Empty Trash not available

I recently tried to delete a file from the trash bin and noticed that the empty trash option from the finder menu had dissapeared. I can still delete items by using the secure empty trash feature from the finder drop down menu but when i control-click on the trash bin in the dock and try to empty trash nothing happens. I have tried holding the option key when i delete but that does nothing. I have also gone into the disk utility and carried out a disk repair and repair permissions but neither seems to make any difference. I'm slightly concerened that this may me the first sighns of something more serious. Can anyone help.

download Onyx.
open it.
when it is done with its opening 'routine', click 'parameters', then Finder, then check 'Show Empty Trash item' under 'Finder Menu'.
good luck!

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    Why would you even want to empty the Trash in Safe Mode? You should do that in normal mode, I suspect yo don't quite understand what Safe Mode is for, please read Apple's OS X: What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode?

  • When I empty Trash, GB available goes DOWN!!!!

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    Sounds like your Directory Structures are corrupt and it's showing incorrect information in the Volume Header.
    Startup from your Install DVD/CD and Open Disk Utility from the Menu and then Run Disk First Aid on your HD.
    Alternatively if you can't place your hands on your DVD then restart your Mac and hold down the Shift key until the login screen appears with the words 'Safe Boot'
    This runs the File System Check Routines which Disk First Aid runs basically.
    If however you notice that the amount of space is still showing the incorrect amount then Find your CD/DVD and run Disk First aid from there.

  • Secure Empty Trash not 100% safe

    Recently I use finder to enter directly into Firefox's cache files and move all the files into the Trash. Next I use Secure Empty Trash.
    After that, I used Data Rescue II to see what i can find.
    I am very surprised to find most of the images that i have securely deleted.
    I know the best way is to use Disk Utility's erase free space function, but if Secure Empty Trash is going to write the data 35 times over, and still can't get the job done.
    Then using Erase free space's 35 times write-over isn't completely safe too?

    Normally when a file is deleted insecurely, the data isn't deleted at all - the only thing that is removed is the reference to the data in the file catalogue. Overwriting a file even once (let alone 35 times) should prevent recovery by programmes like the one you mentioned that are designed to detect unlinked files and create new catalogue entries for them. Given the above, a few possibilities come to mind that could account for your observations.
    One is that the files you recovered were not the ones you thought you deleted. For example, working with "TextEdit.app", any time a previously saved document is modified, an invisible "autosave" copy is created on the hard drive, intended to preserve any modifications in case the programme or computer crashes. This copy is removed insecurely once the changes are manually saved. If the original is then securely erased, it will be unrecoverable. However, data recovery programmes can easily recover the remnants of the multiple intermediate "autosave" files. I have no idea how "FireFox" works with cache files, but perhaps what you recovered was remnants from previous times you visited the sites that were cached in the files you securely deleted.
    A second, less likely possibility is that your files were recoverable due to a design flaw introduced in Leopard's version of "Secure Empty Trash" (I haven't tested recently so I don't know if the issue has since been addressed). It is possible to configure it so that files are not securely deleted, even when selecting the option. However, such a configuration would not be a random occurrence - basically, a user would have to set it themselves, although malware or a malicious person with access to your account could do the same...
    A third possibility, perhaps related to the second, is that in Leopard, regardless of whether the over-writing stage of "secure empty trash" succeeds or fails for any reason, the process will still continue to the unlinking stage, in effect deleting insecurely. Prior to Leopard, if over-writing failed, the file would not be unlinked, which had at least two benefits: i) since the file was never insecurely deleted, it would not be necessary to initiate a time consuming "erase free space" procedure to ensure that the data was destroyed; and ii) the very presence of the file serves as feedback to the user that the procedure has failed, unlike in Leopard where it fails silently.
    Either way, using "erase free space" shouldn't be affected by these issues. If the file has been deleted (i.e. copies do not still exist in a hidden cache file somewhere), then overwriting "free space" should prevent basic recovery software from restoring it, assuming the procedure is allowed to run to completion.

