EMC PowerPath supported for Linux

A customer is concerned that SAP does not support PowerPath on Linux.
I did some searching and could not find any documents confirming nor denying this.
Is there a pointer to SAP's stance on PowerPath and Linux?

see SAP note [https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/784391|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/784391]

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    for tips.  Please note, it was designed with the Fedora/Red Hat Core in mind, but ubuntu distro's will also work, you just need the appropriate packages.

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    <---THE CODE--->
    Enumeration port_list = gnu.io.CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers();
    while (port_list.hasMoreElements ()) {
    CommPortIdentifier port_id = (CommPortIdentifier)port_list.nextElement ();
              if(port_id.getPortType () == CommPortIdentifier.PORT_PARALLEL) {
                   System.out.println("Found port "+port_id.getName()+ "id "+port_id);
                   CommPort commPort = port_id.open("",2000);               
                   InputStream is = commPort.getInputStream();
                   byte buffert[]=new byte[1024];
              int len;
              System.out.println(">>>>>>>>len "+is.read(buffert));
                   is = commPort.getInputStream();
                   System.out.println(">>>>>>>>len "+len);

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    Try the Blackdown JDK. The project is no more, but there are mirrors, such as here: http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.blackdown.org/java-linux/

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    We are working on it as a long term goal. I wish we had it today!! But it's in the works.

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    Thanks a lot.

    Wow, thanks... careful tho, you've got my hopes up
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    Today we've released Spotify client version 1.0.11 for Linux. There are some big changes in this version, and it's still considered to be a beta release, and will be in beta until the items in the "known issues" list below are resolved. If you want to try out this version, installation instructions remain the same as for the other betas:
    echo deb http://repository.spotify.com testing non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install spotify-client
    or if you have a previous version installed, simply:
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    Since the previous public release (version 1.0.9), we've made the following Linux-specific changes:
    32-bit binaries are now available! Now users on i386 systems can try out the 1.x betas as well. Please reply to this thread with any technical problems that you encounter on that architecture.
    libnotify is now an suggested package dependency. If you don't have that library installed, this feature will simply be unavailable.
    Updated application icon in the spotify.desktop entry
    GPU acceleration is disabled (see below)
    This build ships with the following limitations, of which we are still currently working on:
    Proper dbus support for MPRIS MediaPlayer2
    There is no application menu
    It is not possible to re-enable GPU acceleration through the settings
    Important: regarding GPU acceleration, this is now completely disabled in the client, and we do not yet have a way to enable it in the preferences. This change was originally made in Chromium for Linux, but since the Spotify client uses CEF, we inherited this change from them. According to the Launchpad bug report, faulty GPU driver support was the single largest cause of crashes for Chromium on Linux (this graph shows how Chromium crashes on Linux have dramatically decreased after the setting was changed).
    Depending on your hardware and GPU drivers, this change is either going to be a big annoyance for you or a huge blessing. For our users who experienced frequent and strange crashes with the client, this change will probably greatly increase client stability. For other users with certain video cards, scrolling performance and redraw rates may be noticeably choppier. Some users won't notice anything at all.
    The obvious solution here is that our Linux client needs a toggle to manually re-enable this feature in the settings. Exposing this feature is not as straightforward as you might believe, or else we would have done it already. ;) However, we're working on a way to do just that, and hopefully will have something in place for the next beta release.

    nikreiman wrote:
    blubbo wrote:
    Thanks for your continued support for Linux! It _is_ appreciated! :) Any chance the queing over Connect is gonna be looked at soon? The windows client seems to only be able to queue one song. If there already is one song in the queue nothing happens when you try to add another (except for the weird reshuffling that happens whenever you touch the queue). And if there are more than 1 song queued, the windows client removes all but the first one. From Android it works almost always. This is the only complaint I have with the Linux version but it's kind of a deal breaker when using it soley as an headless music player.This sounds like a bug, and a non Linux specific one at that. I'll look into this, however there are some changes to the player stack which will also effect connect that we are just rolling out. These changes will not require a client update, so there is a chance that you'll notice this behavior "magically" fix itself in the upcoming weeks. Anyways this is not a known limitation from our end for Linux users, we will investigate this bug.Good. Controlling -> PlayingWindows -> Android: Queing in itself works. But the queue gets cleared when the first song in it starts playing.Windows -> Linux: As explained above.Android -> Windows: Queing in itself works. But the client shows information for the song directly after the queued songs.Android -> Linux: Queing in itself works. But the client shows information for the song directly after the queued songs. So ... abrakadabra? :)

