Emptying the trash requires my password

Why must I type my password in order to empty trash? Message is Finderwants to amke changes

Each user has its own Trash in its own Home Folder. Permissions doesn't touch user specific/Home Folder items, so a general Permissions repair won't fix this.
See these, all of which deal with Permissions issues that may be causing this.
Empty and recreate an account's Trash
Insufficient privileges needed to trash an object
Files dragged to the Trash "will be deleted immediately" alert

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    I just bought a new Macbook Pro with OSX Lion 10.7.2.  I had a 2009 Macbook and I migrated all the information from that notebook to my new one.  I used a G-Drive External Hard Drive, and the migration seemed to have worked perfectly. 
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    The next day there were several problems.  The only thing I think happened in between the following problems and the flawless functioning was a software update.  I've attached screen shots of everything I could.
    Here are the problems:
    1. Permissions Armageddon
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    Open Doc in Finder -> Command I (Get Info) -> Sharing & Permissions -> change all the users to "Read & Write"
    The problem is this takes about a minute for each doc, and it seems like there has to be a workaround.  I've also tried selecting an entire file and applying permissions to the enclosed documents.  This never does anything.
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    Thanks for your help Apple Community!

    The reason why some of the files are blocking the trash from emptying is because of specific ".app" files from third party companies like Adobe products. Not the user files or the various help documents but instead the actual mother program. Here's how to fix this problem:
    1) remove from the trash all the actual software programs like Photoshop, InDesign, DreamWeaver and so on and put them on the desktop.
    2) Command "I" (info) and when the dialog box opens go to the "Name & Extension" text box and remove the ".app" from the software name. Example: Photoshop.app change to Photoshop.
    3) the program icon will change to a "folder icon".
    4) put the folder icon back into the trash and you should be able to now empty the trash.
    If you continue to get the error code 8003 it's because you may still have one or more software programs in the trash that needs to go through this process. Remember - it's not the user files or help documents or supporting files that is causing this but instead the "actual product programs".

  • How do I end requirement to enter a password to empty the trash on my MacMini?

    How do I end the requirement to enter a password to empty the trash on my MacMini?

    1. Triple-click the line below to select it:
    2. Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
    Services ▹ Show Info
    from the contextual menu.* An Info dialog should open.
    3. The dialog should show "You can read and write" in the Sharing & Permissions section. If that's not what it shows, click the padlock icon in the lower right corner of the window and enter your password when prompted. Use the plus- and minus-sign buttons to give yourself Read & Write access and "everyone" No Access. Delete any other entries in the access list.
    4. In the General section, uncheck the box marked Locked if it's checked.
    5. From the action menu (gear icon) at the bottom of the dialog, select Apply to enclosed items and confirm.
    6. Close the Info window and test.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C). Open a TextEdit window and paste into it (command-V). Select the line you just pasted and continue as above.

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    It sounds like a runaway process is filling up your volume.
    Boot in safe mode. First, disconnect all wired peripherals except keyboard, mouse, and monitor, if applicable, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. The instructions provided by Apple are as follows:
    Be sure your Mac is shut down.
    Press the power button.
    Immediately after you hear the startup tone, hold the Shift key. The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone, but not before the tone.
    Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple icon and the progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear).
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including your login items.
    Use a tool such as the one linked below to explore your volume and find out what's taking up the space:
    OmniDiskSweeper - Products - The Omni Group

  • Can not copy any file or empty the trash

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    2. I *can not copy any file*, anywhere.
    3. I *can not move anything to the "Applications"* folder.
    I try restarting the computer, repairing the permissions, running the latest version of Onyx and so on, but nothing works. I always get the following error message (when copying a file or emptying the trash)
    "The operation can't be completed because you don't have the permission to access some of the items".
    And this even though I repaired the permissions three times today.
    To be honest, this makes my Mac pretty useless, and is very frustrating.
    Can anybody help? I've browsed a lot of other threads about this, tried everything, but to no avail.
    Come on, this is my first Mac, don't tell me I have to reinstall the OS from zero, Windows-style.

    Those are the normal permissions but if you are logged in as admin, hit the unlock button and enter your password they should no longer be greyed out.
    You can try chmoding them from root through the terminal if you are up for it. I'd also try booting up in SafeMode and seeing if that allows access.