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    Hello. Thank you for your help. When I follow your directions using the
    terminal window I get the following message: unable to execute /bin/rm:
    Argument list too long. I have over 100K items in my trash folder. Could
    this be the problem?
    Edward Frebowitz
    615 406 3255
    On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 9:20 AM, Apple Support Communities Updates <

  • My Secure Empty Trash not working?

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    It appears to start deleting unwanted files for a brief moment, then stops and the files remain in the trash, taking up much needed space.
    Could anybody please help me so I can dump this trash and get started collecting the next load?

    Goto Finder > Help > type in Trash...
    From Finder Help Trash...
    " Empty the Trash
    Command (⌘)-Shift-Delete
    Empty the Trash without any warning or when it contains locked files
    Command (⌘)-Shift-Option-Delete
    Hold down the Option key, and then choose Finder > Empty Trash "
    Hope this helps...

  • "Secure Empty Trash" Didn't Clear Space on HD

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    FWIW, I've Repaired Permissions (only a few were necessary) and Restarted to no avail. I've used "Secure Empty Trash" to remove another file, and it worked just fine!
    So how can I clear the part of my HD that I asssume is written with random 0s and 1s left by "Secure Empty Trash", not real files?

    Thanks for hanging in there with me! As you knew it would, WhatSize worked.
    It identified the old Backup files (that the Finder didn't) and transferred them to the Trash. I used Secure Empty Trash delete them. This time it worked correctly and I have space for Backups again, thank-you very much!
    If you have any idea why it didn't work the first time, I'd appreciate knowing it. I've never used it before, so I don't know if it has a repuitation for being buggy or otherwise problematic.
    The name "WhatSize" was a little misleading.... I initially thought it would just do what the Finder's View > Show View Options > Calculate all sizes command does. Some of the comments on the Version Tracker site supported that idea, so as the stubborn Dutchman that I am was reluctant to do something that might make matters worse.
    I also never considered the possibility that using Secure Empty Trash (as I had) would convert files into hidden files..... especially since I've never had such an experience in uising standard Empty Trash in 25+ years of Apple II and Mac use.
    As you expected, I have learned that lots of HD space is devoted to hidden files (that once were visible in the "old days", if I'm not mistaken).
    In any case, I very much appreciate your wisdom and willingness to keep replying when I didn't take your suggestion! Thanks!

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    You can also go try FileSalvage, as it is very powerful.
    Also if you could take your drive and use it under a Windows machine, I know several other programs, most of them free to use.
    I recall FreeUndelete, PCI File recovery (not sure about this one though) and TestDisk.
    Yes, I am showing Win programs, because I tried finding the same alternatives for Mac, free, and it didn't happen to exist. By free I mean freeware also.
    One last and important note, if you wish very much to recover these files, it is best for you not to do anything with your mac, or at least the drive. By anything I mean anything that could ask the computer to write on the disk itself. This is all because the "room" occupied by your exel files on the physical disk is now know by the OS as empty, but the disk itself don't go at the "room" and put zeros all the way. Meaning, your files are still preset, but not for the OS. And as soon you will write down something on your harddrive, the OS will simply find the nearest empty spot, being perhaps where your exel files were.
    Worst, OS X support some sort of dynamic defragmentation, which replace all the empty space by files (so the disk is continuous) as much as possible, when you actually open files.
    Your best bet so far is to try out Dale's program, or perhaps switch to a Win computer and try, and try as much as you can not to write on the disk.
    Hope this will all be of help and good luck.

  • "Empty Trash" command gone

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    Where did the "Empty Trash" command go?

    In Finder>Preferences>Advanced... what are the settings?
    I think the default in 10.6 is for Secure Empty.

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    Aperture ate my picture files and they are not recoverable.  The guy at the Genius Bar told me to Trash the App, empty Trash, then go to Purchases and reinstall.  But Purchases says it is "Installed" so it does not let me download it again.  HELP!!!!