  • Performance Pack for Linux

    Hi all,
    I am trying to install Weblogic 4.5.1 on Red Hat Linux 6.1
    When I set the weblogic.system.nativeIO.enable to true within the
    weblogic.properties file, I receive an exception:
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no muxer in shared library path
    I tried looking through the installation documentation and was unable to
    find anything related specifically to using the performance pack under Linux
    (there was information specific to AIX and Solaris, however).
    So I guess my question is: Is the performance pack supported for Linux? If
    so, what might I have to modify in order for it to work correctly? Thanks-
    Matt Groch

    Andrew Nishigaya wrote:
    I just saw your post about there being no Linux NativeIO performance
    pack. Is there any planned?Yes.
    If so, could you provide a general
    It should be available in the Denali (5.1) release of WLS or shortly
    thereafter. Denali is GA at the end of March.
    BTW, Can you enlighten me as to what the libWeblogicLinux1.so file do
    that is in the linux directory?I believe that it is some platform-specific debug code that we include.
    -- Rob
    We were hoping that this was the
    NativeIO pack, but I guess we were wrong.
    Any help would be appreciated!
    -- nori
    Srikant Subramaniam wrote:
    Unfortunately, we don't support the performance pack for linux at this point in
    Matthew Groch wrote:
    Hi all,
    I am trying to install Weblogic 4.5.1 on Red Hat Linux 6.1
    When I set the weblogic.system.nativeIO.enable to true within the
    weblogic.properties file, I receive an exception:
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no muxer in shared library path
    I tried looking through the installation documentation and was unable to
    find anything related specifically to using the performance pack under Linux
    (there was information specific to AIX and Solaris, however).
    So I guess my question is: Is the performance pack supported for Linux? If
    so, what might I have to modify in order for it to work correctly? Thanks-
    Matt Groch
    Andrew Nishigaya Chief Technology Officer and Founder
    Miradi, Inc. Believe. Create. Collaborate.
    Soquel, CA [email protected]
    (831) 477-0561 http://www.miradi.com

  • FileSupport in Runtime Libraries for Linux

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    My runtime lib Makefile.sub.mk has these options (without file support enabled):
    OPTS= -DCHeadless=1 -DUsesTCPDebugger=1 -Dlinux $(CMDOPTS)  \
            -D_Include_Scheduler -D_Include_OSScheduler -DPalm5Earlier=0 -DPosixFiles=0 \
            -DNoFileSupport -DSerialSupport=1 -DFileSupport=0 -DDatalogSupport=0 \
    I also couln't find reference to some of these macros in the porting guide.  Is there a supplementary document that details these?
    Another question related to LVe that's been on my mind is; what exactly references LVDefs_plat.h? and why isn't it part of the LEP Plugins?  I know the building of Run-Time Libraries depends on it, but is it also used during the course of invoking CGEN?  This is just a question/issue for me since I copy the whole CCodeGen dir to another machine to do my cross compiling and its a pain trying to keep these files in sync.

    Maybe an exception is thrown?
    Otherwise, while debugging your application, you can open the breakpoints window and remove any unwanted breakpoints over there.

  • Support for SLES, Debian and CentOS

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    Take a look at the new ZCM11 - currently in Beta1 - for SLES & Red Hat support and broader support DBs - Oracle and Sybase included.
    Most of ZESM functionality is built into this new architecture. You'll also get integrated Linux Management on this build.
    From: vindveif<[email protected]>
    Date: 5/31/2010 5:56 AM
    Subject: support for SLES, Debian and CentOS
    I'm planning to install Zenworks Endpoint Security Management and I
    would like to know if it would release a support for linux platform
    especially Debian and CentOS. We have a heterogenous network environment
    and there are servers that are running Debian and CentOS. Is it possible
    for ZESM to release a support for these operating systems? Also, would
    there be a release where ZESM could be installed in SLES?
    vindveif's Profile: http://forums.novell.com/member.php?userid=33233
    View this thread: http://forums.novell.com/showthread.php?t=411885

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