just necessary for tests.
    If you had a hypothetical case where your InDesign document's assigned CMYK profile and intended output was ISOcoated_v2_300_eci and you recieved grayscales for placement with different gray profiles assigned, I think you would have to make the conversion in Photoshop if you want the grayscales to be converted to your ISOcoated_v2_300_eci output intent space.
    So in this case I have a grayscale image with Dot Gain 10% assigned and you can see the 50% patch is reading as 50% in Info panel:
    If set my Working Gray space to the ISO Coated profile as above and do a Convert to Profile with the Destination set to Working Gray:
    The preview doesn't change but I get converted gray values—50% is now 44%:
    If I place the grayscale in an InDesign doc with ISOcoated_v2_300_eci assigned as the CMYK profile, the preview won't change (you have to turn on Overprint /Sep Preview), and the converted numbers will show in Separation Preview. The preview and numbers will also be unchanged in Acrobat if you export to default PDF/X-4

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