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    Thanks for any help....

    With that one, I get
    rm: illegal operation
    usage:rm [-f |-i] [-dPRrvw]file ...
             unlink file
    (My Name)-iMac:~(my name) (the password)
    -bash: (password): command not found
    (My Name)-iMac:~(my name)
    In the case of the parenthisis, my name is showing as my actual name--although the last letter of name has an s added to it, whcih sometimes shows up as a dollar sign, and the password in parenthisis is the correct password.
    Still nothing as far as getting the file out of the trash
    Could the 'unlink file' string have something to do with OS X doesn't remove the file totally from the flash drive until it's been erased in the trash And if it isn't getting it erased in the trash, it won't be erased on the flash drive. It should be noted that within the flash drive is an unhighlighted file named .Trashes.
    Really confused and frustrated at this point.
    < Edited By Host >

  • I inadvertently deleted and emptied the trash bin on Firefox. I have a MAC OSX-VERSION 10.4.11. How can I re-install the latest version of Firefox that is COMPUTER FRIENDLY for the MAC OSX Version 10.4.11? I appreciate any help.

    I inadvertently deleted Firefox and emptied the trash bin. I believe it was version 3.5. I have a MAC OSX 10.4.11. After several futile attemps how can I re-install the latest version of Firefox compatible to my MAC system? Thanks!

    As of Firefox 4.0 and newer the Firefox builds from Mozilla requires both Mac OSX 10.'''5'''+ and a Intel.
    Either you can use 3.6.19 from http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-older.html
    Though for you 3.6.18 will be safe also as 3.6.19 was to workaround a font crashing issue on 10.7 Lion that was not fixed in time on Lion before release. http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.6.18/mac/ and pick your language and download the Firefox 3.6.18.dmg

  • Weird error when trying to empty the trash

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    The operation cannot be completed because one or more required items cannot be found.
    (Error code -43).
    It doesn't happen all the time and it isn't consistent. The only thing that has changed recently is I did need to take it into the Genius Bar and have them replace the power supply, but I highly doubt that has anything to do with it. Any help greatly appreciated.

    Look at these links.
    Solving Trash Problems
    How To Fix Stubborn Trash and Why it Won't Delete
     Cheers, Tom

  • Can Not Empty the Trash

    For some reason I can not empty my trash. There are over 16,000 items in there and it is really running down my free space on the hard drive. When trying to empty the Trash it keeps saying that there are items locked e.g. whatsnew.htm is locked and therefore I can not continue with the deletion of the items.
    Does anyone know why this happens and what I can do to correct the problem? All I want to do empty my trash but this seems to be a little more difficult than it should be!

    Hi Welcome to the Discussions.
    Try holding down the option key and select Empty Trash. If that doesn't work, open the trash, control+click on the locked file and select Get Info from the contextual menu. Uncheck Locked in the window that opens and enter your password when asked. Close the window and empty the trash.
    If those things don't work there are a few more ways to do it.

  • I am trying to empty my trash bin.  It starts up, asks if I want to delete all or locked or unlocked and then it stops.  How do I empty the trash securely please?

    I am trying to empty my trash bin.  It starts up, asks if I want to delete all or locked or unlocked and then it stops. 
    How do I empty the trash securely please?
    Why is it doing this?  How can I fix it?

    Trash can sometimes fail to empty if a file that has been moved into the Trash is in use by another application.
    Restart your machine and try empty the Trash. It should work.
    If there are locked files, either you or another user has locked the file, to empty them from Trash the admin (or user) Password is usually prompted before allowing the locked file to be removed.

  • I don't have permission to empty the trash securely.

    The initial cause of the problem may be that accidentally dragged my downloads folder from the tool bar into the trash. I do not see the downloads folder in the trash. When I try to empty the trash, I see indication that many files are being deleted. I eventually get a message telling me that I do not have sufficient permission to empty the trash. My options are STOP or CONTINUE. Seems that no matter what option I choose, no more trash disappears. Please advise. Thanks in advance.

