???en_US.button.setup.unitPreferences???  in Struts

I'm trying to add a link to my UnitPreferences.jsp from the main page. For some reason my link on the main page comes up as following:
Can you give me some hints to why it can be happening?

Did u get it resolved... we have a similar issue... in our error.jsp called when erros oocur...
all links are appearing like that

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    you can set the default value for property ( which you want to default selected when the form is first loaded) in reset method of the form.
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      if ( checkIsOk){
        return true;
      alert("You got it wrong moron!");
      return false;
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    Hi mohan,
    try to store your search indices in a vector and put that vector in the session scope. at page first loading you get the first index from your vector and pass it in the request scope in your action class, due to the page you have to find a way to understand the passed index in request scope and translate it to the searched word location.really I have not a code sample, but it is just an idea.
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    Ahmad Elsafty

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    Go to Solution.
    MustMakeChoice.vi ‏13 KB

    Hi Zilla,
    here you go.  This is a possible way to do it
    Kind regards,
    - Bjorn -
    Have fun using LabVIEW... and if you like my answer, please pay me back in Kudo's
    LabVIEW 5.1 - LabVIEW 2012
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    Please give me your email address, I will send you the screen-shot? if you do not want to post the email address here, please send me a test mail to [email protected], I will send you the screen shot.
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    Hi Shaik,
    required roles are
    See configuration guide for your SolMan 3.2
    Do you have already included at least one system into your Solution Landscape? If not, this could be the reason.
    Ruediger Stoecker

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    Unfortunately, it's not that easy with setButtonIcons because it forces you to specify rollover and disabled icons, for instance. So it doesn't help if you just want the default grey filtered icons when disabled. Also, you can't just subclass JUNavigationBar either since most of what you need is private. We took the brute force approach and just copied the JUNaviationBar source and modified it.
    Basically, just create a new class with the same source as JUNavigationBar and replace the private icon filename strings to your icon file names:
    public class NavigationBar
        extends JToolBar
        implements ActionListener, RowSetListener, JUNavigationBarInterface, JUTransactionStateListener
      private static final String BUTTON_FIRST_ICON = "first.png";
      private static final String BUTTON_PREV_ICON = "single_arrow_left.png";
      private static final String BUTTON_NEXT_ICON = "single_arrow_right.png";
      private static final String BUTTON_LAST_ICON = "last.png";
      private static final String BUTTON_INSERT_ICON = "add.png";
      private static final String BUTTON_DELETE_ICON = "delete.png";
      private static final String BUTTON_COMMIT_ICON = "save.png";
      private static final String BUTTON_ROLLBACK_ICON = "refresh.png";
      private static final String BUTTON_FIND_ICON = "find_next.png";
      private static final String BUTTON_EXECUTE_ICON = "query.png";
    ...We also modified some calls in the class' constructor during button setup that made the toolbar not floatable and various other things.
    Hope this helps.

  • Table Record Navigation - Struts

    I have a button called "List" when I click that button it activates an Struts Action, which returns me a ArrayList of JavaBeans (User Records)
    When I use this list directly in my tableData everything works fine. Now I wanted to include record Navigation.
    Here is my event Hanlder
      public static EventResult doGotoEvent(BajaContext bc, Page page,
                                            PageEvent event)
        // if this is a "goto" event, then we need to get the "value" parameter to
        // figure out what our start index is. If this is not a "goto" event, then
        // we want to start at index "1"
        System.out.println("Testing from UIX Provider");
        String valueParam = ((event!=null) &&
                          ? event.getParameter(UIConstants.VALUE_PARAM)
                            : "1";
        // the "value" parameter starts at "1"; however, our data is zero based,
        // so adjust the offset
        int value = Integer.parseInt(valueParam)-1;
    //getting the List of Users(ArrayList) from session  
    List userList = (ArrayList)bc.getServletRequest().getSession().getAttribute(IConstants.USER_LIST_SUCCESS);
        Vector myVec = new Vector(userList);
        ListDataObjectList LDOL = new ListDataObjectList(myVec);
        DataObjectList tableData = new PagedDataObjectList(LDOL,
            value); //start index
        // in a more efficient implementation, we would not use DictionaryData;
        // instead, we would implement our own DataObject
        DictionaryData data = new DictionaryData();
        // we need to add one here, since our data is zero based, but the table
        // start index must start at 1
        data.put("value", new Integer(value+1));
        data.put("size", _BLOCK_SIZE);
        data.put("maxValue", new Integer(LDOL.getLength()));
        data.put("current", tableData);
        EventResult result = new EventResult(page);
        result.setProperty("tableData", data);
        return result;
      }My Table declaration looks like this
    <table name="userListTable"
                                   width="300" nameTransformed="false"
                                   minValue="1">Event registration for Goto Looks like
        <event name="goto">
          <method class="UIXProvider" method="doGotoEvent"/>
        </event>However the event is not getting fired when I click the "List" button. I am sure the Struts action is returning the list but the goto event is not being triggered the first so that the tableData is set into the event results?
    Any work around for this issue?