    I typed Aperture into Spotlight and sure enough it did show up.
    It looks like it is supposed to be in Apps.
    But it is not there.
    So I clicked on the spotlight Aperture and it opened up the App!!!!
    But I do not know where it is to move it!
    How can I find it?
    While Aperture is running and you are seeing it in the Dock, ctrl-click (or right click) the Dock icon.
    You will see a contextual menu. Click on "Options", then select "Show in Finder".
    And check the "keep in Dock" mark, so you will not lose it from the Dock.

  • When trying to empty trash, (securely or not), I get this: The operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).

    When trying to empty trash, (securely or not), I get this: The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).  FWIW, there are nearly 3000 items in my Trash - although this does not seem the source of the problem.

    Have you read for possible solutions over in the "More Like This" thread over here?-----------------------> 

  • Why does the trash not fully empty?

    Why does the trash not fully empty?

    try this:
    in the finder, choose empty trash from the finder menu while holding the option key.
    if that doesn't work, see this article on how to resolve Trash Problems.

  • Can not empty Trash

    Hi there, I have recently had a corrupt iphoto library.  I have extracted the pictures and created a new library.  After doing this I deleted the old library, which is in my MAC trash (not iphoto trash).
    I can not empty my trash and have searched everywhere online for a resolution, these are things I have tried ....help I need to dump this large library.
    1- Right Click - empty trash
         I get The operation can’t be completed because the item “iPhoto Library .photolibrary” is in use.
              I have searched this error message and tried using terminal to see what has this in use using the following - couldn't find anything
                        xxx-iMac:~ ryanromero$ lsof | grep iPhoto Library .photolibrary
                        grep: Library: Is a directory
                        grep: .photolibrary: No such file or directory
    2 - I've tried doing Secure Empty Trash in which i get the below message
            The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access some of the items.
    3- I have tried using terminal to empty the trash using the following command - It acts like it will delete it but the trash is still there.
         Ryan-Romeros-iMac:~ ryanromero$ sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/*
    4- I have also tried this which said it would delete the file but doesn't in terminal
         Ryan-Romeros-iMac:~ ryanromero$ sudo rm -rf /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto\ Library\ .photolibrary
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/._iPhotoAux.db: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/._iPhotoLock.data: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/._iPhotoMain.db: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/._Library6.iPhoto: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/._ProjectDBVersion.plist: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/._Projects.db: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/._DataModelVersion.plist: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/._tmSync.plist: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/apdb/._BigBlobs.apdb-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/apdb/._Faces.db-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/apdb/._History.apdb-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/apdb/._ImageProxies.apdb-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/apdb/._Library.apdb-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/apdb/._lockfile.pid: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/apdb/._Properties.apdb-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/apdb/BigBlobs.apdb-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/apdb/Faces.db-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/apdb/History.apdb-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/apdb/ImageProxies.apdb-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/apdb/Library.apdb-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/apdb/Properties.apdb-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/apdb: Directory not empty
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/DataModelVersion.plist/._ImageProxies.apdb-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database/DataModelVersion.plist: Directory not empty
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Database: Directory not empty
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/iLifeShared/apdb/._ImageProxies.apdb-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/iLifeShared/apdb: Directory not empty
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/iLifeShared: Directory not empty
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/iPhotoAux.db: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/iPhotoMain.db: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Masters: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Previews/Database/apdb/._ImageProxies.apdb-journal: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Previews/Database/apdb: Directory not empty
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Previews/Database: Directory not empty
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Projects.db: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary/Thumbnails: Input/output error
    rm: /Volumes/Iomega_HDD/.Trashes/501/iPhoto Library .photolibrary: Directory not empty

    First, never try to empty the Trash in the shell. It's dangerous and unnecessary, and as you've discovered, it doesn't always work.
    It's possible that the external drive is malfunctioning, but before you draw that conclusion, quit iPhoto and try again to empty the Trash.

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    Have file in Trash and can not empty trash . Showing 63 files and tried to shut down and restart and still will not empty.Anyone know what can be done?

    You are welcome. Glad I could help/

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