    Repairing permissions is important, and should always be carried out both before and after any software installation or update.
    Go to Disk Utility (this is in your Utilities Folder in your Application folder) and click on the icon of your hard disk (not the one with all the numbers).
    In First Aid, click on Repair Permissions.
    This only takes a minute or two in Tiger, but much longer in Leopard.
    Background information here:
    and here:
    An article on troubleshooting Permissions can be found here:
    By the way, you can ignore any messages about SUID or ACL file permissions, as explained here:
    If you were having any serious problems with your Mac you might as well complete the exercise by repairing your hard disk as well. You cannot do this from the same start-up disk. Reboot from your install disk (holding down the C key). Once it opens, select your language, and then go to Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. Select your hard disk as before and click Repair.
    Once that is complete reboot again from your usual start-up disk.
    More useful reading here:
    Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck
    For a full description of how to resolve Disk, Permission and Cache Corruption, you should read this FAQ from the X Lab:

  • I am using iPhoto 2009.  If I empty the trash bin, will it delete those pictures from albums I have created?  I noticed some of the pictures appear to be the same in both the trash and album.

    I have a lot of photos in my trash bin and was thinking about emptying the trash.  However, I got a message that said that if emptied, I would not be able to recover them.  I chickened out.  I looked at several pictures in the trash and noticed that they were the same pictures in albums that I had created.  I compared the numbers shown on those pictures in the trash and found that they were the same as the numbers shown in on the pictures in the albums that I had created.  I would like to delete the pictures to create more space, but I don't want to lose pictures that I can't replace. 

    yes - albums are not copies or places - they are pointers in the databae pointing to the photo in the library - you can see it in an album, under photos or under events - but it is all the same photo - if you delete it it is gone everyplace - and no additiponal space is used for an album (or many albums - a photo can be in many albums without using any additional space
    Only put photos that you do not want to keep in the trash
    How much free space do you have on the disk volume that the iPhoto library is on?

  • I am deleting files through my trash in my macbook pro (2010) and then emptying the trash can, but my hard disk space is not increasing! i recently upgraded to lion and the problem is new, wasn't the same with snow leopard! HELP!!!!!

    i am deleting files through my trash in my macbook pro (2010) and then emptying the trash can, but my hard disk space is not increasing! i recently upgraded to lion and the problem is new, wasn't the same with snow leopard! HELP!!!!!
    When i press command+I (Get Info) i see that there is 140 GB "Available Space" on my hard disk but when i click on my hard disk icon on the desktop, and then press "space" i only see 102 GB free!! What the f*???
    Please HELP!!!!!! Getting second thoughts on Lion!!!!

    Hi b,
    Have you restarted yet?

  • I have sent a file to the trash bin. When I come to empty the trash bin everything goes out except this one particular file and I get a note saying the file is 'in use' but it is not. How can I delete this file from trash?

    I have a Macbook Pro with OS X Lion 10.7.2. I have sent a work file to the trash bin along with many other files. When I empty the trash this one particular file remains and I get a message that this file is still in use. I have tried returning the file to my documents, opening it, closing it and then sending it to trash and again I try to empty trash but the same message comes up - Q - How can I trash this file permanently?

    First just try logging out and back in.  Whatever is holding on to it may not be running after the logout thus freeing it so you can trash it after logging back in.
    You might also try Trash It!
    Lastly, look at the following for suggestions:
    The X Lab: Solving Trash Problems

  • I tried to empty the trash, full of back up file from my hard disk and it just says: "The operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003)"

    I have an external hard disk of 319.73 GB that I use as back up memory and where I put all the movies and other files that I can't leave on the computer as they occupy too much memory space . One day I was deleting all the previous dated back up to have more space on it , but had to stop the trash for doing it cause it was taking too long and now every time that I try to empty the trash it just says "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003)" and even if I press CONTINUE it won't empting it . I'm not really pratical with this things and I tried already to find out the solution here and on Google but apparently nobody ever had a similar error code and I don't know what else to do.
    I've a MacBook Pro with a Mac OS X 10.6.8 Version.
    Thanks again for the help and sorry if I did some english mistakes !

    Hey donnie90,
    It seems like this article might be the best for helping you address this issue:
    You can't empty the Trash or move a file to the Trash
    Thanks for coming to the Apple Support Communities!

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