    Just little more Information that I am using UIX 2.1.7 and not 2.2.
    When I click the List Button I am calling a struts action which sets an ArrayList to session.
    In my UIX page how can get it to work for Record Navigation, becuase the Struts action is going to call "success" action forward and the event "goto" will not be fired the first time and the tableData is not set in the eventResult. How can I over comes.
    Please help me...

  • Cp6 - Audio will not continue using Button

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    I setup a button to open a URL. I want the slide to pause while the user reads the info in the url.  The only way I can get the audio to stop is to select "stop audio when paused" box. All is well until I want to continue.
    I have a click button setup for "continue" . When this button is clicked the slide continues but the audio does not. It would seem that there should also be a box that allows for audio to "Start".
    Any help is appreciated.

    Hello Anjaneai;
    This has been a curious issue. After many repeated attempts any many permutations of the button settings in the properties box, the audio continued to play.
    However in the past when I have issues such as this, I try to duplicate the problem in a new project. So when set up the exact same conditions in the new project I could not duplicate the audio problem.
    So it seems that this is a "one-time" isolated issue in that I could not duplicate the audio problem in the new project. To further investigate I removed all audio from the old project, and for some unknown reason the audio continued to play. (I did ensure that it was not inserted as a project background audio).
    In summary I cannot duplicate the audio play issue in the new project and all appears to be functioning well in the new project.
    Thank you very much for responding and I will let you know if I have the issue again.
    warm regards;

  • Creating Buttons auto linked to Camera Views

    Right now I have buttons setup that I manually link to 3D views.
    They work fine, but I would like to setup a PDF template file that includes these buttons (such as "camera 1" "top view" etc.) and have these automatically link to the Views created when I import a 3D model.
    That way I can delete one model, insert another and the buttons are auto linked to the new file.
    Is this possible? Does what I've explained make sense?
    I'm pretty new to Javascript, and am willing to have a go - but even knowing if it is possible or not is helpful.

    Thanks for the quick reply, Dave - that worked perfectly.
    We only have one last request that perhaps I can write in here and you can answer - if not, I'll create a new discussion...
    I recently found an Adobe .js script (within the "Smooth Camera Rotation" tutorial PDF) that controls the Camera movement within the scene, such as the friction, force etc. so the movement is nice and smooth.
    It works well, except it seems to reset to the Default View whenever I attempt to rotate the scene. This results in slightly jumpy usage as the cameras keep changing. ie: I select Top View, then when I rotate the scene, it jumps and starts rotating from the Default Perspective view instead of the Top View.
    Is there something I should pull out of the script to remove this function? Or edit to just use the camera from it's current position?
    Thanks again.

  • C4780 Wireless setup on MacBook Air

    I recently upgraded to a MacBook Air (running Mountain Lion) and I have changed my internet provider. This means that when I try and use my printer wirelessly, I have no way of setting up the WiFi as my laptop does not have a C.D drive and so I cannot use the original installation C.D. 
    Whenever I try and use the WPS push button setup, the printer tells me there is a WPS error every time and so I cannot connect that way either. 
    Is there anything I can do?

    Does your router have WPS?  That is the easiest way.  Start WPS on the pirnter, then within 2 minutes start WPS on the router.
    If not, this procedure is clunky, but works:
    1. On the front of the printer: Start [Scan] > Wireless > Restore Defaults.
    2. On your Mac look for a wireless network named 'hpsetup'.  Connect to it.
    3. Back on the printer in the wireless menu, print a Wireless Network Test.
    4. Type the printer's IP address into Safari.
    5. On the printer's internal settings page in Safari, click on the Network tab and run the Wireless Setup Wizard.
    6. Connect your Mac back to your main wireless network.
    7. Add the printer normally in System Prefs > Print & Scan.
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

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